Cde Mpereri City Parking

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Parking is an essential component of the transportation system. Vehicles must park at every
destination. The strain on the parking infrastructure for the general public has significantly
grown as a result of the ever rising number of vehicles geared by the rapid population growth
in urban areas. As the urban population is growing, denser urban mobility is brought about
and several transportation problems arise.

Consequently, finding a vacant parking space has become quite a challenging task, especially
at peak hours. Drivers have to cycle back and forth a number of times before they finally find
where to park. This leads to increased fuel consumption, air pollution, and increased
likelihood of causing accidents, to mention but a few. This also increases traffic congestion.
In response to these environmental challenges as well as economic opportunities, numerous
countries seek to improve and manage their existing transportation systems and road
infrastructure to enhance traffic flow, mobility and safety

Today, it is a complex issue and a priority for local authorities due to its contribution to
easing traffic congestion and with this proposal, our aim is to introduce an innovative point of
view with a solution, which is effective, efficient and participatory, to parking problems
experienced in the city of kwekwe. We are offering the city of kwekwe a unique opportunity
to utilize our Smart Parking system.

It is worth noting from the onset that parking is no longer simply the action of parking cars
solely but now also deals with sustainability and even technology hence the need urgent need
for a smart parking solution for on-street parking. Our innovative approach to the city’s
parking problems will play a great role in facilitating sustainable structures. We are very
excited to partner with kwekwe city to solve the urban challenge of parking in Kwekwe. Our
engineering team have discovered the value and the ideal process of combining multiple
datasets to create highly accurate parking occupancy data at a vastly reduced cost

It is important to define parking problems carefully. For example, if people complain about a
parking problem, it is important to determine exactly what type of problem, and where, when
and to whom it occurs. Our smart parking systems will help reduce parking congestion and
spillover. Our smart solutions will provide a greater range of benefits to the city.
Put more positively, our parking management system can help solve a variety of economic,
social and environmental problems, increase economic productivity, and make consumers
better off overall.

Our strategic and integrated approach for dealing with the complexity of parking
management is worth considering. Our systems have proven to be beneficial in delivering
sustainable smart parking solutions. In fact, our good parking management system can help
free up valuable public space, making the city of Kwekwe more attractive; support local
economy; reduce vehicle traffic; improve congestion, road safety and air pollution; and
moreover generate revenues for the city.

In every city as vehicle traffic increases, so does the demand for parking. When car drivers
cannot find a parking space nearby, they tend to start complaining, spend a lot of time
searching for a space, and sometimes park inconsiderately or illegal.
The now city in touch with tmrw

We a leader in the Smart Parking industry that has amassed almost 5 years of expertise and
experience in providing fully integrated end-to-end Smart Parking Platform. Our solutions
include parking occupancy detection, 24/7 curbside utilization monitoring and parking policy
and demand analytics for cities to effectively facilitate sophisticated analyses, planning and
implementation of parking management programs. We have developed an outstanding
Hybrid Smart Parking Platform that provides comprehensive, accurate and actionable
occupancy data to empower you with a city-wide view of demand on each integrated block.

We have the expertise in providing mobile parking payment services, particularly in

municipal on-street parking environments. Our smart solutions will present to you the best
quality parking management solutions to maximize customer convenience and provide
mobile parking payment options with a reasonable service fee.
Our systems can be programmed and re-programmed in a flexible and ad-hoc manner that
does not require any system down-time hence their ability to integrate with future
enforcement efforts, devices and applications. With a dedicated team of engineers and
parking consultants, our primary focus is on the provision of the best equipment,
management tools, IT back end, auditable accounting, site establishment and operational
consultancy to our customers.

