English Book Level 6

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My Food
I eat three times a day.

I eat breakfast, lunch , and dinner.

I like to eat healthy foods.

Today, I eat a plate of fried rice and drink a glass of chocolate milk for breakfast

For lunch, I usually eat a plate of rice with fried fish and soup.

I drink a glass of cold orange juice

For dinner, I eat a bowl of boil noodle with fried egg.

I like fresh vegetable and sweet fruit.

My favorite are spinach, carrot, corn, apple and banana.

Hhmmmm…… they are delicious!

Answer these questions !

1. How many times do I eat a day ?

2. What do I eat for breakfast ?
3. What do I eat for lunch ?
4. What do I drink for my breakfast ?
5. Do I like fresh vegetables ?
6. What is my favorite vegetable ?
7. What is my favorite fruit ?
8. How are vegetables and fruits ?
9. Do we eat meals in the bathroom ?
10. Is orange juice sweet ?
11. What kind of fruits do I like ?
12. How is the taste ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 1

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Sarah’s Favorite Food

Sarah is a student of elementary school. She is a smart student. Her mother is a

chef. She works at hotel. She can cook many kinds of food. Before Sarah goes to

school, she always eats her breakfast with her family. Her mother cooks delicious

meals. She cooks Sarah’s favorite food, sausages fried rice and corn soup.

Answer the questions !

1. What is sarah ?
2. What does her mother cook ?
3. How is Sarah ?
4. What is Sarah’s mother ?
5. Does Sarah eat breakfast before go to school ?
6. What is Sarah favorite food ?
7. Where does her mother work ?
8. Is Sarah a smart student ?
9. When does Sarah eat her breakfast with her family ?
10. How is the meals ?

Complete with ( eat / eats or drink / drinks )

1. I ……………. a package of candy.
2. She ……………… hot tea.
3. My father ……………… a banana.
4. My sister always ……………. A spoonful of honey.
5. The cat ……………… a salty fish
6. That cow is thirsty. It ……………….. water in the river.
7. The baby ………………. a bottle of milk.
8. They ……………….. hot chilies
9. I do not ……………… yoghurt
10. Are you hungry ? Let’s ………….. some food.

Success is not depend on intelligence, 2

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

John’s Birthday

Today is John’s birthday. He is eight years old now. His friends are in John’s garden.

There is a birthday party in the garden. There is a round table. There are ten chairs.

The birthday cake with eight candles is on the table. There are lots of presents on

the table. They are for John. There is a baseball cap from Ben, a baseball card set

from Tommy, a baseball T-shirt from Downy, a baseball glove from Sean and a

baseball bat from Andrew.So,John is very happy. This is a perfect birthday.

Answer these questions !

1. Why is John happy ?
2. How old is John now ?
3. Is there a birthday party in the school ?
4. Where is the birthday cake ?
5. Are there ten chairs in the garden ?
6. Who gives John A baseball cap ?
7. How is the table ?
8. When is John birthday ?
9. Is John very happy ?
10. How many people are there in the story ?

Write ( T ) for True or ( F ) for False

1. John is eight years old ( ……. )

2. There are five presents from John’s friend ( ……. )
3. John and his friends are in the garden ( ……..)
4. John get a baseball T-shirt ( ……. )
5. Sean gives John a baseball bat ( ……. )
6. John’s birthday is perfect ( ……..)
7. The table is square (……...)
8. John invites his friends (……...)

Success is not depend on intelligence, 3

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

My Family Members
Hi , I am Nova. I am a student. This is my family. My parents are Mr. Aldo and Mrs.

Ratna. My father works at school. He is a headmaster. My mother is a house wife.

She does a housework. I have a brother. He is Dimas. But I do not have a sister. I

also have an uncle. He is Mr. Ben. My uncle’s wife is Mrs. Lala. My uncle and my aunt

have one son. He is Rizal. Rizal is my cousin. We are a happy family.

Answer the questions bellow !

1. Who is Nova’s Mother ?She is ……….
2. Who is Nova’s Father ?He is ………
3. What is Nova ?She is …………
4. Where does Mr. Aldo work ?He works ………….
5. Is Nova a student ?
6. How many family members are there in the text ?There are ……..
7. What is the title of the text ?
8. Who is Nova’s aunt ?She is ………….
9. Are they happy family ?
10. Who is Rizal ?He is Nova’s …………
11. Does Nova have a sister ?
12. Who is Dimas ?He is Nova’s ………

Complete the sentences with ( He is / She is / They are )

1. Mrs. Mira is Nola’s mother. ………………….. a dentist.
2. Nico and Ardy are my cousin. …………………… twin brothers.
3. Mr. Naco works at police office. …………………. a policeman
4. The students are in the class. …………………….. studying Math.
5. My sister is beautiful. ……………………. twelve years old now.
6. My aunt works in the hospital. ………………… a nurse

Success is not depend on intelligence, 4

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

My Family Activities

What´s the time? It is 6 o´clock in the morning. The Jacks are at home, because

today is holiday. Mrs. Jack is in the kitchen. She is  washing the dishes. Lucy is doing

her homework in her study room. It is quite easy for her. Mr. Jack is sitting in his

armchair and reading a Newspaper. Rosa is watching TV. It is a nice cartoon . Kim is

in his bedroom . He is sleeping. He is not feeling well. He has a headache.

( Taken from : www.english exercices.org)

Answer the questions bellow !

1. What is the title of the text ?

2. What time is it now ? It is ……..

3. What is Mrs. Jack doing ? She is …….

4. Where is Mr. jack sitting ? He is sitting in ……..

5. Is Lucy sleeping ?

6. Who is Watching cartoon ? She is ……..

7. Why is Kim sleeping ? Kim is sleeping because ………….

8. How is Lucy’s homework ? It is ……….

9. What is Mr. Jack doing ? He is ………..

10. Is today holiday ?

11. Is Kim sleeping ?

12. Where does Lucy study ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 5

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Joan’s Pets
Joan is a pet lovers. He has some pets in his home. He looks after Fish, Turtle,

parrot, and Cat patiently. He has a big aquarium and he puts fish in it. The turtle is

Tiny. It likes eating vegetables. Flurry is Joan’s Cat. It is brown and white. It likes to

eat fish and drink milk. Joan’s parrot is in the nest. His parrot can talk. It likes to eat

fruit and vegetables. John always feeds his pet twice a day.

Answer the questions !

1. What does Joan have in his home ?
2. How many pets does he have ?
3. Where is his parrot ?
4. Does a turtle eat vegetables ?
5. What is his cat’s name ?
6. How is the cat ?
7. Can the parrot talk ?
8. Is Flurry eat fruit ?
9. Does Joan always feed his pet twice a day ?
10. Where does he put his fish ?
11. How does he look after his pets ?
12. Who is the turtle’s name ?

Complete the sentences with ( has / have )

1. Mr. Tom …………………. a small turtle in the pond.
2. My friends ………………… birds and rabbits at their home.
3. The farmer ………………….. cow, horse, and ducks in his farm.
4. Melly …………………. a funny kitty.
5. Our teacher …………………… two love birds and a cock.
6. A giraffe ……………………….. a long neck.
7. They ………………….. white cat and brown dog.
8. Lucky and Indra ………………… some hamsters.

Success is not depend on intelligence, 6

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Brownie is a Good Dog

I have a big dog in my home. I call it Brownie. It is a good dog. He is not wild but he

can bark if someone is disturbing him. On Sunday morning, I always take Brownie for

a walk. I walk him at the park. Brownie is so happy. We can play ball and run around

the park. If we are tired we can sit on the grass under the shady tree. It is so fun.

Answer the Questions !

1. What is the title of the text ?
2. Who is Brownie ?
3. Is Brownie tame dog ?
4. Can Brownie bark ?
5. When do I take Brownie for a walk ?
6. Where do I take Brownie for a walk ?
7. What do I and Brownie do at the park ?
8. Why do we sit under the shade tree ?
9. Is the dog small ?
10. Is Brownie sad ?

Write ( T ) or ( F ) based on the text !

1. My pet is a dog ( )
2. I and Brownie play ball in the yard ( )
3. My dog’s name is Brownie ( )
4. Go around and play in the park are fun ( )
5. Brownie is a wild dog ( )
6. After we go around the park we sit on the bench ( )
7. I take my dog at the park on Sundays ( )
8. Brownie is male ( )

Success is not depend on intelligence, 7

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Going to The Market

Every Sunday morning, at six o’clock, I go to the traditional market with my mother.

