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My Mini


Learning world

Contents i

Lesson 71 Listening 13 1

Lesson 72 Speaking 13 3

Lesson 73 Reading 13 5

Lesson 75 Writing 13 7

Lesson 74 Language Arts 13 9

Lesson 76 Consolidations 7 11

Lesson 77 Listening 14 13

Lesson 78 Speaking 14 15

Lesson 79 Reading 14 17

Lesson 80 Writing 14 21

Lesson 81 Language Arts 14 23

Lesson 82 Consolidation 8 25

Lesson 83 Listening 15 27

Lesson 84 Speaking 15 29

Lesson 85 Reading 15 31

Lesson 86 Writing 15 33

Lesson 87 Language Arts 15 35

Lesson 88 Project-based Learning 1 37

Self-Assessment ii
Learning world


1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other
known words
3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non fiction print and digital texts of


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Listen to definitions and guess the school subjects.
• Read and complete the school questionnaire.


Pupils can:
• guess meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known
• Can read and understand a range of A2 fiction or non-fiction print and
digital texts of interest by responding to given tasks.


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 42-43 – Exercise 1 and 2, Mini

Booklet: Page 1 – 2, mini whiteboard
Pre-lesson Think!
• Put pupils into pair to ask and answer the questions.
Lesson Guess the school subject [Exercise A]
Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to listen to a list of definitions and number
the subjects that corresponds to the definition.
• Allow pupils to read all the subjects in Exercise A.
• Pupils listen to definitions and make a guess by numbering
the school subjects. [M.S.1.3.1]
• Discuss the answer as a class.

School questionnaire [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to fill in the gaps in the questionnaire.
• Pupils fill in the gap. [C.S.3.3.1]
• Pupils compare their answer with pairs.
• Discuss the answer as a class.
• In pairs, pupils take turns to ask and answer the
questionnaire orally.

Let’s guess.
• Direct pupils’ attention to the next activity where they
are going to choose three school subjects and draw their
own pictures to illustrate them on their mini whiteboard.
• Encourage them to be creative. [CCE: Creativity and
• Once finished, ask them to swap their mini whiteboard
with their pair and start to guess.

Post-lesson Find out pupils’ three favourite subjects. Say a subject and
pupils put hand up if they like it. Do a tally on board. Ask:
Which are the class’s top three favourite subjects?

Exercise A

1. In this subject, you learn how to listen, speak, read and write in
your own mother tongue.

2. In this subject, you learn how to communicate in the second


3. In this subject, you learn about number and do some calculations.

4. In this subject, you will carry out lots of fun experiments,

5. In this subject, you will develop your physical fitness and ability to
perform and enjoy day–to–day physical activities with ease.

6. In this subject, you learn how to draw and paint. Sometimes, you
make models.

7. In this subject, you learn about computer science and digital


8. In this subject, you will study about the past of your country.

9. In this subject, you learn about places and the relationships

between people and their environments.

10. In this subject, you will develop the knowledge, skills and attributes
you need to manage your lives, now and in the future.
Let’s guess

School subjects

ICT science

maths Pupils’ own answers

Mini whiteboard
Learning world


• How many lesson have you got today?

• When are your break time?
• Is today an easy day of a difficult day for you?

A. Listen to definitions of school subjects. Number the subject that

corresponds to the definition.

art English geography

6 2 9

history Malay

8 1

Personal, Information and
social, health Communication
and economic Technology
4 education 10 7

maths physical
3 5
B. Look at picture 1 – 10 then complete the questions with the words in
the box. Listen and check your answers.

art English geography Spanish history

PE science PSHE ICT maths

2 When’s our next

geography exam?

1 Are you good at

PE ? 4 Is your science
notebook organised?

3 Are you a maths

genius? 6 Do you study other
languages, like
Spanish ?
5 Have we got an
ICT class
8 English Do you think that our
Plus 1
English textbook is
7 Have you got interesting?
homework today?
10 How many
art teachers
Is PSHE a are there in the school?
9 subject at your


1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known
3.3.1 Read and enjoy A2 fiction/non fiction print and digital texts of interest
Learning world


2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves.

4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves.


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Talk about themselves using the key phrases.
• Write about themselves using the key phrases.


Pupils can:
• Can communicate simple information about themselves clearly.
• Can communicate basic and personal information using suitable


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 43 – Exercise 3, 4 and 5, Mini

Booklet: Page 3 – 4, Audio: 1.39
Pre-lesson Pre lesson Task 1: ABCs
• Give pupils a letter of the alphabet and a topic (school
subjects). Pupils write the subject on their mini
whiteboard. Repeat a few times.
Lesson Vox pop [Exercise A]
Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to listen answer the questions.
• Pupils listen and answer the questions.
• Ask pupils to compare their answers with pairs.
• Play the audio again for pupils to check their answers.

Key phrases [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to fill in the gapped key phrases.
• Play the audio again for pupils to complete the phrases.
• Check the answer as a class.

Use it! [Exercise C]

• Direct pupils’ attention to the next activity where they
are going to complete the key phrases so that they are
true for them.
• Pupils complete the key phrases. [C.S.4.2.1]
• In pair, pupils take turns to use the key phrases to talk
about their school. [M.S.2.1.1]

Post-lesson Special school day.

• Put pupils in small groups
• Ask them to make an agreement on the subjects they’d
like to have on a special school day.
• They make a timetable for the day and compare with
another group.

Exercise A


Pupils’ own answers

School timetable
Learning world


• Which day do you like best and why?

• Which language do you prefer and why?

A. Watch or listen.

Georgia Sophie Lewis Lydia Ben

1. Why does Georgia like Wednesday?

Georgia likes Wednesday because she has her two favourite subject:
maths and geography.

2. What language does Ben prefer?

Ben prefers Spanish.

