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Case Study #3

Toyota Motors Philippines Plant Tour Program

Submitted By:

Amonelo, Setchel Hya

Areno, Vincent Jiro

Cargamento, Ziah Mei

Regaspi, Krystle Joy

Villasin, Rene IV


Submitted to:

Ramil Paolo B. Salamat


June 16, 2023


The year 2013, this is the time that the company celebrates its 25th year of
establishment and with it will be the appointment of the department to lead the
TMP plant tour program, the first seven months of the year will be allotted for the
preparation of the anniversary and the conduction of the TMP.

Mr. Leo Alvarez, head of the General Administration Division of Toyota Motor
Philippines, as he is the one who will analyze and know who and what business
units should be assigned in handling the TMP Plant Tour Program.


To be the number one (1) automotive company where great people work as a team
to provide the BEST products and service to our customers.
Driven by the will to serve, we, hereby, commit ourselves:
 To dominate our markets through dynamic selling and timely delivery of
attractive products, with excellent customer service and continuous product
 To produce vehicles and components of outstanding quality, using
advanced technology, continuously improving methods and environment-
friendly processes while maintaining safe working conditions
 To sustain Company profitability, stability, productivity, and growth by
efficiently engaging in effective financial and resource management for the
collective gain of the Toyota Family and the society we serve
 To sustain Team Members’ morale and productivity by developing their full
potential and total well-being, and by establishing mutual trust, mutual
responsibility and harmony through open communication

 World class production quality
 Achieving the ultimate goal of complete
 Being seen as the best employer
 Fostering the spirit of teamwork
 Inculcating ethical and honest practices


How will Toyota Motor Philippines Human Resources Department determine

what unit to utilize in the upcoming TMP Plant Program 2013?


S - To identify which department will be in charge of the Plant Tour Program in

order to help and improve effectiveness in attaining its 2013 goals.
M - To increase the number of visitors through the celebration of TMP’s 25th
A - To implement the TMP Plant Tour Program efficiently and effectively
R - To become a prominent company that effectively contributes to society by
sharing its expertise and practical knowledge in the fields of manufacturing,
marketing, HR management, environmental management, etc.
T - To make Mr. Leo Alvarez decide who to take charge in the Plant Tour Program
before the 25th Anniversary of Toyota Philippines.


S - To establish awareness and strengthen TMP’s reputation as one of the best

companies in the Philippines.
M - To provide an opportunity to communicate and establish relationships with
various stakeholders and publics
A - To provide an authentic experience by exposing visitors to Toyota’s values,
company culture, production processes, and management systems.
R - To provide a venue for technology transfer by sharing best practices in safety,
quality, production, marketing, environment, and human resource management.
T - To maintain Toyota Philippines' position as one of the world's largest motor
manufacturers in terms of sales for the succeeding years.


1. Strong Brand Image 6. Defects in Production

Toyota has been the number one car company in Toyota experiences a high incidence of recalls
the country for the past 11 years. because of fuel pump flaws that can cause stalling
2. Transparent 7. Overreliance on Suppliers
Mr. Alvarez immediately takes an action to
Toyota is at risk for only depending on their suppliers
properly select who will be assigned to
manage the TMP’s Plant Tour for their raw materials to use for making their
3. Product Modernization products.
Toyota Philippines makes new versions of 8. One department handles multiple programs
automobiles to replace the old ones. Only the Human resources Department (HRD) who
4. Knowledgeable Leaders handles multiple concerns of Toyota resulting they
The head of the different departments of can’t manage it effectively
Toyota are well versed in the different
aspects of society that can contribute to the 9. Ineffective Marketing
company’s well being Apart from Toyota and Lexus cars, the company also
5. Cost Control owns Hino and Daihatsu car brands that are
High efficiency of capital use and low unrecognized by consumers due to Toyota’s
dependence on debt in comparison with its ineffective marketing strategies


10. Focusing on Eco-friendly Vehicles 14. Technology Race

Toyota can take advantage of this potential by Toyota is pushed to invest billions on advances in
increasing its investment on producing eco-friendly technology to stay up with rivals in the race to build
vehicles like hybrid and electric automobiles. electric vehicles, too much investment can threaten
11. Philanthropy stability of finances..
Toyota is a top global company, they can share their 15. Competitive Advantage of Competitors
best practices and working knowledge to inspire Toyota already has a strong brand image in the motor
others and help them with their company. industry, however, to maintain that image the
12. Introduces a World-Class Technical School company must compete with their competitors in
The company will gain attention to both investors terms of innovation..
and customers as Toyota Philippines opens their 16. Change in the price of raw materials
Technical school for nation-building that provides the market is demanding the need for affordable and
quality education and better future for Filipino youth. quality vehicles, toyota might encounter the change in
13. Growing market demand the pricing of the raw materials form their suppliers
The demand for Toyota's cars is ever growing and since they are a huge demand in the market..
they can supply different varieties of models that are
made to the customer’s liking.

1. Assigning Peter Collantes & Michael Marquez as the TMP Plant Tour Program
Team leaders.
2. Creation of a new unit that consists of various department that will be needed
for the Plant Tour Program.
3. Assigning Rowena Isip & Dan Acosta as the head of the Plant Tour Program.


ACA 1:
Assigning Peter Collantes & Michael Marquez as the TMP Plant Tour
Program Team leaders.

Peter Collantes & Michael Marquez can facilitate and supervise the TMP with
precise coordination because their profiles are matched with some of the
objectives of the TMP.

