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Behold, the virgin shall

conceive and bear a son,

Matt.1:23 Isa.7:14
and they shall call his name
‘And you, O Bethlehem, in
the land of Judah, are by no
Matt.2:6 Mic.5:2
means least among the
rulers of Judah
Out of Egypt I called my
Matt.2:15 Hos.11:1
A voice was heard in
Ramah, weeping and loud
Matt.2:18 Jer.31:15
lamentation, Rachel
weeping for her children;
The voice of one crying in
the wilderness: ‘Prepare the
Matt.3:3 Isa.40:3
way of the Lord; make his
paths straight.’
‘Man shall not live by bread
alone, but by every word
Matt.4:4 Deut.8:3
that comes from the mouth
of God.’
Again it is written ‘You shall
Matt.4:6-7 Ps.91:11-12 Deut.6:16 not put the Lord your God
to the test.’
‘You shall worship the Lord
Matt.4:10 Deut.10:20 Deut.6:13 your God and him only shall
you serve.’
The land of Zebulun and the
land of Naphtali, the way of
Matt.4:15-16 Isa.42:7 Isa.9:1-2
the sea, beyond the Jordan,
Blessed are the meek, for
Matt.5:5 Ps.37:11
they shall inherit the earth.
Matt.5:21 Deut.5:17 Exod.20:13 You shall not murder;
You shall not commit
Matt.5:27 Deut.5:18 Exod.20:14
‘Whoever divorces his wife,
Matt.5:31 Deut.24:1 let him give her a certificate
of divorce.’
You shall not swear falsely,
Matt.5:33 Exod.20:7 Lev.19:12 but shall perform to the
Lord what you have sworn.’
You have heard that it was
Matt.5:38 Deut.19:21 Exod.21:24 Lev.24:20 said ‘An eye for an eye and a
tooth for a tooth.’
You have heard that it was
said ‘You shall love your
Matt.5:43 Lev.19:18
neighbor and hate your
You therefore must be
Matt.5:48 Gen.17:1 perfect as your heavenly
Father is perfect.
‘I never knew you; depart
Matt.7:23 Ps.6:8 from me you workers of
show yourself to the priest
and offer the gift that Moses
Matt.8:4 Lev.14:2-3
commanded for a proof to
He took our illnesses and
Matt.8:17 Isa.53:4
bore our diseases.
‘I desire mercy, and not
Matt.9:13 Hos.6:6
a man against his father,
and a daughter against her
Matt.10:35-36 Mic.7:6 mother, and a daughter-in-
law against her mother-in-
blind receive their sight and
the lame walk, lepers are
Matt.11:5 Isa.29:18 Isa.35:5
cleansed and the deaf hear,
and the dead are raised
‘Behold, I send my
messenger before your face,
Matt.11:10 Mal.3:1
who will prepare your way
before you.’
and if you are willing to
Matt.11:14 Mal.4:5 accept it, he is Elijah who is
to come.
Have you not read what
David did when he was
Matt.12:3 1Sam.21:6
hungry, and those who were
with him:
on the Sabbath the priests
Matt.12:5 Num.28:9-10 in the temple profane the
Sabbath and are guiltless?
‘I desire mercy, and not
Matt.12:7 Hos.6:6
Behold, my servant whom I
have chosen, my beloved
Matt.12:18-21 Isa.42:1-4
with whom my soul is well
Jonah was three days and
Matt.12:40 Jonah.1:17 ff three nights in the belly of
the great fish
The queen of the South ...
came from the ends of the
Matt.12:42 1Kgs.10:1
earth to hear the wisdom of
You will indeed hear but
never understand, and you
Matt.13:14 Isa.6:9-10
will indeed see but never
I will open my mouth in
parables; I will utter what
Matt.13:35 Ps.78:2
has been hidden since the
foundation of the world.
Matt.15:4 Deut.5:16 Exod.20:12 Exod.21:17 Lev.20:9 ‘Whoever reviles father or
Prov.20:20 mother must surely die.’
‘This people honors me with
their lips, but their heart is
Matt.15:8-9 Isa.29:13
far from me; in vain do they
worship me
no sign will be given to it
Matt.16:4 Jonah.1:17 except the sign of Jonah. So
he left them and departed.
Then why do the scribes say
Matt.17:10 Mal.4:5
that first Elijah must come?
every charge may be
Matt.18:15-16 Lev.19:17 Deut.19:15 Lev.19:15 established by the evidence
of two or three witnesses.
a man shall leave his father
and his mother and hold
Matt.19:4-5 Gen.1:27 Gen.2:24
fast to his wife, and the two
shall become one flesh’
Why then did Moses
command one to give a
Matt.19:7 Deut.24:1
certificate of divorce and to
send her away?
You shall not murder, You
shall not commit adultery,
Matt.19:18-19 Exod.20:12 Lev.19:18
You shall not steal, You
shall not bear false witness
With man this is impossible,
Matt.19:26 Jer.32:17 but with God all things are
Say to the daughter of Zion,
‘Behold, your king is coming
Matt.21:5 Zech.9:9
to you, humble, and
mounted on a donkey
Hosanna to the Son of
David! Blessed is he who
Matt.21:9 Ps.118:26 comes in the name of the
Lord! Hosanna in the
It is written ‘My house shall
be called a house of prayer,’
Matt.21:13 Isa.56:7 Jer.7:11
but you make it a den of
‘Out of the mouth of infants
Matt.21:16 Ps.8:2 and nursing babies you have
prepared praise’?
planted a vineyard and put a
fence around it and dug a
Matt.21:33 Isa.5:1
winepress in it and built a
‘The stone that the builders
rejected has become the
Matt.21:42 Ps.118:22-23
cornerstone; this was the
Lord’s doing
And the one who falls on
this stone will be broken to
Matt.21:44 Dan.2:34-35, 44 Isa.8:14 Zech.12:3
pieces; and when it falls on
anyone, it will crush
‘If a man dies having no
children, his brother must
Matt.22:24 Deut.25:5
marry the widow and raise
up offspring for his brother.’
‘I am the God of Abraham,
Matt.22:32 Exod.3:6 and the God of Isaac, and
the God of Jacob’
Matt.22:37 Deut.6:5 You shall love the Lord your
God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with
all your mind.
You shall love your neighbor
Matt.22:39 Lev.19:18
as yourself.
Sit at my right hand, until I
Matt.22:44 Ps.110:1 put your enemies under
your feet
the blood of righteous Abel
to the blood of Zechariah
Matt.23:35 2Chr.24:21-22 Gen.4:8
the son of Barachiah, whom
you murdered
‘Blessed is he who comes in
Matt.23:38-39 Jer.12:7 Jer.22:5 Ps.69:25 Ps.118:26
the name of the Lord.’
the abomination of
desolation spoken of by the
Matt.24:15 Dan.11:31 Dan.12:11 Dan.8:13 Dan.9:27
prophet Daniel, standing in
the holy place
For then there will be great
tribulation such as has not
Matt.24:21 Jer.30:7
been from the beginning of
the world until now
the sun will be darkened,
and the moon will not give
Matt.24:29 Ezek.32:7 Isa.13:9-10 Joel.2:10 Joel.3:15
its light, and the stars will
fall from heaven,
Heaven and earth will pass
Matt.24:35 Isa.51:16 away, but my words will not
pass away.
For as were the days of
Matt.24:37 Gen.7:4 Noah so will be the coming
of the Son of Man.
‘Depart from me, you
cursed, into the eternal fire
Matt.25:41 Ps.6:8
prepared for the devil and
his angels.
It would have been better
Matt.26:24 Ps.22:1-31 for that man if he had not
been born.
‘I will strike the shepherd,
Matt.26:31 Zech.13:7 and the sheep of the flock
will be scattered.’
