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Common and Essential Interview Questions and Answers

Asked in Most Interviews

1. What is a custom setting in Salesforce?

- Answer: A custom setting is a custom object in Salesforce that allows you to
store custom data values that can be accessed across the organization. It
provides a way to define and access application settings similar to configuration

2. How is a custom setting different from a custom object?

- Answer: While both custom settings and custom objects allow you to store
data, custom settings are designed to store data that is consistent across users,
whereas custom objects store data unique to each record or user.

3. What are the different types of custom settings?

- Answer: Salesforce provides two types of custom settings: hierarchical
custom settings and list custom settings.

4. What is a hierarchical custom setting?

- Answer: A hierarchical custom setting is a type of custom setting that allows
you to define different values at different levels, such as at the organization,
profile, or user level. The values defined at higher levels override the values
defined at lower levels.

5. What is a list custom setting?

- Answer: A list custom setting is a type of custom setting that allows you to
define a list of values that can be accessed and referenced within your
Salesforce organization. List custom settings are similar to custom objects but
with a predefined set of records.
6. What is custom metadata in Salesforce?
- Answer: Custom metadata is similar to custom settings but is designed to
store metadata instead of data. It allows developers to create their own
metadata types and records that can be deployed between environments and
accessed programmatically.

7. How is custom metadata different from custom settings?

- Answer: Custom metadata is used to store metadata configurations,
whereas custom settings are used to store data values. Custom metadata can
be thought of as "metadata that can be customized."

8. What is the benefit of using custom metadata?

- Answer: Custom metadata provides a way to make your application more
configurable and dynamic. It allows for easy deployment of metadata
configurations, eliminates the need for hard-coding certain settings, and
provides flexibility for administrators or developers to modify configurations
without modifying code.

9. How do you access custom settings and custom metadata in Apex code?
- Answer: Custom settings and custom metadata can be accessed in Apex
code using SOQL queries. Custom settings can also be accessed using the built-
in `Hierarchy Custom Setting` methods provided by Salesforce.

10. What are custom labels in Salesforce?

- Answer: Custom labels are used to store translatable text that can be
accessed in Apex code, Visualforce pages, Lightning components, and email
templates. They allow for easy localization and customization of text displayed
to users.

11. How do you reference a custom label in Apex code?

- Answer: Custom labels can be referenced in Apex code using the `Label`
global keyword followed by the custom label's name. For example: `String
myLabel = Label.My_Custom_Label`.

12. Can custom labels be translated into different languages?

- Answer: Yes, custom labels can be translated into different languages using
Salesforce's Translation Workbench or the Lightning Experience Translation

Remember to go through these questions and answers, understand the

concepts thoroughly, and practice implementing them in Salesforce to enhance
your understanding and preparation for interviews.

1. Scenario: You are working on a managed package that requires certain

configurable settings. How can you utilize custom settings to provide flexibility
to your package users?

Answer: You can utilize hierarchical custom settings in your managed

package. By defining custom settings at the organization, profile, or user level,
your package users can customize the behavior of your package without
modifying the code. They can override the default settings according to their
specific needs.

2. Scenario: You have developed a Salesforce application that integrates with

an external system. The endpoint URL for the external system may vary
between different Salesforce orgs. How can you handle this dynamic

Answer: You can use a custom metadata type to store the endpoint URL for
the external system. By creating a custom metadata record, administrators or
users can easily configure the URL based on their specific org. Your application
can then retrieve this value from the custom metadata record, making the
endpoint URL dynamic and configurable.

3. Scenario: You are developing a multi-language Salesforce application, and

you want to ensure that all displayed text can be translated easily. How can you
achieve this using custom labels?

Answer: Custom labels are the ideal solution for multi-language applications.
You can store translatable text in custom labels, allowing for easy localization
and customization. By referencing the appropriate custom label in your Apex
code, Visualforce pages, Lightning components, or email templates, you ensure
that the text displayed to users can be easily translated into different

4. Scenario: Your Salesforce org has multiple user roles with different
permission requirements. How can you use custom settings to define role-
specific behavior within your application?

Answer: By utilizing list custom settings, you can define different sets of
values based on user roles. Each role can have its own list of custom setting
values, allowing you to customize the behavior of your application for different
roles. Your application can then retrieve the appropriate custom setting values
based on the user's role and apply role-specific behavior.

5. Scenario: You have a Visualforce page that contains labels and messages that
may change over time. How can you ensure that these labels and messages can
be updated without modifying the Visualforce page's code?

Answer: You can utilize custom labels to store the labels and messages used
in your Visualforce page. By referencing the custom labels in your Visualforce
page, any changes to the labels or messages can be easily made by updating
the corresponding custom labels, without modifying the Visualforce page's
code. This provides flexibility and maintainability when changes to the
displayed text are required.

Remember to thoroughly understand the concepts behind custom settings,

custom metadata, and custom labels, and practice applying them to different
scenarios. This will help you effectively handle real-world scenarios and
demonstrate your expertise during interviews.

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