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5-Day Performance Monitoring and

Coaching Form #8
Date Critical Output Impact on Signature
Incidence Job/Action Plan (Rater/Ratee)

2023-09-05 Initiated a Identified Implement Rater/Ratee

collaborative potential improvements
review of improvements to monitoring
monitoring to current strategies.
strategies. strategies. Regularly
strategies with

2023-09-06 Interpreted Identified Adjust teaching Rater/Ratee

attainment data patterns in strategies
with a focus on student growth. based on
student growth growth data.
over time. Regularly
review data for

2023-09-07 Implemented Noticed Continue to use Rater/Ratee

personalized improvement personalized
learning plans in learner learning plans.
based on progress and Regularly
growth data. achievement. monitor their
impact on
student growth.

2023-09-08 Collaboratively Received Incorporate Rater/Ratee

discussed the feedback from feedback into
impact of colleagues on teaching
personalized the practice.
learning plans. effectiveness of Regular
this approach. collaboration
with colleagues
on teaching
2023-09-09 Evaluated the Assessed the Refine learning Rater/Ratee
achievement of extent to which goals and
learning goals learning goals strategies
based on were met. based on data.
attainment Regularly
data. evaluate
achievement of

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