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The Islamia University of Bahawalpur

Department of Computer Science

Project Proposal

<FYP Management System>
Version 1.0

Ali Hassan
Session Fall 2020 – 2024

Dr. Zaigham
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

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Table of Contents
Problem Statement..............................................................................................................................................
Problem Solution for Proposed System............................................................................................................
Related System Analysis/Literature Review.....................................................................................................
Advantages/Benefits of Proposed System.........................................................................................................
Software Process Methodology..........................................................................................................................
Data Gathering Approach..................................................................................................................................
Plagiarism Report...............................................................................................................................................
Project Category:
Web Application

The Final Year Project Management System is a web application that aims to streamline the
management of final year projects in educational institutions. It offers role-based login
functionality, allowing students, teachers, and administrators to access specific features based on
their roles. The system facilitates project proposal submission, appointment scheduling between
teachers and students, assignment management, and project evaluation. With automated
notifications and reminders, the application promotes effective communication, collaboration,
and timely feedback, ultimately enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of final year project
In a real-life use case, the Final Year Project Management System proves invaluable in a
university setting, where students embark on their final year projects. By incorporating role-
based logins and a range of essential features, such as proposal submission, appointment
scheduling, assignment management, and evaluation processes, the system revolutionizes the
project management experience. It streamlines communication between students and supervisors,
automates notifications and reminders, and fosters efficient collaboration. Through this
centralized platform, the system empowers students, supervisors, and administrators to navigate
the complexities of final year projects with ease, ensuring a seamless and successful academic

Problem Statement
The Final Year Project Management System solves the challenges of scattered communication,
inefficient assignment management, and lack of standardization in evaluation, streamlining the
management process of final year projects. It is being developed to enhance efficiency,
collaboration, and success in final year projects within educational institutions.
While similar systems may exist, a re-implementation aids learning by providing an opportunity
to apply and expand upon existing concepts and technologies, tailor the system to specific
requirements, and gain a deeper understanding of the underlying principles and complexities of
project management systems.
Through this project, you can expect to acquire skills in web application development, database
management, user authentication and authorization, appointment scheduling, notification
systems, data modeling, and project management. Additionally, you can gain experience in
software testing, troubleshooting, and user feedback incorporation, honing your problem-solving
and communication skills in a real-world project scenario.
Problem Solution for Proposed System
The Final Year Project Management System addresses the identified problems through its array
of features and functionalities. By offering a centralized platform, it eliminates the challenge of
scattered communication channels, allowing students, teachers, and administrators to access
project-related information and tasks in one place. Appointment management resolves
communication and coordination issues by providing a calendar interface where students can
view their supervisors' availability and schedule appointments conveniently. Automated
notifications and reminders ensure effective communication, reducing the chances of missed
interactions. Inefficient assignment management is tackled as students can electronically submit
their project deliverables, and supervisors can review and provide feedback within the system,
eliminating the need for physical document exchanges. Monitoring project progress becomes
easier for supervisors and administrators as they can track milestones, review assignments, and
provide timely guidance. Role-based logins enhance security and personalize the user
experience. The system streamlines proposal submission, offers a calendar interface, facilitates
document management, provides reporting and analytics, and prioritizes a user-friendly
interface. Overall, the Final Year Project Management System effectively solves the identified
problems by streamlining communication, assignment management, evaluation, and project
coordination within educational institutions.

Related System Analysis/Literature Review

Table 1 Related System Analysis with proposed project solution
Application Weakness Proposed Project Solution
Google Classroom Limited customization The proposed project aims to address these
options, lack of personalized weaknesses by providing extensive
features customization options and personalized
features. It will offer teachers and students a
user-friendly interface for managing
assignments, scheduling meetings, and
exchanging feedback. By focusing on
customization and personalization, the
proposed project will provide a more tailored
and efficient FYP management solution.
Moodle Complex user interface, The proposed project will overcome these
limited collaboration features weaknesses by providing a simplified and
intuitive user interface. It will offer enhanced
collaboration tools such as real-time
messaging, discussion forums, and document
sharing. The project will streamline the FYP
management process, enabling seamless
communication and effective collaboration
between teachers and students.
Microsoft Teams Lack of specialized features The proposed project will provide
for FYP management specialized features specifically designed for
FYP management. It will offer
functionalities such as assignment
submission, evaluation tracking, and
appointment scheduling. The project aims to
streamline the FYP management process,
ensuring efficient communication and
coordination between teachers and students.