3. Who thinks she is a genius?


4. Who has a strict teacher?


5. Who enjoys French?


6. Who thinks Thursday is the worst day?

B. Watch or listen again and complete the key phrases.

Talking about school

• I’ve got no / a bit of / loads of (maths) homework.
• Our (art) teacher is / isn’t very / quite strict.
• I’m great / not great at at science

• I’m really good at history

• I enjoy French
• I’m OK at French
• I prefer Spanish

C. Complete the key phrases so that they are true for you. Then compare
with your partner.
Pupils’ own answers
• I’ve got no / a bit of / loads of history homework.
• Our PE teacher is / isn’t very / quite strict.
• I’m great / not great at art

• I’m really good at maths

• I enjoy Arabic
• I’m OK at Arabic

• I prefer English

I’m really good at maths.

Me too!
I’m OK at maths.


2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves

4.2.1 Give detailed information about themselves
Learning world


3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or

2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences up to now


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Read the text and answer the comprehension questions.
• Talk about their school based on their experiences.


Pupils can:
• Can understand specific information and details of simple texts of two
paragraphs or more by responding to given tasks.
• Can communicate simple information about themselves.


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 43 – Exercise 1, 2 and 4, Mini

Booklet: Page 5 – 6. flashcards.
Pre-lesson Discussion
• Elicit from pupils what they like about their school.
• Write down all the information on the whiteboard.
Lesson Pre-reading
Development • Direct pupils’ attention to the four photos. Elicit
something from each photo.
• Ask pupils to predict which country the photo is from.
• Look at the text and check if their prediction is correct.
• Explain the different between primary, secondary,
private, public and boarding school.

Complete the table [Exercise A]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to fill in the table based on the information
in the text.
• Pupils read the text and complete the table. [M.S.3.2.2]
• Pupils compare their answers with pairs.
• Check the answer with the class.

Answer the questions [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going answer the questions.
• Pupils answer the questions. [M.S.3.2.2]
• Check the answer with the class.

Use it! [Exercise C]

• Direct pupils’ attention to the next activity where they
are going to talk about their school based on their
• Pupils take turns ask and answer questions [C.S.2.1.2]
Post-lesson Post lesson Task 1O: What about you?
• Ask pupils talk about what they remember about the
schools in the text.
Types of schools

Primary school
Primary education in Malaysia begins at age seven and lasts for six years,
referred to as Year (Tahun) 1 to 6 (also known as Standard (Darjah) 1
to 6). Year 1 to Year 3 are classified as Level One (Tahap Satu) while
Year 4 to Year 6 are considered as Level Two (Tahap Dua). Students
are promoted to the next year regardless of their academic

Secondary school
Secondary education lasts for five years, referred to as Form
(Tingkatan) 1 to 5. Form 1 to Form 3 are known as Lower Secondary
(Menengah Rendah), while Form 4 and 5 are known as Upper Secondary
(Menengah Atas). Most students who had completed primary education
are admitted to Form 1. As in primary schools, students are promoted
to the next year regardless of their academic performance.

Private school
Private schools are funded wholly or partly by students' tuition and
administered by a private body.

Public schools
Public schools are administered and funded by the state or national

Boarding school
A boarding school is an institution where children live within premises
while being given formal instruction.
Refer to Teaching Aids.
Learning world


• What do you like about your school?

A. Read the project.

• Where are the schools?

• Is the writer positive or negative about them?

School Type of school Country Writer’s opinion

(positive / negative)

1 boat school Bangladesh postive

2 private school /
boarding school Britain negative

3 primary school China positive

4 secondary school
Ireland positive
B. Read and listen to the project again and answer the questions.

1. When is transport a problem in Bangladesh?

When there’s a lot of rain.

2. What is a boarding school?

A school where students study, eat and sleep.

3. How often do Chinese students exercise their eyes?

Twice a day

4. Who are playing the musical instruments?

The teacher

C. Work in pairs.
Pupils’ own answers

• Which school in Exercise A do you think is the most

interesting? Why?
• What type of school do you go to?


3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more

2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences up to now
Learning world


4.3.2 Spell a range of high frequency words accurately in independent

1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other
known words


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Spell the words in present continuous form correctly.
• Construct sentences by listening to the scene.


Pupils can:
• spell words accurately in independent writing.
• Can guess meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other
known words


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 45 – Exercise 1, 2 and 3, Mini

Booklet: Page 7 – 8. Audio: 1.41
Pre-lesson Warm-up
• Elicit from pupils what are the people in the picture doing
and wearing.
• Write down all the information on the whiteboard and
underline the present continuous verbs.
Lesson Rules [Exercise A]
Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to complete the example as well as the
• Pupils complete the tasks.
• Ask pupils to compare their answer with pairs.
• Check the answer with the class.

Spelling rules [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to change the words into present
continuous form based on the rules.
• Pupils change the words. [M.S.4.3.2]
• Pupils compare their answers with pairs.
• Check the answer with the class.

Guess and construct sentences [Exercise C]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise C and tell them that
they are going to listen to the sounds and construct the
• Play the audio pupils listen and make a guess. [C.S.1.3.1]
• Pupils construct the sentences. [M.S.4.3.2]
• Check the answer with the class.

Post-lesson Mime the actions

• Choose pupils to go to front of class and mime an action.
• Ask pupils to guess what he / she is doing.
Learning world


• What are the people doing?

• What are they wearing?

A. Complete the examples from the text on page 44. Then choose the
correct words in rules 1 – 3.

• The students are studying.

• The boat isn’t moving.
• These students aren’t sleeping.
• I’m watching dancing.

Present continuous:
Affirmative and negative
1. The present continuous talk about
( things happening now / a routine ).
2. We form the present continuous with the verb
( be / do ) .
3. We add ( –s / –ing) to the main verb.
B. What are the present continuous forms of verbs 1 – 5? Read the spelling
rules and match the verbs to rules 1 – 3.

1. Most verbs: + –ing study  studying

2. Verbs ending in e: remove e + –ing move  moving
3. Verbs ending in vowel + consonant:
double final consonant chat  chatting

1. wear wearing  4. dance dancing 

2. have having  5. sit sitting 
3. do doing 
C. Listen to the sounds. Match the people in column A with the actions in
column B. the write sentences using the present continuous.

