Sma Negeri 3 Semarang: Lesson Plan

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LESSON PLAN School Subject Topic Class/ Semester Times Allocated : SMA Negeri 3 Semarang : Chemistry : Compound Nomenclature : X/ I : 2 x 45 minutes

A. Competence Standard 2. Comprehend chemical base laws and its applying in calculation. B. Basic Competence 2. 1. Describe simple organic and inorganic compound nomenclature and equation of the reaction. C. Indicator 1. Write down the name of binary compound 2. Write down the name of polyatomic compound 3. Write down the name of simple organic compound 4. Determine binary compound formed from cation and anion table 5. Determine name of polyatomic compound formed from cation and anion table D. The Purpose of Teaching-Learning 1. Students can write down the name of binary compound 2. Students are able to write down the name of polyatomic compound 3. Students can write down the name of simple organic compound 4. Students are able to determine binary compound formed from cation and anion table 5. Students are able to determine name of polyatomic compound formed from cation and anion table E. Main Material Binary Compound nomenclature Polyatomic compound nomenclature

F. Resources and Media Susilowati, Endang, 2009, Theory and Application of Chemistry for Grade X of Senior High School and Islamic High School (p.105- 122 ), Solo: PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri Sri Juari Santosa dkk, 2006, Kimia Kelas X Semester I untuk SMA dan MA (p. 82 -87 ), Klaten: Intan Pariwara Setyawan, Fuad, Buku Evaluasi Siswa Kimia Kelas X untuk SMA/MA Semester I, Klaten: Sinar Mandiri Presentation Slide, Flash Media, Students work sheet, LCD, Computer Internet G. Teaching Learning Method Exploratory Quiz Giving task H. Learning Activities No Activities

PBKB Value





01. Introduction Greeting Discipline Teacher checks the students attendance Students listen to this apperception: Meaning of name. Naming has important meaning in our life. Imagine, if articles around Us, including our selves, are not given name, we of course, will have many troubles. How do we call our friends in huge number? Naming also occurs in chemistry. Compounds found needs to give name for making easy to learn. How do we name the chemical compounds? Teacher explains the purpose of the learning will be done. 2. Main Activities a. Binary Compound Exploration Toleran Students listen for Ce

5 minutes

Giving informa tion

Observation on students attitude and response.

15 minutes

Explorat ory

Chemistry Books

Effective questioning


delivering material about the nomenclature of binary compound Teacher gives example how to determine and write down the name of binary compound. Elaboration Students ask about the way to write down the name of binary compound Students get exercises to determine the name of binary compound formed from cation and anion tables Confirmation select several students to report their work and then compare theirs with others students' work result Students come forward to do the task Students are guided by teacher in doing exercises Polyatomic Compound Exploration Students listen for delivering material about the nomenclature of polyatomic compound Teacher gives example how to determine and write down the name of polyatomic compound. Elaboration Students ask about the way to write down the name of polyatomic compound Students get exercises to determine the name of polyatomic compound formed from cation and anion tables Confirmation

http://www . .chem-is90% of students are active in class

Self Convide nt

Question and answer Discussio n

Toleranc e

Responsi bility

15 minutes

Explorat ory

Group cooperation

Question and answer Discussio n



Students come forward to do the task Students are guided by teacher in doing exercises Simple Organic Compound Exploration Students listen for delivering material about the nomenclature of Simple Organic compound Teacher gives example how to determine and write down the name of simple organic compound. Elaboration Students ask about the way to write down the name of simple organic compound Students get exercises to determine the name of simple organic compound formed from cation and anion tables Confirmation Students come forward to do the task Students are guided by teacher in doing exercises Closing Activities Students and teacher honesty make conclusion Students do evaluation test Students get home work (1st sheet)

10 minutes

Explorator y

90% of students are active in class

20 minutes

Observation 100% of students do the task.

