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Topic : Intership on Python Date : 11/08/2022

Department : Computer Science

Handled by : i) Mr. Kiran Das from Inmakes pvt ltd

ii) Mr.Amal Kumar from Inmakes pvt ltd

figure 1: Class taken by Amal Kumar

Figure 2: class taken by Kiran Das

Two people from Inmakes Learning came to take a class about a 3-month Python Internship. They
gave us an insight into their python course and provided information about their other available
courses. They encouraged the students to take part in their 3-month internship.

Python is a general purpose, dynamic, high-level, and interpreted programming language. It

supports Object Oriented programming approach to develop applications. It is simple and easy to
learn and provides lots of high-level data structures.Python is easy to learn yet powerful and
versatile scripting language, which makes it attractive for Application Development.Python's syntax
and dynamic typing with its interpreted nature make it an ideal language for scripting and rapid
application development. Python supports multiple programming pattern, including object-oriented,
imperative, and functional or procedural programming styles. Python is not intended to work in a
particular area, such as web programming. That is why it is known as multipurpose programming
language because it can be used with web, enterprise, 3D CAD, etc.

Python was invented by Guido van Rossum in 1991 at CWI in Netherland. The idea of Python
programming language has taken from the ABC programming language or we can say that ABC is a
predecessor of Python language.There is also a fact behind the choosing name Python. Guido van
Rossum was a fan of the popular BBC comedy show of that time, "Monty Python's Flying Circus".
So he decided to pick the name Python for his newly created programming language. Python has
the vast community across the world and releases its version within the short period.

Python is a general-purpose, popular programming language and it is used in almost every technical
field. The various areas of Python use are given below.

 Data Science

 Date Mining

 Desktop Applications

 Console-based Applications

Student Incharge :

Lecture incharge : Name and signature of HOD

Alumni Talk

Topic : Class by Former Student Ashly Date : 20/08/2022

Department : Computer Science

Figure 1: Alumni talk

An innovative class was taken by a former student of the department Ms Ashly. The resource
person shared her memories and experiences encouraging the current students. She talked on
various topics of matter in the IT sector as well as had a fruitful chat session with the students.

Maintaining good relationships with alumni over time is crucial to the success of students as well as
institutions. Alumni serve many valuable roles, such as helping to build and grow an institution’s
brand through word-of-mouth marketing. For instance, positive posts on social media can create
buzz and increase application rates. Colleges know the alumni importance and always rely on
alumni to provide mentoring, internships, and career opportunities to students.
It is critical to an institution's success to build an engaged, supportive alumni network. Graduates'
understanding of the university would get stale if communication stops once they leave the
institution. Thus, both the institution and the alumni know the importance of alumni relations and
benefit from strong alumni relationships

Career conversation is an opportunity for alumni and friends to offer career advice to a small group
of prospective and current students. These events are meant to be small networking sessions
designed to offer students the chance to get answers to their most pressing questions about a
specific career field.

Alumni, parents, recruiters, and students are all welcome to participate in a program that will
connect alumni one-on-one with students to provide career advice and guidance, including resume
and cover letter reviews. Current and prospective students through seniors are invited to participate.

Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD


Topic : Children’s day Date : 14/11/2022

Department : Computer Science

Figure 1: children's day celebration

The Department of Computer Science celebrated the day by organizing a rally and added on
distributed sweets to the students. Moreover, an exciting and engaging class session was taken for
the innocent ones with various rhymes and action songs.

Children's Day began on the second Sunday of June in 1857 by Reverend Dr. Charles Leonard,
pastor of the Universalist Church of the Redeemer in Chelsea, Massachusetts: Leonard held a
special service dedicated to, and for the children. Leonard named the day Rose Day, though it was
later named Flower Sunday, and then named Children's Day.

Children's Day was first officially declared a national holiday by the Republic of Turkey in 1920
with the set date of 23 April. Children's Day has been celebrated nationally since 1920 with the
government and the newspapers of the time declaring it a day for the children. However, it was
decided that an official confirmation was needed to clarify and justify this celebration and the
official declaration was made nationally in 1929 by the founder and the President of the Republic of
Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.

In 2000, the Millennium Development Goals outlined by world leaders to stop the spread of
HIV/AIDS by 2015. Albeit this applies to all people, the primary objective is concerning children.
UNICEF is dedicated to meeting the six of eight goals that apply to the needs of children so that
they are all entitled to fundamental rights written in the 1989 international human rights treaty.
UNICEF delivers vaccines, works with policymakers for good health care and education and works
exclusively to help children and protect their rights.