Column A Column B
1. A young child is (watch) TV. watching
2. Two women are (have) dinner. having
3. Two men are (run) in the park. running
4. A girl is (speak) to his mother. speaking
5. A boy is (look) for a mosquito. looking
6. A man is (play) a musical instrument. playing

A young child is speaking to his mother.


4.3.2 Spell a range of high frequency words accurately in independent writing

1.3.1 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by other known
Learning world


5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple role

plays and simple poems Other imaginative responses as appropriate
4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic
and modify this appropriately in response to feedback


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Produce their very own version of the short story.
• Adapt the story with their own version.


Pupils can:
• Plan, prepare and produce creative work with a focus on language use
• Produce and modify a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs in
response to feedback.


• Short story: And Something Weird Happened ... : page 12 – 16, Mini
Booklet: Page 9 – 10.
Pre-lesson Memory Chain [Pre Lesson Task 9]
• Each pupil has to provide an event that they remember
from the story.
• The pupils will retell an event Then, the second pupil has to
retell the first pupil event and add another event from
the story Then, the third pupils will start a new by telling
one event.
Lesson Writer block [Exercise A]
Development • Teacher writes “My version of Joel’s holiday“ on the board
• Ask pupils to pair up and skim through pages 12 – 16.
• They list out events that happened to Joel.
• Get each pair to write their own version of the event.
• Pupils present their own version of the story to the whole
class. [M.S.5.3.1]
• Pupils construct the sentences. Check the answer with
the class.

Post-lesson Presentation
• Ask pupils to share their very own version of the story.
Learning world

A. Complete your own version of the story given.

Joel met his favourite author, Anastasia Olivetti. Pupils’ own answers

We went to the library for story time. You wouldn’t believe it.
I met my favourite author, Anastasia Olivetti. She was making a

signing book event in our local library. I tell her that I was a big fan of

hers. I managed to get her new book as well as her signature.

Joel met Mr Gelati at the ice cream shop.

“They want something new. Something different. I can’t think of anything
different at all!“

I thought about it. “How about putting some boba pearls and coffee
jelly in the ice cream? That would be different!“ I said. “Wow! That’s a great

idea. I will call it Joel’s Boba ice cream!“ said Mr Gelati.

Gran took Joel and Natalie to the Pizza Shack at lunchtime.

Outside the Pizza Shack, there was a band and a lot of people.
They all looked as if they were waiting for something. And they were.

When Natalie and I pushed the door open

the waiter celebrated us with party poppers and a band of musician

started playing some music. We were the Pizza shack’s lucky customers,


5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple role plays and simple
poems Other imaginative responses as appropriate
4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic and modify
this appropriately in response to feedback
Learning world


4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements

2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Write sentences to describe what the people are doing.
• Act out the dialogue they invented based on the situation given.


Pupils can:
• describe people, places and objects using suitable statements
• manage interaction appropriately.


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 45 – Exercise 4 and 5, Mini Booklet:

Page 11 – 12
Pre-lesson Warm-up
• Hold up English Plus 1 book and point to two photos on
• Ask pupils what are they doing? What’s she doing?
• Pupils respond in sentences.
Lesson Find the differences [Exercise A]
Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to write sentences describing the picture
using present continuous.
• Pupils write affirmative and negative sentences about the
pictures. [M.S.4.2.4]
• Ask pupils to compare their answer with pairs.
• Check the answer with the class.

Mini dialogue [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to invent three mini dialogues based on the
situation given.
• In pairs, pupils write the mini dialogues.
• Pupils act out their mini dialogues. [C.S.2.2.1]

Describing people [Exercise C]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise C and tell them that
they are going to write sentences using present
continuous about them and their classmates in the class.
• Share the answer with the class.

Post-lesson Review
• Pupils change the words mentioned by the teacher into
present continuous form.
Learning world

A. Find six differences between the pictures. Write three affirmative and
three negative sentences about picture B. Use the present continuous.

Affirmative sentences

The boy is sitting next to the teacher.

The birds are flying.
The people on the poster are dancing.

Negative sentences

The teacher isn’t reading.

The girl isn’t eating.
The students aren’t wearing uniforms.
B. Work in pairs. Invent three mini–dialogues with the situations in the box or
your own ideas. Which dialogue is the best?
Pupils’ own answers

Do you want to ?

• come to my house
• have lunch with ...
• teach me to ...

Oh, sorry. I can’t at the moment.

I’m and he’s / she’s .

• go to the cinema • go shopping

• chat with ... • visit ...
• talk about ... • show me ...

C. Write affirmative and negative sentences using the present continuous

about you and other people in the class.
Pupils’ own answers
Affirmative sentences

1. Sarah is reading a book.

2. Haziq and Amzar are talking about their toys.

Negative sentences

1. Sarah isn’t doing her homework.

2. Haziq and Amzar aren’t drawing pictures.


4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements

2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions
Learning world


1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions

1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of longer
simple texts on a range of familiar subjects


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Listen and answer the questions in the quiz.
• Listen to the interview and find out what the people are learning.


Pupils can:
• Display understanding of a sequence of supported questions with
• Display understanding of specific information and details of longer
simple texts with support.


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 46 – Exercise 1, 2 and 3, Mini

Booklet: Page 13 – 14, Audio: 1.42, 1.43
Pre-lesson Think!
• Read the questions with the class and elicit responses
from the pupils.
Lesson Find the differences [Exercise A]
Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to read the quiz and match the picture to
the corresponding questions.
• Pupils read the questions and match them to the
corresponding pictures.
• Play the audio for pupils to check the answer.

Quiz [Exercise B]
• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to work in pairs and ask and answer the
questions in the quiz in Exercise A.
• In pairs, pupils take turn to ask and answer the questions.
• Pupils check their score in the key.

