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BC Alumni Newsletter

July 2023 Third Anniversary Issue

John Douthit ‘86
President Burke Catholic
Congratulations on the third anniversary of the BC Alumni Newsletter! A big thank
you to Karen Dwyer, BC Advancement Officer, for all of her great work.

Burke Catholic has a rich history dating back to 1899, and our BC Alumni Newsletter is
a great way for us to stay connected to our BC Family!

Our BC Alumni Newsletter has been an incredible success. It provides a platform for
us to celebrate all of the great things happening in the lives of our BC Alumni.

The stories and pictures captured of our BC Alumni and their great accomplish-
ments, is a wonderful way to connect our legacy BC Alumni with our recent BC Alum-

We all are blessed to be part of the Burke Catholic Family, and please know that we re-
main steadfast in our resolve to carry on the great traditions of our treasured school.

Thank you all for your continued support of the BC RE-Vitalization Campaign and
your prayers for the future of Burke Catholic! See you on campus soon.
3 Years of Alumni Spotlights
Thank you to all the alumni who have shared their stories and joined us on this journey. The following pages in-
clude the newsletter edition that you can catch up with these amazing Eagles.

Nancy Kissel Burlew ’90 & Nicole Burlew ‘20

Chris Fisher ‘02 Digital Artist “BC will always have a special place in our family’s heart and I
“Non Vox Sed Votum” thank God every day for the opportunity to be an Eagle.”

July 2020 July 2020

Jean Brown ‘01

“Mostly what I recall about my time at Burke Kenny Murrary ‘09
Catholic was how full it was.” “BC gave me a good internal compass that helped me
August 2020 approach people in a loving way.”

August 2020

Emily Stallings ‘08 Andrew Jackson ‘08

“BC offers a great sense of support and community.” “I have lifelong friends and got a great foundation here”

September 2020 October 2020

Amy Staley ‘11 Kyle Dudgeon ‘15

“As a BC grad, I know that all actions are powerful and “BC shows that all it takes is one class or piece of
no act of kindness is to small.” knowledge to send a student off on a journey.”

October 2020 October 2020


Lyndsey Moss ‘14 Bill Gunn BCHS Faculty 1985-1986

“ At BC when you need help there are amazing faculty “What I loved most about my time at BC were my students.”
who are there for you.”
November 2020
October 2020 edition

Ellen Roesch ‘78 Tom Weirich ‘98

“My memories of my four years at Burke are some of my “The foundation Burke gave me challenged me to push
greatest memories.” harder, for that I am eternally grateful.”
November 2020 December 2020

Gianna Tondo ‘19 Jeffry Thoelan ‘00

“The lessons I learned at Burke still help me with to- “Burke prepared me so well for my college studies that I even
day’s decisions.” surprised myself!”

December 2020 December 2020

Stacie (Gamma) DeMaro ‘91

Ellenjane Gonyea BCHS Faculty 1970-1997
“I always tell people who are considering Burke for their chil-
“Traditions continue and magnificent innovations keep
dren, it’s a whole philosophy: faith, discipline, value, compas-
Burke vital.”
sion, expectations, friendships and reunions.”
January 2021
January 2021

Deborah and Paul ‘82 with daughter

Myriam Moise ‘18
Clare Heppes ‘22
“Burke taught me that I could really do anything and every-
“I am happy to say that our school motto continues to thing I set my mind to!”
be woven into the lives of Burke students today. Service
is paramount to who we are as alums.” February 2021

January 2021

Michael Robert Fish ‘85

Ray Tonkin ‘86
“My teachers devoted their time, guided and molded me into
“Non Vox Sed Votum.”
the individual that I was upon graduation and still am to-
day.” January 2021

February 2021

Mercedes Smith
Sr. Janet Brisky ‘67
St. John’s High School ’55
“Did Burke Catholic influence my life? It sure did!!”
“St. John’s HS laid the foundation for earning a Ph.D.,
the nuns individualized learning before there was a March 2021
name for it.”
March 2021

Lauren Breitfeller ‘07

Larissa Compito ‘16
“I am proud to be an alumni and equally proud to
“Burke has always been a home away from home.”
teach the students who enter my room each day.”
April 2021
April 2021

Annette Petry (Lauren Breifellers’ grandmother)

BCHS Faculty 1982-1998 Mardi Flores Schenoni ‘85

“I have been blessed with so many happy days as a “The connection I have with Burke is a long lasting one. It
Burke Catholic teacher and have so many wonderful prepared me for an incredible journey.”
memories of my students.” May 2021
April 2021

Christine & Andrew Halpin ‘00 Karen DeCrosta

“We are thrilled that both our children attend BC, we BC English Dept. Chair/ Vice Principal 1979-2005
are a proud Eagle family!”
“Everything about Burke made me a better person and a
May 2021 better teacher.”
May 2021

Jeanine Braham Hall ‘00 Ciara Serpa ‘17

“I think many of us are really appreciative of the solid “Even when the time comes for Eagles to fly the coop, we
foundation we have from Burke.” always come home.”