Our 10 point Parking Management Principles

These ten general principles can help guide planning decision to support parking
1. Consumer choice. People should have viable parking and travel options.
2. User information. Motorists should have information on their parking and travel options.
3. Sharing. Parking facilities should serve multiple users and destinations.
4. Efficient utilization. Parking facilities should be sized and managed so spaces are
frequently occupied.
5. Flexibility. Parking plans should accommodate uncertainty and change.
6. Prioritization. The most desirable spaces should be managed to favor higher-priority uses.
7. Pricing. As much as possible, users should pay directly for the parking facilities they use.
8. Peak management. Special efforts should be made to deal with peak-demand.
9. Quality vs. quantity. Parking facility quality should be considered as important as quantity,
including aesthetics, security, accessibility and user information.
10. Comprehensive analysis. All significant costs and benefits should be considered in
parking planning.

Our Vision
To be the leading technical partner in traffic management and parking solutions in Southern
Our Mission
We are committed to providing an exceptional and sustainable world class traffic
management system.
Our Values
 High Integrity
 Innovativeness
 Customer Focus
 Professionalism

The City does not currently have any parking meters, kiosks, or smart parking hardware
installed in the City and we propose the urgent need for an Integrated Vehicle Parking
Enforcement System (IVPES). This system will streamline and enhance the process of
parking enforcement, ensuring smoother traffic management and increased revenue
generation. Its key features include
ALPR, mobile ticketing, violation alerts, intelligent parking management, and an integrated
payment system. Overall, the system will improve parking enforcement efficiency, reduce
congestion, and increase revenue generation.

We propose to pay for all costs associated with the deployment and installation of the smart
parking system, its related hardware, software, signs and decals on a BOT arrangement on
agreed terms and conditions. A revenue split between Kwekwe City Council and Us over a
specified period can also be arranged and we will still commit to capitalize the project, train
all staff, and the capital outlay will be recovered from collected revenue.

This system will provide with an efficient transport infrastructure design for the city of
Kwekwe in order to improve the mobility environment of the city that is currently
characterized by chaotic unorganised on-street parking and mismanaged parking. In this
regard, our smart parking solutions will help to cut the present clutter and chaos in the city
through the proposed pay-and-use smart parking system.

The Parking Management System will be used by physical patrol officers to check motorists’
compliance, and those who falter will have their vehicles clamped and requested to pay a
fine. All the clamping and tow activities are set to the server in real-time to enable all these
activities to be tracked and audited effectively. Penalties for violating the law are generally
punitive and this is designed to encourage motorists to always pay parking fees, which are
very minimal. This system has the ability to record unpaid parking fees in the form of fines
which can be collected the next time a motorist parks in the city.


 As the urban population is increasing it brings the economic growth and the denser
urban mobility which may frequently provoke traffic accidents hence the need for a
smart parking solution.
 Motorists in today’s busy world seek the best option in locating available parking
points. The need for an efficient parking system stems from increased congestion,
motor vehicle pollution, driver frustration and fatigue to mention but a few.
 The use of these auto mobiles has increasingly posed a demand for a smart system
infrastructure to manage the parking. All around the world, parking spaces have been
constructed and control points put in place. For example, in shopping malls and
airports, some control points are automated whereby users can do a self-service in the
use of the parking space while others are manned by control personnel.


In an endeavor to solve the parking management issue, the main objectives of this project are:

 To design, implement and deploy a smart parking system in the city of Kwekwe
 to design and implement a system that would provide parking occupancy estimation,
parking fee payment method, parking permit management and parking analytics for
the kwekwe city authorities.
 To install and manage a smart parking system that will allow drivers to check for
available parking spaces beforehand
 To give the city authority parking analytics for the purposes of future city planning.
 To digitize parking system and do away with the current hard copy parking tickets.
 To implement a Smart Parking” system that will be based on dynamic resource
allocation, reservations and pricing.
 To install the technologies for smart parking around the city
 To Develop a long-term smart parking management vision and its clear
 To deal with the issue of choked streets, junctions and informal activities across the
 To develop a city focused parkingmanagement strategy
 To Implement a complete mobile parking payment system that will also include a
smart parking guidance, communication, and monitoring system for on-street
parking spaces only in the city of Kwekwe

 to encourage efficient use of parking facilities, insure that parking is convenient for
priority uses
 Provide real-time monitoring and data analytics for improved decision-making.