Interview [Exercise C]
• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise C and tell them that
they are going to listen to the interview and find out
which language each person is learning.
• Read the introduction with the class and focus on the
languages in the box.
• Play the audio and pupils listen to find out the answers. .
• Pupils compare the answers with pairs.
• Check the answers with the class.

Post-lesson What about you?

• Ask pupils if they have an opportunity to learn other
languages, which language they want to learn.

Exercise C
Learning world


• Do you like learning languages?

• Look at the things in the box. What things do you like
and dislike?

vocabulary grammar pronunciation reading listening speaking writing

A. Match questions 1 – 10 to picture a – j. Then listen and check.

a b c
Are you a SUPER language student?

5 8 4
d e f

3 1 9
g h i

10 2 6
0–3 Not brilliant! How can you improve?
4–7 Quite good, but you can probably improve.
8+ Well done! That’s a very good score.
Pupils’ own answers
1. Do you ever listen to English when you’re out of school?
2. Do you know the alphabet? Can you spell your name in English?
3. Do you check words in a dictionary or wordlist?
4. Do you repeat a new word if you want to learn it?
5. Do you ever practise your pronunciation?
6. Do you revise before an exam?
7. Do you ask questions when you don’t understand?
8. Do you usually concentrate when you do your homework?
9. Do you make notes about grammar or write new vocabulary in
your notebook?
10. Do you ever read books, articles or comics in English?

B. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Exercise A. Score 1 point
for every YES answer. Then check your score in the key.

C. Read the introduction. Then listen to the interviews. What are the
people learning? Use the languages in the box.

Italian Mandarin English Arabic Russian

Interviews: Learning languages

Interviews with Londoners who are learning languages.

Mario Mark and Peter Hannah

English Russian and Mandarin

1.2.5 Understand a sequence of supported questions

1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of longer simple texts
on a range of familiar subjects
Learning world


2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences up to now

2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Find out the study strategies based on their experiences.
• Keep interaction going in short exchanges


Pupils can:
• communicate simple information about themselves.
• manage interaction appropriately.


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 46 – Exercise 5 and 6, Mini Booklet:

Page 15 – 16
Pre-lesson Review
• In pairs, pupils choose three pictures on page 46 and say
what the girl or boy is doing.
Lesson Find the differences [Exercise A]
Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to determine whether they do or do not
do the study strategies mentioned in the quiz.
• Pupils fill in the table.

Use it! [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to compare their answer in Exercise A with
• In pairs, pupils take turn to compare their study
strategies. [M.S.2.1.2] [C.S.2.2.1]

Post-lesson Hot seat

• Ask a few volunteer to sit on a hot seat.
• Ask other pupils to throw some questions related to
study strategy.
Learning world

A. Read the study strategy. Then make a table with your answers in
previous exercise. What good and bad learning strategies have you got?
Pupils’ own answers

Thinking about how you learn can help

you to learn better.

I do these things I don’t do these things

B. Work in pairs. Compare the answers in your table in Exercise A.

I revise before an exam, but

I don’t listen to English when
I’m out of school.

I read book and comics in English,

but I don’t ask questions when I
don’t understand.


2.1.2 Find out about and describe experiences up to now

2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions.
Learning world


3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title,
topic and other known words
4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words to answer the questions.
• Describe what the people are doing using suitable statements.


Pupils can:
• guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from the clues provided by
title, topic and other known words.
• describe people, places and objects using suitable statements.


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 46 – Exercise 5 and 6, Mini Booklet:

Page 17 – 20, flashcards
Pre-lesson Review
• Elicit from the pupils rules of present continuous
Lesson Rules [Exercise A]
Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to construct questions and answers based
on the example given.
• In pairs, pupils complete the table.
• Discuss answers with the class.

Write questions and answers [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to construct questions and answer based
on the pictures given.
• Pupils construct the questions and answers. [M.S.3.2.3]
• Pupils compare the answer with pairs.
• Check answers with the class.

Substitution table [Exercise C]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise C and tell them that
they are going to construct questions and answer based
on the substitution table.
• Pupils construct the questions and answers. [C.S.4.2.4]
• Pupils take turns to share their answer.

Time Expression [Exercise D]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise D and tell them that
they are going to identify the time expression.
• Pupils identify the time expression and discuss the answer
with the class.
Post-lesson Hot seat
• Distribute the flashcards randomly.
• Each group takes one card each and describe something
they’re doing or something they do using word or words on
Post lesson
Learning world

A. Look at the sentences. What are the he / she / and they forms of each
questions and answer?

Short Answer (Affirmative)

you he / she they

Are you learning Is he / she learning Are they learning

English? English? English?

A Yes, I am. Yes, he / she is. Yes, they are.

Short Answer (Negative)

you he / she they

Are you learning Is he / she learning Are they learning

the same language? the same language? the same language?

A No, we aren’t. No, he / she isn’t No, they aren’t.

Affirmative Sentence

you he / she they

What are you doing What is he / she What are they doing
now? doing now? now?
I’m watching TV. He / She’s watching They’re watching
B. Write questions using the present continuous. Then look at the pages
and write the answers.

1 What / the man / do?

What is the man doing?
He’s cooking.

2 the boy / watch / TV?

Is the boy watching TV?
No, he isn’t. He’s speaking on the phone.

3 How / the American children / go / to school?

How are the American children going to school?
They’re going to school by bus.

4 Gareth / speak with / Daisy?

Is Gareth speaking with Daisy?
Yes, he is.

5 What / the penguin / do?

What is the penguin doing?
It’s swimming.

6 the children on the boat / wear / a uniform?

Are the children on the boat wearing a uniform?
No, they aren’t.
Learning world

Pupils’ own answers

C. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions with words from the columns
and the verbs in the box. Use the present continuous.

the teacher
is do
your friend
What work
Where study
Why watch
Who you wear
your parents look ... at

1. What is the teacher doing? He is teaching.

2. Where are your parents working? They’re working in the hospital.

3. Where is your friend studying? He’s studying at SK Bendahara.

4. What are you watching? I’m watching my favourite cartoon.

5. What is your friend wearing? She’s wearing baju kurung.

6. What are you looking at? I’m looking at the notice.

7. What are your parents wearing? They’re wearing their uniform.

8. Why is your friend studying? He’s revising for exam tomorrow.

9. What are you wearing? I’m wearing a school uniform.

10. What are your parents doing? They’re cooking at the kitchen.
D. Complete the table with sentences 3 – 6. which the time expressions do
we use with the present continuous, and the present simple?