This will result in miscommunication between Peter and Michael, as Peter will have
a hard time managing the TMP Plant Tour program because of the other work that
the Human Resource Department is responsible for. Michael will be overwhelmed
to support Peter in handling the Plant Tour program if Peter is too busy to work
ACA 2:
Creation of a new unit that consists of the four candidates that Leo Alvares
has chosen to various department that will be needed for the Plant Tour

This will make the TMP Plant Tour Program progress effectively since we would
be getting the four candidates that were the potential leaders that could handle the
program since after reviewing their profile they are all a perfect fit for the new unit
that will be established.

The team leaders which are the four candidates would have to increase their
workload since they are from different business units which can be a little

ACA 3:
Assigning Rowena Isip & Dan Acosta as the head of the Plant Tour Program

Rowena Isip already has a knowledge in handling plant tour programs as a team
communication staff in which she already knows the flow of this program. And Dan
Acosta having a years experience in the company, he already has a lot of
knowledge about the company and its product that he can share in the program.

Letting Dan Acosta and Rowena Isip work together might lead to a limited
approach because they have similar experiences and skills, their collaboration
could somehow result in a less innovative TMP Plant Tour Program.

Creation of a new unit that consists of the four candidates that Leo Alvares has chosen to
various department that will be needed for the Plant Tour Program.
Out of all the alternative courses of action that we have suggestion the second recommendation
which is creating a new unit that has the four candidates is the more preferable choice that our
group chose. Since we would be making the four candidates as leaders for the Plant Tour Unit
that we would suggest establishing since it also fits the objectives of Toyota Motors Philippines
on their Plant Tour Program and these four candidates align with each objectives that was
mentioned in the case.

To establish awareness and strengthen TMP’s reputation as one of the best companies in
the Philippines.
Dan Acosta is the perfect man for the first objective of TMP he has media expertise and would be
a great addition for the Plant Tour Program by marketing it and showing why Toyota is Toyota.
Dan Acosta will have the most knowledge when it comes to branding and not to mention his
popularity that could help influence potential visitors.

To provide an opportunity to communicate and establish relationships with various

stakeholders and publics.
When it comes to communication Peter Collantes will take the winning bid as he will be the voice
of TMP through the Plant Tour Program. Since he is a passionate public speaker that can get the
message TMP wants to relay to people.

To provide an authentic experience by exposing visitors to Toyota’s values, company

culture, production processes, and management systems.
The third objective can be applied to Michael Marquez as he has the some experience and is
familiar with the company’s plant and can be an essential addition to the unit for the reason that
his effectiveness in influencing is exceptional

To provide a venue for technology transfer by sharing best practices in safety, quality,
production, marketing, environment, and human resource management.
And for the fourth objective Rowena Isip has the most experience when it comes to the Plant Tour
Program and it is no question that she can provide the best quality knowledge on all aspects and
not to mention her impressive expertise in writing which can be incredibly beneficial for creating
publications for the Plant Tour Program.

1. Assigning Dan Acosta as the marketing head for the TMP Plant Tour Program and
will deal with all marketing and media matters that will arise pre-program and post-
2. Appointing Rowena Isip as the TMP Plant Tour journalist, and will handle all the
articles and press related matters for the program.
3. Making Michael Marquez responsible for orienting the visitors of the TMP Plant
Tour Program and also will cover the logistics section of the program.
4. Appoint Peter Collantes as head of the Plant Tour Program in order to be the key
facilitator and will be the company’s voice for the program.
5. Recruiting personnel from each department as additional manpower for the Plant
Tour Program of TMP.


1. Effectively execute the Plant Tour Program in the succeeding years with the
personnel who are appropriate for the different roles that are needed in the
2. Ensuring the objectives of the TMP Plant Tour Program are carried out effectively
by the designated facilitator.
3. Maintaining the high number of visitors and continuously increasing it more
throughout the year by ensuring that the staff that will handle the TMP Plant Tour
Program every year is skilled enough to do the task.
4. Constantly support the staff members involved in the programs with training and
5. Properly get engaged to potential visitors through the use of technology or media.

I have learned that in a business, having a right structure of responsibilities in a business is vital
for its success, it becomes simpler to determine who has control to make particular decisions,
and it guarantees that resources, talent, and competencies are widely distributed to achieve
desired results. (Amonelo, S.)

A company should be able to provide ample man power to be able to reach its objectives and that
it can act accordingly to the vision of the company, putting your company in a high position in the
market can only bear fruit to the customers expectation of the brand, a company should have the
resources that are capable of to handle the different activities and objectives of the company, the
work should also be equally divided among the employees that are best fit for the position or work
description. (Areno, V)

This case study taught me that when your company is in the top. And a lot of people are looking
up in your company. It is a must that whenever there is a problem, the people within the company
should take an immediate action especially if it is an event. Because If not done properly, it may
affect the company’s image. Also, the company should know what are the capacities, roles,
achievements and other information about their employees so that when there is a need of
evaluation, they can easily identify and assign who are fit to their needs. (Cargamento, Z)

What I have learned in this case is that the company should balance the work of every department
so that none of them feels overwhelmed. The right selection of leaders to fulfill the corporate
activities of the company will also ensure that the company maintains its competency and the
interests of its clients. Lastly, brand companies must adapt to newer trends so that they are able
to compete with other competitors. Innovation and modernization are the keys to maintaining a
strong brand image and reputation with both investors and customers. (Regaspi, K)

I learned that any business can create more ways in order to get engaged with other people and
that the company in the case study is not just selling cars but also giving people a unique
experience and not to mention how many jobs they offered in order to help these now employees
of them is truly aspiring and I hope I get to experience the Plant Tour they are implying. (Villasin)

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