Matt.26:60 Ps.35:11 but they found none though
many false witnesses came
forward. At last two came
Then they spit in his face
Matt.26:67 Isa.50:6 and struck him. And some
slapped him,
And they took the thirty
pieces of silver, the price of
Matt.27:9-10 Zech.11:13
him on whom a price had
been set
they divided his garments
Matt.27:35 Ps.22:18
among them by casting lots.
He trusts in God; let God
Matt.27:43 Ps.22:7-9
deliver him now
My God, my God, why have
Matt.27:46 Ps.22:1
you forsaken me?
All authority in heaven and
Matt.28:18 Dan.7:14 on earth has been given to
the voice of one crying in
the wilderness: ‘Prepare the
Mark.1:2-3 Isa.40:3 Mal.3:1
way of the Lord, make his
paths straight,’
show yourself to the priest
and offer for your cleansing
Mark.1:44 Lev.14:2
what Moses commanded for
a proof to them.
David entered the house of
God, in the time of Abiathar
Mark.2:25-26 1Sam.21:6
the high priest, and ate the
bread of the Presence
see but not perceive, and
may indeed hear but not
Mark.4:12 Isa.6:9
understand, lest they should
turn and be forgiven.
‘This people honors me with
their lips, but their heart is
Mark.7:6-7 Isa.29:13
far from me; in vain do they
worship me,
‘Honor your father and your
mother’; and ‘Whoever
Mark.7:10 Deut.5:16 Exod.20:12 Exod.21:17 Prov.20:20
reviles father or mother
must surely die.’
Mark.9:11 Mal.4:5 first Elijah must come?
‘where their worm does not
Mark.9:48 Isa.66:24 die and the fire is not
Moses allowed a man to
Mark.10:4 Deut.24:1 write a certificate of divorce
and to send her away.
‘Therefore a man shall leave
Mark.10:6-7 Gen.1:27 Gen.2:24 his father and mother and
hold fast to his wife
‘Do not murder, Do not
commit adultery, Do not
Mark.10:19 Exod.20:12-14
steal, Do not bear false
witness, Do not defraud
Hosanna! Blessed is he who
Mark.11:9 Ps.118:26 comes in the name of the
‘My house shall be called a
Mark.11:17 Isa.56:7 Jer.7:11 house of prayer for all the
A man planted a vineyard
and put a fence around it
Mark.12:1 Isa.5:1
and dug a pit for the
winepress and built a tower,
‘The stone that the builders
rejected has become the
Mark.12:10-11 Ps.118:22-23
cornerstone; this was the
Lord’s doing
if a man’s brother dies and
leaves a wife, but leaves no
Mark.12:19 Deut.25:5
child, the man must take the
‘I am the God of Abraham,
Mark.12:26 Exod.3:6 and the God of Isaac, and
the God of Jacob’
‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord
our God the Lord is one.
Mark.12:29-31 Deut.6:4-5 Lev.19:18
And you shall love the Lord
your God with all your heart
to love one’s neighbor as
oneself is much more than
Mark.12:33 1Sam.15:22
all whole burnt offerings
and sacrifices.
Mark.12:36 Ps.110:1 Sit at my right hand, until I
put your enemies under
your feet.
See that no one leads you
Mark.13:5 Jer.29:8
brother will deliver brother
over to death, and the father
Mark.13:12 Mic.7:6
his child, and children will
rise against parents
when you see the
abomination of desolation
Mark.13:14 Dan.11:31 Dan.12:11 Dan.8:13 Dan.9:27
standing where he ought
not to be
But in those days, after that
tribulation the sun will be
Mark.13:24 Isa.13:9-10 Joel.3:15
darkened, and the moon
will not give its light,
Heaven and earth will pass
Mark.13:31 Isa.40:8 away, but my words will not
pass away.
You will all fall away, for it
is written, ‘I will strike the
Mark.14:27 Zech.13:7
shepherd, and the sheep
will be scattered.’
He was numbered with the
Mark.15:28 Isa.53:12
My God, my God, why have
Mark.15:34 Ps.22:1
you forsaken me?
And the whole multitude of
the people were praying
Luke.1:10 Lev.16:17
outside at the hour of
Elijah to turn the hearts of
the fathers to the children,
Luke.1:17 Mal.4:5-6
and the disobedient to the
wisdom of the just
the throne of his father
David, and he will reign
Luke.1:32-33 Ps.132:11 Dan.4:3 Mic.4:7
over the house of Jacob
as he spoke to our fathers,
Luke.1:55 Gen.17:19 Gen.22:18 to Abraham and to his
offspring forever.
the oath that he swore to
Luke.1:73 Gen.12:3 Gen.22:16 our father Abraham, to
grant us
the sunrise shall visit us
from on high to give light to
Luke.1:78-79 Mal.4:2 Num.24:17 Isa.9:2
those who sit in darkness
and in the shadow
a pair of turtledoves, or two
Luke.2:21-24 Lev.12:3-4 Exod.13:2 Lev.12:8
young pigeons.
Behold, this child is
appointed for the fall and
Luke.2:34 Isa.8:14-15
rising of many in Israel, and
for a sign that is opposed
The voice of one crying in
the wilderness: ‘Prepare the
Luke.3:4-6 Isa.40:3-5
way of the Lord make his
paths straight.
It is written ‘Man shall not
Luke.4:4 Deut.8:3
live by bread alone.’
‘You shall worship the Lord
Luke.4:8 Deut.10:20 Deut.6:13 your God, and him only
shall you serve.’
It is said ‘You shall not put
Luke.4:10-12 Ps.91:11-12 Deut.6:16 the Lord your God to the
The Spirit of the Lord is
upon me, because he has
Luke.4:18-19 Isa.61:1-2
anointed me to proclaim
good news to the poor.
there were many widows in
Israel in the days of Elijah,
Luke.4:25-27 1Kgs.17:1, 9 1Kgs.18:1-2 2Kgs.5:14
when the heavens were shut
up three years
go and show yourself to the
priest, and make an offering
Luke.5:14 Lev.14:2
for your cleansing, as Moses
David entered the house of
Luke.6:3-4 1Sam.21:6 God and took and ate the
bread of the Presence
But woe to you who are rich
Luke.6:24 Amos.6:1 for you have received your
‘Behold, I send my
messenger before your face,
Luke.7:27 Mal.3:1
who will prepare your way
before you.’
‘seeing they may not see,
Luke.8:10 Isa.6:9 and hearing they may not
Carry no moneybag, no
Luke.10:4 2Kgs.4:29 knapsack, no sandals, and
greet no one on the road.
You have answered
Luke.10:27-28 Deut.6:5 Lev.19:18 Lev.18:5 correctly; do this, and you
will live.
Jonah became a sign to the
Luke.11:30-31 Jonah.1:17 Jonah.3:1-10 Jonah.4:1-11 people of Nineveh..., The
2Kgs.10:1 queen of the South hear
the wisdom of Solomon
from the blood of Abel to
the blood of Zechariah, who
Luke.11:51 2Chr.24:21-22 Gen.4:8
perished between the altar
and the sanctuary.
‘Depart from me, all you
Luke.13:27 Ps.6:8
workers of evil!’
‘Blessed is he who comes in
Luke.13:35 Jer.12:7 Jer.22:5 Ps.118:26
the name of the Lord!’
do not sit down in a place of
honor, lest someone more
Luke.14:8 Prov.25:6
distinguished than you be
invited by him,
If anyone comes to me and
does not hate his own father
Luke.14:26 Mic.7:6
and mother and wife and
children and brothers
If your brother sins, rebuke
Luke.17:3 Lev.19:17 him, and if he repents,
forgive him,
when Noah entered the ark,
Luke.17:27 Gen.7:7 and the flood came and
destroyed them all.
but on the day when Lot
went out from Sodom, fire
Luke.17:29 Gen.19:16 and sulfur rained from
heaven and destroyed them
Luke.17:32 Gen.19:26 Remember Lot’s wife.