We go by pedicab. I help my mother to carry a shopping bag. We buy some daily needs

for one week. We buy vegetables, fish, meat, chicken, and a kilograms of eggs. We

put them in the shopping bag. The shopping bag is heavy now and the market is

crowded. It is time for us to go home.

Answer the following the questions!

1. What is the title of the text ?
2. When do we go to the traditional market ?
3. What time do we go to the market ?
4. What can I do to help my mother ?
5. What do we go to the market ?
6. Where do we put Vegetables and meat ?
7. Who go to the market ?
8. Is the market crowded ?
9. Do we buy our daily needs for one week ?
10. Mention kinds of daily needs that we buy !

Fill in the blank with ( How much / How many )

1. ……………… sugar do you need ?
2. ……………… apples are there in the basket ?
3. ……………… eggs in the refrigerator ?
4. ……………… jam in the jar ?
5. ……………… coffee in the jar ?
6. ……………… tomatoes on the plate ?
7. ……………… cheese do you eat ?
8. ……………… salt do you want ?
9. ………………avocadoes in the basket ?
10. ……………….potatoes do you have ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 8

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Going to The Zoo

Today is Saturday. I and my classmates go to the Surabaya zoo. We go to the zoo by

school bus. There are many kinds of animals at the zoo. The zoo is large. We walk

along the zoo and see a lot of animals. We take a picture of monkeys. They are

climbing and hanging on the trees. They are so funny. Then, we go the fish area.

There are many kinds of fish. The fish are in the big aquarium. After we are tired,

We have lunch together under the tree. We bring some foods and drink from our


Answer the questions !

1. What day is today ?
2. Where do we go ?
3. Who go to the zoo ?
4. How is the zoo ?
5. What do we do in the zoo ?
6. Are the monkeys funny ?
7. How do we go to the zoo ?
8. What are the monkeys doing ?
9. What do we do after we are tired ?
10. Where are the fish ?
11. Where do we have lunch ?
12. Do we buy food in the zoo ?

Complete the sentences with There is / There are

1. ……………………three big elephants in the cage.
2. ……………………a white cat under the table.
3. ……………………some horses in the stable.
4. ……………………the small birds on the tree.
5. ……………………an ant on the wall.
6. ……………………deer and donkey in the park.

Success is not depend on intelligence, 9

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Tammy is a Baby Elephant

There is a baby elephant in the zoo.

It is Tammy.

Tammy lives in the baby zoo.

It is grey. It has four legs.

It has two wide ears.

It has a trunk. Its tail is long.

It likes eating grass.

A lot of visitors want to take a picture together with Tammy.

Answer the questions !

1. What is Tammy ?
2. Where doe Tammy live ?
3. Is Tammy Grey ?
4. How many legs does Tammy have ?
5. What does Tammy like to eat ?
6. How are Tammy’s ears ?
7. Does Tammy have a trunk ?
8. Who wants to take a picture with Tammy ?

Fill in the blank !

1. What does the crocodile look like ? is it big, small, long ,or short ?
2. What color is the crocodile skin ?
3. How many legs does the crocodile have ?
4. How are the crocodile’s teeth ?
5. What does the crocodile like to eat ?
6. Where does the crocodile live ?
7. How is the crocodile’s tail ?
8. Is the crocodile wild ?.
9. Is the crocodile heavy ?
Success is not depend on intelligence, 10
But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

10. Can the crocodile run fast ?

Read the dialogue !

Tanti is talking to her new schoolmate.

Tanti : Hi, Good afternoon

What is your name ?

Dewi : Hi, Good afternoon.

I am Dewi. How about you ?

Tanti : Oh, my name is Tanti.

It’s nice to meet you, Dewi

Dewi : It’s nice to meet you too, Tanti

Tanti : What is your address ?

Dewi : My address is on Mango street

Where do you live, Tanti ?

Tanti : I live on Merdeka street.

Dewi : Ok, I must go now.

See you tomorrow, Tanti

Tanti : Ok, See you tomorrow.


Write ( T ) for True or ( F ) for False !

1. There are two students in the dialogue ( )

2. Dewi lives on Merdeka street ( )

3. They are talking in the morning ( )

4. Tanti is Dewi’s schoolmate ( )

5. Tanti’s address is on Mango street ( )

6. They are talking about their home address ( )

7. They study at the same school ( )

Success is not depend on intelligence, 11
But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Kenya is a Pretty Girl

This is Kenya. She is in the class two of elementary school. She is a pretty girl. Her

body is tall. She has a long and black hair. Her eyes are round and blue. She has a lot

of friends. She can sing and dance. She usually wins the singing competition. Her

parents are proud of her.

Write ( T ) for True or ( F ) for False !

1. Kenya is not ugly girl ( )

2. Kenya’s hair is black ( )
3. Kenyacan not dance ( )
4. Kenya is not a student ( )
5. Kenya’s eyes are blue ( )
6. Kenya is short ( )
7. Kenya sings in the competition ( )
8. Kenya’s hair is not short ( )

Answer the questions with Yes / No

1. Can Kenya sing ?
2. Is Kenya short ?
3. Does Kenya have long hair ?
4. Are her parents proud of Kenya ?
5. Is Kenya in the class two ?
6. Are Kenya’s eyes black ?

Answer the questions below !

1. What is Kenya ?
2. How is her hair ?
3. What can Kenya do ?
4. How are her eyes ?
5. What does she win ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 12

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Ben is My Brother

Ben is my brother.

He is ten years old.

He is a good football player.

He always plays football on Sunday morning.

He plays football together with his friends.

They go to the field in the morning to afternoon.

He likes watching football match on television.

He loves to eat healthy food and drink fresh milk.

It can make his body health.

Answer the questions !

1. Who is my brother ?
2. Is he a good player ?
3. How old is he ?
4. What does he like to watch ?
5. When does he play football ?
6. Why does Ben like to eat healthy food ?
7. What does he like to eat ?
8. Where do Ben and his friends play football ?
9. When do they go home from the field ?
10. What does he like to drink ?

Write ( T ) or ( F )
1. My brother’s name is Ben ( )
2. Ben likes to play football on Sundays ( )
3. The can play football well ( )
4. Ben does not like to watch Football program ( )
5. Drinking milk can make his body sick ( )
6. Ben go home from the field in the afternoon ( )

Success is not depend on intelligence, 13

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Sam’s School Bag

Sam has a big school bag. There are many kinds of thing inside his bag. There are blue

note book, two red pencils, a white ruler, a black rubber, and a green pencil case. The

note book is thick, the pencils are sharp and long, the ruler is long, the rubber is clean

and his pencil case is rectangle.

Answer the questions !

1. What does Sam have ?
2. What is his pencil case like ?
3. What color is his note book ?
4. How many pencils are there ?
5. How is the note book ?
6. How are the pencils ?
7. How many rubber are there ?
8. What color is the pencil case ?

Answer the questions based on yourself !

1. What color is your bag ?
2. What are there in your bag ?
3. What color is your pencil ?
4. How is your pencil ?
5. How many books are there in your bag ?
6. Do you have a ruler ?

Answer the questions with Yes / No

1. Are the pencils short ?
2. Is the pencil case green ?
3. Is the school bag small ?
4. Is the rubber dirty ?
5. Are the books thick ?
6. Is the pencil case square ?
Success is not depend on intelligence, 14
But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

My Bike

I have a bike.

I put my bike in the garage.

It is red and it has two wheels.

I always clean my bike once a week.

I get it from my father.

I always ride my bike to go to school.

On Sunday morning, I and my friends ride our bike around the park.

I. Answer the questions !

1. Where do I put my bike ?
2. How many wheels does my bike have ?
3. What color is my bike ?
4. How many times do I clean my bike ?
5. Who gives me a bike ?
6. When do I ride bike around the park ?
7. Where do I ride my bike ?
8. When do I always clean my bike ?

