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Name : Riyandi Agil Cahyadi

NIM : 322010036
CLASS : B AFTERNOON / Semester 6
Subject : English For Hotel
Lecturer : Rahayu Meliasari, M. Pd

1. Mr. Brown is going to have conference in Pontianak. This is the first time trip of him
coming to Pontianak. He will stay for 3 days starting from August 10th to 12th.
Answer :

Receptionist: Good morning, thank you for calling our hotel. How may I assist you today?

Mr. Brown: Good morning. I will be visiting Pontianak for a conference and I need to make a
reservation for a hotel room. Can you help me with that?

Receptionist: Of course, sir. We would be happy to accommodate you during your stay. When are
you planning to arrive and how long will you be staying?

Mr. Brown: I will be arriving on August 10th and staying for three days until August 12th.

Receptionist: Great! We can definitely arrange a room for you during that period. We have a few
room options available. Our rates are as follows:

- Standard Room: $60 per night

- Deluxe Room: $80 per night

- Executive Suite: $120 per night

Mr. Brown: Thank you for the information. I think I'll go with the Deluxe Room. Can you tell me
more about the facilities in the hotel?

Receptionist: Certainly, sir. Our hotel offers various amenities for your comfort and convenience.
We have a fitness center, a swimming pool, and a spa where you can relax after a long day. We
also provide complimentary Wi-Fi throughout the hotel and room service is available 24/7.

Mr. Brown: That sounds great. I'm glad to hear that. By the way, since this is my first time in
Pontianak, are there any interesting tourist spots that I should visit?

Receptionist: Absolutely! Pontianak has several attractions that you might find interesting. Some
popular places to visit include the Equator Monument, Kapuas River, and the famous Dayak
Longhouse. We also have vibrant street markets where you can experience local culture and taste
delicious traditional food.

Mr. Brown: Wonderful! I'll definitely try to explore those places during my free time. Thank you
for your help and the information.

Receptionist: You're welcome, Mr. Brown. We look forward to welcoming you to our hotel. If
you have any more questions or need assistance during your stay, feel free to let us know.

Mr. Brown: Thank you, I appreciate it. See you soon!

Receptionist: See you soon Mr. Brown. Have a safe trip!

2. Mrs. Diana has been staying in XYZ Hotel for 2 days. However, she found that the
water-heater did not work well. In addition, the bedcover was also dirty. She
complaints to the hotel manager regarding this issues.
Answer :

Manager: Good afternoon, Mrs. Diana. How may I assist you today?

Mrs. Diana: Good afternoon. I've been staying in your hotel for the past two days, and I've
encountered a couple of issues. First, the water-heater in my room is not working properly.
Second, I noticed that the bedcover was dirty when I arrived.

Manager: I apologize for the inconvenience, Mrs. Diana. Thank you for bringing these issues to
my attention. I will personally look into this matter and resolve it for you.

Mrs. Diana: I appreciate your prompt response, but it has been quite inconvenient for me to have
cold showers in the morning. Also, the dirty bedcover was not what I expected from a hotel of
your reputation.

Manager: I completely understand your frustration, Mrs. Diana, and I apologize for the oversight.
Our hotel aims to provide the utmost comfort and satisfaction to our guests, and we take your
feedback seriously.

Mrs. Diana: I hope these issues can be resolved as soon as possible. It's important for me to have a
comfortable stay during my time here.

Manager: Absolutely, Mrs. Diana. Rest assured that we will address these problems immediately.
We will send our maintenance team to fix the water-heater in your room right away. Additionally,
we will provide you with a clean and fresh bedcover as a replacement.
Mrs. Diana: Thank you for your attention to these matters. I appreciate your efforts in resolving
the issues promptly.

Manager: You're most welcome, Mrs. Diana. Ensuring your satisfaction is our top priority. Please
accept my apologies once again for the inconvenience caused. If there is anything else we can do
to make your stay more comfortable, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Mrs. Diana: I appreciate your understanding and willingness to resolve the problems. I hope the
rest of my stay will be more pleasant.

Manager: We will do our best to make sure of that, Mrs. Diana. If you encounter any further
issues or have any additional requests, please don't hesitate to contact our front desk. We value
your feedback and are committed to improving your experience here at XYZ Hotel.

Mrs. Diana: Thank you for your attention. I hope the necessary actions will be taken, and I look
forward to a more satisfactory stay.

Manager: Thank you for your understanding, Mrs. Diana. We will make sure to address these
issues promptly. If there is anything else you need, please feel free to reach out. We want to make
sure you have a comfortable and enjoyable stay with us.

3. Mr. Creswell and his family are having dinner in hotel restaurant, 4th floor. He
complains about getting sugar in tea, when he ordered no sugar. His wife also
complains that waiter took a long time to deliver chicken steak.

Supervisor: Good evening, Mr. Creswell and Mrs. Creswell. Is everything alright with your

Mr. Creswell: Actually, we have a couple of issues with our orders. I specifically requested no
sugar in my tea, but it seems sugar was added. And my wife is disappointed because the chicken
steak took quite a long time to be delivered to our table.

Supervisor: I apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Creswell and Mrs. Creswell. Thank you for
bringing these issues to my attention. I will personally look into this matter and address the
problems for you.

Mrs. Creswell: It's quite disappointing to receive the wrong order, and the wait for the chicken
steak was indeed quite long. We were hoping for a smooth and enjoyable dining experience.
Supervisor: I completely understand your frustration, Mr. Creswell and Mrs. Creswell. Our goal is
to provide excellent service and meet our guests' expectations. I apologize for falling short this

Mr. Creswell: We appreciate your acknowledgement of the issues. It would be great if you could
ensure that these problems are resolved promptly.

Supervisor: Absolutely, Mr. Creswell. Please accept my sincere apologies for the incorrect tea
order and the delay in delivering the chicken steak. I will personally speak with the waiter to
ensure that such mistakes do not happen again.

Mrs. Creswell: Thank you for your attention to our concerns. We hope that these issues will be
resolved and that our dining experience can be improved.

Supervisor: Thank you for your understanding, Mrs. Creswell. We take your feedback seriously
and will take immediate action to rectify the situation. I assure you that we will make every effort
to ensure a more pleasant dining experience for you and your family.

Mr. Creswell: We appreciate your willingness to address the issues. It would be great if we could
have a smoother and more enjoyable dining experience next time.

Supervisor: Your satisfaction is important to us, Mr. Creswell. I assure you that we will work hard
to make that happen. If there is anything else we can do to make amends or enhance your dining
experience further, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Mrs. Creswell: Thank you for your understanding. We hope to have a better experience in the
future, and we appreciate your efforts to resolve these matters.

Supervisor: You're most welcome, Mrs. Creswell. I want to thank you for bringing these concerns
to my attention. Your feedback helps us improve our services. We value your patronage and will
ensure that your next visit is a more enjoyable one.

Mr. Creswell: We look forward to that, Supervisor. Thank you for your attention and

Supervisor: Thank you for your understanding as well, Mr. Creswell. Your satisfaction is our
priority, and we will do our best to make sure you have a pleasant dining experience in the future.

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