Luke.18:20 Deut.5:16-20 Exod.20:12 ‘Do not commit adultery, Do
not murder, Do not steal,
Do not bear false witness,
Honor your father
It is written ‘My house shall
be a house of prayer,’ but
Luke.19:46 Isa.56:7 Jer.7:11
you have made it a den of
A man planted a vineyard
and let it out to tenants and
Luke.20:9 Isa.5:1
went into another country
for a long while.
‘The stone that the builders
rejected has become the
Luke.20:17-18 Ps.118:22-23 Dan.2:44 Isa.8:14 Zech.12:3
cornerstone’? Everyone who
falls on that stone
if a man’s brother dies,
having a wife but no
Luke.20:28 Deut.25:5 children, the man must take
the widow and raise up
Moses ... calls the Lord the
God of Abraham and the
Luke.20:37 Exod.3:6
God of Isaac and the God of
Sit at my right hand, until I
Luke.20:42-43 Ps.110:1 make your enemies your
‘And he was numbered with
Luke.22:37 Isa.53:12
the transgressors.’
‘Blessed are the barren and
the wombs that never bore
Luke.23:29-30 Isa.54:1 Hos.10:8
and the breasts that never
Father into your hands I
Luke.23:46 Ps.31:5
commit my spirit!
Thus it is written that the
Christ should suffer and on
Luke.24:46 Isa.53:5
the third day rise from the
I am the voice of one crying
out in the wilderness, ‘Make
John.1:23 Isa.40:3
straight the way of the
John.1:51 Gen.28:12 Truly, truly, I say to you you
will see heaven opened, and
the angels of God ascending
and descending
Zeal for your house will
John.2:17 Ps.69:9
consume me.
And as Moses lifted up the
serpent in the wilderness, so
John.3:14 Num.21:8-9
must the Son of Man be
lifted up,
‘One sows and another
John.4:37 Mic.6:15
‘He gave them bread from
John.6:31 Exod.16:15 Ps.78:24
heaven to eat.’
‘And they will all be taught
John.6:45 Isa.54:13
by God.’
Your fathers ate the manna
John.6:49 Exod.16:15 in the wilderness, and they
Moses gave you
circumcision (not that it is
John.7:22 Lev.12:3
from Moses, but from the
John.7:38-39 Isa.12:3 Isa.44:3 Isa.55:1 Isa.58:11 Prov.18:4 ‘Out of his heart will flow
Zech.13:1 Zech.14:8 rivers of living water.’
Christ comes from the
offspring of David, and
John.7:42 Mic.5:1-2 Ps.132:11 Ps.89:4
comes from Bethlehem, the
village where David was?
Moses commanded us to
John.8:5 Deut.22:21 Lev.20:10 stone such women. So what
do you say?
In your Law it is written
John.8:17 Deut.19:15 that the testimony of two
people is true.
God does not listen to
sinners, but if anyone is a
John.9:31 Ps.82:6
worshiper of God and does
his will, God listens
Is it not written in your Law
John.10:34 Ps.82:6
‘I said, you are gods’?
Fear not, daughter of Zion;
John.12:13-15 Ps.118:26 Zech.9:9 behold, your king is coming,
sitting on a donkey’s colt!
the Christ remains forever.
How can you say that the
John.12:34 2Sam.7:13 Isa.9:7 Ps.110:4 Ps.89:30-37
Son of Man must be lifted
Lord, who has believed what
he heard from us, and to
John.12:38 Isa.53:1
whom has the arm of the
Lord been revealed?
He has blinded their eyes
and hardened their heart,
John.12:40 Isa.6:9
lest they see with their eyes,
and understand
For I have not spoken on my
own authority, but the
John.12:49 Deut.18:18 Father who sent me has
himself given me a
‘He who ate my bread has
John.13:18 Ps.41:9
lifted his heel against me.’
‘They hated me without a
John.15:25 Ps.109:3 Ps.35:19 Ps.69:4
the son of destruction that
John.17:12 Ps.109:8, 17 Ps.41:10 the Scripture might be
They divided my garments
John.19:24 Ps.22:19 among them, and for my
clothing they cast lots.
John.19:28 Ps.69:21 I thirst.
They will look on him whom
John.19:36-37 Exod.12:46 Num.9:12 Ps.34:20 Zech.12:10
they have pierced.
the Scripture that he must
John.20:9 Ps.16:10
rise from the dead.
‘I am ascending to my
John.20:17 Ps.22:22 Father and your Father, to
my God and your God.’
Acts.1:20 Ps.109:8 Ps.69:25 ‘Let another take his office.’
I will pour out my Spirit on
all flesh, and your sons and
Acts.2:17-21 Joel.2:28-32
your daughters shall
you will not abandon my
Acts.2:25-28 Ps.16:8-10 soul to Hades, or let your
Holy One see corruption.
he foresaw and spoke about
the resurrection of the
Acts.2:30-31 2Sam.7:12 Ps.89:4 Ps.16:10
Christ, that he was not
abandoned to Hades
Acts.2:34 Ps.110:1 Sit at my right hand,
‘The Lord God will raise up
Acts.3:22-23 Deut.18:15, 18-19 for you a prophet like me
from your brothers.
‘And in your offspring shall
Acts.3:25 Gen.12:3 Gen.22:18 all the families of the earth
be blessed.’
This Jesus is the stone that
was rejected by you, the
Acts.4:11 Isa.28:16 Ps.118:22-23
builders, which has become
the cornerstone.
‘Why did the Gentiles rage,
and the peoples plot in
Acts.4:25-26 Ps.2:1-2
vain? The kings of the earth
set themselves
Acts.7:2-21 Gen.15:7 Neh.9:7 Gen.12:1 Gen.11:31 Gen.12:4-5
Gen.12:7 Gen.13:15 Gen.15:13-14 Gen.17:10 Gen.21:3-4 the people ... multiplied in
Gen.25:26 Gen.42:13 Gen.37:4, 11, 28 Gen.39:1-2, 21 Egypt until there arose over
Gen.41:37, 40 Gen.41:54 Gen.42:2 Gen.45:1, 9 Gen.45:1-28 Egypt another king who did
Josh.24:32 Exod.1:7 Exod.1:8 Exod.1:10, 22 Exod.2:2 not know Joseph.
seeing one of them being
wronged, he defended the
Acts.7:24 Exod.2:11
oppressed man ... by
striking down the Egyptian.
‘Men, you are brothers. Why
Acts.7:26 Exod.2:13-14
do you wrong each other?’
an angel appeared to him in
the wilderness of Mount
Acts.7:29-30 Exod.18:3 Exod.3:2
Sinai, in a flame of fire in a
Moses who ...was in the
Acts.7:32-38 Exod.3:6 Exod.3:5, 7-8, 10 Exod.2:14 congregation in the
Exod.3:15-18 Exod.12:41 Exod.14:21 Exod.15:23 Exod.16:1-36 wilderness with the angel
Exod.7:1-12:51 Deut.18:15 Exod.19:3 Exod.20:1-24:18 who spoke to him at Mount
make it, according to the
Acts.7:40-47 Exod.32:1 Exod.32:19 Amos.5:25-26
pattern that he had seen.
Exod.25:40 Exod.26:30 Josh.18:1 Josh.3:14 2Sam.7:2 Ps.132:5
Our fathers in turn brought
it in with Joshua
‘Heaven is my throne, and
the earth is my footstool.
