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A hook is any experience that impacts your behavior. They can be direct like stubbing your toe and reacting in anger or indirect like seeing a
social media post that reminds you of an old friend, you spend some time thinking about them and later get in touch.

What happened? Pay Attention Is that a hook? Prepare Notice your hooks

Write down a situation Write down what private Ask yourself if that private The person that you want Noticing your hooks is a
where you did something experiences like thoughts, experience is a hook for to be. What would they do life skill. You don’t get to
problematic. What did feelings, memories, or you. Here’s how you can when your hook shows choose whether you have
you do? sensations showed up for tell: did it impact your up? Would they bite it and hooks or not but you can
you and triggered behavior in a problematic react? Engage in those choose how you respond
problematic behavior. way? If so, write down the same behaviors? If not, to them and how you
name of that hook: e.g. write down what you interact with your hooks.
my anger hook, sadness would choose to do
hook, etc. differently.

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