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LESSON PLAN School Subject Topic Class/ Semester Times Allocated : SMA Negeri 3 Semarang : Chemistry : Chemical Laws and Stoikiometry : X/ I : 2 x 45 minutes

A. Standard Competence 2. Comprehend chemical base laws and its appliying in calculation B. Basic Competence 2.2. Prove and communicate the implementation of chemical base laws passed experiment and apply mole concept in finalizing calculation chemistry. C. Indicators 1. Understand the meaning of Lavoisiers Law and Prousts Law 2. Prove Lavoisiers law through doing experiment 3. Prove prousts Law through experiment. D. The Purpose of Teaching-Learning 1. Students can understand the meaning of Lavoisiers Law and Prousts Law 2. Students are able to prove Laoisiers Law through experiment 3. Students are able to prove Prousts Law through experiment E. Main Material Lavoisiers Law Prousts Law F. Resources and Media Susilowati, Endang, 2009, Theory and Application of Chemistry for Grade X of Senior High School and Islamc High School (p133- 141 ), Solo: PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri Sri Juari Santosa dkk, 2006, Kimia Kelas X Semester I untuk SMA dan MA (p. 94 -99 ), Klaten: Intan Pariwara

Setyawan, Fuad, Buku Evaluasi Siswa Kimia Kelas X untuk SMA/MA Semester I, Klaten: Sinar Mandiri Presentation Slide, Students work sheet, LCD, Computer Internet

G. Teaching Learning Method Giving information Group discussion Demonstration Structure exercise method H. Learning Activities No Activities

PBKB Value





01. Introduction Discipline Greeting Teacher checks the students attendance For apperception, students are asked by teacher: You ever eat cake, dont you? In your opinion, what are the ingredients of the cake? Students listen to this motivation: Cake is made from many kinds of ingredients, such as: wheat flour, egg, sugar and additive essense. In cake making, in order to the product are smooth, aromatic and delicious cake is needed rules or certain methode. It is like the right comparison/ratio from flour, eeg and sugar. As in the making of cake, chemical reaction/process occurs based on certain rules. So thats why, today we will learn about it 2. Main Activities Toleran Exploration

10 minutes

Giving informa tion Observation on students attitude and response




Students describe about ce Lavoisiers Law and Prouss law Student study about the experiment will be done Teacher conditions the class to do the experiment Student do the experiment Student write the result of their experiment in a sheet of paper and in the white board Elaboration Teacher and students Commun icative discuss the data together Confirmation Teacher and students make a conclusion of the experiment Closing Activities Teacher reviews the Responsi bility material Students are given a chance by teacher to ask questions Teacher gives quiz Students get homework for next meeting Teacher gives information about the matter for next meeting




.chemicalel m http://www http://baha najarsma.di kmenum.g php?pelid= 1

Group Discussi on

Observation on students attitude ,

Observation 100% of students do the task.

35 minutes

Presenta tion

Effective questioning. 90% of students Who active in class discussion

10 minutes



5 minutes

Answer question
Observation 90% of students are active in the quiz.

I. References Susilowati, Endang, 2009, Theory and Application of Chemistry for Grade X of Senior High School and Islamic High School (p133- 141 ), Solo: PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri Sri Juari Santosa dkk, 2006, Kimia Kelas X Semester I untuk SMA dan MA (p. 94 -99 ), Klaten: Intan Pariwara Setyawan, Fuad, Buku Evaluasi Siswa Kimia Kelas X untuk SMA/MA Semester I, Klaten: Sinar Mandiri

