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Some think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it.

what extent do you agree or disagree?


Nowadays, with the development of global economy, there are many prolems appeared that related to
the climate change. Many ideas consider that the humans should find a solution to live with climate
change instead of preventing it. From my point of view, while I agree with this statement, I also think
the people have to against the change of global climate.

On the one hand, many of the ideas that the people have to look for the way to face and live when the
weather conditions have many changes. With the growth of many factories to serve the development
of the economy which lead to the increase emission of carbon dioxide is the main reason for climate
changes. That thing above is a compulsory factor for any countries which developing. So, the people
in that nations have to accept this and find the solution to live with that. For example, the people in
wealthy countries is using many eco-friendly product like paper bags, recycled plastic or ride a
bicycle instead of motorbike to reduce carbon dioxide emission. Consequently, to live with the
change of climate at present is a normal thing for the people in modern life.

On the other hand, the climate changes will lead to many terible things if the government of that
countries do not have any solution for this. By this I mean, when the temparature increased that will
melting ice at the poles and lead to the rising of water level in many oceans. As a consequence, many
territories will be sank and the people will lose their accomodation, it is sound very serious. Besides
that, when the weather conditions change, it will also change or even destroy the natural habitat of
many unique animals and it can make the extinction happen in the world. That things will lose the
ecological balance which affect directtly on human exist. In addtion, the diseases or natural disaster
also stem from climate changes. For instance, many tsunami, earthquake and volcano eruption
happen in many nations with reason from the change of weather conditions. It leads to many worse
result for people like illness or even death. So, preventing the climate change plays an important role
to save the human life.

In conclusion, although the people have to accept to face and live with the climate changs, I also
consider that finding a solution to prevent the change of weather conditions is a first mission of any
countries in the world.

(412 words)
Task responses Coherence and Lexical Grammatical Overall
Cohesion Resources Range

6.0 5.5 5.5 6.0 6.0

Task responses:
 Fully explain these ideas
 Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
 Clear explanation and examples
 Present relevant ideas

Coherence and Cohesion:

 Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
 One main idea per paragraph
 Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
Lexical Resources:
 Great range of vocabulary usage
 Advanced vocabulary related to the topic

Grammatical Range:
 Check your writing for typing errors
 Grammatical suggestions for this topic:
 This/that + singular form:
Example: So, the people in that nations have to accept this and find the solution to
live with that.
 These/those + plural form
Example: So, the people in these nations have to accept this and find the solution to
live with that.

As mentioned previously, I have no doubt that you can target 5.0 because your essay is great with
vocabulary and unique arrangement of ideas in it. Consequently, what you need to focus now is to
check your typing mistakes and some common grammatical usages in your essays as I mentioned.
You completely nail it, Kiet. Congrats, again.

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