Acts.7:49-50 Isa.66:1-2
What kind of house will you
build for me
Like a sheep he was led to
the slaughter and like a
Acts.8:32-33 Isa.53:7-8
lamb before its shearer is
Truly I understand that God
Acts.10:34 Deut.10:17 Job.34:19
shows no partiality,
‘I have found in David the
Acts.13:17-22 Exod.12:37 Isa.1:2 Deut.1:31 Num.14:33
son of Jesse a man after my
Ps.95:10 Deut.7:1 Josh.14:2 1Sam.3:20 Judg.2:16 1Sam.10:21
heart who will do all my
1Sam.8:5 1Chr.10:14 1Sam.13:14 Ps.89:20
‘You will not let your Holy
Acts.13:33-36 Ps.2:7 Isa.55:3 Ps.16:10 1Kgs.2:10
One see corruption.’
‘Look, you scoffers, be
astounded and perish; for I
Acts.13:41 Hab.1:5
am doing a work in your
‘I have made you a light for
the Gentiles, that you may
Acts.13:47 Isa.11:10 Isa.49:6
bring salvation to the ends
of the earth.’
I will rebuild the tent of
David that has fallen; ... and
Acts.15:16-17 Amos.9:11-12
all the Gentiles who are
called by my name
because he has fixed a day
on which he will judge the
Acts.17:31 Ps.9:9 Ps.96:13 Ps.98:9 world in righteousness by a
man whom he has
‘You shall not speak evil of a
Acts.23:5 Exod.22:28
ruler of your people.’
You will indeed hear but
never understand, and you
Acts.28:26-27 Isa.6:9-10
will indeed see but never
The righteous shall live by
Rom.1:17 Hab.2:4
Claiming to be wise, they
Rom.1:22 Jer.10:14
became fools,
He will render to each one
Rom.2:6 Prov.24:12 Ps.62:12
according to his works:
Rom.2:11 Deut.10:17 Job.34:19 For God shows no partiality.
The name of God is
Rom.2:24 Ezek.36:20 Isa.52:5 blasphemed among the
Gentiles because of you.
That you may be justified in
Rom.3:4 Ps.116:11 Ps.51:4 your words, and prevail
when you are judged.
And why not do evil that
good may come?—as some
Rom.3:8 Jer.17:6
people slanderously charge
Rom.3:10-18 Ps.14:1 ff Ps.140:3 Ps.5:9 Ps.10:7 Isa.59:7-8 There is no fear of God
Ps.36:1 before their eyes.
Abraham believed God, and
Rom.4:3 Gen.15:6 it was counted to him as
Blessed are those whose
Rom.4:7-8 Ps.32:1-2 lawless deeds are forgiven,
and whose sins are covered;
He received the sign of
Rom.4:11 Gen.17:10 circumcision as a seal of the
Rom.4:17-18 Gen.17:5 Gen.15:5 So shall your offspring be.
Rom.7:7 Deut.5:21 Exod.20:17 You shall not covet.
For your sake we are being
killed all the day long; we
Rom.8:36 Ps.44:22
are regarded as sheep to be
Through Isaac shall your
Rom.9:7 Gen.21:12
offspring be named.
About this time next year I
Rom.9:9 Gen.18:10 will return, and Sarah shall
have a son.
Jacob I loved, but Esau I
Rom.9:12-13 Gen.25:23 Mal.1:2-3
I will have mercy on whom I
have mercy, and I will have
Rom.9:15 Exod.33:19
compassion on whom I have
For this very purpose I have
Rom.9:17 Exod.9:16 raised you up, that I might
show my power in you,
Why have you made me like
Rom.9:20-21 Isa.45:9 Jer.18:6
If the Lord of hosts had not
left us offspring, we would
Rom.9:25-29 Hos.2:23 Hos.1:10 Isa.10:22-23 Isa.1:9
have been like Sodom and
become like Gomorrah.
Behold, I am laying in Zion
Rom.9:33 Isa.28:16 Isa.8:14 a stone of stumbling, and a
rock of offense;
The word is near you, in
Rom.10:5-8 Ezek.20:11 Lev.18:5 Deut.30:12-13 Deut.30:14 your mouth and in your
Everyone who believes in
Rom.10:11 Isa.28:16 him will not be put to
everyone who calls on the
Rom.10:13 Joel.2:32 name of the Lord will be
Lord, who has believed what
Rom.10:15-16 Isa.52:7 Nah.1:15 Isa.53:1
he has heard from us?
All day long I have held out
Rom.10:18-21 Ps.19:4 Deut.32:21 Isa.65:1-2 my hands to a disobedient
and contrary people.
an Israelite, a descendant of
Rom.11:1 Ps.94:14 Abraham, a member of the
tribe of Benjamin.
I have kept for myself seven
Rom.11:3-4 1Kgs.19:10, 14 1Kgs.19:18 thousand men who have not
bowed the knee to Baal.
Let their table become a
snare and a trap, a
Rom.11:8-10 Isa.29:10 Isa.6:9 Ps.69:22-23
stumbling block and a
retribution for them;
and this will be my covenant
Rom.11:26-27 Isa.59:20-21 with them when I take away
their sins.
Or who has given a gift to
Rom.11:34-35 Isa.40:13 Job.41:11 him that he might be
Let love be genuine. Abhor
Rom.12:9 Amos.5:15 what is evil; hold fast to
what is good.
Do not be haughty, but
associate with the lowly.
Rom.12:16 Isa.5:21 Prov.3:7
Never be wise in your own
if your enemy is hungry,
feed him; if he is thirsty,
Rom.12:19-20 Deut.32:35 Prov.25:21-22
give him something to
You shall love your neighbor
Rom.13:9 Deut.5:16-21 Exod.20:13, 17 Lev.19:18
as yourself.
As I live, says the Lord,
every knee shall bow to me,
Rom.14:11 Isa.45:23
and every tongue shall
confess to God.
The reproaches of those
Rom.15:3 Ps.69:9 who reproached you fell on
The root of Jesse will come,
even he who arises to rule
Rom.15:9-12 Ps.18:49 Deut.32:43 Ps.117:1 Isa.11:1, 10
the Gentiles; in him will the
Gentiles hope.
Those who have never been
told of him will see, and
Rom.15:21 Isa.52:15
those who have never heard
will understand.
I will destroy the wisdom of
the wise, and the
1Cor.1:19-20 Isa.29:14 Isa.33:18 Isa.44:25
discernment of the
discerning I will thwart.
Let the one who boasts,
1Cor.1:31 Jer.9:24
boast in the Lord.
What no eye has seen, nor
ear heard, nor the heart of
1Cor.2:9 Isa.64:4
man imagined, what God
has prepared
For who has understood the
1Cor.2:16 Isa.40:13 mind of the Lord so as to
instruct him?
1Cor.3:8 Ps.62:12 He who plants and he who
waters are one, and each
will receive his wages
according to his labor.
The Lord knows the
1Cor.3:19-20 Job.5:13 Ps.94:11 thoughts of the wise, that
they are futile.
Purge the evil person from
1Cor.5:13 Deut.17:9 Deut.19:19 Deut.24:7
among you.
The two will become one
1Cor.6:16 Gen.2:24
You shall not muzzle an ox
1Cor.9:9 Deut.25:4
when it treads out the grain.
our fathers were all under
1Cor.10:1 Exod.13:21 Exod.14:22 Num.9:18 the cloud, and all passed
through the sea,
1Cor.10:3 Exod.16:15 Exod.17:6 Num.11:4 Num.20:11 and all ate the same
Num.26:64-65 spiritual food,
The people sat down to eat
1Cor.10:7-10 Exod.32:6 Num.14:2, 36 Num.21:4 Num.25:1, 9
and drink and rose up to
Ps.106:14, 19
pagans sacrifice
demons and not to God. I
1Cor.10:20 Deut.32:17
do not want you to be
participants with demons.
the earth is the Lord’s, and
1Cor.10:26 Ps.24:1
the fullness thereof.
