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Hobby and Interest

HOBBY Baking (bei kin): the activity of making things such

as cakes, bread, and biscuits by cooking them inside an oven

Hiking: the activity of going for long walks (vs walking)

Writing Poetry: writing poem

leisure time: the time when you are not working or doing
other duties

Crafting: the activity or hobby of

making decorative objects with your hands

Something + Collecting

Sketching: a simple, quickly-made drawing that does not have

many details (vs painting)
What’s the difference between
hobbies and interests?
 A hobby refers to an activity or something that is done for
enjoyment, usually an extra-curricular, side-line activity practiced
outside of work or studies.
 An interest on the other hand is a topic or subject that you are
interested in or curious about, but normally does not require the
same level of dedication as a hobby.
Hobby and Interest
 Do you have any special hobby? Exploring, UFO (undefine
flying object), alien, ghost
I'm interested in Exploring new thing such as (like) UFO...
 What was the most interesting hobby that you have when you was a
My most interesting hobby was reading book and listening to music,
surfing the net.
 What's your new hobby when you became an adult?
My new hobby is watching Television and my favorite program is Whose

 Do you love cooking? What kind of food that you can make?
I can cook fried food and boiled food.
 How do you spend your free time?
I usually spend time for surfing (using, playing) tiktok
Learn to express your idea

 Many people believe that living in a house is better than living in

an apartment, What do you think about that?
In my opinion (from my perspective), I would like to choose to live in a house
rather than an apartment. Firstly, I'm free to do what I want to do such as I
can raise a pet If I live in a house, because apartment are not allow pet.
Secondly, I have to charge for parking fee. Living in a house make me feel
like I'm the owner, Apart have a limit living time.
Learn to express your idea

 How did you end up (finally) to choose the current job? Tell me your story
My last job was customer relationship management, my responsibility in the
bank was finding customer and sale bank product but I was not good at sale,
so I quitted that job and choose quality assurance for the current job and I
feel it match my personality like carefully, meticulous and there is no sale
pressure like last job.
Reflect with daily conversation

 A: Hey What’s your plan tonight?

 B: No plans, I think I will relax at home. Work was busy today.
 A: Do you want to go to the cinema?
 B: Ok, What time? What movie?
 A : Maybe at 7 or 8? It is the new Iron Man movie. It looks amazing!
 B: Well, I'm not sure about that...
 A: If you want, I will buy you a ticket. My treat. (It's on me)
 B: Amazing! You are the best friend ever. Pick me up at 7:30.
Reflect with daily conversation

 A: So what are you doing during the holidays? Any plans?

 B: …..

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