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Contents 2

I.Executive Summary 3

Introduction 3
II. 5 C Analysis framework 4

Introduction 4
1. Customer Analysis 4
2. Competitor Analysis 6
3. Climate [Context] 8
4. Company 10
5. Collaborators 11
6. Ethical Trading 11
III. Internal Analysis 12

Introduction 12
1. Value Chain Analysis 12
2. BCG Matrix 14
3. Revenue Analysis 15
4. Product elimination 16
5. Social Media 17
IV. Strategic Alternatives 18
1. Joint venture/ Strategic alliance 18
2. Defend current market 19
3. Improve brand performance and expand long term 19
V. References 21

VI. Appendix 22
1. Appendix A: PESTEL analysis framework 22
2. Appendix B: SWOT framework 22
3. Appendix C: Porter’s 5 forces 23


I.Executive Summary

This report starts with the analysis of the current and future market situation at Just Us cafes using the 5 C
analysis framework. It also highlights ethical trading issues that have laced the company and it postulates some
of the remedies that the Industry should adopt to eliminate unethical practices and ensure that all the
companies in the Industry are operating on the same playing ground.

The report also uses the BCG matrix to classify and analysis the competitiveness of Just Us cafe products and at
the same time alluding some of the strengths and limitations of the matrix. Problems at product deletions are
also meticulously considered in the light at concentrating on selling only the products which currently have
higher margin of profit in comparison to the other products.

The report culminates by making recommendations on how the company can improve its outdated marketing
plan by using the 4P's of marketing, using social media such as Facebook and Twitter. usage of free samples of
their new products and creating brand value among other measures.

Lastly the report indicates all the appendices used for the purposes at illustration and elaborating some of the
key issues opined here. Financial diagrams are also used repeatedly to try and emphasise on some of the
fundamentals of marketing and accounting principles.


II. 5 C Analysis framework


The 5 C analysis is an environmental scan on five key areas; it covers the micro environmental and the macro
environmental situation. John Wiley and Sons. Inc, An overview 2005, identity the 4 Cs as Customer Analysis,
Competitor Analysis, Climate(Context) Analysis, Company Analysis and some marketers added the 5th C of

1. Customer Analysis

Type of Customer Served by Location of Customers Preferences

Community based Small independent coffees Canada Consumer coffee and

premium quality

Lob-laws supermarket Kicking horse and Just Us Canada New fair trade and
and sober Coffee Mainstream brands

E-Commerce based Kicking horse and Canada, Europe and Numerous tastes
Starbucks United States

Universities Just Us Coffees Canada Organic food and certified

trade products

Existing customers Just Us Coffees Canada Certified fair trade products

College Students Kraft food services United States Social conscious

(Busacca, Costabile, Ancarani. 2008) insists that the analysis of value for the customer is critical in the
management of cross-industry competition from both a defensive and offensive position. From a defensive
position that's prevention of entrance into one's area of activity to adopt mobile defence strategies that build
on the early coverage of value gaps is fundamental. This implies a systematic monitoring of the consonance
between the perceived performance at existing products and customer's expectation. From the above table, we
see that the University market sector is lucrative and prefers what Just Us Coffee has to offer. Therefore they
should defend their position so as not to lose some customers to small independent customers are mainly in the
community and that could easier extend to include the Universities. And from an offensive position (exploitation
of various terms at synergy in order to gain entrance into new markets), to establish critical interactions between
different areas of activity by seeking a comprehensive answer to purchase and consumption requirements is very


important. Again, a constant focus on the customer is critical to strengthen and supplement the value

Just Us Coffee could joint venture with Proctor and Gamble as they are an international company, giving instant
access to the U.S.A market and they would share the same ideology. Just Us Coffe could
also consider having a strategic alliance with Kicking Horse as they are likely to have
environment the qualified personnel to assist Just Us to tap the e-based clients and more
clients across the globe. But on a closer look Kicking Horse already has a shop
in Halifax and is in direct competition with Just Us Coffee. Moreover they
don't promote the idea of certified fair products and they could be a
Competitors Customers conflict of management in the future.
Offerings Needs

Company’s When selecting competitors the company

Capabilities wants to find the “sweet spot” where it
meets the customers needs in a way that

(Kotler and Armstrong, 2010) opine that

“A useful tool for assessing competitor strengths and weaknesses is customer value analysis. The aim of
customer value analysis is to determine the benefits that target customers value and how customers rate the
relative value of various competitors offers. In conducting a customer value analysis, the company first identifies
the major attributes that customers value and the importance customers place on these attributes. Next, it
assesses the company's and competitor's performance on the valued attributes“.