II. Complete the sentences with play / plays

1. Santo ……………… his kite in the yard.
2. The children ………………….. marble in the back yard.
3. Maya and Siti ………………… dolls together.
4. She ……………….. her favorite puzzle.
5. I do not ………………. badminton today.
6. The boys ………………… toy cars.
7. They …………………… hopscotch.
8. Gilang ……………….. his new toy plane
9. We…………………… hide and seek.
10. My brother ………………… the guitar well.

Success is not depend on intelligence, 15

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Dio and Maya are in the supermarket now

Dio : Hi, Maya ! What do you want to buy ?

Maya : Hi, Dio ! I want to buy some snacks.

What are you looking for, Dio ?

Dio : I want to buy some pencils and note books.

Maya : How many pencils and note books do you need ?

Dio : I need three pencils. One blue pencil and two yellow

Pencils. And I want to buy two white note books.

Maya : Do you go to supermarket by bicycle ?

Dio : No, I don’t. I go here on foot.

Maya : Ok, let’s we pay them in the cashier !

Dio : Ok, Let’s go !

I. Answer the questions !

1. What does Maya want to buy ?
2. What does Dio want to buy ?
3. What color are the pencils ?
4. Does Dio go to supermarket by bike ?
5. Where do they pay the things ?
6. Where is Maya and Nino ?

II. Complete the sentences with This is / These are / Is this / Are these
1. ………………….. my blue pencils.
2. …………………… not sister’s skirt.
3. ……………………. your comics ?
4. ……………………..a new sharpener.
5. …………………….. Nadia’s dictionary ?
6. …………………….. my uncle’s cars .
7. …………………….. sweet apples ?
8. ……………………..yellow cap
Success is not depend on intelligence, 16
But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Mike’s Farm
Mike lives in the farm. There are many animals in his farm. There are cows, birds,

goat, ducks, horses, and chickens. But Mike’s favorite is his horse. His horse’s name is

stormy. Stormy stays in a stable. For fun Mike rides Stormy to the lake. Stormy

helps mike to pull a cart to carry oranges to the garden. Stormy is a happy horse.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is the title of the text ?
2. Where does Mike live ?
3. What kinds of animals are there in the farm ?
4. What is Mike’s favorite animal ?
5. What is Mike’s horse name ?
6. Is Stormy a happy horse ?
7. Where does Stormy live ?
8. How can Stormy help me ?
9. Does Mike ride Stormy to the lake ?
10. Are there six kinds of animals in the farm ?

II. Complete the sentences with There is / There are / Is there / Are there
1. …………………………five ducks.
2. …………………………a black horse
3. …………………………ten pigs
4. …………………………hamster and kitten ?
5. …………………………an ox ?
6. …………………………parrots and love birds.
7. …………………………brown goat ?
8. …………………………one hen
9. …………………………three turtles.
10. …………………………white cows ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 17

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Grandma and Grandpa

Nico’s grandma is short and fat. His grandpa is tall and thin. They are both old. They

have white hair. They are kind. They always hug him. They always kiss him. They

always bring him gifts. They always bring him chocolates. They always visit for a few

days. They are nice to him. He loves them.

I. Answer the questions !

1. How is Nico’s grandma ?
2. How is Nico’s grandpa ?
3. Are Nico’s grandparents kind ?
4. What do they bring for Nico ?
5. Does Nico love his grandparents ?
6. How long do they visit Nico ?
7. What color are their hair ?

II. Complete the sentences !

1. Your mother’s son is your …………

2. Your father’s sister is your ………….

3. Your mother’s parents are your …………..

4. Your father daughter is your ……………

5. Your uncle’s wife is your ………………..

6. Your aunt’s son is your …………………

7. Your father’s mother is your …………….

8. Your grandmother’s son is your……………….

9. Your mother husband is your ……………….

10. Your sister is your parents ………………

Success is not depend on intelligence, 18

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence


On Saturday morning, Lady wants to spend the weekend outside. She goes camping.

She goes by car. She camps in the woods. She camps with her family. They set up a

tent. It is a big tent. It sleeps three people. She sleeps with her mom and dad in the

tent. They sit around a campfire at night. The campfire keeps them warm. They cook

food in the campfire.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is the title of the text ?
2. Where does lady go ?
3. How does Lady go ?
4. Where does lady sleep ?
5. Who sleep in the tent ?
6. When does lady go camping ?
7. Do they cook in the campfire ?
8. Where does Lady camp ?
9. Does the campfire make them warm ?
10. Do they camp in the wood ?

II. Write ( T ) or ( F )
1. Lady goes camping on Saturday morning ( )
2. They build a small tent ( )
3. Lady goes camping with her family ( )
4. The campfire can make them cold ( )
5. There are three people in a tent ( )
6. They go camping by bus ( )
7. They cook in the campfire ( )
8. Lady sleeps with her parents ( )

Success is not depend on intelligence, 19

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Rainy Day

My name is Raka.

Today is July 8, 2011.

It is a rainy day.

I am so happy today because it is raining.

I like rainy days.

I do not like sunny days.

I like the sound of the rain.

I like the clouds.

The clouds are grey and big.

The weather is cold.

I can use my colorful umbrella outside.

I love the rain.

( Taken from : http://readtheory.org )

Answer the following questions !

1. What is my name ?
2. What date is today ?
3. Why am I happy ?
4. Do I like sunny days ?
5. How is the weather today ?
6. What color are the clouds ?
7. How are the clouds ?
8. What can I use outside ?
9. Do I love the rain ?
10. What do I like of the rain ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 20

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

The Singing Bird and The Funny Cat

Ben has two cats. Their names are max and Tito. Max is black. Max has green eyes.

Tito is brown. Tito has blue eyes. They are fast and beautiful. Ben also has a bird.

Her name is Lily. Lily likes to sing. Lily sings everyday. Sometimes, she sings very loud.

Max and Tito try to discover who is singing. They look everywhere. Finally, they see

who is singing. It is Lily ! They sit and watch her sing.

I. Answer the following questions !

1. How many cats does Ben have ?
2. What are the cats name ?
3. What color is Max ?
4. What colors are Max’s eyes ?
5. Is Tito black ?
6. What colors are Tito’s eyes ?
7. Who is Lily ?
8. What does Lily like to do ?
9. When does Lily sing ?
10. How are Ben’s cats ?

II. Complete the sentences with can / can’t

1. The hens …………… produce eggs.

2. A pigeon ……………. Fly.
3. A goat ……………… swim.
4. The dogs ……………. Bark
5. A horse ……………… run fast.
6. A duck ……………. Jump
7. The cows ………………. Give us milk
8. The cock ………………. Climb on the tree

Success is not depend on intelligence, 21

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Mother and her two children want to make cookies

Mother : Come here, children !

I need you now.

Boy and girl : What for, mother ?

What do you want to us ?

Mother : I want you to help me. I want to make cookies.

You can help me.

Boy and Girl : Oh, It is so fun. We like to do this.

Girl : I will make one look like a cat

Boy : I can make one look like a dog

Mother : Ok, now put them into the oven and wait for thirty minutes.

Boy and Girl : Hmm, they are ready to served. It must be delicious.

We like to help you, mother. And we like to eat the cookies.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What does mother want to make ?
2. Who help mother ?
3. Do the children help mother ?
4. Are the cookies delicious ?
5. How long do they wait for the cake ?

II. Complete with a plate of / a bowl of / a glass of / a cup of

1. I ………………….……………………………………… fried rice

2. Rosa……………………………………………………………. Chocolate milk

3. My father …………………………………………………………….Coffee every morning

4. They ………………………..…………………………………….. meatball

5. Mr. Beni………………………………….……………………………………. Hot tea

6. Mira and I …………………………………………………………………….noodle

Success is not depend on intelligence, 22

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Sally is a Good Swimmer

Sally loves swimming. She is a good swimmer. Her school has a swim team. She is on

the team. She practices everyday. She swims in the pool. She swims two hours

everyday. She wins the races because she is strong. She wants to swim in the

Olympic. She wants to swim for her country, Indonesia.

I. Answer the questions !

1. Who is a good swimmer ?
2. When does Sally practice swimming ?
3. Why does Sally win the races ?
4. Where does she want to swim ?
5. Does she want to swim for Indonesia ?
6. Is sally on the swim team ?