Advantages/Benefits of Proposed System

The proposed system offers the following benefits:

1. Streamlined project management: The system centralizes project management tasks,

allowing project managers to easily organize and track project tasks, deadlines, and resources in
one place. This streamlines the overall project management process and ensures that all project-
related information is readily accessible.
2. Enhanced communication and collaboration: The system provides features such as real-time
messaging, discussion forums, and file sharing capabilities. These tools facilitate effective
communication and collaboration among team members, enabling them to share ideas,
exchange feedback, and work together seamlessly.
3. Increased efficiency and time savings: By automating routine administrative tasks like
document management, progress tracking, and scheduling, the system frees up valuable time
for project managers and team members. This allows them to focus on more important project-
related activities, increasing overall efficiency and productivity.
4. Standardized evaluation and feedback: The system implements a standardized evaluation
process with predefined criteria, ensuring fairness and consistency in evaluating project
performance. It also provides a platform for collecting and providing constructive feedback,
facilitating continuous improvement.
5. Improved project monitoring and tracking: The system offers monitoring and tracking
features that allow project supervisors to closely monitor project milestones, identify
bottlenecks, and take timely actions to keep projects on track. This ensures better project
oversight and helps prevent potential delays or issues.
6. Personalized user experience: The system tailors the user experience based on user roles and
permissions. Each user is provided with access to relevant information and functionalities
specific to their role, ensuring a personalized experience that caters to their specific needs and
7. Simplified coordination: The system simplifies coordination among project stakeholders by
providing tools for scheduling meetings, assigning tasks, and tracking progress. This promotes
efficient communication and coordination, reducing confusion and improving project
8. Reduced administrative burdens: With automation features for tasks like document
management, progress reporting, and scheduling, the system reduces the administrative burden
on project supervisors and team members. This frees up time for more strategic and value-
added activities.
9. Fostered collaboration: By enabling seamless communication, knowledge sharing, and
teamwork, the system fosters a collaborative work environment. Team members can easily
collaborate on tasks, share ideas, and collectively work towards project success.
10. Time and fairness in evaluations: The system saves time for both evaluators and project
teams by automating evaluation processes and providing predefined evaluation criteria. This
ensures a fair and consistent evaluation process, promoting transparency and objectivity.
11. Valuable insights for improvement: The system generates reports and analytics that provide
valuable insights into project performance, identifying areas of improvement and potential
risks. These insights enable project managers to make data-driven decisions and implement
strategies for continuous improvement.
12. Informed decision-making: With comprehensive reports and analytics at their disposal,
project managers can make informed decisions about resource allocation, project priorities, and
strategic planning. This leads to better decision-making and ultimately improves project
The scope of the proposed project encompasses the development of a comprehensive web-based
project management system. The main functionalities of the system include project planning and
scheduling, task management, document management, communication and collaboration tools,
progress tracking, and reporting. The system will provide an intuitive user interface, allowing
users to create projects, set milestones, and assign tasks to team members. It will facilitate
seamless communication through integrated messaging and discussion forums, enabling real-
time collaboration. Users will be able to upload, store, and manage project-related documents
securely. The system will offer progress tracking features, allowing project supervisors to
monitor project milestones, track task completion, and visualize project progress through
interactive charts and reports. It will also provide reporting and analytics capabilities, offering
valuable insights into project performance and resource utilization. However, it is important to
note that the system will not include financial management features, customer relationship
management (CRM) functionalities, or integration with external third-party tools.

Module 1: Role-based Login (Teacher-Student)
The role-based login module is a fundamental component of the proposed system for final year
project (FYP) management. It allows users to log in with different roles, namely teacher and
student. Teachers will have access to administrative features, including creating and managing
assignments, scheduling meetings, evaluating student progress, and providing feedback.
Students, on the other hand, will have access to their assigned tasks, the ability to request
meetings with teachers, submit assignments, and track their progress. By implementing role-
based login, the system ensures that users have personalized access and permissions based on
their roles, enabling efficient collaboration and task management.
Module 2: Teacher-Student Appointment Management
This module focuses on facilitating effective communication and coordination between teachers
and students regarding appointment scheduling. Students can request meetings with their
assigned teachers through the system, specifying the preferred date, time, and purpose of the
meeting. Teachers can then review and approve the meeting requests, suggest alternate timings if
needed, and manage their appointment schedule. This module streamlines the appointment
management process, eliminating the need for manual coordination and allowing for efficient
communication between teachers and students.