“The key to gain competitive advantage is to take each customer segment and examine how the company’s
offer compares to that of its major competitors. As shown in the previous Figure, the company wants to find the
‘strategic sweet spot’- the place where it meets customers needs in a way that rivals can’t. If the company's
offer delivers greater value by exceeding the competitor’s offer on important attributes, the company can
charge a higher price and earn higher profits, or it can charge the same price and gain more market share. But if
the company is seen as performing at a lower level than its major competitor on some important attributes. it
must invest in strengthening those attributes or finding other important attributes where it can build a lead on
the competitor."

Therefore when Just Us Coffee is selecting competitors, it should find the “sweet spot“ where it meets
customers needs in a way that rivals can't.


2. Competitor Analysis

Competitor Products Sold Customer Base Locations and N. Fair trade certified?

Second cup Coffee Retailer 6 in Nova Scotia [360 No

in total]

Tim Horton Fresh coffee, Restaurant 170 in total No

pastries, lunches

Starbucks Brewed coffee, hot Coffee shop various across the No

chocolate, expresso, world
teas and other

Trident Bookseller Organic coffee Bookshop & Coffee 1 in total No


Java factory Organic coffee and Coffee shop 9 in total Yes

fair trade coffee

Just Us Coffee Coffee and tea Cafes and University various across the Yes
outlets world

Kicking horse Coffee and food Shops, food stores United states and No
and restaurants Canada

Proctor & Gamble Coffee Direct sales United states and Yes

Kraft food Coffee Stores and University United states and No

Nestle Coffee Direct sales United states and Yes

Coburg Coffee Coffee shop Canada Yes

Small Cafes Specialty and Cafes Canada No

premium coffee


From the table above, it is evident that Just Cafe has several competitors and some of them are International
companies with shops across the globe like Proctor Gamble, Starbucks and Kicking Horse among others.

(Bergen and Peteraf, 2002), favour a two-step approach to consider competitor analysis. The first step is listing
all the competitors, the products they sell and their location. Just Us Cafe can identify all the direct and
potential threats. It can strategise to cope with the new entrants. I would suggest that Just Us Cafe perform a
Joint Venture with Proctor Gamble as they are in United States and Canada and better still they promote the
same ideology of certified fair trade products like Just Us Cafe.

The second step is evaluation of the competitor’s resources and predicting their next course of action. By
looking at how big the competitors are, their financial base and their global trading. Just Us Cafe can be able to
strategise, for instance Starbucks has 5 stores in Halifax compared to Just Us Cafe only 2 stores in Halifax,
therefore Starbuck pose a significant threat to Just Us Cafe, as they have the financial muscle as wet.
Market Commonality

Indirect Direct
Competitors Competitors


Resource Similarity

The second stage of the framework model is concerned with the evaluation of the competition's resources and
the prediction of rivalry. They discuss how by understanding your competitors resources you can predict the
scale of future threats. Therefore for Just Us Cafe they need to understand who they are competing with within
the local market and big players entering that market, i.e. Trident only have one shop so Just Us Cafe could in
turn be a threat to them. Java factory has one cafe in Halifax is not a threat to Just Us Cafes but they need to
watch them closely. Just Us Cafes should also watch out on Second Cup which has 6 cafes in Nova Scotia
compared to its 4 cafes, it should likewise be worried by the competition posed by Kicking Horse which has
cafes across the Globe. Moreover, Second Cup, Kicking Horse and Starbucks have the financial muscle which
Just Us Cafe should strategise itself and deal with the situation.


3. Climate [Context]

Climate has all to do with the external environment influences and how Just Us Cafe has to adapt to them. I
have used the PESTEL framework that was designed by ME Porter and they stand tor: P-Political issues, E-
Economical issues, S-Social issues, T-Technological issues, E-Environmental issues, L-legal issues.

(a) Political Issues:

At the moment Just Us Cafe operates only in Canada which is politically stable and has minimum trade
restrictions to foreign competitors like Starbucks and Kicking Horse. Another factor is that the government
recognises certified fair trade products and the importance of equality and fairness in the community.