II. Fill with the correct verb !

1. The boy is ……………………… his teeth

2. The chef is ……………………….. dinner

3. The bus driver is ……………………… a bus

4. The children are …………………………….. football

5. He is …………………………….. a book.

6. My mother is …………………………… in the bedroom.

7. I am …………………………… a picture.

8. She is ………………………… fried rice.

9. The fisherman is ………………………….. in the river.

10. The man is ……………………………. In the phone

11. We are …………………………. a note

12. The baby is …………………….. milk

Success is not depend on intelligence, 23

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Hide and Seek

Jane likes playing hide and seek.

She plays together with her brother and sister.

They play hide and seek after school in the afternoon.

They play in the back yard.

It is fun and easy to play.

One player closes eyes and counts to ten.

The others players hide somewhere.

I. Answer the questions !

1. Who play hide and seek ?
2. Does Jane’s sister play hide and seek together ?
3. When do they play hide and seek ?
4. Where do they play hide and seek ?
5. Is hide and seek easy to play ?

II. Arrange the words of toys and give the meaning

1. Y ___ ___ O : ……………………………

2. D ___ L ___ : ……………………………

3. K ___ T ___ : ……………………………

4. T ___ P : ……………………………

5. MA ___ ___ L ___ : ……………………………

6. P ___ ZZ ___ E : ……………………………

7. B ___ ___ L : ……………………………

8. TO ___ C ___ R : ……………………………

9. R ___ ___ BO ___ : …………………………..

10. D ___ C ___ : ……………………………

Success is not depend on intelligence, 24

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Six Candles on The Birthday Cake

It is Naira’s birthday party.

Her parents celebrate it at home.

Naira looks at the birthday cake.

There are six candles on the birthday cake, because Naira is six years old now.

Naira’s mother and father Light the candles.

They sing happy birthday song together.

After that, Naira blows the candles.

Naira, her mother and her father clap their hands and laugh happily.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is the title of the text ?
2. Is there a birthday cake ?
3. What do they sing ?
4. Why are there six candles on the birthday cake ?
5. Where do Naira’s parents celebrate the birthday party ?
6. How many candles are there ?
7. Who lights the candles ?
8. What does Naira do after sing happy birthday song ?
9. Are they happy ?
10. How old is Naira ?

II. Answer the questions based on yourself !

1. When were you born ?
2. How old are you now ?
3. When is your mother birthday ?
4. When is your father birthday ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 25

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

My Bedroom
This is my bedroom.

It is not big but it looks clean and neat.

The wall is pink, because pink is my favorite color.

There is my family’s pictures on the wall.

The wardrobe is beside the television.

I put my clothes in it.

My bed is in front of the television.

There are two pillows, one bolster, and a blanket on it.

I. Answer the questions !

1. How is the bedroom ?
2. What color is the wall ?
3. Where is the picture ?
4. Where do I put my clothes ?
5. Where is the bed ?
6. How many pillow are there ?
7. Is the wardrobe in front of the television ?
8. Are there two bolsters ?
9. What are there on the bed ?
10. Why is the wall pink ?

II. Translate into English !

1. Sayamakannasi di ruangmakan
 ………………………………….
2. Mereka menonton TV di ruang tamu
 ……………………………………
1. Kamumemasakmie di dapur
 ………………………………….
1. Kami tidur di kamartidur
 ………………………………….

Success is not depend on intelligence, 26

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

At The Kitchen

Kitchen is a place to cook meals and wash the dishes.

There are many kitchen tools in the kitchen.

There are spatula, knife, frying pan, stove, rice cooker and so on.

My mother and I are making soup.

I am helping my mother to slice carrot and potato.

After we cook in the kitchen, We always clean it.

We wash the dishes in the sink.

So, the kitchen does not look dirty.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is the kitchen for ?
2. Is there stove in the kitchen ?
3. What are my mother and I make ?
4. What do we do after cook in the kitchen ?
5. Where we wash the dishes ?
6. Is the kitchen dirty ?

II. Complete the story !

My mother is cooking in the …………………she wears an …………………… she makes chicken

soup. I slice carrots, potatoes, and tomatoes with a sharp………… then I put the

vegetables in the ………... Mother Fries fish in the ………………………………. . After that we

……………………………. the dishes. Then we eat together in the …………………………………….

Success is not depend on intelligence, 27

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Mr. Jack
Mr. Jack Is a bus driver.

He always goes to work in the morning.

He always wears his uniform.

He works from 07.00 to 17.00 .

He is free on Sunday.

He likes to spend the holiday with his family.

Mr. Jack is a good driver.

He drives the bus carefully.

A lot of people love him so much because he is kind and funny.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is Mr. Jack ?
2. What time does he go to work ?
3. How does he drive a bus ?
4. Is he free on Sunday ?
5. Does Mr. Jack go home at 17.00 ?
6. How is Mr. jack ?
7. Why do a lot of people love him ?
8. How many hours does he work a day ?
9. What time does he go home ?
10. Does he always work in the morning ?
11. What does he wear to go to work ?
12. Does he spend the holiday with his family ?

II. Answer the questions based on yourself !

1. What time do you get up ? I get up at …………………
2. What time do you go to school? I go to school at …………………
3. What time do you study at home ? I study at ………………………
4. What time do you go to bed ? I go to bed at …………………….....

Success is not depend on intelligence, 28

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Read the dialogue !

Anti : Hi, Luna ! Who is that girl ?

Luna : Oh, She is Bertha. She is my cousin.

Anti : Where does she comes from ?

Luna : She comes from Jakarta.

She will stay at my home for Six days.

Anti : Is she a student ?

Luna : Yes. She is in the class five of elementary school.

Anti : How old is she ?

Luna : She is ten years old.

I. Answer the questions !

1. Who are there in the dialogue ?
2. Who is Luna’s cousin ?
3. Where does Bertha come from ?
4. Is Bertha a student ?
5. How many days will Bertha stay ?
6. What class is bertha ?
7. How old is Bertha ?

II. Complete the sentences with His / Her and the name of the month
1. ( Ben, 12 / 5 ) …………………birthday is on …………………
2. ( Jane, 01 / 03 ) ……………… birthday is on …………………
3. ( Maya, 05 / 21 ) ……………...birthday is on …………………
4. ( John, 07 / 02 ) ……………….birthday is on …………………
5. ( Amir, 02 / 13 ) ………………birthday is on …………………
6. ( Lita, 03 / 23 ) ………………..birthday is on …………………
7. ( Rosa, 06 / 13 ) ………………birthday is on …………………
8. ( Billy, 10 / 01 ) ………………birthday is on …………………
9. ( Hana, 08 / 30 ) ………………birthday is on …………………
10. ( Mike, 10 / 15 ) ………………birthday is on …………………

Success is not depend on intelligence, 29

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Rosa’s Neighbor
Rosa has a neighbor. He is Mr. Andi. He works as a policeman. Herides a motorcycle to

the office. He goes to the police office at 07.00 every morning. He works from

Monday to Saturday. Sometimes he helps to regulate the roads. Mr. Andi is a brave

and helpful person. She likes him very much.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is Mr. Andi ?
2. When does he go to work ?
3. How does he go to work ?
4. How is Mr. Andi ?
5. What time does Mr. Andi work ?
6. How many days does he go to work ?

II. Answer the questions with Yes / No

1. Does Mr. Andi regulate the road ?
2. Is Mr. Andi Rosa’s father ?
3. Does Rosa like Mr. Andi very much ?
4. Does Mr. Andi go to work every morning ?
5. Does he go to his office by bicycle ?

III. Complete these sentences based on the text !

1. Mr. Andi is a …………………
2. Mr. Andi works at ………………
3. Mr. Andi go to work at …………….
4. Mr.Andi is Rosa’s …………………..
5. Mr. Andi is a ………………. Person.
6. Mr. Andi goes to the police office in the ……………….
7. Mr. Andi sometimes regulates ……………………
8. Rosa likes …………………………

Success is not depend on intelligence, 30

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence


My favorite season is summer. It is hot and sunny. I can go to the beach then I can

swim in the sea. I also can wear my favorite clothes. I like wearing shorts, T-shirt,

and a pair of sandals. After that I can walk along the beach or ride my bike at the

beach, then I can drink a cone of ice cream.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is my favorite season ?