May 2021 June 2021

Katie Mahoney ‘15 Toni Gazzaniga BC Faculty 1979-1985

“I always know I have my friends from Burke to lean “Burke has been a joy in my life, as has been all my Burke
on...the presence we hold in each other’s lives is a testament family.”
to the closeness and familiarity that’s synonymous with
June 2021
June 2021

Grace Yurchuk ‘20 Audrey Toste-Clarke, Guidance Dept. Chair 2003-2013

“I am so blessed to have had the chance to walk the “I am forever grateful for my time at Burke Catholic. I
halls of Burke Catholic, and know that it will always be learned so much and I was so blessed by each student, their
a place that I can call home.” families, and my colleagues!”
July 2021 July 2021

Erin Feeney McGovern ‘83 Deidre Lahiff ‘16

“I don’t think it’s an easy thing to explain to someone “I always look back on my years at Burke as a time of
who hasn’t experienced it for themselves...we are forever a growth, friendship, and immense learning. I am forever
part of a shared experience that only we “Burkies” know.” proud to be an EAGLE.”
July 2021 August 2021

Dawn Ferriolo BCHS Faculty 2006-2020

Jim Ambras ‘74
“I am in awe of the many BC graduates as I see the
great impact they have on the world.” “I feel very fortunate to have gotten a great education at
August 2021
September 2021

Julia Leary ‘19 Trish (Galvin) Kelly ‘83

“Little did I know when I graduated that this school, its
“Burke helped me to solidify my goals and dreams into
people, and traditions would continue to shape my life for
the next 40 years.”
September 2021
September 2021

Jimmy Kelly ‘08

Shelly DeHaan ‘83 & son Kieran ‘20 “It was ring night, I wasn’t sure what to do and then two
“I am truly blessed and thankful to have this school but of my classmates said they would push me up the aisle so I
more than a school is the community of Burkies!” could get my ring. I knew Burke was where I belonged.”

October 2021 October 2021

The Barrett Family

Michael ‘83, Nancy ‘87, Ellen ‘93, Tricia ‘96
and Ed ‘02 Damian Morris‘74
“Burke Catholic strong education laid an excellent foun- “Although we are almost 50 years removed from our gradu-
dation for our family.” ation day, each of us is grateful for the ongoing class ca-
maraderie as well as the stellar education we received at
October 2021
November 2021

Juliana Gesztesi ‘19

Meaghan (Ruiz) Bayer ‘12
“The solid background I built at Burke helped lead me to
“Non Vox Sed Votum, Not Words but Deeds, I have what I am doing now. Thanks to the Burke Family I got the
always kept those words close to my heart.“ foundation to pursue my dreams.”
November 2021 November 2021

Heath Hoovler ‘18 Caitlin Gray ‘93

“Burke Catholic prepared me for things I never knew I “The friendships I made at Burke Catholic stayed with me
needed to be prepared for!” through nearly three decades.”

January 2022 January 2022


Carolyn Palmer ‘74

Michael Phipps ‘70
“I loved art classes!”
“I have so many wonderful memories, lasting lifelong
January 2022
friendships and amazing caring teachers.”

January 2022

Caitlyn Tashman ‘19 Maire Ullrich ‘88

“Burke Catholic allowed me to grow independently as a “I am conscious of the advantages my Burke education has
student, person, and as a Catholic.” given me.”

February 2022 February 2022

Louise Valle Luck ‘72
Tony Gilmore BCHS Faculty ’04-’06
“Compassion for others and an understanding of human
“I have been blessed by God to have my BC students in
frailty and redemption are all qualities that were fostered
my life” throughout my time at Burke.”
February 2022
March 2022

Laura Caccavone Rico ‘02 Mike DeBeauvernet ‘78

“My years at BC were filled with great experiences, rich “Not words, but deeds.”
academic opportunities and lasting friendships.”
March 2022
March 2022

Greg Traphagen ’72

“For me the endurance of a culture of generosity, inclu- Valerie Michels Belknap ‘00
siveness, selflessness and sharing are the values I take
“This is what I took away from Burke, a sense of family and
with me from BC.” love and community.”
April 2022
April 2022

Dolores Figluizzi Gay ‘97 Mary Kingsley ‘72

“Burke Catholic left me with many wonderful memories.” “The BC motto of Non Vox Sed Votum has motivated a life
April 2022 in service”
May 2022