Module 3: Assignment Management

The assignment management module is designed to simplify the process of creating, assigning,
and tracking FYP tasks. Teachers can create and assign tasks to individual students or groups, set
deadlines, and provide detailed instructions. Students can access their assigned tasks, view task
descriptions and requirements, submit their work, and track the status of their assignments. This
module centralizes the assignment management process, ensuring clear task allocation, timely
submission, and effective tracking of progress.

Module 4: Evaluations Management

The evaluations management module focuses on standardizing and streamlining the evaluation
process for FYPs. It allows teachers to create evaluation criteria and rubrics, assign grades or
scores, and provide feedback on student work. Students can access their evaluations, view the
feedback provided, and track their overall performance. This module ensures fairness and
consistency in evaluations, provides valuable insights for improvement, and enables students to
monitor their progress throughout the FYP duration.
System Limitations/Constraints
While the suggested project intends to offer useful functionality and features, it's necessary to
take into account any obstacles that can prevent it from being implemented. Following are a few
examples of system restrictions and limitations:
 Technical Restraints: The infrastructure and technologies that are currently in place may
place restrictions on the system's functionality and features. Server capacity, network
bandwidth, and hardware constraints are only a few examples of the variables that may
have an impact on the system's performance and scalability.
 Compatibility: The system could be limited in its ability to work with particular
browsers, operating systems, or gadgets. To give users a smooth experience, it is crucial
to make sure the system is compatible with a variety of widely used platforms.
 Data Security: For any web-based system, ensuring data security and privacy is
essential. Strong security measures should be implemented as part of the proposed project
to safeguard user data against unauthorized access, data breaches, and vulnerabilities.
However, external attacks could compromise the system's security, thus it's critical to
consistently update and check security precautions.
 Time and Resource Limitations: Time and resource restrictions may apply to the
planning and execution of the proposed project. To guarantee on-time delivery and
effective use of the resources at hand, adequate planning, resource allocation, and project
management will be essential.
 User Acceptance: The acceptance and adoption of the proposed system by users are
essential to its success. Users could need to be trained or made comfortable with the
system, and there might be reluctance to change or problems switching from current
procedures or tools. To maximize user adoption, user engagement, clear communication,
and efficient training techniques should be taken into account.
 Limitations on Customization: Although the proposed system strives to offer a variety
of functionalities, it might not be able to satisfy all of the unique needs or preferences of
different users or organizations. Customization that goes beyond the project's stated scope
can need more development work or system changes.
 Maintenance and Support: After the system is put into place, regular upkeep and
assistance will be required. This covers system improvements, bug repairs, upgrades, and
user support. To guarantee rapid maintenance and timely support to address any issues or
user enquiries, enough resources and procedures must be in place.
Software Process Methodology
I have decided to use the object-oriented methodology for the project development. For our
project, this methodology offers a number of benefits. First of all, it encourages code
organization and maintainability by enabling modular and reusable code. Additionally, it
supports improved data abstraction and encapsulation, promoting data security and integrity.
Thirdly, it encourages the ideas of polymorphism and inheritance, allowing the system's
architecture to be flexible and extensible. Finally, the object-oriented methodology provides a
strong basis for creating scalable and reliable software solutions since it is well-aligned with
contemporary web development practices and frameworks.

Tools and Technologies

Table 2 Tools and Technologies for Proposed Project
Tools Rationale
MS Visual Studio IDE
Tools Canva Design Work
And MS Word Documentation
Technologies MS Power Point Presentation
Technology Rationale
Java script and PHP Programming language
SQL Query Language
Html, CSS, Bootstrap, React Web Development

In conclusion, the proposed project aims to create a comprehensive web-based project
management system that provides streamlined project management, improved communication
and collaboration, increased efficiency and time savings, standardized evaluation and feedback,
improved project monitoring and tracking, and a customized user experience. The system's
modules, such as Teacher-Student Appointment Management, Assignment Management, and
Evaluations Management, offer the necessary functionality to aid in the management of final
year projects. Even though the project is subject to some restrictions and limitations, careful
attention to these aspects and the chosen object-oriented methodology will assist reduce risks and
guarantee a successful execution. Overall, the suggested approach has the potential to completely
transform the way final year projects are managed, resulting in better results and a more effective
and fruitful academic experience.

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