1. We sometimes do projects.
2. We’re doing a project today.
3. I usually check new words.
4. I’m checking a new word at the moment.
5. They always wear a uniform.
6. They’re wearing their uniform now.

Present simple: Present continuous:

Routine or repeated action Action happening now

We sometimes do projects. We’re doing a project today.

I’m checking a new word at

I usually check new words.
the moment.

They always wear a uniform. They’re wearing their uniform now.

Time expressions

Present simple: Present continuous:

sometimes, usually, always today. at the moment, now


3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title, topic and
other known words
4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements
Learning world


4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements

2.2.2 Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete short classroom


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Describe what the people are doing by filling in the gaps.
• Follow a set of basic steps to complete the classroom task.


Pupils can:
• describe people, places and objects using suitable statements.
• manage classroom task appropriately.


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 46 – Exercise 5 and 6, Mini Booklet:

Page 21 – 22, flashcards
Pre-lesson Review
• Ask pupils to write down three sentences using present
continuous on their mini whiteboard.
• Share the sentences with others.

Lesson Rules [Exercise A]

Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to fill in the gaps with present simple and
present continuous based on the picture.
• Pupils fill in the gaps
• Ask pupils compare their answers with their pairs.
• Discuss answers with the class. [M.S.4.2.4]

Follow the steps [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to follow a set of basic steps in order to
complete the task.
• Ask pupils to read the instructions.
• Ask pupils to read all the words in the box.
• In pairs, pupils construct questions and answer based on
the words in the boxes using present simple and present
• Pupils read their own dialogues. [C.S.2.2.2]

Describe the picture [Exercise C]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise C and tell them that
they are going to find three other pictures in the
textbook and construct questions and answer. [C.S.4.2.4]
• Pupils take turns to share their answer.

Post-lesson Sharing session

• Call out a few volunteers. Ask them to make a sentence
using present continuous.
Learning world

A. Look at the photos and complete the sentences. Use the present simple
or the present continuous.

1 Charlotte is a music students. She

practises (practise) every day, but at
the moment she is relaxing (relax).

2 Pat is a footballer. He plays (play)

football five days a week, but today he
is playing (play) basketball.

3 Melanie is chatting (chat) in Spanish with

a tourist now, but she usually speaks

(speak) English.
B. Work in pairs. Imagine that your partner is a lottery winner. Ask and
answer questions about now and usually. Use the present simple and the
present continuous forms of the verbs in the box.

listen to wear read sit

speak watch think about

What do you usually wear?

I usually wear ...

What are you wearing now?

I’m wearing ...

C. Find three more photo in the textbook. Write question and answer
about them using the present continuous.

1. What are they playing? They’re playing video games. (p.97)

2. What is he doing? He’s talking to his friend, Holly (p.94)

3. What is she doing? She’s asking permission from his dad. (p.38)


4.2.4 Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements

2.2.2 Agree on a set of basic steps needed to complete short classroom tasks
Learning world


5.2.1 Explain in simple language why they like or dislike an event, description
or character in a text
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• State whether you like or dislike the characteristic of the pet.
• Find out the reasons why Miss Antrobus loves her pet based on the text.


Pupils can:
• identify, analyse and respond to elements in texts
• understand specific information and details of simple texts of two
paragraphs or more by responding to given tasks.


• Anthology of Poems: Page 16. Mini Booklet: Page 23 – 24, flashcards

Pre-lesson ABCs [Pre Lesson Task 1]
• Teacher provides a letter and pupils have to come up with
a word that starts with that letter related to a topic
(sea creatures e.g. w whale, o octopus)

Lesson Poem recitation [Exercise A]

Development • Teacher divides the class into two big groups and conducts
line reading where the groups read each line alternately.

List down [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell that they
are going to list down the reasons based on the poem.
• Pupils find out the reasons.
• Discuss answer with the class. [C.S.3.2.2]
• Pupils will have to come up with their own reasons why
they say so. [M.S.4.2.4]

Likes or dislikes [Exercise C]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise C and tell them that
they are going to state whether they like or dislike the
reasons given by Miss Antrobus. [M.S.5.2.1]
• Pupils compare their answer in a small group.

Post-lesson What about you? [Post Lesson Task 10]

• Pupils reflect whether they want the octopus as a pet like
Miss Antrobus and why.
Learning world

A. Read the poem.

Miss Antrobus

Why do you love your octopus,

Miss Antrobus, Miss Antrobus?
Why do you love your octopus,
Miss Antrobus, my dear?

I love my octopus because

It hugs me and it wriggles.
I love my octopus because
Its wriggles give me giggles.
I love my octopus because
It juggles jars of pickles.
I love my octopus because
It tickles, oh, it tickles.

Richard Edwards
B. List down all the reasons of the reasons why Miss Antrobus loves her

It tickles, oh, it It hugs me and it

4 1
tickles. wriggles.

3 2 Its wriggles give me

It juggles jars
of pickles.

C. State whether you like or dislike the characteristics.

• It hugs me and it wriggles.

• Its wriggles give me giggles.

• It juggles jars of pickles.

• It tickles, oh, it tickles.


5.2.1 Explain in simple language why they like or dislike an event, description or
character in a text
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of two paragraphs or more
Learning world


4.3.2 Spell a range of high frequency words accurately in independent

3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title,
topic and other known words


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Write sentences with the correct spelling.
• Choose the correct words to complete the text by guessing the meaning.