2. How is the weather ?

3. Where can I go ?

4. What can I do ?

5. What do I like to wear ?

6. What do I like to drink ?

II. Write ( T ) or ( F ) !
1. I like to drink ice cream at the beach ( )

2. I don’t wear a pair of shoes at the beach ( )

3. The weather is cold in summer ( )

4. I wear a swimsuit for swimming in the sea ( )

5. I like to ride my bike to walk along the beach ( )

6. My favorite clothes is trousers ( )

Success is not depend on intelligence, 31

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Mulan’s Feelings

These are the ways Mulan feels sometimes.

When her birthday comes near or she eats her favorite pizza, she feels happy.

When she is sick on the bed or she can not play outside because of raining, she feels


When she gets a good mark at school or she can ride her bike without falling, she

feels proud.

When the light off suddenly or she reads a story about ghost, she feels afraid.

When her toys get broken or her friends say a bad words, she feels angry.

Mulan feels a lot of different feelings everyday.

I. Answer these by using Yes / No questions !

1. Is Mulan happy when she eats pizza ?
2. Does Mulan feel angry when her friend says bad words ?
3. Is Mulan afraid when she is sick ?
4. Does Mulan feel a lot of different feeling everyday ?
5. Is Mulan proud when she get good marks ?

II. Complete The sentences with do / does / is / are and the proper subject
1. ( Mrs. Ayu ) How…….…….. feel ? …….………. sick.
2. ( Bayu ) How …….…….. feel ? …….……….sad.
3. ( Bella and Rio )How ……..……. .feel ? …….………. Hungry.
4. ( Jhony ) How ……...…….feel ? ……. ………. happy

Success is not depend on intelligence, 32

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Kenny’s Hobby
Kenny’s hobby is gardening. She plants the flowers in the garden.

There are pink roses, white jasmines, purple orchids, and yellow sun flowers. The

garden is small but it is so colorful. She always waters the flowers in the morning and

afternoon. She uses a watering can. Sometimes, she sells the flowers to the florist.

I. Answer the following questions !

1. What is Kenny’s hobby ?
2. What does she plant in the garden ?
3. How many flowers are there in the garden ?
4. What color are the orchids ?
5. How is the garden ?
6. When does she water the flower ?
7. Where does she sell the flowers ?
8. What does she use to water the plant ?
9. Are the roses pink ?
10. Is there tree in the garden ?

II. Complete the sentences with ( My, Your, Her, His, Their, Our )
1. Susan likes drawing  ………… hobby is drawing.
2. I like fishing in the river  ………… hobby is fishing.
3. Mother and I like making cake  ………… hobby is cooking.
4. Mr. Galih likes going to the pool  ………… hobby is swimming.
5. Rina and Okta like singing a pop song  ………… hobby is singing.
6. You like reading books  ………… hobby is reading.
7. Mira likes rose flowers  ………….hobby is gardening.
8. The students like riding the bike …………..hobby is cycling
9. I like dancing  ………….hobby is dancing.
Success is not depend on intelligence, 33
But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

10. The children like football …………..hobby is playing football

I Can Play Music

I like music and I can play music.

I can play piano, guitar, and drum.

I practice piano on Tuesday.

On Thursday, I practice guitar

And on Saturday I practice drum.

My music’s teacher is Mr. Derry.

He teaches me patiently.

Mr. Derry says I must practice music all the time.

I like playing music because I want to be a musician.

My father is a musician too.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is the title of the text ?
2. What can I play ?
3. When do I practice piano ?
4. When Do I practice drum ?
5. When do I practice guitar ?
6. Who teaches me play music ?
7. What does Mr. Derry say ?
8. Why do I like play music ?
9. What is my father ?
10. What do I want to be ?

II. Answer the questions with Yes / No

1. Can I play the guitar ?
2. Does Mr. Derry teach me music ?
3. Do I practice the drum on Thursday ?
4. Do I want to be a musician ?
Success is not depend on intelligence, 34
But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

5. Is my father a music teacher ?

My Library
My library is near my home. I use it every week. There are bookshelves around the

library. The books are on the shelves. There are tables and chairs where people can

read. In the centre of the library there is a counter. There is a computer on it. The

librarians work here. They are very helpful. My library is my favorite place. It is

quiet. I can read, study or borrow some books at the library.

( Taken from : www.agendaweb.org )

I. Answer the questions !

1. Where is my library ?
2. When do I use the library ?
3. What are there in the library ?
4. Who work in the library ?
5. Can I study in the library ?
6. Is there computer ?
7. How are the librarian ?
8. What can we do in the library ?
9. Where are the books ?
10. How is the library ?
11. Is the library far from my house ?
12. Where is the computer ?

II. Change into plural!

1. There is a librarian in the library  ……………………………
2. That is library card  …………………………….
3. This is not new magazine  …………………………….
4. Is there announcement board ?  …………………………….
5. Is this your comic ?  ……………………………..
6. That is not her computer  ……………………………..

Success is not depend on intelligence, 35

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Read this letter !

Dear, Betty

Hi, Betty ! how are you ? I hope you are fine. Next month, I will visit you. The

school is holiday. I will spend my holiday with you. I want you take me to the special

place in Surabaya. I will stay at your house for six days. So, we will have fun together.

Ok, Betty I will call you later. See you next month.



I. Write ( T ) for True or ( F ) for false !
1. Suzan writes a letter for Betty ( )
2. Today is school’s holiday ( )
3. This letter is for Suzan ( )
4. Betty will stay at Suzan’s house for six days ( )
5. Betty will call Suzan ( )
6. Suzan will visit Betty next month ( )

II. Answer the questions below !

1. Who writes the letter ?
2. Who reads the letter ?
3. When will Suzan stay in Betty’s house ?
4. Why will Suzan visit Betty’s house ?
5. What does Suzan ask to Betty ?
6. Where does Betty live ?

III. Answer the questions according to yourself !

1. Where can we send the letter ?
2. What do we need to write and send a letter ?
3. Who delivers the letter ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 36

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

David’s Pencils

David looks for his pencil.

It is his yellow pencil.

He uses it for doing his homework.

He forgets to put the pencil in the pencil case.

He looks for the pencil everywhere.

His yellow pencil is not in the bedroom.

He thinks and thinks to remember.

Finally, David knows where his pencil.

He looks for in the kitchen.

He finds his yellow pencil on the table.

It is beside the rice cooker.

David is happy now.

Answer the questions !

1. Who looks for the pencil ?
2. What color is David’s pencil ?
3. Where does he find the pencil ?
4. Is the pencil in his bedroom ?
5. How does David feel ?
6. Where does he look for his pencil ?
7. Is David sad now ?
8. What does he use the pencil for ?
9. Why is David happy now ?
10. What is beside his pencil ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 37

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

At The Park
Adel, Lina, and Dona go to the park. They like the park. The park has a playground.

The playground has a slide. They slide down the slide. The playground has a sandbox.

They play in the sand. They make sand castle. The playground has a seesaw. They go

up and down on the seesaw. The playground has swings. They swing on the swings.

They always go to the park on Sunday morning. They do not go to the park from

Monday to Saturday because they study at school.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is the title of the text ?
2. Who play to the park ?
3. What does the park have ?
4. Does the park have playground ?
5. What do they do at the sandbox ?
6. When do they always go to the park ?
7. Why they go to the park on Sunday ?
8. What do they do from Monday to Sunday ?

II. Complete the sentences with do / does

1. ……….......you like cats ?
2. ………….. he drive to school ?
3. …………...they play tennis ?
4. …………...Amy like her brother ?
5. …………...Jane and Patrick go to the same school ?
6. …………...she bring her bag to school ?
7. …………...Mr. Bean live in London ?
8. …………...the butterflies fly on the flower ?
9. …………...we feel happy ?
10. …………...dog sleep under the table ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 38

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Tom’s Activity
On Sunday, Tom gets up at 10 o'clock. Then he reads the newspaper in the kitchen.

He has breakfast at 11.30 and then he telephones his mother in Singapore.In the

afternoon, at 1.00, Tom plays tennis with his sister and after that, they eat dinner in

a restaurant. At 6.00, Tom swims for one hour and then he goes by bike to his

brother´s house. They talk and listen to music.Tom watches television in the evening

and drinks a glass of hot milk. He goes to bed at 11.30.

