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Kindergarten English Assessment Test

1. Joe went to the park on a sunny day. His favorite thing to do is to climb the tall ladder.
Today when he got to the park he saw his friend and he ran to greet him! His friend
shared his cookies for a snack. After snacks, the boys climbed the tall ladder! What did
Joe do when he saw his friend?

a. b. c. d.

2. Kevin wants a gold fish for a pet.  Which shows the pet that Kevin wants?

a. b c d

3. Jessica is making dinner for her grandma. Her favorite thing to cook is
spaghetti. The first thing she does is cook the pasta. Then she cooks the
sauce. She serves bread with her spaghetti. What is Jessica's favorite thing
to cook?

a. Pasta b. spaghetti c. bread d. sauce

4. Mrs. Elmer asked all of the boys and girls in her class to come sit on the rug.
She read them a story about a man who sold hats. When the story was finished
the class wrote about what they heard. Which picture shows what they wrote




5. Tammy's favorite thing to do on Saturday morning is to watch cartoons. The

first thing she does when she wakes up is get dressed. Then she eats breakfast.
After breakfast she watches her favorite cartoons. When the cartoons are over,
she takes her dog Ginger for a walk. What does Tammy do after she watches

a. She gets dressed B. She walks her dog C. She eats her breakfast

6. Put the word parts together and choose the correct picture. b-ook

a. b. c
7. Put the word parts together and choose the correct picture. f-all

a. b. c.

8. Which type of punctuation would the following sentence need? My name is


a. !
b. ?
c. .

9. Which type of punctuation would the following sentence need? How are you

a. !
b. ?
c. .

10. Which sentence is correct?

a. Pizza is what I ate.

b. Pizza is what i ate.

11. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a. the cat sat.

b. The cat sat.
12. What is the opposite of walk?

a. Track
b. run
c. sit

13. What is the opposite of happy?

a. sad
b. smile
c. wave

14. The plural form of dog is doggy

a. True
b. False

15. The plural form of bird is birds

a. True
b. False
Answer Key
Question 1 : C
Question 2 : A
Question 3 : B
Question 4 : A
Question 5 : B
Question 6 : C
Question 7 : B
Question 8 : C
Question 9 : B
Question 10 : A
Question 11 : B
Question 12 : B
Question 13 : A
Question 14 : B
Question 15 : A

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