Pupils can:
• spell words accurately and use punctuations in independent writing
• guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from the clues provided by
title, topic and other known words


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 50 – Exercise 3, 4 and 5, Mini

Booklet: Page 25 – 26, flashcards
Pre-lesson Review
• Review grammar rules: Present Continuous – affirmative,
negative, questions and short answers.

Lesson Write sentences [Exercise A]

Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to write negative and affirmative
sentences using present continuous.
• Pupils write sentences.
• Remind the pupils about spellings.
• Ask pupils compare their answers with their pairs.
• Discuss answers with the class. [M.S.4.3.2]

Write questions and short answers [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to construct questions and short answers
using present continuous.
• Pupils write sentences.
• Remind the pupils about spellings.
• Ask pupils compare their answers with their pairs.
• Discuss answers with the class. [M.S.4.3.2]

Guess the unfamiliar words [Exercise C]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise C and tell them that
they are going guess the meaning of the words and
complete the text by choosing the correct words
• Ask pupils compare their answers with their pairs.
• Discuss answers with the class. [M.S.4.3.2]

Post-lesson Change the sentences

• Call out pairs. Pair A will say affirmative sentence and Pair
B will change it into negative sentence.
Learning world

A. Write sentences using the affirmative and negative forms of the

present continuous.

Tim / not read (write)

Tim isn’t reading. He’s writing.

1. Jack / not revise (watch TV)

Jack isn’t revising. He’s watching TV.

2. You / not do your homework (chat to friends)

You aren’t doing your homework. You’re chatting to friends.

3. They / not listen to the teacher (read a book)

They aren’t listening to the teacher. They’re reading a book.

4. I / not have lunch (make a cake)

I’m not having lunch. I’m making a cake.

5. We / not play computer games (help with the housework)

We’re not playing computer games. We’re helping with the housework.

6. Libby / not move (sleep)

Libby isn’y moving. She is sleeping.

B. Write questions and short answers using the present continuous.

1. Luke / have breakfast? ✓

Is Luke having breakfast? Yes, he is.

2. Katie / learn the new vocabulary? 

Is Katie learning the new vocabulary? No, she isn’t.

3. you / walk to school / now? ✓

Are you walking to school now? Yes, I am.
4. the students / listen to their teacher. ✓
Are the students listening to their teacher? Yes, they are.

5. we / study maths ? 
Are we studying maths? No, we aren’t.

6. you / make your costume ? 

Are you making your costume? No, I’m not.

C. Choose the correct verbs in Olivia’s blog

Tuesday, 8 p.m.

In the evening I usually ( relax / ’m relaxing ). Sometimes I

( watch / ’m watching ) TV or I ( chat / ’m chatting ) to my friends.

I definitely ( don’t study / ’m not studying ).

Tonight, I ( don’t have / ’m not having ) fun. I ( sit / ’m sitting ) in

my bedroom and I ( revise / ’m revising ) for my exams at the


( Do you enjoy / Are you ) enjoying exams?

What ( do you do / are you doing ) now?


4.3.2 Spell a range of high frequency words accurately in independent writing

3.2.3 Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by title, topic and
other known words
Learning world


1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with little or no support a wide range of

target language phonemes
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Recognise and reproduce the alphabets
• Keep interaction going in short exchange based on the dialogue given.


Pupils can:
• Can recognise and reproduce a wide range of target language
phonemes with little or no support
• Can manage interaction appropriately


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 48 – Exercise 1 and 2, Mini Booklet:

Page 27 – 28, flashcards
Pre-lesson Think
• Read the questions and elicit responses from the pupils.

Lesson Complete the dialogue[Exercise A]

Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to complete the dialogue using the key
phrases given.
• In pairs, pupils fill in the gaps.
• Discuss answers with the class.
• In pairs, pupils take turns to practise the dialogue

The Alphabets [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to complete the table with the relevant
letters based on the phonemes.
• Pupils fill in the table.
• Ask pupils compare their answers with their pairs.
• Discuss answers with the class. [M.S.1.1.1]

Post-lesson Mini game

• Hand out eight pieces of paper to pairs of pupils.
• They write one letter on each paper: A, E, I, O, U, S, C, Q.
• Call out a letter.
• They take turns to hold it up.
• Repeat but change order of letters and say them more
Learning world

A. Complete the dialogue with the key phrases. Then watch or listen and
check. What word can’t Zac remember?

Jasmine: Hi, Zac. What are you doing?

Zac: Oh, I’m revising. We’ve got a French exam tomorrow. Remember?
Jasmine: Oh yes.
Zac: You’re good at French, Jasmine.
Can you help me with something, please?

Jasmine: Yeah, sure.

Zac: How do you say
’tomorrow’ in French?
Jasmine: Erm ... it’s ’demain’.
Zac: Sorry? Can you say that again, please?
Jasmine: Yes, it’s ’demain’
Zac: How do you spell that?

Jasmine: D–E–M–A–I–N
Zac: Great. Thanks, Jasmine.

Asking for help with

• How do you spell that?
• How do you say ...?
• Can you say that again, please?
• Can you help me with something, please?
B. Complete the table with the letters in the box. Then listen and check.

/eɪ/ A, H, J , K

/ɪː/ B, C, D, E , G , P, T, V

/e/ F, L, M, N , S, X , Z

/ɑɪ/ I ,Y

/əʊ/ O

/juː/ Q, U ,W

/ɑː/ R


1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with little or no support a wide range of target
language phonemes
2.2.1 Keep interaction going in short exchanges by asking suitable questions
Learning world


2.1.5 Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements

1.2.4 Understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• describe the words in English as well as the spellings.
• Response to sequence classroom instruction with supports.


Pupils can:
• describe people, places and things using suitable statements
• display understanding of a sequence of supported classroom
instructions with support.


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 48 – Exercise 1 and 2, Mini Booklet:

Page 29 – 30, flashcards
Pre-lesson Say the letters
• Say the letter of first name of one or more pupils. Pupil(s)
stand up if letter starts their name.
• Repeat. Ask: Which letters don’t start any pupils’ names?
and write them on the board.