William Osborne ‘68

Christina Herschel-Huebner ’12 “The Presentation Sisters were excellent teachers and al-
“Burke isn’t just a school; it is a community, it is a fami- ways willing to assist, they were instrumental in laying the
foundation for my academic success.”
ly. I am proud to be a BC Eagle.”
May 2022 June 2022

Mark Przybocki ‘18

Neil Stevenson ‘16
“My teachers inspired me to work to make the same im-
“I carry many of the lessons and values that Burke has
pact as a teacher with my future students as they have made
on me.” instilled in me.”
June 2022 July 2022

Stephen Yates BCHS Faculty 1998-2021 Michelle Lenzi ‘14

“I never tired of the students’ endless “I truly don’t believe I’d be where I am if it wasn’t for BC.”

“life” they brought to Burke” August 2022

July 022

Gregory Luhan ‘85

Ellen Barrett Kelly ‘93
“My education at Burke enabled me to participate at a
“To serve others is what I live by and this is because of my
very high level of education and career placement.”
experiences at Burke Catholic.”
August 2022
September 2022

Nora O’Sullivan Mason ‘81 Margaret Treacy ‘10

“My years at BC contributed to my decisions to pursue a “Whether in the classroom, on the field, or in a club,
journey of service to others.” everybody looked out for each other.“

September 2022 September 2022

Ned Debold ‘85

Michael Burns ‘87 “A fostered interest through many discussions after track
“All of my teachers were there for the kids, and they laid practice at BC undoubtedly helped to set me on my path to
the foundation for the type of teacher I would become.” become a scientist.”

September 2022 October 2022


Jess Compito ‘20 Sarina Howe ‘18

“The teachers, faculty, and staff ae some of the kindest “I hold BC close to my heart. I consists of a community
people ever!” of people who care for one another and have the purest
intentions always.“
October 2022
October 2022

Jaimie Hilfiger ‘18 Brittany German ‘12

“I was proud to attend BCHS. My mother was a graduate “At BC I always had the ability to talk to my teachers when
of the class of ‘76 and always spoke highly of BC.” I was struggling with academics or life, they were always
October 2022 there.”
November 2022

Bernadette Murrary Costa ‘85

Collette Higgins ‘19
“If I had to sum up my experience at Burke in a word or
“At Burke the faculty constantly advanced and pushed phrase, it would be community. A community that I loved
just the right amount to help us realize potential” then and still talk about today.“
November 2022
December 2022

Stanley Buczek ‘13

Veronica DiPaul ‘16
“The bonds that I made within the walls of BC have provid-
“Burke Catholic made me stronger in myself and made me ed me with friendships that will only end after death.”
stronger in my faith!”
January 2023
December 2022

Deborah Conrad Clark ‘88

Montana Prais ‘20
“To me, Burke Catholic means family and the friends
“I learned from my teachers and coaches and I apply you choose to call your family.“
those lessons to all areas of my life.”

February 2023 March 2023

Chase McFarlane ‘14 Johanne Morne ‘91

“I credit the BC Drama Club with building my confidence in “BC shaped my character, my passions and my career
public speaking and meeting new people. ” path...I took the schools motto to heart.”

March 2023 April 2023


Kevin Callahan ‘80

Pat Welsh ‘67 “Our family’s nearly 58 year association with Burke
“My time at Burke Catholic remains to this day four of Catholic, remains a source of tremendous pride for me
and my siblings, Mary Ann ‘69, John ‘70, Jim and Tom ‘74,
the most enjoyable and memorable years of my life.”
(and Toms’ wife Dorothy Rutkowski ‘75).”
April 2023
April 2023

Sr. Barbara Muldoon ‘65

Sr. Kathleen Cusack BCSH Faculty 1970-1974
“Did BCHS influence my path? It certainly did– I became a
“Burke Catholic was a hub of activity that fueled a palpable Presentation Sister and will celebrate 58 years next Sep-
sense of enthusiasm and joy.” tember.”
May 2023 May 2023

Cora Farlay ‘23

James Compito ‘23
“The person you are when you enter Burke Catholic is
“My time at Burke Catholic was indescribable!” not the same person you are leaving.“
June 2023
June 2023

Jeff Gati ‘23

“Throughout my time at Burke Catholic I was able to Lucia Golemis ‘23

discover the kind of future I want for myself” “Burke Catholic is such an amazing school. I am so happy I
choose to transfer here.”
June 2023
June 2023

Sophia Centamore ‘23

Gabriel Kostrna ‘23 “I have grown and matured as a person from my time
“I have really enjoyed my time at BC.” at Burke Catholic..“

June 2023 June 2023

Jonathon Stone ‘23 Madison Batista ‘23

“Burke Catholic was a welcoming, safe environment that “Burke Catholic will always have a special place in my
allowed me to focus on my academics.”
June 2023
June 2023
BC Eagles

Happiness is meeting an old friend after a long

time and feeling like nothing has changed...
Burk Catholic Golf Outing

Join us September 15 at Mansion Ridge

It is going to be a great day!