(b) Economic Issues

Canada is experiencing recession and some consumers have budgeted incomes, they could consider Just us
products as mere substitutes despite their premium quality so that they can save some pennies. However, in the
long-term there seem to be a good chance of the economy stabilising and providing Just Us with an opportunity
to grow and serve more customers and market.

(c) Social Issues:

Just Us mission to inspire and nurture the human spirits and souls by promoting the community to participate
and interact with the company while telling their stories. Just Us goals as continuous improvement in services
and premium quality of their products. They thrive to ensure that customers are offered high levels at customer
experience. Just Us wants to raise living standards of third world farmers and ensure direct ethical sourcing from
them by eliminating middlemen who exploit the farmers. To develop relationships among co-operative
members, employees, business associates and the broader community based on honesty and respect and to
maintain an ongoing commitment to education, innovation and collaboration.


(d) Technological Issues:

Just Us Cate should try to improve their distribution network. The retail outlets are not reliable. They should
seek to get a transport and logistics partner to deal with that issue. They should invest in modern high-end
brewing machines and other product lines to increase their customer base.

They should introduce membership cards and loyalty reward card by partnering with a credit card provider like
Visa or Master. They should also invest in social media and have teams to monitor and maintain them.

(e) Environmental Issues:

Just Us Cafe uses green sources of energy like solar panels and water. However, they should introduce key
performance indicators in this area and reduce energy consumption further by at least 20%. They should invest
in water saving technology in their equipment specifications so as to reduce water consumption. At Just Us Cafe
they should reduce their waste products like paper etc, use reusable cups and composting more of the coffee
and tea grounds. On the brighter side they are beginning to build new company owned stores and will be able
to promote further their ideas of certified fair trade which retail outlets often ignore.

(f) Legal Issues:

Employees at Just Us should be paid according to Canadian working laws and adhere to the required working
hours, minimum age allowed to work. minimum wage guidelines so as to avoid lines and penalties for non

Just Us Cafe should also have health and safety regulations which all employees should be educated and trained


4. Company

A useful framework to analyse the company is the SWOT analysis, which stands for S-Strength. W-Weakness. O-
Opportunity, T-Threats. Ideally, the company wants to align its strength with the opportunities in the market,
whilst making sure that its weaknesses are not exposed to any potential threat.

Just Us Cafe has a strong brand which is a certified fair trade

and a loyal customer base

The atmosphere in the cafes provides customers with a feeling Emerging domestic and International Markets.
of knowledge and belonging. This has turned into a Just Us S O
culture. Use of social media to attract more customers

They have attracted employees who are eager to

communicate the message at their products and promote
equality in society.

Many customers believe that coffee is a substitute product

The Canadian economy is in recession meaning customer
meaning that people will buy substitutes depending on price
have less disposable incomes
and availability.
The emergence of both International and domestic
Although Just Us thrives to provide excellent customer
experience, they do this at a cost. They pay their producers W T competitors.

fairly and incur costs at certifying fair trade products, this A number of coffee distributors have develop their own fair
results in high production costs. trade offerings.
Lack of multi channels at distribution network

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5. Collaborators

They include distributors, suppliers and alliances. Baden-Fuller and Stopford have pointed out that strategic
inertia is in fact riskier, since it systematically leads to the decline of the company. Just Us Cafe is in a mature
market and can’t afford to remain in status Quo.

They have to get a transport and logistics partner to deliver their goods as they can't just rely on retail outlets
who don't promote their products and ethical training. They can team with Proctor and Gamble to gather more
customers. On the other hand their suppliers are reliable and supply environmental friendly raw materials for

6. Ethical Trading

(Adams. 2002.147) postulates that it's no longer sufficient for leading retailers to provide consumers with
superior product value and customer service, they must also demonstrate their role as citizens. Only few
producers pay minimum guaranteed price directly to the producer cooperative as a marketing manager. I would
push for legislation for all producers to pay.

• The Canadian government should also compel all producers to be fair trade certified. Members and obtain
licenses to prove the same.

• The government should also enforce a compulsory code of ethics on all companies and penalties and
interest introduced for non-compliance of the rules.