Lesson Spell the words [Exercise A]

Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to take turns ask and spell the words.
• In pairs, take turn and spell the words.

Translate and spell [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to translate the words into English as well
as their spelling.
• In pairs, take turn to translate and spell the words.

Role-play [Exercise C]
• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise C and tell them that
they are going to do a role play using the dialogue
• Pupils do the role play. [M.S.2.1.5] [C.S.1.2.4]

Post-lesson Review
• Ask the pupils to recapitulate what they have done in
today’s lesson.
Learning world

A. Say the alphabet. Then work in pairs. Ask your partner to spell words
from Unit 1 – 3.

How do you spell ’giraffe’?

G – I – R – A – double F – E.

B. Imagine that you have got an English exam tomorrow. Think of some
easy words in your language. Ask your partner for help with translations
and spelling.

How do you say ’kamus’ in English?

It’s ’dictionary’.

How do you spell that?

C. Work in pairs. Prepare a new dialogue using the chart below to help you.
Practise the new dialogue. One of you is A, one of you is B. Then change
Pupils’ own answers

Can you help me with

something, please?

Yes, sure.

How do you say ... in


It’s ’good’.

Can you say that

again, please?

How do you spell that?

How do you spell


G – double O – D

Great. Thanks, ... .


2.1.5 Describe people, places and objects using suitable statements

1.2.4 Understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions
Learning world


3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of two paragraphs or more
2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Identify the main idea of the email
• Talk about their school using the key phrases.


Pupils can:
• understand the main idea of simple texts of two paragraphs or more
by responding to given tasks.
• communicate simple information about themselves


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 49 – Exercise 1, 2 and 3, Mini

Booklet: Page 31 – 32,
Pre-lesson Think!
• Read the questions and elicit responses from the pupils
about school in other countries.

Lesson Identify the main idea [Exercise A]

Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to read the email and identify the main
• Pupils read the email and answer the questions. [M.S.32.1]
• Ask pupils to compare their answer with pairs.
• Check answers with the class.

Key phrases [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to complete the key phrases.
• In pairs, pupils take turns to talk about their school using
the key phrases. [C.S.2.1.1]

Matching [Exercise C]
• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise C and tell them that
they are going to match the phrases to complete the
• Pupils write the sentences.
• In pairs, pupils compare their answers.
• Check answers with the class.

Post-lesson Spot the difference

• Ask the pupils to compare their school with Danny’s
Learning world

A. Read the email. Answer the questions that follow.

Hi Ela,
I'm really happy that you can come to Ireland and study at our school
next month for the exchange programme. Here’s some information for

Clonakitty Community College is a medium-sized school with about 500

students. It’s in the centre of Clonakitty, in Ireland. Classes here start
at 9 a.m. and finish at 4 p.m. There’s a break at 11 a.m. and we have lunch
at 1.20 p.m.

Some subjects like maths and English, are compulsory. Other subjects
such as woodwork, business studies and languages are optional. I like
languages, so I study French and Spanish. What are your favourite
Here’s a photo of some students in my
class. We’re looking for information for a
geography project. Maybe you can email
me a photo of your class or your school.

Write soon.

1. How many subjects does Danny talk about?

Danny talks about seven subjects.

2. Is Danny’s school very different from your school?

Yes, it is.

3. What is the main idea of this email?

Danny wants to provide some information about his school to an exchange
student, Ela.
B. Complete the key phrases with words in the email.

Giving information
about your school
• I’m really happy that ...
• It’s a small / medium-sized/ big school.
• Some subjects like maths and English are compulsory
• Other subjects are optional

• Here’s a photo of ...

• Maybe you can email me ...

C. Match 1 – 4 with a – d and write sentences with so.

I’m learning some Spanish words we can go and play football.

I’ve got two bikes I’m revising now.

There’s a history exam tomorrow so I need a dictionary.

There aren’t any classes this you can use one of them.

1. I’m learning some Spanish words, so I need a dictionary.

2. I’ve got two bikes, so you can use one of them.

3. There’s a history exam tomorrow, so I’m revising now.

4. There aren’t any classes this afternoon, so we can go and play football.


3.2.1 Understand the main idea of simple texts of two paragraphs or more
2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves
Learning world


4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic
and modify this appropriately in response to feedback
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple longer texts


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Write an email about their school to an exchange pupil.
• Complete the table about their school.


Pupils can:
• produce and modify a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs in
response to feedback
• understand the specific information and details of simple texts of two
paragraphs or more by responding to given tasks.


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 49 – Exercise 4, Mini Booklet: Page

33 – 34,
Pre-lesson Brainstorm
• Brainstorm pupils’ ideas about what they would write in an
email to a pupil in a school in Britain.
• Write ideas on board.

Lesson Complete the information [Exercise A]

Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise A and tell them that
they are going to complete the information.
• Pupils fill in the blanks. [M.S.32.1]

Key phrases [Exercise B]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Exercise B and tell them that
they are going to write an email.
• Explain to the pupils the writing guide.
• Pupils write the email.
• In pairs, pupils exchange their emails and check the email
based on the checklist. Pupils make some comment.
• Pupils modify their email (if necessary) [M.S.4.3.3]

Post-lesson Self-assessment checklist

• Pupils do the self-assessment checklist to reflect on what
they have learnt through out this unit.
Learning world

A. Complete the table with some information about Clonakitty

Community College. Then, fill in the information about your school.

School name SK Kuala Mai Bharu
Community College

School size medium-sized Medium-sized

Enrolment 500 students 220 students

Location Clonakitty, in Ireland Temerloh, Pahang

Start 9 a.m 7.30 a.m.

End 4 p.m. 1.30 p.m.

Breaks 11 a.m. 10 a.m.

Lunchtime 1.20 p.m. -

Malay, English, maths

Compulsory maths and English
and science
Woodwork, business
Optional Arabic
studies and languages

Pupils’ own answers

B. A student from a different country is visiting your school in three
weeks. Based on the writing guide in your textbook, write an email and
give him some information about your school.