Why a Smart Parking Management Solution

 The system will provide with analytics to learn the parking behaviors of drivers in the
city of Kwekwe.
 The system will help ease unneccesary congestions in the city. saving drivers time as
well as ensuring consistency and uninterrupted traffic flow.
 The system will provide real time information to drivers on parking availability and
vacant locations..
 reducing congestion and creating more attractive facilities.
 Revenue generation. through efficient ticketing and payment processes.
 Supports mobility management. Parking management is an important component of
efforts to encourage more efficient transportation patterns, which helps reduce
problems such as traffic congestion, roadway costs, pollution emissions, energy
consumption and traffic accidents.
 Reduces on-street time limits thus promoting timed use of parking bays on a pay and
use basis.
 Employment creation. We seek to recruit, train and use the local human resource.

Project Management and Timeline

The City must appoint a Person in Charge (POC) to partner with us as we implement the
system, onboard and train staff, and work together to build a smarter smart city. We envision
building, learning and growing over the next three years together.

System Key Features

The proposed IVPES will include the following key features:
1. Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR): Utilizing advanced ALPR
technology, the system will automatically scan and recognize parked vehicles,
allowing for quicker identification of violations.
2. Mobile Ticketing Application: Equipped with a user-friendly mobile app,
parking enforcement officers can easily issue digital tickets for ticketing and
violations, reducing paperwork and minimizing errors.
3. Violation Alerts: The system will send instant violation alerts to enforcement
officers (clamping and towing) , enabling them to respond promptly to parking
violations and improve enforcement efficiency.
4. Intelligent Parking Management Platform: A central platform will provide
real-time data analytics, allowing authorities to monitor parking patterns, identify
high-traffic areas, and optimize parking space utilization.
5. Integrated Payment System: The IVPES will include an integrated payment
system, enabling motorists to pay fines digitally through various methods, such as
mobile wallets or online portals.

Implementation Plan
To successfully implement the IVPES, the following steps are recommended:
1. System Implementation: As your preferred technology partner we will assist
to implement our IPVES, as a customized IVPES tailored to the specific needs and
requirements of the municipality.
2. Integration and Testing: Integrate the IVPES with existing parking
management systems, ensuring seamless connectivity and interoperability. Rigorous
testing should be carried out to identify and address any technical issues or
3. Deployment and Training: Install the IVPES infrastructure across the
designated parking zones. Conduct comprehensive training sessions for parking
enforcement officers and relevant stakeholders on system usage, ticketing
procedures, and troubleshooting.
4. Public Awareness and Communication: Launch a public awareness campaign
to educate motorists about the IVPES, its benefits, and the consequences of parking
violations. Utilize various communication channels, such as social media, signage,
and public announcements.
5. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly monitor and evaluate the performance
of the IVPES implementation. Gather feedback from stakeholders, conduct surveys,
and analyze data to identify areas of improvement and ensure the system's


The City does not currently have any parking meters, kiosks, or smart parking hardware
installed in the City . Our innovative approach to the city’s parking problems will play a great
role in facilitating sustainable structures. We are very excited to partner with kwekwe city to
solve their current urban challenge of parking in Kwekwe. With a dedicated team of
engineers and parking consultants, our primary focus is on the provision of the best
equipment, management tools, IT back end, auditable accounting, site establishment and
operational consultancy to our customers.

Given the opportunity, we believe this project will greatly transform Kwekwe into “The Now
City in Touch with tomorrow” We at Smart Parking Solutions, appreciate your time and
consideration for our proposal and are very much confident that you will find our proposal in
order. Feel free to ask for any additional information that you may require. If need be, we
would also appreciate to arrange an appointment so that we can discuss in person this

Kind Regards,

Mr C. Mupereri

Executive Director

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