J. Evaluation Evaluation Technique : Written test Instrument : Essay Respond : Minimum Completion Criteria Less than minimum Completion Criteria (76) More than Minimum Completion Criteria (76) K. SUBJECT MATTER BASIC CHEMICALS LAWS 1. The law of conservation of mass The law of conversation of mass was found by French chemist, Antoine Lavoiser in 7887. At the time, scientist believed thet combustion resulted phlogisten gas, so that the mass of matter after combustion was less than before. It was based on Priestleys experiment. Priestley heated red calx mercury and it produced mercury in aqueous and colorless gas above. After it was measured, the mercury mass was less than the mass of mercury oxide Priestley called that colorless gas as phlogiston. However, Lavoisier doubted the existence of phlogiston gas. He proposed that phlogiston was actually oxygen gas. Then, Lavoisier repeated Priestleys experiment to approve his opinion. He measured the mass mercury oxide before and after the combustion using a very sensitive measure. He found that there was a decrease in mercury oxide mass. Lavoisier explained the reason why mercury oxide mass decreased. When it was heated, mercury oxide produced oxygen gas, so its mass was decreased. Lavoisier also proved the opposite reaction. If a metal was heated in air, its mass increased along with the number of oxygen taken from the air. Lavoisiers conclusion is called the law of conservation of mass. 2. The Law of Definite Proportions In 1799, Joseph Proust found that the elements constructed calcium carbonate (CaCO3), both natural and synthetically made in laboratory have a constant number in proportion and mass. From his observation on mass proportion, Proust dclared that the mass of each element which formed a compound has a definite proportion. It is called the law of definite proportion. By using that law, we can predict the mass of element reacted, the mass of element left and the mass of the product.

=76 = Remedial (examination) = Enrichment

L. INSTRUMENT Essay! 1. The mass proportion of carbon and oxigen in carbon dioxides (CO2) is 3:8

a. How many grams of carbon can be reacted with 24 gram of oxygen? b. If 6 gram of carbon is rected with 12 gram of oxygen, is there any element left? How many grams of carbon dioxides formed? c. How many grams of carbon and oxygen that must be created to form 33 g of carbon dioxide compound? 2. An analysis towards two samples of kitchen salt found the following data: Sample Salt mass (g) Sodium mass (g) Chlorine mass (g) Sample 1 0, 2925 0, 1150 0,1775 Sample 2 1, 755 g 0, 690 1, 065 Show taht those data based on Prousts Law! 3. A copper oxide in 8, 04 gram mass purified by hydrogen so that 6, 42 g pure copper obtained. At the same time, 9,48 g pure copper dissolved in thick nitrate acid. After that, solution vaporized until dry and glowed so that 11, 87 g copper oxide produced. If both oxide coppers are equal, prove that law of definite proportions applies to this case!

Key of Essay No. 01. Key Equation of reaction is: C+O2CO2 C:O = 3:8, means that each 3 gram of C can react with 8 gram of oxygen to produce 11 gram of carbon dioxide. a. To react 24 gram of O2, needs C as: x 24 gram = 9 gram b. To determine reactant mass that has been reacted completely and left, determine that element mass that has been reacted comletely by dividing each grams of the element with its standard number of comparison. Element which has smallest division in result, means it has been reacted completely. Score 40

(the smallest division in result, means oxygen has been reacted completely) Remember! The division result is only to determine which one is empty (reacted completely) or have remains and is not included in next calculation. Oxygen reacted = 12 gram Carbon reacted = x 12 gram = 4, 5 gram Rest of carbon = 6 gram 4, 5 gram = 1, 5 gram Carbon dioxide product= 12 gram+4,5 gram=16, 5 gram c. To form 33 grams of carbon dioxides need: Carbon (C) as Oxygen (O2) as


Sodium percentage in sample 1= Sodium percentage in sample 2= Chlorine percentage in sample 1= Chlorine percentage in sample 2= Based on above calculation, element in both salt sample has similar percentage. Thus data on above question conform to Prousts law. Composition of copper sample is as follows: Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Copper mass (g) 6, 42 9, 48 Oxigen mass (g) 1, 62 2, 39 3, 96 3, 97




Both experimenst above have small difference, It can be said that ratio of copper and oxigen mass is constant for both oxides obtained by different way. Thus, above data conforms to law of definite proportions. Total Semarang, Advised Teacher 100 July 2011

Practice Teacher

Dra. WIDYA PRAHASTUTI NIP. 1960 0813 198803 2 005


Approved by, School Pricipal of SMAN 3 Semarang

Drs. HARI WALUYO, M. M NIP. 19640207 198803 1 016

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