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Configuration Guide
Setup Guide to Configure, Build, Deploy,
Run and Monitor SAP NW BPM

Prepared By: Srinivas
Version: 1.0
Document Revision History
Date Version Description
Jan 2019 1.0 Document Created
Table of Contents
Install Java:
After installation verify the java version in the command prompt:
NWDS Installation File:
Default Workspace
ECLIPSE / NWDS Version Check:
Configure JDK in NWDS:
Configure SAP Java Server in NWDS:
Configure Enterprise Service Browser in NWDS:
Simple File to File Interface using NW BPM
Change Perspective:
Import Service Interface:
Import Operation Mapping:
Create New Start Message:
Creating Send Receiver Interface:
Deploy BPM:
Execute the Scenario End to End:
Undeploy BPM from NWDS
Understanding BPM Message Flow:
How to send the message out?
This guide will help to walk thru the steps required to setup the local machine
with the required software and create a simple end to end FTP scenario using

Install Java:
It is recommended to install 1.8 JDK to work with SAP NW BPM. Below is
the link of JAVA SDK 1.8 u111 - windows 64-bit installation file.

Download Jdk-8u111-windows-x64.exe:


After installation verify the java version in

the command prompt:
> java -version
NWDS Installation File:
Next, we need to install the NWDS software to create Java mapping, Adapter
modules and SAP NW BPM, iFlows.

You can download the right version of SAP NWDS from here:

SP05 Patch 3 for NW DEVELOPER STUDIO 7.50: (1 GB)

In future when SAP PO is upgraded to new patch or if SAP recommends to

use another NWDS then make you we uninstall this NWDS and align with
the new NWDS patch.

Note that older version of NWDS might have BPM deployment issues in
incompatible with the SAP PO patches.
You will find the eclipse.ini file in the eclipse installation folder.

Rename the eclipse.ini file to eclipse.old.ini and then copy the updated
eclipse.ini file.
eclipse.old.ini file is for reference and will not be used for eclipse tool. Only
the eclipse.ini file will be used during the startup of the application.


C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_111/bin/javaw.exe

Download the file from here:

Default Workspace
When you open the eclipse software, it will ask for the workspace to create.
You can free to choose any location it is not mandatory to select any specific

But my preference is to store it right above the eclipse folder so that when i
have different version of eclipse all my workspace are under it. Easy for me
to reference in future.


Workspace path: C:\IT_CodeRepo\ProgramFiles\NWDS\workspace

Eclipse Path: C:\IT_CodeRepo\ProgramFiles\NWDS\eclipse\eclipse.exe
Eclipse Path:
ECLIPSE / NWDS Version Check:
Kindly check you have installed the right Eclipse / NWDS version to make
sure no deployment / development issues in future.

Help -> About Eclipse

Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers.
Version: Mars.1 Release (4.5.1)
Build id: 20150924-1200
Configure JDK in NWDS:
You need to map the JDK 1.8 with the NWDS to make sure all the
development compilation is happening with the required Java SDK.

Go to:
Java -> Installed JREs

Click on Add Button to add the JDK.

Java Home Path: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_111

Make sure you give the JDK path not the JRE path.

Click Directory to locate the path or just copy and paste the Java JDK path.
After you paste it will load up all the libraries required work with JDK.
Make sure the JDK is selected and default in bold.
Configure SAP Java Server in NWDS:
After you have set the default JDK from your computer in NWDS then we
need to add SAP AS Java server details with the host and port number.

Again, open the preferences:

Open the SAP AS Java and Click on “Add” button.

Host Name: <SAP PO Hostname>

Instance Number: <Instance Number>
Make sure the checkbox Automatically detect local System at startup is
Configure Enterprise Service Browser in
This configuration will help us to connect to XSB (PO Server SID) and
import the components like interfaces, operation mapping from any PO
system. So, it is important to point to the right system to make sure we pull
the data from right system.

Open Preferences:

ESR System: XSB

ESR Host: <hostname of PO server>
ESR Http Port: 57400
Simple File to File Interface using NW BPM
Let’s build a simple File to File Interface using the following components of

● ICO Configurations
● SAP NW BPM using the NWDS Editor
● Raise Exception in BPM
● Send Notification from BPM
● Deploy & UnDeploy BPM from NWDS Editor
● Monitoring of Process & Messages
● Import Interfaces, Mappings in BPM
● Download Payload
● Message Log
Interface Flow:
● Pick file from a FTP Location using the FTP Sender channel.
● Send File to BPM using the SOAP Receiver Channel.
● No Mapping or transformation in the ICO scenario.
● Once the message is received in BPM it is transformed using the
operation mapping.
● If the message is failed then email notification is send and then BPM is
● If the message is passed then the transformed message is sent to ICO.
● ICO Scenario has the BPM SOAP Sender to receive the message.
● Once the message is inside the ICO then the message is sent to FTP
receiver to place it on the FTP location.
ESR Objects Location:
ID Object’s Location:
First Flow:


Second Flow:

Steps to create the BPM:

Launch NWDS and select the workspace where you wish to save the

Change Perspective:
You need to change the perspective of the editor to see the BPM related
components and options.