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III. Internal Analysis

Just Us must not only understand the industry and market they are operating in but also their own internal
capabilities and strengths/weaknesses. Therefore we must conduct an internal analysis of ID. I have carried out
the following analyses:
• Value Chain Analysis;
• BCG Analysis;
• Revenue Analysis;
• Product elimination;

1. Value Chain Analysis

The Value Chain is a method that can be used to analyse Just Us internal environment. Porter (1980) created a
generic value chain model which listed activities that could be found in most firms. These activities can be
divided into primary and support activities. which aim to create value for customers, whilst exceeding the cost
of such activities.

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The primary activities create value for customers. These activities consist of inbound logistics, operations,
outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service. At Just Us some primary activities include importing the
coffee beans, manufacturing process packaging, coffee shop service itself, customer service etc. These primary
activities are supported by Just Us infrastructure e.g. Coffee Shop Manager.

The support activities are responsible for facilitating and enhancing the primary activities. The profitability of
Just Us depends on the relationship between these primary and support activities. The value chain can help Just
Us define their core competencies. it can also be reconfigured in order to gain a competitive advantage. This
reconfiguration involves analysing the operating costs and assets that are required for each individual activity in
the value chain. By reviewing the costs associated with each activity Just Us can determine which activities are
sources of cost advantage or disadvantage when compared to competitors. An example for JustUs could be to
outsource the packaging element of their process to save on costs.

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2. BCG Matrix

As Just Us provide various organic products it is important to examine the more profitable ones and not so
profitable in order to either focus marketing effort on weaker products or discontinue them.

According to the current Just Us prevailing portfolio as

collected below the 80% market share was used to calculate
the relative market share by dividing all values of the market
share of 2007 by 80%. And plotting them on the BCG
Matrix, we will get the following results.
• Cash cows-coffee, has low market growth but high
relative market share
• Problem child-tea, has high market growth but low
relative market share
• Dogs will be Cocoa and Sugar, have both low market
growth and relative market share
• Stars-none., have high market growth and high relative
market share

Coffee and Tea appear to be the largest growers in the trade figures with significant growth rates in volume
averaging approximately 15% across both categories over a four year period. Perhaps Just Us should look at the
profitability of the sugar market and consider placing less emphasis on it.

Products Market growth Market share Relative market

rate 2007 2007 share 2007

Coffee 55% 80% 1.00

Cocoa 0% 9% 0.11

Sugar 63% 8% 0.10

Tea 342% 3% 0.03750

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3. Revenue Analysis

By examining the revenue streams we can identify the weakest and strongest times of year and target our
marketing activity directly at these in order to strengthen sales. It is clear from the table that Q1 is the weakest
time of year and perhaps some new
innovative strategies could help Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

increase sales here. Q3 is the strongest

period of the year and this could be 220000
attributed to the summer tourists. 165000



Grand Pre Wolfville Barrington Spring garden

Quarter Grand Pre Wolfville Barrington Spring garden

Q1 $123,625 $123,912 $90,562 $123,709

Q2 $175,217 $138,898 $104,877 $148,356

Q3 $215,909 $142,984 $112,504 $152,758

Q4 $213,673 $134,205 $111,142 $180,625

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4. Product elimination

According to George J. Avlonitis. the problems of product elimination are:

(a) Market reaction, using the BCG matrix Just Us would eliminate coffee and sugar and this would
have an impact on the company image and could make it lose customers to their rivals.

(b) Financial implications, involving the determination of the products contribution to profit centre
and the impact of its elimination upon the company’s total sales volume. Eliminating coffee and
sugar which have low growth rate could affect the overall profitability of Just Us.

(c) Range policy considerations involving an analysis of the impact at product elimination upon the
company’s 'fuIl-line" policy. By eliminating products like pastries, pumpkins and Cinnamon will
prevent existing purchasers of the coffee brand from purchasing more products in addition to the
core line.

(d) Eliminating products would give the management of Just Us a headache on the possibility of
exploration of the executive and selling abilities freed by the product in particular to decide which
ventures to invest in that give better returns.

(e) Product elimination may prevent management to identify potential new products for instance the
introduction of tea and coffee which are not certified fair trade products.

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5. Social Media

(Birgelen. Wetzels. Fluyter. 1997) submits that the benefits of customer loyalty to an organisation are numerous,
loyal customers are less price sensitive. Just Us Cafe should introduce loyalty card program and they should
offer member-only deals, rebates at some threshold level of spending, redeemable points, and/or eligibility for
drawings and contests. Sales promotion can be used to boost the loyal customer base especially during the
slack periods like January although its effects are usually short term.