By people of strange
tongues and by the lips of
1Cor.14:21 Isa.28:11-12
foreigners will I speak to
this people,
the women should keep
silent in the churches. For
1Cor.14:34 Gen.3:16 they are not permitted to
speak, but should be in
Christ died for our sins in
accordance with the
1Cor.15:3-4 Isa.53:8-9 Ps.22:1-31 Ps.40:1-17 Ps.16:10
Scriptures, that he was
buried, that he was raised
For he must reign until he
1Cor.15:25 Ps.110:1 has put all his enemies
under his feet.
all things are put in
1Cor.15:27 Ps.8:6
Let us eat and drink, for
1Cor.15:32 Isa.22:13
tomorrow we die.
The first man Adam became
1Cor.15:45 Gen.2:7
a living being
O death, where is your
1Cor.15:54-55 Isa.25:8 Hos.13:14 victory? O death, where is
your sting?
Moses who would put a veil
2Cor.3:13 Exod.34:33 over his face so that the
Israelites might not gaze
2Cor.4:13 Ps.116:10 I believed, and so I spoke,
if anyone is in Christ, he is a
new creation. The old has
2Cor.5:17 Isa.43:18-19
passed away; behold, the
new has come.
In a favorable time I
listened to you, and in a day
2Cor.6:2 Isa.49:8
of salvation I have helped
I will make my dwelling
among them and walk
2Cor.6:16-18 Lev.26:11-12 2Sam.7:14 Isa.52:11-12 Jer.31:9 among them, and I will be
their God, and they ... my
Whoever gathered much
had nothing left over, and
2Cor.8:15 Exod.16:18
whoever gathered little had
no lack.
give as he has decided in his
heart not reluctantly or
2Cor.9:7 Prov.22:8
under compulsion, for God
loves a cheerful giver.
He has distributed freely, he
has given to the poor; his
2Cor.9:9 Ps.112:9
righteousness endures
Let the one who boasts,
2Cor.10:17 Jer.9:24
boast in the Lord.
Every charge must be
2Cor.13:1 Deut.19:15 established by the evidence
of two or three witnesses.
Gal.2:6 Deut.10:17 God shows no partiality)—
those, I say, who seemed
influential added nothing to
by works of the law no one
Gal.2:16 Ps.143:2
will be justified.
believed God, and it was
Gal.3:6 Gen.15:6 counted to him as
In you shall all the nations
Gal.3:8 Gen.12:3 Gen.22:18
be blessed.
Cursed is everyone who is
Gal.3:10-13 Deut.27:26 Hab.2:4 Lev.18:5 Deut.21:23
hanged on a tree
Gal.3:16-17 Gen.22:18 Exod.12:40 And to your offspring,
Abraham had two sons one
Gal.4:22 Gen.16:15 Gen.21:2, 9 by a slave woman and one
by a free woman.
Rejoice, O barren one who
does not bear; break forth
Gal.4:27 Isa.54:1
and cry aloud, you who are
not in labor!
Cast out the slave woman
and her son, for the son of
Gal.4:30 Gen.21:10
the slave woman shall not
inherit with the son
You shall love your neighbor
Gal.5:14 Lev.19:18
as yourself.
And he came and preached
peace to you who were far
Eph.2:17 Isa.57:19
off and peace to those who
were near.
When he ascended on high
Eph.4:8 Ps.68:18 he led a host of captives,
and he gave gifts to men.
Be angry and do not sin; do
Eph.4:25-26 Zech.8:16 Ps.4:4 not let the sun go down on
your anger,
a man shall leave his father
and mother and hold fast to
Eph.5:31 Gen.2:24
his wife, and the two shall
become one flesh.
that it may go well with you
Eph.6:2-3 Deut.5:16 Exod.20:12 and that you may live long
in the land.
there is no partiality with
Eph.6:9 Deut.10:17 Job.34:19
and take the helmet of
salvation, and the sword of
Eph.6:17 Isa.59:17
the Spirit, which is the word
of God,
so that at the name of Jesus
every knee should bow, in
Phil.2:10 Isa.45:23
heaven and on earth and
under the earth,
Let your reasonableness be
Phil.4:5 Ps.119:1-176 Ps.141:1-10 Ps.145:18 known to everyone. The
Lord is at hand;
In him also you were
circumcised with a
Col.2:11 Deut.10:16
circumcision made without
For the wrongdoer will be
paid back for the wrong he
Col.3:25 Deut.10:17 Job.34:19
has done, and there is no
put on the breastplate of
faith and love, and for a
1Thess.5:8 Isa.59:17
helmet the hope of
See that no one repays
anyone evil for evil, but
1Thess.5:15 Prov.17:13 always seek to do good to
one another and to
who opposes and exalts
himself ... takes his seat in
2Thess.2:4 Dan.11:36 the temple of God
proclaiming himself to be
And then the lawless one
will be revealed, whom the
2Thess.2:8 Isa.11:4
Lord Jesus will kill with the
breath of his mouth
For Adam was formed first
then Eve; and Adam was
1Tim.2:13-14 Gen.1:17 Gen.2:7, 21-22 Gen.3:12 Gen.3:6
not deceived, but the
woman was deceived
The laborer deserves his
1Tim.5:18 Deut.25:4
for we brought nothing into
the world, and we cannot
1Tim.6:7 Eccl.5:14 Job.1:21 Ps.49:18
take anything out of the
Let everyone who names the
2Tim.2:19 Num.16:5 name of the Lord depart
from iniquity.
Just as Jannes and Jambres
opposed Moses, so these
2Tim.3:8 Exod.7:11, 22
men also oppose the truth
men corrupted in mind
Sit at my right hand until I
Heb.1:5-13 2Sam.7:14 Ps.2:7 Ps.97:7 Ps.104:4 Ps.45:6-7
make your enemies a
Ps.102:25-27 Ps.110:1
footstool for your feet
What is man, that you are
mindful of him, or the son
Heb.2:6-8 Ps.8:4-6
of man, that you care for
Behold, I and the children
Heb.2:12-13 Ps.22:22 2Sam.22:2 Isa.8:18 Ps.18:2
God has given me.
Moses also was faithful in
Heb.3:2 Num.12:7
all God’s house.
Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts
Heb.3:7-11 Ps.95:7-11
as in the rebellion, on the
day of testing
Today, if you hear his voice,
Heb.3:15 Ps.95:7-11 do not harden your hearts
as in the rebellion.
those who sinned whose
Heb.3:17 Num.14:35-36 bodies fell in the
And God rested on the
Heb.4:3-4 Ps.95:11 Gen.2:2-3 seventh day from all his
Today, if you hear his voice,
Heb.4:7 Ps.95:7-8
do not harden your hearts.
You are a priest forever,
Heb.5:4-6 1Chr.23:13 Ps.2:7 Ps.110:4 after the order of
Surely I will bless you and
Heb.6:14 Gen.22:16-17
multiply you.
For this Melchizedek, king
Heb.7:1 Gen.14:18 of Salem, priest of the Most
High God, met Abraham
You are a priest forever,
Heb.7:17, 21 Ps.110:4 after the order of
See that you make
everything according to the
Heb.8:5 Exod.25:40
pattern that was shown you
on the mountain.
a new covenant ... not like
the covenant that I made ...
Heb.8:8-12 Jer.31:31-34
to bring them out of the
land of Egypt.
in which were the
lampstand and the table and
Heb.9:2 Exod.25:1-40 Exod.26:36 Exod.40:3 Num.17:10
the bread of the Presence. It
is called the Holy Place.
only the high priest goes,
...not without taking blood
Heb.9:7 Exod.30:10
which he offers for himself
and for ...the people.
the blood of goats and bulls,
and the sprinkling of defiled
Heb.9:13-14 Lev.16:14 Num.14:36
persons with the ashes of a
heifer, sanctify
This is the blood of the
Heb.9:20 Exod.24:8 covenant that God
commanded for you.
