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The Futility of the Education System"

The only we can do in the 21st century of complexity is to accept ignorance. All the old theories
and concepts are crumbling and new waves of info and biotechs are replacing. Pakistan has
failed to produce that minds which can compete with the complexities of the 21st century.
Despite all efforts, the vision of education is vague.

The country is in the grip of multiple challenges of climate change, terrorism, political instability,
and economic crisis, ignoring the matter of life and death so-called education.

The nature of the education system is based on rote learning. Grades inflation, different nature,
languages, poor access, dropout, gender ratio, absence of efficient monitoring, and multiple
education system, paves the arduous way to an adolescent. Unfortunately, we have not devised
our educational system. What we inherited from the colonial era, is teetering now.
The four "C" are obscure in the Pakistani education system. Critical thinking, Creativity,
Collaboration, and Communication. They are co-related. How can we develop critical thinking
when our curriculum is based on lies and biases? One cannot speak the truth when lies are
infused since childhood. We are a nation within a nation. There are 28 boards, O/A levels, and a
Cambridge pattern. Different poly mechanisms produce youngsters according to their status.
Few oligarchs' children pulling the strings of the country's governance. Aitchison College,
Lawrence College, and Cadet College HassanAbdal are the very few institutes that are producing
tomorrow's leaders.85% of parliamentarians are foreign graduates. 1% rich ruling 99% poor.
How can a child meet up to their standard who studies at a government school and works hard
to meet up the necessities of life?

The student of 2023 is following the same old pedagogy. Books are not up-to-date. It is hard to
distinguish between illusion and reality. Neither the books display the current challenges nor
the way to fight them with.No mentioning of climate change, trending terrorism, changing
world order, and economic crisis.

There are three schools of thought. None of them has produced 21st-century mindsets. All of
them have a peculiar way of teaching, structure, and ideologies. The end of ideology halts here.
Besides, public and private schools, the madrassah plays a vital role in maintaining peace and
harmony in the country. There are 244 universities registered by HEC. 22 universities are
running without Vice Chancellors. 40000 madrassahs and the consequences are terrorism,
sectarianism, blasphemy cases, and extremism. When we feel proud of Mahmud Ghaznvi,
Aurganzeb an extremist, demolishing temples and warrior mentality, these incidents keep
bumping. Despite focusing on RSS, burning, and desecration of the Quran, they are enrolling in
politics. The party gets the most fame which talks in the air about Kashmir, Afghanistan, and
Palestine conflicts.

The snail-paced ratio of education progress is under attack. Dropouts and out-of-school
dilemmas are still unresolved. 24 million children are out of school. 45% of women only
enrolled. A different language for a child is a hurdle to embark on his journey. There are 70
languages in Pakistan It takes 12 years to learn a language. Do not forget, we lost one of our
wings due to language. The method of a teacher is pathetic. The video went viral when a
teacher made black dots on an innocent face because he could speak English in class. In digital
times, podcast culture is prevailing.

The most important is career counseling. Thousand of graduates, carrying degrees, looking for
jobs. 445,000 students each year possess graduation. This year more than 800,000 citizens left
Pakistan after witnessing heart-wrenching poverty, endless unemployment, skyrocketing
inflation, rising terrorism, and bewildering political turmoil, bringing a dawn of despair. To be
hopeful in such times is like living in a fool's paradise.
There are two phases of life. Learn skills in the first phase and rely on the in the second. How
the world is constantly changing with AI, algorithms, and coding. How the 2050 world will
appear? I don't know but it will be more complex than today.

Change yourself the way the world is changing.

The writer is student of Political Science. He has keen interest in Global politics, Health,
environment and Social problems.

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