The Internet website could be improved by having online questionnaires of what new products the customers
want. Also to use cookies to monitor customers trends and explain why certain customers were not being
converted into buying their products on visiting the websites.

Just Us should cease from acquiring old cinemas which are costly to renovate and probably will not yield
appropriate profits in return but instead open more coffee shops in Nova Scotia and Halifax to try and
consolidate the local market. To expand the customer loyal base, Just Us cafe not only have promoted credible
brand products but also to advertise the same, ideally Just Us Cafe should as social media try to expand the
loyal customer base via Facebook, Twitter and a reliable updated website.

In the Strategic Direction Journal, Vol 23 issue 6, pp24-27, it states that:

“Electronic marketing is free. There are no printing paper, postage or mailing

costs. By dedicating one person to social media marketing, you will reach
thousands at consumers who are waiting to hear more about your brand. It's not
the size of the business but the speed that matters'.

Therefore Just Us cafe should embrace social media like Facebook and Twitter. The benefits associated with
social media are that the business would tap into this data stream and connect on a personal level, it would
catch trends and market shifts as they happen.

Just Us Cafe would less likely to be caught with a warehouse full of outdated inventory or unfilled back orders
as they would be listening to customers in real time. They could re-innovate their product lines and improve

For multi-location business like Just Us they would hear about customers experience with the company via social
media before a disgruntled customer calls in and complain. Social media marketing would give the company an
opportunity to personally monitor the quality of the company’s customer service.

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IV. Strategic Alternatives 

1. Joint venture/ Strategic alliance

The first strategic alternative I propose is to attempt a joint venture/ strategic alliance with a fellow competitor
with similar values. This strategy could help Just Us with resources and in increasing market share in the local
market as well as providing a platform for expansion outside the maritime states.

Sherman (2003) states that one of the possible reasons for a joint venture or strategic alliance is to widen or
integrate product lines. As we have seen from the SWOT analysis. new product lines would provide Just Us with
new opportunities for revenue. However an important factor to consider when considering a joint venture or
strategic alliance is to give careful thought In the type of partner you are looking for and what resources you
and the partner will be contributing to the newly formed entity (Sherman 2003). From careful examination of
competitors in the local market I believe that a joint venture with Kicking Horse would be most effective. The
reasoning behind this is because they are located on the opposite coasts of Canada and have the same core
values as Just Us. There are mutual benefits for both parties by entering this agreement. In terms of feasibility of
this strategy. l believe that it would be very beneficial for both parties however I question the reality of it. In
order for this strategy to be implemented I believe that there would have to be more in the agreement for
Kicking Horse to get on board. I also acknowledge that this strategy may have knock on effects on Just Us. With
a joint venture, customers could perceive the company as 'selling out’ e.g. similar to Innocent smoothie Coca
Cola purchase. This in turn could affect the loyal customer base as many customers may be attracted to the idea
of the company being a small company from a local town. Another knock on effect could be from the employees
also. As stated in the article the employees are all happy to be part of something good and although the values
will remain the same, management may change through the deployment of this strategy as well as the direction
of the company which could upset employees and in turn reduce the workforce or productivity levels.

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2. Defend current market

The second strategy is to remain in the Nova Scotia market and defend what Just Us already has, without

The objective of this strategy is to continue and maintain the 4 coffee shops and maintaining the relationships
with retailers. The benefits of this are that the company can focus on its service offering and find new product
lines. However because of the competitive environment it is not recommended and therefore is not the selected
strategy. However one solution to combat the intense competition in the market is to use a counter offensive
defence as suggested in Wilson and Gilligan, 2005. This strategy of defence is used in the industry when a
competitor launches an attack on the market. Just Us for example could either meet the attack head on or look
for a gap or a weakness in its competitor’s strategy through promoting their own strengths and highlighting the
competitor's weaknesses.

3. Improve brand performance and expand long term

The third strategy is a five year plan. The concept behind the strategy is to improve and build on the existing
brand within the local market with expansion plans 1) in Nova Scotia and 2) to mainland Canada.