Sacrifices and offerings you
have not desired, but a body
Heb.10:5-7 Ps.40:6-8
have you prepared for me;
in burnt offerings
And every priest stands
daily at his service offering
Heb.10:11-13 Exod.29:38 Ps.110:1
repeatedly the same
I will remember their sins
Heb.10:16-17 Jer.31:33-34 and their lawless deeds no
Anyone who has set aside
the law of Moses dies
Heb.10:27-28 Isa.64:1 Deut.17:6 without mercy on the
evidence of two or three
The Lord will judge his
Heb.10:30 Deut.32:35-36
the coming one will come
and will not delay; but my
Heb.10:37-38 Hab.2:3-4
righteous one shall live by
Abel offered to God a more
acceptable sacrifice than
Heb.11:3-5 Gen.1:1 Gen.4:4 Gen.5:24
Cain, through which he was
commended as righteous,
Noah, being warned by God
Heb.11:7-9 Gen.6:8, 14 Gen.12:1-2 Gen.12:5 ff Gen.27:11-12, concerning events as yet
14 unseen, in reverent fear
constructed an ark
Sarah herself received
Heb.11:11-14 Gen.18:1-33 Gen.22:17 Gen.23:4 Gen.47:9
power to conceive, even
Ps.39:13 Hos.14:2
when she was past the age,
Through Isaac shall your
Heb.11:17-18 Gen.22:1 Gen.22:12
offspring be named.
Isaac invoked future
blessings on Jacob and
Heb.11:20-23 Gen.27:28 Gen.47:31 Gen.48:15 Gen.50:24
Esau. By faith Jacob, when
dying, blessed each of the
choosing rather to be
mistreated with the people
Heb.11:25 Exod.2:11
of God than to enjoy the
fleeting pleasures of sin.
Heb.11:27-35 Exod.2:15 Exod.12:11, 18 Exod.14:22 Josh.6:20 the Passover... Gideon
Josh.2:1 Josh.6:17, 23 1Sam.7:1-17 2Sam.2:1-32 Judg.6:4, 11, Barak Samson Jephthah, of
15 2Sam.8:1-18 Dan.6:1-28 Judg.14:1-20 Dan.3:1-30 1Kgs.17:1- David and Samuel and the
24 1Kgs.19:1 2Kgs.4:20 prophets
My son do not regard lightly
the discipline of the Lord,
Heb.12:5-6 Prov.3:11-12
nor be weary when reproved
by him.
Besides this, we have had
earthly fathers who
Heb.12:9 Num.27:16
disciplined us and we
respected them.
Therefore lift your drooping
hands and strengthen your
Heb.12:12-13 Isa.35:3 Prov.4:26
weak knees, and make
straight paths for your feet,
Heb.12:15-16 Deut.29:18 Gen.25:31 root of bitterness
For you have not come to
what may be touched, a
Heb.12:18 Exod.19:16
blazing fire and darkness
and gloom and a tempest
Heb.12:20-21 Exod.19:12-13 Deut.9:19 I tremble with fear.
Yet once more I will shake
Heb.12:26 Hag.2:6 not only the earth but also
the heavens.
for our God is a consuming
Heb.12:29 Deut.4:24
some have entertained
Heb.13:2 Gen.18:2
angels unawares.
The Lord is my helper; I will
Heb.13:5-6 Deut.31:8 Josh.1:5 Ps.118:6 not fear; what can man do
to me?
brought into the holy places
by the high priest as a
Heb.13:11 Lev.16:27 Lev.4:12, 21 Num.19:3
sacrifice for sin are burned
outside the camp.
For here we have no lasting
Heb.13:14 Mic.2:10 city, but we seek the city
that is to come.
and the rich in his
humiliation, because like a
Jas.1:10 Isa.40:6 Job.14:2
flower of the grass he will
pass away.
Know this, my beloved
brothers: let every person
Jas.1:19 Prov.17:27
be quick to hear slow to
speak slow to anger;
My brothers show no
partiality as you hold the
Jas.2:1 Lev.19:15 Prov.24:23
faith in our Lord Jesus
Christ the Lord of glory.
You shall love your neighbor
Jas.2:8 Lev.19:18
as yourself,
Jas.2:11 Exod.20:13-14 Do not murder.
Was not Abraham our
father justified by works
Jas.2:21 Gen.22:9
when he offered up his son
Isaac on the altar?
Abraham believed God, and
Jas.2:23 Gen.15:6 it was counted to him as
Rahab the prostitute
justified by works when she
Jas.2:25 Josh.2:1 Josh.6:17, 23 received the messengers
and sent them out by
God opposes the proud, but
Jas.4:6 Prov.3:34
gives grace to the humble.
Your gold and silver have
corroded, and their
Jas.5:3 Prov.16:27
corrosion will be evidence
against you
the steadfastness of Job,
and you have seen the
Jas.5:11 Job.1:21-22 Job.42:1-17
purpose of the Lord, how
the Lord is compassionate
Elijah was a man with a
nature like ours, and he
Jas.5:17-18 1Kgs.17:1 1Kgs.18:41
prayed fervently that it
might not rain
You shall be holy, for I am
1Pet.1:16 Lev.11:44
All flesh is like grass and all
1Pet.1:24-25 Isa.40:6 its glory like the flower of
grass. The grass withers
a living stone rejected by
1Pet.2:3-4 Ps.34:8-9 Ps.118:22 men but in the sight of God
chosen and precious,
The stone that the builders
1Pet.2:6-7 Isa.28:16 Ps.118:22-23 rejected has become the
But you are a chosen race a
royal priesthood a holy
1Pet.2:9-10 Deut.10:15 Exod.19:6 Hos.1:10 Hos.2:23
nation a people for his own
Honor everyone. Love the
1Pet.2:17 Prov.24:21 brotherhood. Fear God.
Honor the emperor.
He committed no sin,
1Pet.2:22 Isa.53:9 neither was deceit found in
his mouth.
By his wounds you have
1Pet.2:24 Isa.53:4-5
been healed.
as Sarah obeyed Abraham
calling him lord. And you
1Pet.3:6-7 Gen.18:12 Prov.17:13 are her children, if you do
good and do not fear
Whoever desires to love life
and see good days, let him
1Pet.3:10-12 Ps.34:12-16
keep his tongue from evil
and his lips
But even if you should
suffer for righteousness’
1Pet.3:14-15 Isa.8:12-13
sake, you will be blessed.
Have no fear of them
Noah, while the ark was
being prepared, in which a
1Pet.3:20 Gen.6:3, 12
few, that is, eight persons,
were brought safely
Above all, keep loving one
1Pet.4:8 Prov.10:12 another earnestly, since love
covers a multitude of sins.
If the righteous is scarcely
1Pet.4:18 Prov.11:31 saved, what will become of
the ungodly and the sinner?
God opposes the proud but
1Pet.5:5 Prov.3:34
gives grace to the humble.
casting all your anxieties on
1Pet.5:7 Ps.55:23 him, because he cares for
he did not spare the ancient
world, but preserved Noah,
2Pet.2:5-6 Gen.7:23 Gen.8:1-22 Gen.19:1-38
a herald of righteousness,
with seven others,
They have followed the way
of Balaam, the son of Beor,
2Pet.2:15-16 Num.22:1-41 who loved gain from
wrongdoing, but was
The dog returns to its own
vomit, and the sow, after
2Pet.2:22 Prov.26:11
washing herself, returns to
wallow in the mire.
Where is the promise of his
coming? For ever since the
2Pet.3:4-6 Ezek.12:22 Gen.1:1-2, 6 Gen.1:2 Gen.1:6 Gen.7:21
fathers fell asleep, all things
are continuing
But do not overlook this one
fact, beloved, that with the
2Pet.3:8 Ps.90:4
Lord one day is as a
thousand years,
But the day of the Lord will
come like a thief, and then
2Pet.3:10 Ps.102:26-27
the heavens will pass away
with a roar,
But according to his
promise we are waiting for
2Pet.3:13 Isa.65:17 Isa.66:22 new heavens and a new
earth in which
righteousness dwells.
