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His Holiness Ratna Vajra Rinpoche at The 26th Monlam @Bodhgaya delivered

a teaching on Parting from 4 Attachments on 3 Jan 2018

~~ [translated by Venerable Tenzin Choephak]
[Sakya Paṇḍita’s unerring instruction on the ‘Parting from the Four Attach-
ments’, the enlightened intent of the glorious Sachen Kunga Nyingpo.]

Today we are gathered here under the Bodhi tree where Lord Buddha attained
enlightenment.. The topic of my discourse for today is ‘Parting from the Four


The source of all positive qualities is the dharma. So, we must know the impor-
tance of dharma. The Great Dorjechang Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo said that
dharma alleviates sufferings and delivers goodness.


Parting from 4 Attachments was direct teaching from Lord Manjushri to Sachen
Kunga Nyingpo. The commentary that we are referring today was written by
Sakya Pandita. The four lines of the root text is basic and yet profound. Our ac-
tivities of the 3 doors: body, speech and mind should be guided by these 4 Part-

First Motivation - we must listen to the teaching with the right intention, no ill
intention will yield good karma. Best motivation is to gain ultimate Enlighten-
ment for the sake of all sentient beings. The cause that would lead to such a mo-
tivation is through generating renunciation of the Samsaric world. Rare is the
Buddha’s teaching, and even more rare is us possessing the pre-requisites, so
we must make use of it. Apply in daily life and make it meaningful. Even if you
have dharma and you contemplate but if you do not practise, there is no use.
Parting from 4 attachments is the essence of Mahayana teaching:


1. It is futile to be attached to this life, since it is like a bubble on water, and the
time of our death is uncertain. This life is fleeting and transient. We cannot be
certain if our next moment or the next life is earlier, therefore we need to under-
stand impermanence, preciousness of this life through few view points: number
point of view; probability point of view and causal point of view.


Discipline of morality should be stainless, pure, without lapses and without any
fault. It must be completely clear, devoid of any fault (like in Samathabhadra
verse “May I follow all the victorious Buddhas and completely perfect all noble
deeds. Pure in the immaculate deeds of morality, may my conduct always be
flawless and without lapses.”). Understanding our present life as similar to pa-
per cups, which are to be used and thrown away, our practice (eg prostration,
sadhana etc), must not be dedicated for the benefit of something very transient
and fleeting. Therefore we should practise without attached to this life.


2. If you are attached to Samsara, then you do not have renunciation. These
three realms of saṃsāra are like a poisonous fruit, delicious at first, but ulti-
mately harmful. Anyone who is attached to them must be deluded.

There is wrong perception that outer material facilities can bring happiness,
however it is only mental qualities that can provide genuine and lasting peace
and happiness. High lamas and great beings, their peace and happiness in not
from outer conditions. Through realizing the nature of Samsara as suffering
(that outer materials cannot bring happiness) we can have conviction to gener-
ate renunciation.
As supplementary to this verse also covers Law of Karma. Buddhist teachings
are fundamentally based on this law, and it applies to everyone equally, includ-
ing me. Although I have all the privileges in life, if I do not abide by this law I
will have to undergo same unfavourable consequences.




3. If you have self-interest, then you do not have Bodhicitta. This also covers
loving kindness and compassion. Attachment to your own self-interest is like
nurturing the child of an enemy. It may bring joy at first, but in the end only
leads to ruin. Just so, attachment to your own welfare brings happiness in the
short term, but eventually leads you to the lower realms.

As in Samathabhadra prayer “may all beings of the ten directions be happy and
free of sickness. May their aspirations be in harmony with the Dharma, and may
they fulfil their hopes.” we must have loving kindness to all sentient beings. We
pray that all beings be free of sufferings and the causes. This is primary essence
of Bodhicitta mind. The scope of all sentient being for Bodhicitta must not be
restricted to one group of people or any particular being. It must be all encom-
passing without holding any socially constructed biased attitude towards one
group or the other. It includes beings of animal realm etc, all to be included.
Our practice will be more fruitful, when we extend loving kindness to all beings
with compassion, and prayers must be for all sentient beings.
Just as the Samathabhadra prayer says “the limit of living beings is as limit of
open space. May the limit of my aspirations be equal to the limit of their activi-
ties and defilement,” we will practise the 6 paramitas with the right view, right
intention for all sentient beings and dedicating through bodhicitta.



4. Clinging to true existence in things and their characteristics is like perceiving
water in a mirage. For a moment it looks like water, but there is nothing there to
drink. This saṃsāric existence does appear to the deluded mind, yet when it is
examined with discriminating awareness, nothing, nothing at all, is found to
have any intrinsic existence. So, having come to an understanding where your
mind does not dwell in the past, the future, or the present, you should recognize
all phenomena as naturally free from any conceptual complexity.
If we have self grasping, we do not have right view. We have defilement and af-
flictive emotion. Without mental elaboration, ultimate reality can uproot any
mental clinging and proceed on path to Enlightenment.
We can get temporary and ultimate benefits if we put 4 Partings into practice.

Rejoice rejoice.
Special thanks to the Translator Venerable Tenzin Choepakla and his English
translation at Bodhgaya and his efforts in editing this transcript.
May the merits arising from this teaching be the cause of Enlightenment for all
sentient beings.
May His Holiness and all the supreme Lamas live long and healthy life and
continuously turning the wheel for all sentient beings.
May all your noble aspirations be fulfilled swiftly without any obstacles.

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