( Taken from : www.esl-longue.com )

I. Answer the questions !

1.  Where does Tom have breakfast?
2. Who does he telephone in the morning?
3. Where does his mother live?
4. What time does he play tennis with his sister?
5. How long does Tom swim for?
6. How does Tom go to his brother's house?
7. What does Tom drink in the evening?
8. What time does Tom go to bed?
9. When does Tom get up at ten o’clock ?
10. What does he read in the kitchen ?
11. What does Tom go after swim ?
12. What does he do in the evening ?

II. Answer the questions with Yes / No

1. Is Tom’s mother in Singapore ?
2. Does Tom swim in the evening ?
3. Does Tom swim with his sister ?
4. Does Tom like hot milk ?
5. Do Tom and his brother talk and listen to music ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 39

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

See a Movie
On Sunday evening, I go to the cinema with my Dad. We want to see a movie. We want

to see Spiderman II. The cinema is crowded, because it is holiday. My Dad stands in

queue. He will buy the tickets. He buys two tickets. He gives the money to the ticket

counter. It is fifty thousand rupiahs. The movie starts at 07.00 in the evening.

I. Answer the questions !

1. Where do I go on Sunday evening ?
2. What do we want to see ?
3. How is the cinema ?
4. Why is the cinema crowded ?
5. How much are the tickets ?
6. What time does the movie start ?
7. When do we go to the cinema ?
8. What is the title of the movie ?

II. Answer the questions with Yes / No

1. Is it Sunday ?
2. Do we go to the cinema ?
3. Does the movie start in the afternoon ?
4. Does my father buy one ticket ?
5. Do we go to the cinema in the afternoon ?
6. Does the movie start at seven o’clock ?

III. Complete the sentences with What, Who, Where

1. ………………..are your parents ? They are in the garden.
2. ………………..are those ? Those are my toys
3. ………………..is his name ? His name is Mr. Josh
4. ………………..is that girl ? She is my classmate
5. ……………….do you live ? I live on Jl. mangga

Success is not depend on intelligence, 40

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

My Beautiful Hair

I have beautiful hair.

My hair is long.

It is black and straight.

I wash my hair with shampoo twice a week.

After I wash my hair, I dry it with a towel.

Then I use a hair dryer to dry my hair.

After that I give my hair a hair’s vitamin.

Finally, I comb my hair neatly in front of the mirror.

Sometimes, I put a ribbon on my hair.

So, My hair always looks health and shiny

I. Answer the questions !

1. How is my hair ?
2. What do I use to wash my hair ?
3. How many times do I wash my hair ?
4. Where do I comb my hair ?
5. Where do I put on my ribbon ?
6. Does my hair look health ?
7. What do I use to dry my hair ?
8. What do I give for my hair ?
9. How does I comb my hair ?
10. Is my hair black ?

II. Complete the sentences with There is / There are

1. …………………………… my tongue
2. …………………………… my eyes.
3. ……………………………. my stomach
4. ……………………………. my feet.
5. …………………………….. my shoulders
Success is not depend on intelligence, 41
But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Read the dialogue !

Zakky ; Bon, do you have a dictionary ?

Bona : Yes. I have one

Zakky : Can I borrow your dictionary, please ?

I will do my English homework.

Bona : Yes, of course.

but don’t forget to return it this evening.

Zakky : Sure. Don’t be worry!

Bonna : Ok, you can take my dictionary.

Zakky : Thank you, Bona.

See you later.

I. Answer the questions !

1. Who are there in the dialogue ?
2. Who wants to borrow a dictionary ?
3. How many dictionary does Bona have ?
4. Can zakky borrow a dictionary ?
5. When does Zakky return the dictionary ?

II. Complete the sentences with You, They, We, He, She, It
1. Mr. Lukman is my uncle. …………….. works at bank.
2. The children are playing in the park. ……………… are playing see saw
3. Are …………… a student? Yes, I am.
4. A monkey is eating.. …………… likes eating peanuts.
5. My friends and I are in the library. ……………….. borrow some books.
6. Inas and Hanny go to the supermarket. ……………….. buy some snacks.
7. The woman cooks meals. ……………… cooks fried noodle.
8. The boy and the girls have a flag ceremony. ……………….. are in the school yard.
9. The old man is my grandfather. ……………….. walks with his stick.
10. The fisherman is fishing fish. ……………… rows the boat.
Success is not depend on intelligence, 42
But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Read the dialogue !

Teacher : Nino, Do you have brother ?

Nino : Yes, I have two brothers. But I do not have sister.

Teacher : What are their names ?

Nino : They are Michael and Josh.

Michael is eleven and Josh is nine years old.

Teacher : What is your father, Nino ?

Nino : He is an architect.

Teacher : And What about your mother, What does she do ?

Nino : She does not work at office. She is a housewife.

I and my brothers usually help mother to do the house work.

I. Answer the questions !

1. How many brother does Nino have ?
2. Does Nino have sister ?
3. Who are Nino’s brothers ?
4. What is Nino’s mother ?
5. How old is Josh ?
6. What is Nino’s father ?
7. What do Nino and his brother do to help mother ?
8. How old is Michael ?

II. Write ( T ) or ( F )
1. There are five members in Nino’s family ( )
2. Nino does not have sister ( )
3. Josh is older than Michael ( )
4. Nino’s mother works at office ( )
5. Nino’s father is an architect ( )\
6. Nino is talking with his teacher ( )
Success is not depend on intelligence, 43
But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

A Cup of Hot Coffee

My father likes to drink coffee.

He prefers to drink hot coffee to cold coffee.

He makes a cup of coffee in the afternoon.

He prepares the cup, a saucer, a spoon, two spoonful of coffee, three spoonful of

sugar and hot water.

He puts coffee in the cup.

He adds sugar in the cup.

After that he pour hot water in the cup.

Then He stirs the coffee.

Then he drinks a cup of coffee and eats some cookies.

I. Answer the questions !

1. Who likes to drink coffee ?
2. When does father make a cup of coffee ?
3. How much sugar does he need ?
4. Does father like hot coffee ?
5. What does he do after he stirs the coffee ?
6. What does he prepare for making a cup of coffee ?

II. Complete with is not / are not / do not / does not

1. She ………….. eat a plate of rice.
2. The cow ……………. drinking water in the river.
3. Monty and Jacky …………… washing the plates.
4. We …………….. make chocolate cake.
5. Mr. Andi …………….. bringing a bottle of milk.
6. The rabbit ……………. run in the yard.
7. My brother ……………. sit on the sofa.
8. He ………………. Cleaning the kitchen.
Success is not depend on intelligence, 44
But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

School’s Uniform
I am a student of elementary school.

I have four school’s uniforms.

On Monday, I wear white and white uniform, a tie, and a cap.

Every student has a flag ceremony at school.

On Tuesday to Thursday, I wear white and red uniform.

On Friday, I wear batik’s uniform.

On Saturday, I wear scout uniform.

I have different uniforms, but I always wear white socks and black shoes at school

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is the title of the text ?
2. How many uniform do I have ?
3. What do I wear on Wednesday ?
4. What do I wear on Friday ?
5. What do I always wear at school ?
6. Do the students have flag ceremony every Monday ?

II. Complete with This is / That is / These are / Those are

1. That is my blue tie. ………………….. their …………………….
2. These are her skirts. …………………. my ………………...
3. Those are Nina’s Jackets. ………………. Kiky’s …………………
4. This is Sammy’s Jeans. ……………………. Dodi’s ………………
5. That is his vest. …………………. your ……………………
6. Those are my mother’s dresses. ……………… your mother’s ………..
7. This is Rita’s shirt. ………………… Ratna’s ………………….
8. That is Ben’s uniform. ………………….. our ………………..
9. These are brown hats. …………………… yellow ……………..
10. Those are our belts. …………………. your …………………..

Success is not depend on intelligence, 45

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Going to The Farm

Andy’s uncle is a farmer. Andy goes to the farm. He helps his uncle. He milks the cow.

He feeds the pig. It is always hungry. He collects the eggs. The chickens produce

many eggs. He finishes his three jobs. Andy feels tired. His uncle gives him a bottle

of lemon ice. He sits under the tree and he drinks it. Then, he gives Andy two dozen

of eggs. He says goodbye to his uncle. His uncle thanks to him.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is Andy’s uncle ?
2. Where does Andy go ?
3. How much eggs does his uncle give ?
4. What do the chickens produce ?
5. What does his uncle give ?
6. What does Andy do to help his uncle ?
7. How does Andy feel after he finishes his job ?
8. What does he drinks ?