If we say we have no sin, we
1John.1:8 Prov.20:9 deceive ourselves, and the
truth is not in us.
You know that he appeared
1John.3:5 Isa.53:4 in order to take away sins,
and in him there is no sin.
Cain, who ... murdered his
brother. And why did he
1John.3:12 Gen.4:8 Num.16:1, 31 Num.22:41
murder him? Because his
own deeds were evil
saved a people out of the
land of Egypt afterward
Jude.1:5 Exod.12:41 Num.14:32
destroyed those who did not
Sodom and Gomorrah and
the surrounding cities,
Jude.1:7 Gen.19:1-38
which likewise indulged in
sexual immorality
the archangel Michael,
contending with the devil,
Jude.1:9 Deut.34:5-6
was disputing about the
body of Moses
they walked in the way of
Cain and abandoned
Jude.1:11 Gen.4:8 Num.16:1-50 Num.22:1-41 themselves for the sake of
gain to Balaam’s error and
Enoch, the seventh from
Adam, prophesied...,
Jude.1:14 Gen.5:18 Behold, the Lord comes
with ten thousands of his
holy ones,
he is coming with the
Rev.1:6-8 Exod.19:6 Dan.7:13 Isa.40:5 Zech.12:10-14 Isa.41:4 clouds, and every eye will
Isa.44:6 see him, even those who
pierced him, and all tribes
Then I turned to see the
voice that was speaking to
Rev.1:12 Zech.4:2
me, and on turning I saw
seven golden lampstands,
The hairs of his head were
Rev.1:14-17 Dan.10:5-6 Dan.7:9 Ezek.1:27 Ezek.43:2 Ezek.8:2 white, like white wool, like
Isa.49:2 Dan.10:8 ff Dan.8:17 Isa.44:6 snow. His eyes were like a
flame of fire,
who holds the seven stars in
his right hand who walks
Rev.2:1 Deut.23:14
among the seven golden
To the one who conquers I
will grant to eat of the tree
Rev.2:7 Gen.2:9
of life, which is in the
paradise of God.’
the teaching of Balaam, who
taught Balak to put a
Rev.2:14 Num.25:2 Num.31:16
stumbling block before the
sons of Israel
Jezebel, who calls herself a
prophetess and is teaching
Rev.2:20 1Kgs.16:31 1Kgs.21:23 2Kgs.9:33
and seducing my servants to
practice sexual immorality
and I will strike her children
dead. And all the churches
Rev.2:23 Jer.17:10
will know that I am he who
searches mind
and he will rule them with a
Rev.2:27 Ps.2:9 rod of iron as when earthen
pots are broken in pieces
who has the key of David
who opens and no one will
Rev.3:7 Isa.22:22 Job.12:14
shut, who shuts and no one
behold I will make them
come and bow down before
Rev.3:9 Isa.60:14
your feet, and they will learn
that I have loved you.
For you say, I am rich, I
have prospered, and I need
Rev.3:17 Hos.12:8
nothing, not realizing that
you are wretched, pitiable,
Those whom I love, I
Rev.3:19 Prov.3:11-12 reprove and discipline, so be
zealous and repent.
I will grant him to sit with
me on my throne, as I also
Rev.3:21 Ps.110:1 conquered and sat down
with my Father on his
jasper and carnelian, and
around the throne was a
Rev.4:2-3 Ezek.1:26, 28
rainbow that had the
appearance of an emerald.
the seven spirits of God, and
Rev.4:5-8 Exod.19:16 Ezek.1:1-28 Ezek.11:1-25 Isa.6:1-13 before the throne there was
Exod.24:10 Ezek.1:22 Ezek.1:5 Ezek.10:12 Ezek.1:10 Isa.6:2 as it were a sea of glass, like
him who was seated on the
throne a scroll written
Rev.5:1 Ezek.2:2
within and on the back
sealed with seven seals.
I saw a Lamb standing, as
though it had been slain,
Rev.5:6 2Chr.16:9 Isa.53:7 Zech.4:10
with seven horns and with
seven eyes
each holding a harp, and
golden bowls full of incense
Rev.5:8 Ps.141:2
which are the prayers of the
and you have made them a
kingdom and priests to our
Rev.5:10-11 Exod.19:6 Dan.7:10
God, and they shall reign on
the earth.
And I looked, and behold a
pale horse! And its rider’s
Rev.6:8 Ezek.14:21
name was Death, and Hades
followed him.
the sun became black as
Rev.6:12-16 Hag.2:6 Isa.13:13 Isa.24:18, 23 Isa.34:4 Joel.2:31 sackcloth, the full moon
Ps.102:26 Hos.10:8 Isa.2:19 ff Isa.2:9 ff Joel.2:11 Ps.110:5 became like blood, and the
stars of the sky fell
Do not harm the earth
...until we have sealed the
Rev.7:2-3 Ezek.9:2 ff
servants of our God on their
hunger no more, neither
thirst anymore; the sun
Rev.7:16-17 Isa.49:10 Isa.25:8
shall not strike them, nor
any scorching heat.
the altar with a golden
censer, and he was given
Rev.8:3 Exod.30:8 Lev.16:12 ff Ps.141:2
much incense to offer with
the prayers of all the saints
there were peals of thunder,
rumblings flashes of
Rev.8:5 Ezek.10:2
lightning, and an
fire, mixed with blood, and
these were thrown upon the
Rev.8:7-8 Exod.9:23 Joel.2:30 Exod.7:20
earth. And a third of the
earth was burned up,
the waters became
wormwood, and many
Rev.8:11-12 Jer.9:15 Ezek.32:7
people died ... a third of the
sun was struck
only those people who do
Rev.9:4 Ezek.9:6 not have the seal of God on
their foreheads.
locusts were like horses
prepared for battle: ...teeth
Rev.9:6-9 Jer.8:3 Joel.1:6 Joel.2:4 Joel.2:5
like lions’ teeth; they had
worshiping demons and
idols of gold and silver and
Rev.9:20 Ps.115:4 Ps.135:15
bronze and stone and wood,
which cannot see or hear
Seal up what the seven
thunders have said, and do
Rev.10:2-5 Ezek.2:9 Jer.25:30 Dan.8:26 Dan.12:4, 7, 9
not write it down. ...angel ...
standing on the sea
Rev.10:8-11 Ezek.2:8 Jer.1:9 the little scroll ...was sweet
as honey in my mouth, but
when I had eaten it my
stomach was made bitter.
Then I was given a
measuring rod like a staff,
Rev.11:1-2 Ezek.40:3 Ezek.40:47 Ezek.41:13 Dan.7:25
and I was told, Rise and
measure the temple of God
These are the two olive trees
Rev.11:4-7 Zech.4:3, 11 2Kgs.1:9-12 1Kgs.17:1 Exod.7:20 and the two lampstands that
Dan.7:21 stand before the Lord of the
rejoice over them and make
merry and exchange
Rev.11:10 Esth.9:22 presents, because these two
prophets had been a
The kingdom of the world
has become the kingdom of
Rev.11:15 Dan.2:44 Dan.7:14
our Lord and of his Christ,
and he shall reign forever
nations raged, but your
wrath came, and the time
Rev.11:18 Dan.11:44 Dan.7:10, 22 Ps.115:13 Ps.2:1-5 Ps.46:6 for the dead to be judged,
and for rewarding your
And a great sign appeared
Rev.12:1-7 Isa.66:7 Mic.4:9-10 Dan.7:7 Dan.8:10 Ps.2:10 in heaven: a woman clothed
Dan.7:25 Dan.10:13, 21 Dan.12:1 with the sun, with the moon
under her feet,
into the wilderness, to the
place where she is to be
Rev.12:14 Dan.12:7 Dan.7:25
nourished for a time, and
times, and half a time.