Registration - 11:00 AM (Box lunch provided)

Shotgun Start- 12:00 PM - SHARP
Cocktails/Dinner Reception - 5:30 PM

Tickets and Sponsorship Information:

2023 Burke Catholic Golf Outing

- John S. Burke Catholic High

BC Alumni Reunions!

Calling the Class of 1983

It’s your turn!

Two Fabulous nights are planned:

Friday, August 18 -The Tin Barn Brewing Company, 5pm
Saturday, August 19 - Barrell 28, 5pm
The cost for Saturday is $45
(there will be a DJ and food)

If interested please contact Pat Westfall 845-863-3674


BC Alumni Reunions!
We have a few reunions in the planning stages.
You can find contact information on the next few pages and look for information
to be posted in the coming weeks on the alumni page of our website.

Calling the Class of 2003!

It will be 20 years since the class of 2003 graduated high school!

We all know what this means! Our 20 year reunion!
Please reach out to Deirdre Dillion at the email below.
Let the planning begin!

Save the date Class of 1978

Let’s celebrate the Class of ‘78

It is time for our 45th Reunion

October 7, 2023
The Harness Racing Museum & Hall of Fame of the Trotter

We want to get in touch with as many classmates as possible; please share

this information and reach out to one of the committee members below.

Jim Brannigan

Coleen Minnock
Mike Phipps

Looking forward to October!

Stay tuned for more information as it becomes available.

Class of ‘73
50 Year Reunion

Save the date Class of 1973!

There will be a 50th High School reunion for members of the class of 1973 on September 30, 2023
at Delancey’s in Goshen NY.

If you are on Facebook, there is a group to join for our class:

JS Burke Class Of ’73

Also, if you are in touch with a classmate, please share this date.

Looking forward to being together in September.

More information to follow!

We are seeking mailing and email addresses.

Please email any of the following class members with your contact information.

Peg (Dickerson) Cullen

Patty (Arceri) Wojehowski
Bob Frederick
Mary Kaye (Dougherty) Koch
David Roach
Rita Flynn
Mary Kay (Swanwick) Jankowski
Class of ‘87
36 Year Reunion

Join us November 3rd and 4th

November 3rd will be drinks at Delancey's and November 4th will be dinner at
Limoncello's in Goshen.

A message from Len Pawliczk…

“Hey everyone - after visiting BCHS the other day to speak with the students
at Career Day- I felt a little nostalgic for the old days! This year is 36 years
since we graduated and 6 years from the last reunion. Against my better
judgement on organizing this (men suck at organizing - just ask my wife),
here we go!”
If you are on Facebook, there is a group to join for our class:

John S. Burke Class Of ’87

Also, if you are in touch with a classmate, please share this date.

Contact Len at


PBVM Raffle
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Our beloved Sisters have reached out and asked that we share the information for their
Care of Creation Raffle

The drawing is on August 26th. Take a chance to win either a 2024 Toyota Corolla Hybrid
OR $20,000. Then 2nd and 3rd prizes of $4,000 and $1,000. We are only selling a limit of
1,500 tickets.

See the flyer below for details and information on raffle purchases.
The BC Connection Coaching Positions
The BC Connection every Friday at noon.
You can connect at 1110 AM or 93.5 FM
Interested in joining the BC Coaching Staff?
Innovation. Education. Email Adam Kless, BC Athletic Director

Many of our BC Alumni are looking for internships. If your company offers in-
ternships or mentorships please contact

Karen at
We are compiling a list of all our BC Alumni authors and their works.
If you would like to be included please contact

A writer never has a vacation.

For a writer life consists of either
writing or thinking about writing.
~Eugene Ionesco
BC Alumni Giving

ReVitalize, ReEngage, ReConnect

Office of Alumni and Advancement

Your gift will have an immediate impact on all BCHS students.

Light the way for today’s students, so that they can find their way to impact
the world.

To make your gift today, please visit

To double the impact of your donation check to see if your company participates in a matching
gift program - please visit
If you would like to be in-
cluded in the next news-
letter or have a Milestone
or story you would like to
share, contact Karen Dwyer:

Contact Information
John S. Burke Catholic High School
Office of Admissions, Alumni and Advancement
80 Fletcher St, Goshen, NY 10924
(845) 294-5481 ext 132

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