II. Answer the questions with Yes / No

1. Is the pig hungry ?
2. Is Andy’s uncle a farmer ?
3. Does Andy feed the chickens ?
4. Does Andy’s uncle have a farm ?
5. Do the chicken produce eggs ?
6. Does his uncle say thank to Andy ?

III. Write ( T ) or ( F )
1. Andi gets two dozen of eggs from his uncle ( )
2. The pig is hungry ( )
3. Andi does four jobs in the farm ( )
4. Andi drinks a bottle of lemon ice under the tree ( )

Success is not depend on intelligence, 46

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Michael’s Story

Michael and Mr. James go to the lake.

Michael has a fishing rod.

He goes fishing with his father, Mr. James.

They drive a car to the lake.

There are fish in the lake.

His father gives Michael a worm.

He puts the worm on a hook and the worm wiggles.

He drops the worm into the lake.

A fish sees the worm.

The fish bites the worm.

Finally, Michael can catch a fish.

He is very happy.

He takes the fish at home and his mother will fried the fish.

Answer the questions !

1. Who go to the lake ?
2. What do Michael and his father do ?
3. Where does Michael put the worm ?
4. Can Michael catch a fish ?
5. Does the fish bite the worm ?
6. How does Michael feel ?
7. Who will fry the fish ?
8. How do they go to the lake ?
9. Where does he bring the fish ?
10. What is Michael’s mother name ?
11. Is Michael happy ?
12. Do they fishing in the river ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 47

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Reading in The Leisure Time

Juna likes reading. He loves comics because the comics are fun and easy to read. The

comics are pictures with the words. The picture is pretty. Sometimes, the comics are

in color. He has a lot of comics. He collects them. He keeps his comics well. He puts

them in the book shelf. He can read two comics in a day. He reads comics in the

leisure time. Reading comics is his hobby.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is the title of the text ?
2. Who likes reading comics ?
3. What does Juna like to do ?
4. What does Juna collect ?
5. How many comics does Juna read in a day ?
6. When does he read the comics ?
7. Why does he like to read comics ?
8. Where does he put the comics ?
9. How does he keep them ?
10. What are the comics ?

II. Answer the questions with Yes / No

1. Is reading Juna’s hobby ?
2. Are the picture in the comics pretty ?
3. Can he read two comics in a day ?
4. Does Juna read the books at school ?
5. Are there pictures in the comics ?
6. Does he put his comics in the bag ?
7. Are the comics in color ?
8. Are there picture and words in the comics ?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 48

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Read this dialogue !

Son : Mom, I am hungry. It is time for lunch.

Mother : What time is it now ?

Son : It is one o’clock, Mom.

Mother : Ok, Let’s go to the restaurant and eat some meals!

Son : Hurray.. Hurray..! Ok, Mom.

That’s a good idea.

Mother : What do you want to eat ?

Son : I want seafood fried rice and a glass of strawberry juice.

Mother : All right, you can change your clothes now. After that we go to the


I. Answer the questions !

1. What time is it now ?
2. Who is hungry ?
3. Where do Mother and her son go ?
4. What does her son want to eat ?
5. Is her son happy ?

II. Complete the sentences with the name of foods and Answer the questions with Yes / No
1. Do you like to eat ……………………….. in the morning ? Yes, ………
2. Does Jenny have any ………………….. in the refrigerator ? No,………...
3. Are you eating a …………………… ? No, ……………
4. Do your parents usually eat ……………. And ………………… ? Yes, ……………….
5. Is Bob eating a ……………………… ? No, …………………..
6. Are Rio and jack drinking …………………….m? Yes, ……………..
7. Does your sister want to drink ……………… juice ? Yes,……………
8. Is your aunt cooking a pan of soup ? No, ……………………..

Success is not depend on intelligence, 49

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Safari Zoo
In the holiday, there are many visitors come to Safari Zoo. There are a lot of animals

in the Safari Zoo, but the animals are not in the cage. We can not see the animals on

foot. We only can see the animals by a car or a bus. The car or the bus will walk along

the zoo and we only can see the animals from inside the car or bus. We must to lock

the car’s window because it is dangerous.

I. Write ( T ) for True or ( F ) for False !

1. The animals are not dangerous ( )
2. The window’s car are open ( )
3. It is a holiday ( )
4. The animals are in the cage ( )
5. We can not see the animals on foot ( )
6. The name of the zoo is Safari ( )

II. Answer the questions below !

1. What is the title of the text ?
2. How can we see the animals ?
3. Are the animals in the cage ?
4. Are the animals dangerous ?
5. Can we see the animals on foot ?

III. Fill in the blanks !

1. The ………………. has black and white stripes.
2. The ……………….. is the fastest land animal
3. The ……………….. has a long neck
4. The ……………….. is a black and white bear from China
5. The ………………. lives in desert and has a hump
6. The ………………. is the largest land animal
7. The ………………. Does not have legs but it has a poison
8. The ……………….. has a horn on its nose

Success is not depend on intelligence, 50

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Fish in The Aquarium

Sheila has an aquarium. There are four fish in the aquarium. They are all small fish.

They are different colors. One fish is red. Another fish is blue. Another fish is

yellow. Another fish is pink. She looks at the fish. Their mouths are open. She thinks

the fish are hungry. She feeds them.

I. Answer the questions !

1. How many fish are there in the aquarium ?

2. What color are the fish ?
3. Does Sheila have an aquarium ?
4. What does Sheila think ?
5. Where are the fish ?
6. Is there one yellow fish ?

II. Write ( T ) or ( F )
1. Sheila has four fish in the aquarium ( )
2. There are two blue fish ( )
3. The fish are big ( )
4. The fish are red, yellow, blue , and pink ( )
5. Sheila feeds her fish ( )

III. Complete the sentences with present continuous tense !

1. I ……………………………( write ) a letter
2. She …………………………( swim ) in the pool
3. We …………………………( go ) to school together
4. He ………………………….( run ) in the yard
5. They ………………………..( ride ) their bike
6. Mr. Anton ………………….( sit ) on the armchair
7. The monkeys ………………( climb ) on the tree.

Success is not depend on intelligence, 51

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Bobby Feels Sick

Bobby is sad. He can not go to school today. He is sick. Bobby’s mother takes him to

the doctor. The doctor examines him, then the doctor says he must take a rest and

drink medicine three times a day. The doctor gives a prescription. Bobby’s mother

buys medicine in the drugstore. After that, they go home. They go home by taxi.

I. Answer the questions !

1. Why is Bobby sad ?
2. Can Bobby go to school today ?
3. Where does Bobby’s mother take him ?
4. What does the doctor give ?
5. Who buys the medicine ?
6. Does Bobby go to the doctor ?
7. How many times does Bobby drink medicine ?
8. Where does Bobby’s mother buy medicine ?
9. How do they go home ?
10. Does the doctor give a prescription ?

II. Write ( T ) or ( F )
1. Bobby does not feel happy ( )
2. Bobby goes to the doctor ( )
3. His mother buys medicine in the hospital ( )
4. The doctor gives Bobby medicine ( )
5. Bobby goes to the doctor with his mother ( )
6. Bobby is health ( )
7. Bobby drinks medicine twice a day ( )
8. The doctors says Bobby must take a rest at home ( )
9. The nurse examines Bobby ( )
10. Bobby and his mother go home by taxi ( )

Success is not depend on intelligence, 52

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Beautiful Butterfly

There are some butterflies in the garden.

They are flying.

There is one butterfly on the sunflower.

I try to catch it, but I can not.

It has many different colors.

The butterfly is a beautiful insect.

It has four thin wings.

I like to see butterflies.

I. Answer the questions !

1. Where are the butterflies ?
2. How many butterfly are there on the sunflower ?
3. Does the butterfly have different color ?
4. How are the wings ?
5. Is butterfly beautiful ?
6. Is butterfly an insect ?
7. How many wings does the butterfly have ?
8. What are the butterflies doing ?

II. Complete with Do not / Does not

1. I ...................... tigers.
2. My father ....................... dogs.
3. John and Mary ..................... giraffes.
4. Tom's mother ...................... monkeys.
5. We ................... snakes.
6. Our teachers .............................. lizards.
7. Peter .............................. elephants.
8. His brother .............................. birds.