And I saw a beast rising out
of the sea with ten horns
Rev.13:1-2 Dan.7:3, 7 Dan.7:5-6
and seven heads, with ten
diadems on its horns
And the beast ... exercise
authority for forty-two
Rev.13:5-7 Dan.7:25 Dan.7:8 Dan.2:37 Dan.5:19 Dan.8:10, 24
months. It opened its mouth
to utter blasphemies
If anyone is to be taken
captive, to captivity he goes;
Rev.13:10 Gen.9:6 Isa.14:2
if anyone is to be slain with
the sword,
and by the signs that it is
allowed to work in the
Rev.13:14 Dan.3:1-30
presence of the beast it
deceives those who dwell
Then I looked, and behold,
on Mount Zion stood the
Rev.14:1 Isa.59:20 Ps.2:6
Lamb, and with him
and in their mouth no lie
Rev.14:5 Ps.32:2 was found, for they are
Fallen, fallen is Babylon the
great she who made all
Rev.14:8 Dan.4:27 Isa.21:9 Jer.51:8
nations drink the wine of
the passion
he also will drink the wine
of God’s wrath poured full
Rev.14:10-11 Isa.51:22 Jer.25:15 Ps.75:9 Isa.34:10
strength into the cup of his
seated on the cloud one like
a son of man with a golden
Rev.14:14-15 Dan.7:13 Isa.19:1 Joel.3:13
crown on his head, and a
sharp sickle
the grape harvest of the
earth and threw it into the
Rev.14:19-20 Isa.63:3 Joel.3:13 Lam.1:15
great winepress of the wrath
of God.
standing beside the sea of
glass with harps of God in
Rev.15:2-4 Ezek.1:22 Exod.15:11 Jer.10:6 Ps.86:9
their hands. And they sing
the song of Moses
bowls full of the wrath of
God who lives forever and
Rev.15:7-8 Ezek.10:7 1Kgs.8:11 Ezek.10:4 Isa.6:4
ever, and the sanctuary was
filled with smoke
painful sores came upon the
people who bore the mark
Rev.16:2-4 Exod.9:10 Ezek.10:2 Exod.7:19-20
of the beast and worshiped
its image.
For they have shed the
blood of saints and
Rev.16:6 Exod.7:21 Ezek.16:38
prophets, and you have
given them blood to drink.
Rev.16:10 Exod.10:22 the throne of the beast, and
its kingdom was plunged
into darkness. People
gnawed their tongues
The sixth angel poured out
his bowl on the great river
Rev.16:12 Isa.11:15-16 Jer.50:38
Euphrates, and its water
was dried up,
For they are demonic spirits
performing signs, the
Rev.16:14-16 Joel.3:2 Zech.14:2 Zeph.3:8
place that in Hebrew is
called Armageddon.
And great hailstones, about
one hundred pounds each,
Rev.16:21 Exod.9:24, 34
fell from heaven on people;
and they cursed God
the judgment of the great
prostitute who is seated ...
Rev.17:1-4 Jer.51:13 Jer.51:7 Dan.7:7-8, 25
on a scarlet beast that was
full of blasphemous
The beast that you saw was,
and is not, and is about to
Rev.17:8 Dan.7:11
rise from the bottomless pit
and go to destruction.
ten kings who ... are to
receive authority as kings
Rev.17:12 Dan.7:20, 24
for one hour, together with
the beast.
They will make war on the
Lamb, and the Lamb will
Rev.17:14-15 Dan.8:25 Isa.8:7 Jer.51:42
conquer them, for he is Lord
of lords
Babylon ...has become a
Rev.18:2-4 Isa.13:21 Isa.21:9 Jer.51:8 Jer.51:7 Nah.3:4 dwelling place for demons, a
Isa.52:11 Jer.50:8 Jer.51:6, 9, 45 haunt for every unclean
she glorified herself and
lived in luxury, so give her a
Rev.18:6-8 Jer.50:15, 29 Ps.137:8 Isa.47:7 ff Jer.50:31
like measure of torment and
And the merchants of the
earth weep and mourn for
Rev.18:11 Ezek.27:1-36 Isa.23:1-18
her, since no one buys their
cargo anymore,
Rev.18:18 Isa.34:10 and cried out as they saw
the smoke of her burning,
What city was like the great
a great millstone and threw
Rev.18:20-24 Isa.44:23 Jer.51:48 Jer.51:63-64 Isa.24:8 it into the sea, saying, So
Jer.25:10 Jer.7:34 Isa.23:8 Jer.51:49 will Babylon the great city
be thrown down
for his judgments are true
and just; for he has judged
Rev.19:2-3 Deut.32:4, 43 Isa.34:10
the great prostitute who
corrupted the earth
And from the throne came a
voice saying, Praise our
Rev.19:5 Ps.115:13 Ps.135:1, 20
God, all you his servants,
you who fear him,
clothe herself with fine
linen, bright and pure— for
Rev.19:8 Isa.61:10 Ps.45:14 the fine linen is the
righteous deeds of the
Then I saw heaven opened,
and behold a white horse!
Rev.19:11-13 Ps.72:2 ff Dan.10:6 Isa.63:1
The one sitting on it is
called Faithful and True,
From his mouth comes a
sharp sword with which to
Rev.19:15 Isa.63:3 Lam.1:15 Ps.2:9
strike down the nations, and
he will rule them
gather for the great supper
Rev.19:17-20 Ezek.39:17-20 Isa.34:6 Ps.2:2 Dan.7:11, 26 of God, to eat the flesh of
Isa.30:33 kings, the flesh of captains,
the flesh of mighty
Then I saw thrones, and
seated on them were those
Rev.20:4 Dan.9:22, 27
to whom the authority to
judge was committed.
Then I saw a new heaven
Rev.21:1-6 Isa.65:17 Ezek.40:1-49 Ezek.48:1-35 ff Ezek.37:27 and a new earth, for the first
Isa.25:8 Isa.65:19 Isa.43:19 Isa.55:1 heaven and the first earth
had passed away
And he carried me away in
the Spirit to a great, high
Rev.21:10 Ezek.40:2
mountain, and showed me
the holy city Jerusalem
Rev.21:12 Ezek.48:31 twelve gates..., and on the
gates the names of the
twelve tribes of the sons of
Israel were inscribed—
And the one who spoke with
me had a measuring rod of
Rev.21:15 Ezek.40:3 Zech.2:1
gold to measure the city and
its gates and walls.
The foundations of the wall
of the city were adorned
Rev.21:19 Isa.54:11-12
with every kind of jewel.
The first was jasper,
And the city has no need of
sun or moon to shine on it,
Rev.21:23-25 Ezek.48:35 Isa.60:19 Isa.60:3, 11, 20
for the glory of God gives it
But nothing unclean will
ever enter it, ..., but only
Rev.21:27 Ezek.44:9 Isa.52:1
those who are written in the
Lamb’s book of life.
Then the angel showed me
the river of the water of life,
Rev.22:1-3 Ezek.47:1, 7, 12 Zech.14:8 Zech.14:11
bright as crystal, flowing
from the throne
And night will be no more.
They will need no light of
Rev.22:5 Ezek.48:35 Isa.24:23 Isa.60:19
lamp or sun, for the Lord
God will be their light,
And he said to me Do not
seal up the words of the
Rev.22:10 Dan.12:4 Dan.8:26
prophecy of this book, for
the time is near.
Behold I am coming soon
bringing my recompense
Rev.22:12-13 Isa.40:10 Isa.41:4 Isa.44:6
with me to repay each one
for what he has done.
I, Jesus, ...the bright
morning star. ...let the one
Rev.22:16-18 Isa.11:1, 10 Isa.55:1 Deut.12:32 Deut.4:2
who is thirsty come; ... take
the water of life
He who testifies to these
things says, Surely I am
Rev.22:20 Hab.2:3
coming soon. Amen. Come,
Lord Jesus!

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