I. References Susilowati, Endang, Theory and Application of Chemistry for Grade X of Senior High School and Islamic High School (p. 33-42), Solo: PT. Tiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri Sri Juari Santosa dkk, Kimia Kelas X Semester I untuk SMA dan MA (p. 3844), Klaten: Intan Pariwara

Setyawan, Fuad, Buku Evaluasi Siswa Kimia Kelas X untuk SMA/MA Semester I, Klaten: Sinar Mandiri periodic%20table.htm

J. Evaluation Evaluation Technique : Written test Instrument : Essay Respond : Minimum Completion Criteria Less than minimum Completion Criteria (76) More than Minimum Completion Criteria (76) K. SUBJECT MATTER

=76 = Remedial (examination) = Enrichment

Common Chemical Compounds Nomenclature Based on its atomic number, chemical compound can be divided to binary and polyatomic compound. Accordingly, this nomenclature discussion will be classified as binary and polyatomic compound. 1. Binary Compound Nomenclature Binary compounds are made from only two types of atom. Based on its bonding, binary compound can be categorizedin to ionic type and covalent type. a. Ionic Binary Compound Nomenclature Ionic Binary compounds are named by calling its metallic ion first, and then followed by its non-metallic anion. Metal name+non-metallic anion name Some cations and anions
Cation Na Li+ K+ Mg2+ Ca2+ Al3+

Charge +1 +1 +1 +2 +2 +3

Cation name Sodium ion Lithium ion Pottasium ion Magnesium ion Calcium ion Aluminium ion

Metallic Name Sodium Lithium Pottasium Magnesium Calsium Aluminium

Anion H N3O2S2ClBrI-

Charge -1 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 -1

Anion Name Hydride Nitride Oxide Sulphide Chloride Bromide Iodide

Example: NaCl, KCl, MgCl, MgO, AlCl3 and Al2O3 b. Covalent Binary Compounds Nomenclature The naming of covalent binary compounds are related with the forming elements and its amount of atoms. The quantity of atom is written in Greek. Covalent binary compounds are named by mentioning the first elements with its prefix, then the second element with its own prefix and an -ide ending.
Quantity of atoms Greek Prefix Quantity of atoms Greek Prefix

(Greek prefix of first element)(first element)+ (Greek prefix of second element) (second element) + -ide

1 2 3 4 5

Mono Di Tri Tetra Penta

6 7 8 9 10

heksa hepta okta nona deka

2. Polyatomic Compound Nomenclature A non-metallic element can combine wiyh other non-metallic element forming a polyatomic ion. If ametallic or non-metallic element reacts with polyatomic ion, then the compound formed is called polyatomic compund. A polyatomic compound is divide into ionic compound and covallent compound.
Polyatomic Compound

Ion polyatomic compound

Covalent Polyatomic compound

Polyatomic Salt Compound

Polyatomic Base Compound

Oxide acid compound

Based on the diagram above, we can see that polyatomic compound consist of polyatomic salt and polyatomic base compounds. Polyatomic salt compound is a salt compound which cation and anion are polyatomic ions. The examples are NH4Cl, NaNO3, and Na2SO4. Polyatomic base compound is an ionic compound consisted of metallic cation and OH- anion (except NH4OH). The examples are NaOH , KOH and Mg(OH)2. Meanwhile, the covalent polyatomic compound is a polyatomic compound which its smllest particle is in the form of molecule. Covalent polyatomic compound includes oxide acid compound, such as H2SO4, HNO3 and H3PO4. L. INSTRUMENT Essay! 1. Determine the name of these chemical Compounds! a. NaCl c. MgO b. MgCl2 d. Al2O3 2. Define the chemical formula of these compounds! a. CO c. CO2 b. N2O3 d. PCl5 3. Define the chemical name of these compounds! a. HBr b. HCl c. H2S

4. Define the chemical name of these polyatomic compounds! a. Na2CO3 c. (NH4)2SO4 b. MgCO3 d. Na2SO3 5. Define the chemical name of these base compounds! a. NaOH b. Ca(OH)2 6. Define the chemical name of these polyatomic acid compounds! a. HNO3 c. H2SO3 b. H2CO3 d. H2SO4