Success is not depend on intelligence, 53

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Martha’s Appearance
She is Martha. She will go to her friend’s birthday party. She looks so pretty. She is

wearing pink dress. She puts a pink ribbon on her long hair. She is wearing a pearl

necklace on her neck. She is also wearing a pair of pearl earrings on her ears. Then,

She is wearing a watch on her left hand. Martha is ready to go now.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What is the title of the text ?
2. Where will Martha go ?
3. What does she look like?
4. Is she wearing a watch on her right hand ?
5. What color is her dress ?
6. What is she wearing on her neck ?
7. Where is she wearing a watch ?
8. What is she wearing on her ears ?
9. How is Martha’s hair ?
10. What does she put on her hair ?

II. Complete the story of monster with is / am / have / has

1. Hi! My name ........... Martin.
I ........... 144 years old.
I .............. green.
I............... four legs and two hands.
My nose ........... big and I ...........seven eyes.

2. His name ................ Blous.

He ............... 99 years old.
He ................yellow.
He ..............two hands and two legs.
He ..............three eyes and my nose big
He ..............a yellow tail

Success is not depend on intelligence, 54

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Read this dialogue !

Firman : Ratna, is that your bike ?

Ratna : No, it is not.

Firman : Whose bike is that ? The red one.

Ratna : That is Mia’s bike.

Firman : Which one is your bike ?

Ratna : The blue one.

Where is your bike, Firman ?

Firman : I park my bike beside Tino’s bike.

Let’s take my bike ! Then we go home together.

Ratna : Ok !

I. Answer the questions !

1. Who are there in the dialogue ?
2. What color is Ratna bike ?
3. Where is Firman bike ?
4. Do Firman and Ratna go home together ?
5. What color is Mia’s bike ?

II. Complete the sentences with kinds of color

1. What color is the tree ? It is …………………
2. What color is the sky ? It is ………………..
3. What color is the Indonesia flag? It is ………………
4. What color is the grape ? It is ………………….
5. What color is a banana ? It is ………………….
6. What color is the leaf ? It is ……………………
7. What color is your hair ? It is …………………..
8. What color is a chili ? It is …………………….
9. What color is a camel ?It is ……………………
10. What color is an elephant ? It is ………………….

Success is not depend on intelligence, 55

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

A Watermelon
I like watermelon. A watermelon is pretty. It is green on the outside. It is red on the

inside. It is hard on the outside. It is soft on the inside. It is juicy on the inside. A

watermelon is sweet. Some watermelons have seeds and Some watermelons have no


I. Answer the questions !

1. How is the watermelon ?
2. Is it juicy ?
3. Do I like watermelon ?
4. What does it taste ?
5. Is it soft outside ?

II. Complete the sentences with is, am, are and by adding – ing
1. I ………………………… (go) home.
2. You …………………………. (drive) too fast today.
3. ………… we ……………………… (run)?
4. She ………………………………..(not/sing) very well today.
5. They ……………………………….. (write) an essay.
6. ……………… it ……………………….. (fly)?
7. They …………………………… (not/speak) to the right person now.
8. I ……………………………… (not/swim) because the water is too cold today.
9. ………………. he ……………………… (run)?
10. She ………………………………………. (draw) a house today.
11. ………………. you…………………………. (wait) for me?
12. They ……………………………….. (not/go) anywhere.
13. Who …………………. you …………………… (talk) to now?
14. She …………………………………. (not/fly) now.
15. They…………………………… (look).
16. ……………….. he …………………………….. (drive) today?

Success is not depend on intelligence, 56

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Read this dialogue !

Nina : Farah, What time will we study together ?

Farah : How about at 05.00 p.m ?

Nina : Ok ! where is the place ?

Farah : We can study together at my house.

Nina : All right, I will come to your house on Sunday.

Farah : Ok, Don’t forget to bring your mathematics and English book !

Nina : Yes, of course.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What will Nina do ?
2. Do they study together at farah’s house ?
3. What kind of subject do they want to study ?
4. What time do they study together ?
5. When will they study ?

II. Complete the story with ( is / am / are )

Today ....... Thursday.
It...... 9 o'clock in the morning.
The students ....... at school.
Their classroom ......big and nice.
There........three desks and six chairs.
There ........ a purple door .
The window ........ closed.
There ......... four girls and three boys in the classroom.
They ........ sitting on the chairs.
Only one boy ......... on the floor. His name ………. Jason.
The teacher ......... standing next to the desk.
He .......... talking now.
The children .......... not listening to him.

Success is not depend on intelligence, 57

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

At PasirPutih Beach

It is Sunday and the Wilson family is at PasirPutih beach. It is a beautiful day. The

sun is shining brightly and the birds are singing. Mr. Wilson is sitting on the sands. He

is reading a book. Mrs. Wilson is watching the children swim in the sea. The Wilson

family is having a lot of fun today.

I. Answer the questions !

1. What day is today ?
2. Where is the Wilson family ?
3. Are the bird singing ?
4. What is Mr. Wilson doing ?
5. Where are the children ?
6. How is the sun ?
7. Are the children playing ball ?
8. Is it a beautiful day ?
9. Where is Mr. Wilson sitting ?
10. What is Mrs. Wilson doing ?

II. Complete the sentences with the name of places

1. Where can you buy fruits? At the G………………….
2. Where can you save money? At the B……………….
3. Where can you pray every Friday ? At the M…………………
4. Where! can you buy bread ? At the B…………………………
5. Where can you send a letter? At the P…………………………
6. Where can the Christian pray? At the C……………………….
7. Where can you study? At the S…………………………..
8. Where can you buy books and pens? At the S……………………..
9. Where can you buy dress ? At the D……………………..
10. Where can you see a doctor ? At the H………………….

Success is not depend on intelligence, 58

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Coconut Trees
Mr. Abdullah has a coconut trees garden.

He lives in the village.

Everyday, he goes to the coconut trees garden.

The coconut trees are so high.

He climbs the coconut tree.

He picks the coconuts.

Then, He is drops the coconuts.

The coconuts fall to the ground.

I help Mr. Abdullah to put the coconuts into the sack.

I. Answer the questions !

1. Who lives in the village ?
2. How are the coconut trees ?
3. When does he go to the coconut trees ?
4. Does he climb on the coconut tree ?
5. Where do I put the coconuts ?

II. Complete the sentences with Do / Does

1. …………….. Peter ride his bicycle to school?
2. ……………... Mary have a cat?
3. ………………Peter and Mary study English?
4. ………………George like ice-cream?
5. ………………Ella wash her hair twice a week?
6. ………………Ella and George have dinner at home?
7. ………………the cat play with its toys?
8. ………………the dog like meat?
9. ………………the dog and the cat play together?
10. ………………we listen to music at home?
11. ……………... he drive a car to work?
12. ……………... they eat dinner at school

Success is not depend on intelligence, 59

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

Barney and His Cousin, Sam

Barney and Sam go for the adventure. They go to an adventure camp. They stay at

the camp for three days. On Friday, They go surfing. They bring their surfboards. On

Saturday, They go to the underground cave. The cave is dark and there are a lot of

bats. They use their flashlight to walk inside the cave. On Sunday, They go rafting.

They like to play in the water.

I. Answer the questions !

1. Where do Sam and Barney go ?
2. How many days do they stay at the camp ?
3. When do the go rafting ?
4. Is the cave dark ?
5. What do they bring for surfing ?
6. What do they use to walk inside the cave ?

II. Complete the sentences with What, Where, When , Who, How, What time
1. ………… does Kenya play badminton ? She plays on Sundays.
2. ………… go riding bike at the park every morning ? They are Paul and Mark.
3. ………... do you usually play football ? I usually play football at 07.00.
4. ………… does he kick the ball ? He kicks the ball strongly.
5. ………… does Karina play volleyball ? She plays the volleyball at the beach.
6. …………. does Simon play at school ? He plays baseball
7. …………. does Bertha run ? Bertha runs so fast.
8. …………. Swim in the sea ? Arman and Jack swim in the sea.
9. …………. do you practice basketball ? I practice on Wednesdays.
10. ………….. do they watch ? They watch tennis match.

Success is not depend on intelligence, 60

But it’s depend on hard desire and diligence

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