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Men v Stonehill 9/24/11 Time 2:25 2:48 4:08 4:50 5:25 6:20 7:00 8:06 9:45 10:40 10:58

12:09 12:25 13:35 16:10 18:23 19:29 20:30 20:57 22:10 22:34 00:50 1:20 2:00 3:05 4:20 5:18 6:06 6:15 7:13 8:55 13:49 14:55 16:00 16:50 Who 9, 10 Felton Mahoney Forwards Mahoney Duke Colin Team Colin, Tehan Kevin James Forwards Corey Duke Atoa Mahoney Sam Duke Team Tehan Alex Team Atoa Scrum Team Sam Forwards Colin Team Mahoney Mahoney Tehan Martinez Tehan Mahoney Note Do not kick away the first possession of the game. Use the opportunity to send a message. Only time Ive ever seen someone get dumped over his own ruck and get penalized for it. Its never ok to be penalized more than once for the same thing. Even if the ref is wrong, we still have to play to him. If we dont have our hands on it, we are not in it. NO UNDUE COUNTER RUCKING! Thats what I am fucking talking about. A man attacking another man. Now reset and take the next wave. We got greedy on that kick for touch. Much like our backline play for large portions of this game. Great job stepping up and getting the ball out throughout the game as we were having troubles at the base. Overcommitting, if we find ourselves in the situation a pick and go isnt a bad option Ugly, but it got the job done. Like I side, wheeling is the only way we get rid of the scrum half. We could have 9 block for 8 and pick right auto. Your head is up way too early. Multiple occasions including warm up. Ball goes toward the forwards not away from them. Great set of channel one ball, but we used up a lot of width. Great work getting back to the gain line after a terrible ball. How are you losing the ball so much? : ) Except for when we lost the ball in the ruck. This is when your scrum profile started to deteriorate. Dont worry. Sometimes you can run these; other times the ref calls them back. In instances like this, we need to play tight until we are ready to re align and play. Great job by their 8 man. I asked you not to do one thing before kickoff. Remember what it was? Go hard in the paint kid. Got to finish. In addition, you got owned on the kickoff. Get the picture when you have the ball in hand. st Great 1 channel defense. Must realign wider though. Lets not pass it to the wing on slow, bad ball. Hell more than likely be put into touch. They didnt bind on our tight head side and we couldnt get a push from there. This is how kids hanging around the ruck should be handled. Watch him drop. Not forward. You got robbed kid. I know we were working people in, but seriously, we still have to do basics like defending line outs. Pass the ball please. Simple pass to Monte is a try here. Poor rucking leads to more penalties for hanging on than anything else. Terrible profile. That is the source of your neck pain. If you cant handle set pieces when you are tired, youll never play 80min Of all the times you kicked, this would have been the most appropriate time Catch and Pass! Perfect set up! You cannot let solid clean hits take you out of your game. Take the ball straight up and set a ruck. Every meter of horizontal space is worth twice the same distance in vertical space.

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