Goto Windows -> Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Other

Select Process Development Option:
You should able to see the Process Development View as below image:
Create New Project:
Select Process Composer Development Component:
Select the default option:
Remember the Process Component name should be less than 9 characters as
per SAP recommendation.
Click Finish and then Process Component will be created.
Import Service Interface:
Connect to ESR:

If you unable to see the connection with ESR then check the Enterprise
Service Browser connection we discussed above.
Select the Sender Interface to Import:
Give name to the package and make sure your current project is selected.
After the Import is completed make sure the interface is imported correctly
with the following settings.
Import Receiver Interface:
Select the Receiver Interface and Press Next
Enter New name for the package and select the correct project by default.
You should both the Interface Sender and Receiver imported into the
Import Operation Mapping:
You should see all the components, WSDL are properly imported.
Also look at the Problems console tab to see any issues.
Create New Start Message:
Develop Process:
Select the startMsg that was created earlier as the start of the message to this

Click finish to create the process. You should now see this. Remember the
perspective if you are in the right view.
Click on Start and then Click on Automated.
Delete the connection from Start to End and then Click on the new
Automated Object.
Select the Mapping then click on new
Creating Send Receiver Interface:
Click on Service Reference:
Change the WS to XI and add the Business Component of the ICO
Configuration. This is like telling BPM after you get message send to this
This is the final view of the BPM:
Deploy BPM:

Right Click on the project and then select the Development Component and
Select Build.
Right side corner you will see the Build Status.

Switch the console view to Deployment view:

After the Build is completed then select the Deploy option as below:

Wait for the deployment to be completed:

All the deployment issues will be shown in the deployment console logs.
Execute the Scenario End to End:
PIMON: http://<POHOSTNAME>:57400/pimon
Final Flow:


Undeploy BPM from NWDS
If you wish to undeploy BPM from PO system then you can use NWDS to
undeploy BPM and recreate with the same name.

Remember after undeploy it might difficult to rollback the BPM, so be

careful to use this option.

Also when you deploy BPM you get different versions of the BPM which
you can switch back and forth in NWA. Will show this option in next section.

Lets undeploy the BPM we have created.

Select Deployment from the list and press okay:
Observe the things that are highlighted. You should be in the deployment
view and also you should see the System on the left hand side.

Now Click on the arrow on XSB and this will load all the components in the
This will take some time to load all the components in PO system.

After some time this should load all the components and then locate our BPM
Add the component to un-deployment list:
Once the component is added then click on “Start” to delete the component.

Click ok to start…

This should start undeploying the BPM.

Understanding BPM Message Flow:
This is a small section where I want to focus on how the messages flow
inside the BPM. Why do we need to create Data Objects and why it need to
be mapped every time to the activities?

You will find yourself doing this small mapping every time in BPM? Why?

Data Objects are temporary variables that holds the data during the each step
processing in BPM. When your process steps moves from one activity to
another we save the data inside this data objects then refer back to in each
It is like holding data in variable and then assign it back to that activity.

tempVariable = <Input Stream of Data>;

activityVariable = tempVaraible;
<Activity Completed and converted activityVariable to
NewtempVariable = NewactivityVariable;

Let’s do it step by step:

Now Start Step copies the data to Container Variable which can be used else
Pass the Container variable to Activity Input Mapping.

Assign the Activity output variable back to the container, so that we use this
data to send outside of BPM using the send step.
Send message outside from BPM:
How to send the message out?

In the Send step, we refer to this SI_AA_RECEIVER_INTERFACE which

has this service references.

Here we point our service interface to the Type = XI and then points to the
Party and Business component.

So, when the message is sent to XI it will look for ICO which has the same
sender party and component in sender.
eBooks on SAP Process Orchestration:

SAP Process Orchestration:

Interface Development Guide

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Beginner: Complete Basics of

SAP PO (Process
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Complete SAP PO REST
Adapter Configuration with
API Basics
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SAP PO: Java Mapping
Training with 10 Programs
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SAP PO: Custom Adapter

Module Training with 8
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SAP Cloud Platform - Basic
Understanding with Hands-on
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