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Civil Engineering Orientation

Course Description
• This course deals with the history of civil engineering and how the practice of
have impacted the lives of people thru the ages.
• It also emphasize the importance of civil engineering course and study the
relationship of the civil engineer with other professions during the
construction of a project.
• It also discusses the different areas of specialization in civil engineering
• and the role of civil engineering in attaining a sustainable future for the
earth’s resources and preserving the environment.
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
1. History of Civil Engineering
• Introduction
• The Earliest Engineers
• History of Civil Engineering
• Educational & Institutional History of Civil Engineering
• Modern Concepts in Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
2. Civil Engineers and other Professions-1
• Introduction
• Civil Engineers
• Work Activities of Civil Engineers
• Typical Employers of Civil Engineers
• Key Skills for Civil Engineers
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
3. Civil Engineers and other Professions-2
• Introduction
• Architects
• Work Activities of Architects
• Typical Employers of Architects
• Key Skills for Architects
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
4. Civil Engineers and other Professions-3
• Introduction
• Electrical Engineers
• Job Role of Electrical Engineer
• Mechanical Engineers
• Job Role of Mechanical Engineer
• Master Plumber/Sanitary Engineer
• Job Role of Master Plumber/ Sanitary Engineer
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
5. Civil Engineers and other Professions-4
• Introduction
• Geodetic Engineers
• Duties and Task of Geodetic Engineer
• Safety Officer
• Responsibilities of Safety Officer
• Accountants
• Human Resource Officer
• Medical Professionals
Preliminary Exam
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
6. Current Fields & Career of Civil Engineering - 1
• Introduction
• Structural Engineering
• What do structural engineers do?
• Roles and Responsibilities of Structural Engineer
• Common Building Materials used by Structural Engineer
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
7. Current Fields & Career of Civil Engineering – 2
• Introduction
• Construction Engineering
• What do Construction Engineers do
• Roles and Responsibilities of Construction Engineer
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
8. Current Fields & Career of Civil Engineering - 3
• Introduction
• Geotechnical Engineering
• What do Geotechnical Engineers do
• Roles and Responsibilities of Geotechnical Engineer
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
9. Current Fields & Career of Civil Engineering - 4
• Introduction
• Water Resource Engineering
• What do Water Resource Engineers do
• Roles and Responsibilities of Water Resource Engineer
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
10. Current Fields & Career of Civil Engineering - 5
• Introduction
• Transportation Engineering
• What do Transportation Engineers do
• Roles and Responsibilities of Transportation Engineer

Mid Term Exam

Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
11. Civil Engineering, Sustainability and the Future-1
• Introduction
• Pillars of Sustainability
- Economic Sustainability
- Environmental Sustainability
- Social Sustainability
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
12. Civil Engineering, Sustainability and the Future-2
• Sustainability and the Future
• Advance Features of Sustainable Building
• Benefits of Sustainable Construction
• Principles of Sustainable Design
• Sustainable Construction
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
13. Civil Engineering and Environmental Science-1
• Introduction
• Low Impact Development
- Green Roofs
- Porous Pavement
- Bio-retention Cells
Civil Engineering Orientation
Course Overview
14. Civil Engineering and Environmental Science-2
• Drinking Water Treatment
• Waste Water Treatment
• Outdoor Air Quality
• Other Efforts in Civil Engineering Relative to Environmental Science

Final Exam
Grading Scheme:
Prelim Exam - 20%
Midterm Exam - 25%
Final Exam - 25%
Quiz, Atten., Rec., Assign - 30%
TOTAL - 100%
Grade Equivalent:
1.0 98 – 100
1.25 95 – 97
1.5 92 – 94
1.75 89 – 91
2.0 86 – 88
2.25 83 – 85
2.5 80 – 82
2.75 77 – 79
3.0 75 – 76
5.0 74 and Below - Failure

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