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For Just Us it is suggested that they look to reposition the brand and leverage the story behind the brand as
their pull. As mentioned earlier I would also recommend that they aim to cut costs through examining their value

When repositioning it is crucial for Just Us to tell the story of the coffee fair-trade process from start to finish
and emphasise the fairness in the whole process thus leveraging the brands personality. Brand personality can
be defined as the ”embodiment of personality traits of the consumer in the brand itself" (West. Ford & Ibrahim.
2006; P259). By leveraging this more as part of the offering Just Us will be more instantly recognised by
customers which is crucial. This story telling will also differentiate Just Us from other fair trade competitors as
well as educate the public, one of the management team's goals. By using Aeker’s 1996 model for brand
identity Just Us can understand how the customer perceives them and position themselves adequately.

According to Ries and Trout (2001), the biggest challenge to win customers over is within the mind of the
customer before they even decide they want coffee. Just Us should again as mentioned play on telling the story
to be instantly in the customer’s mind. They should also adopt a catchy memorable slogan, again reflecting their
brand personality.

I believe that increase in advertising will generate more traffic to the website and therefore they should make
the site more interesting. An interesting feature I would feel would be online videos of the product process on
the website from start to finish. Another simple low cost form of advertising and using technology could be a
members club. By establishing this in the online environment they could then use Electronic newsletters to keep
in touch with existing customers. The benefits of electronic newsletters to customers are simply that they can be
issued in large quantities on a low-cost basis and can reach a large portion of their target market. They could
also provide Just Us with important feedback regarding innovating their product i.e. new flavours or lines. Once
they have built their online base up enough I think that e-retail could become an option for Just Us.

Public Relations (PR) - This marketing communication channel can establish a mutual understanding and
reciprocal good will between itself and its stakeholders. Just Us already as stated earlier have a huge emphasis
on PR through cultural events in their coffee shops and talks as well as receiving awards. I believe it is a
successful route to take but that for the current economic climate it is very expensive.

The third part of the strategy is to maintain once these units are open and monitor performances whilst building
awareness. At this stage I believe that Just Us should be equipped to enter the Canadian mainland market as
the brand will be strong enough to compete outside of Nova Scotia and awareness will be high enough to open
stores in larger cities thus the fourth step. This strategy will be effective as it is long term and cost conscious in
the short term. As suggested in the article, there is a 20,000 budget however it could potentially be 7%of the
overall revenues thus being $161.276. The latter would be sufficient to carry out this strategy with resulting
increased revenues funding the new shops.

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V. References

Bawa. K.. Shoemaker R. (2004) The Effects of Free Sample Promotions on Incremental Brand Sales, Marketing
Science. Vol. 23. No. 3. pp. 345-363.

Bergen. M. and Peteraf. M. (2002). Competitor Identification and Competitor Analysis A Broad Based
Managerial Approach and Decision Economics Vol. 23. No. 4/5.

Fan Y. (2005) Ethical branding and corporate reputation. Corporate Communications: An International Journal
Vol. 10.

Hanas. J. (2008) Going Green. Marketing News. 2/1/2008.Vol. 42 Issue 2


"SWOT Analysis". Business and Organizational Development Tools, Training, and Services. Retrieved 2012.

Porter, Michael. "The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy". The Harvard Business Review. Retrieved
March 28, 2012.

”Porter's 5 Forces". University of Cambridge


Dess G; Lumkin G. &Taylor L. 2004. Strategic Management . Text and Cases. McGraw-Hill.

Doyle & Stem. (2006). “Marketing Management and Strategy”. 4th. Ed. Prentice Hall

Keller. (2008). “Strategic Brand Management”. 3rd Ed. Pearson Education

Murray & O'Driscoll. (1996). “Strategy and Process in Marketing”. Prentice Hall

Ries A. and Trout J. “ (2001). “The marketing classic positioning: the battle for your mind”, McGraw Hill

West. Ford & Ibrahim. (2006). “Strategic Marketing”: Oxford Publishing.

Wilson R And Gilligan C (2005). “Strategic Marketing Management” (3rd Edition). England: Elsevier Butterworth-

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VI. Appendix
1. Appendix A: PESTEL analysis framework
Please refer to the detailed PESTEL analysis as outlined above.


Legal factors
Social factors

2. Appendix B: SWOT framework

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3. Appendix C: Porter’s 5 forces

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