Hi Bright,

I'm really happy that you can come to Malaysia and study at our school

next month for the exchange programme. Here’s some information for


SK Kuala Mai Bharu is a medium-sized school with about 220 students. It’s

in Temerloh, Pahang. Classes here start at 7.30 a.m. and finish at 1.30 p.m.

There’s a break at 10 a.m. but we don’t have lunch.

Some subjects like maths and science, are compulsory. Other subjects

such as Arabic and ICT optional. I like maths. What are your favourite


Here’s a photo of some students in my class. See you soon.



4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic and modify
this appropriately in response to feedback
3.2.2 Understand specific information and details of simple longer texts
Learning world


5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple role

plays and simple poems Other imaginative responses as appropriate
4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic
and modify this appropriately in response


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Create a poem about their dream pet
• Produce a poem


Pupils can:
• Plan, prepare and produce creative work with a focus on language use
• Produce and modify a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs in
response to feedback.


• Anthology of Poems: Page 16. Mini Booklet: Page 35 – 36

Pre-lesson Sit down Stand up [Pre Lesson Task 5]
• Teacher reads a sentence based the poem and pupils will
stand if the sentence is correct or they will sit down if the
sentence is false (e g Miss Antrobus has a pet cat – pupils
sit down as the statement is false).

Lesson Brainstorming [Exercise A]

Development • Pupils recite the poem 'Miss Antrobus' together with
• Ask pupils what their dream pets are and why.
• Suggested question: If you could choose any animal to be
your pet, which animal would you choose?

Rewrite the poem [Exercise B]

• Tell pupils about your dream pet. Next, tell them that
you have rewritten the poem to make it about your own
dream pet. Recite the poem to them (Appendix 6).
• Pupils think about their own dream pet and rewrite the
poem using the example you provided. [M.S.5.3.1]
• Pupils exchange their poem with pairs and ask their pairs
to check all the punctuations and spellings.
• Ask pupils to return it back to the owner and make some
modification (if any). [M.S.4.3.3]

Post-lesson The illustration

• Prepare an illustration for their newly adapted poem.
Learning world

A. Brainstorm your dream pet.

• What is your dream pet?

• What can your dream pet do?

• Why do you love it?

Pupils’ own answers

It purrs when it
It is so cute sees me

4 1

My dream

3 2

It plays with a Its fur always

ball of wool tickles me
B. Rewrite the poem to make it about your dream pet. Then, draw a
picture of you and your dream pet.

Mr Almawardie Pupils’ own answers

Why do you love your kitten,

Mr Almawardie, Mr Almawardie?

Why do you love your kitten,

Mr Almawardie, my dear?

I love my kitten because

It purrs when it sees me.

I love my kitten because

Its fur always tickles me.

I love my kitten because

It plays with a ball of wool.

I love my kitten because

It is cute, oh, so cute.


5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple role plays and simple
poems Other imaginative responses as appropriate
4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic and modify
this appropriately in response
Learning world


4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic
and modify this appropriately in response to feedback
2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves


By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

• Make a poster about their dream school
• Express what they want to have for their dream school.


Pupils can:
• produce and modify a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs in
response to feedback
• communicate simple information about themselves


• English Plus 1 Student’s Book: Page 49 – Exercise 4, Mini Booklet: Page

33 – 34,
Pre-lesson Let’s imagine
• Ask pupils to make a picture in their minds of their dream
• Ask questions to help them picture it.
• Put them into pairs to compare their ideas.

Lesson Fill in the table [Step 1]

Development • Direct pupils’ attention to Step 1 and tell them that they
are going to complete the information based on the
questions given.
• Pupils fill in the blanks.
• Ask pairs to take turns talk about their dream school in
small group. [C.S. 2.1.1]

Compare your dream school [Step 2]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Step 2 and tell them that they
are going to compare their dream school with the school
in the text.
• Pupils write the comparison.

Write the poster [Step 3]

• Direct pupils’ attention to Step 3 and tell them that they
are going to write the poster based on the project
• Pupils write the poster.
• Ask pupils to exchange their poster and check for any
punctuations and spelling errors.
• Pupils modify their poster (if necessary) [M.S.4.3.3]

Post-lesson Gallery walk

• Ask pupils to put their posters on the wall and do the
gallery walk and choose the best dream school.
Learning world

Project-based Learning:

My dream school

Make a poster about your dream school.

Step 1
Work in pair. Ask and answer the questions. Pupils’ own answers

What do you like The teachers and the students are friendly.
and dislike about The building are quite old.
your school? Some of the furniture are old and broken.
The environment is dull and boring.

What is your My favourite subject is maths and art. I’m good at

favourite school maths and I love art because it is interesting and I can
subject? Why? use my creativity to come up with something.

What are the The people are having their time in school studying and
people doing in the teaching in a friendly environment.

What ideas have My dream school should be spacious. The environment

you got for your should be nice and welcoming. The classrooms have
dream school modern technology such as laptops and interactive
whiteboards. The lessons are fun and enjoyable. The food
is healthy and tasty.
Step 2 Pupils’ own answers
Read the text in Exercise 2 page 113 of your textbook. Compare with your ideas.

The My dream school is in a park. There are a lot of trees and

surroundings a school garden.

The building The school building is in a big and modern building and it’s
very colourful. It has got big windows. It isn’t dirty or
ugly. There’s also a really good sport centre.

The Every classroom has the most modern technology such as

classrooms laptops and interactive whiteboards.

The canteen The canteen is amazing! The food is very healthy and
tasty. Some the vegetables come from the school

The people The teachers and students are really friendly and like the

The We have classes five days a week from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

timetable the lessons are always interesting and students can study
subjects that they like.

Step 3
Follow the steps in the project checklist in Exercise 3, page 113 of your textbook.

Step 4
Put your posters on the wall and do the gallery walk and choose the best dream


4.3.3 Produce a plan or draft of one or two paragraphs for a familiar topic and modify
this appropriately in response
2.1.1 Give detailed information about themselves
Learning world

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