Key of Essay No. 01. Key a. NaCl Metal : Sodium Non-metal: Chloride Ion Compound name : Sodium Chloride b..MgCl2 Metal : Magnesium Non-metal: Chloride Ion compound name : Magnesium Chloride c..MgO Metal : Magnesium Non-metal: Oxide Ion compound name : Magnesium Oxide d. Al2O3 Metal : Aluminium Non-metal : Oxide Ion compound name : Aluminium Oxide a. CO
Element C (Carbon) O (Oxigen) Atomic Number 1 (mono) 1 (mono)

Score 15



Compounds name : Carbon monoxide (not monocarbon monoxide) b..CO2

Element C (Carbon) O (Oxigen) Atomic Number 1 (mono) 2 (di)

Compounds name: Carbon dioxide (not monocarbon dioxide) c..N2O3

Element N (Nitrogen) O (Oxigen) Atomic Number 2 (di) 3 (tri)

Compounds name: Dinitrogen Triokside d.PCl3

Element P (Phosphorus) Cl (Chloride)

Atomic Number 1 (mono) 3 (tri)


Compounds name: Phosphorus Trichloride a. HBr Non-metallic elements but H: Br (Bromide) Compounds name : Bromide acid or hydrogen bromide (not hydrogen monobromide)


b. b. HCl Non-metallic elements but H:Cl (chloride) Compounds name : Chloride acid or hydrogen chloride (not hydrogen monochloride) c. c. H2S Non-metallic element but H:S (sulphide) Comoundss name: Sulphide acid or hydrogen sulphide (not dihydrogen monosulphide) 04. a. Na2CO3 Cation (metallic element): Na+(sodium) Anion (polyatomic ion) : CO32- (carbonate) Compound name : Sodium Carbonate (not disodium carbonate) b. MgCO3 Cation (polyatomic ion): Mg2+ (magnesium) Anion (polyatomic ion) : CO32- (carbonate) Compound name : Magnesium carbonate c. (NH4)SO4 Cation (polyatomic ion) :NH4+ (ammonium) Anion (polyatomic ion) : SO42- (sulfate) Compound name : Ammonium Sulfate (not diammonium sulfate) d. Na2SO3 Cation (metal element) : Na+ (sodium) Anion (polyatomic ion) : SO32- (sulfit) Compound name : sodium sulfit (not disodium sulfit) 05. a. NaOH Metallic name : Na (sodium) Compound name : Sodium Hydroxide b. Ca(OH)2 Metal name : Ca (calcium) Compound name : Calcium Hydroxide (not calcium dihydroxide) 06. a. HNO3 Polyatomic anion : NO3- (nitrate) Compound name : nitrate acid b. H2CO3 Polyatomic anion : CO32- (carbonate) Compound name : Carbonate acid c. H2SO3 Polyatomic anion : SO32- (sulfite)



Compound name : Sulfite acid d. H2SO4 Polyatomic anion : SO42- (sulfate) Compound name : Sulfate acid Total


Semarang, 21 Juli 2011 Approved by, School Principal of SMAN 3 Semarang Teacher

Drs. HARI WALUYO, M. M NIP. 19640207 198803 1 016

Dra. WIDYA PRAHASTUTI NIP. 19600813 198803 2 005

1st Sheet Please complete the table below! No. 01. 02 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. No. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Cation Na+ Mg2+

Home Work

Anion ClBr2-

Chemical Formula NaCl

Compound Name Sodium Chloride Aluminium Sulphide

Al (NO3)2 KCl



OH Li+

Magnesium Hydroxide KOH CaCl2

BrCompound Name Tetrachloride

Chemical Formula NO2 P2O5

Sulphur tioxide CCl4 HClO3 Bromide Acid NH3 H2SO3 Sulphide Acid

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