In September 2012, the Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations led the initiative for
the education of children.He firstly wants every child to be able to attend school, a goal by
2015.Secondly, to improve the skill set acquired in these schools.Finally, implementing policies
regarding education to promote peace, respect, and environmental concern. Universal Children's
Day is not just a day to celebrate children for who they are, but to bring awareness to children
around the globe that have experienced violence in forms of abuse, exploitation, and discrimination.
Children are used as laborers in some countries, immersed in armed conflict, living on the streets,
suffering by differences be it religion, minority issues, or disabilities.Children feeling the effects of
war can be displaced because of the armed conflict and may suffer physical and psychological
trauma.The following violations are described in the term "children and armed conflict":
recruitment and child soldiers, killing/maiming of children, abduction of children, attacks on
schools/hospitals and not allowing humanitarian access to children. Currently, there are about 153
million children between the ages of 5 and 14 who are forced into child labor. The International
Labour Organization in 1999 adopted the Prohibition and Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child
Labour including slavery, child prostitution, and child pornography.

Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD


Topic : Environment Day Date : 06/06/2022

Department : Computer Science

Figure 2: After the celebration

Figure 1: planting a tree

Department of computer science celebrated World Environment day on 5 June yearly. It is the
biggest international day for the environment. Celebrating this day is to raise awareness among
people to protect the environment. In the year 2022 The department of computer science observed
this international day by planting saplings in pots and placing them on the floor corridors.World
Environment Day is a global platform for inspiring positive change. People from more than 150
countries participate in this United Nations international day, which celebrates environmental action
and the power of governments, businesses and individuals to create a more sustainable world.

World Environment Day puts a global spotlight on the pressing environmental challenges of our
times. This UN international day has become the largest global platform for environmental
outreach, with millions of people from across the world engaging to protect the planet.
In 2020, the World Environment Day theme focused on biodiversity – a concern both urgent and
existential. The day was hosted by Colombia. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 crisis –
caused by the rapid destruction of habitats – President Iván Duque Márquez said “the time to act is
now if we want to assure our present and our future.” Fourteen world leaders – including those from
Colombia, Costa Rica, Finland, France and Seychelles – released a statement calling on
governments worldwide to support a new global goal to protect at least 30 per cent of the planet’s
land and ocean by 2030.

Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD


Topic : Plastic Bag Free Day Date : 08/07/2022

Department : Computer Science

Figure 1: distributing paper bags

Figure 2: distributing paper bag to
another shop
The International Plastic Bag Free Day takes place every July 3rd. On this day, citizens and
associations are invited to organize events to raise awareness of the urgent problems caused by the
use of plastic bags. On behalf of this the students of computer science crafted paper bags and
distributed to the shops . In 1925, International Children's Day was first proclaimed in Geneva
during the World Conference on Child Welfare. Since 1950, it is celebrated on June 1 in most
Communist and post-Communist countries. World Children's Day is celebrated on 20 November to
commemorate the Declaration of the Rights of the Child by the UN General Assembly on 20
November 1959. In some countries, it is Children's Week and not Children's Day. The Sikhs
celebrate Children Day on 20 December to 27 December. In the U.S., Children's Day is celebrated
on the second Sunday of June.and 3rd years came up with the idea of making paper bags by
themselves and selling them. It also introduced them to a new field of marketing which they have
not faced before.

India hosted the 45th celebration of World Environment Day under the theme “Beat Plastic
Pollution.” Over 6,000 people gathered at Versova Beach in Mumbai to join UN Environment
Champion of the Earth Afroz Shah in a beach clean-up, where they collected over 90,000 kg of
plastic. The Indian government made a bold commitment to ban all single-use plastics—which
makes up 70 per cent of marine litter—by 2022 and European Union lawmakers agreed on a ban by

Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD

Topic : Seminar on DevOps Date : 16/12/2022

Department : Computer Science

Figure 1: class taken by the resourse person

The new association of the computer science department of BCM College Kottayam was
inaugurated successfully in the presence of all the students and staff members of the department by
the invited guest Mr Bibith K Mathew. To add on, he also showcased a wrap-up of DevOps
Technology and input information and knowledge regarding it into the minds and brains of the
audience. The day was well furnished as well as finished.

DevOps is basically a combination of two words- Development and Operations. DevOps is a

culture that implements the technology in order to promote collaboration between the developer
team and the operations team to deploy code to production faster in an automated and repeatable

The goal of DevOps is to increase an organization’s speed when it comes to delivering applications
and services. Many companies have successfully implemented DevOps to enhance their user
experience including Amazon, Netflix, etc.

Facebook’s mobile app which is updated every two weeks effectively tells users you can have what
you want and you can have it. Now ever wondered how Facebook was able to do social smoothing?
It’s the DevOps philosophy that helps Facebook ensure that apps aren’t outdated and that users get
the best experience on Facebook. Facebook accomplishes this true code ownership model that
makes its developers responsible that includes testing and supporting through production and
delivery for each kernel of code. They write and update their true policies like this but Facebook has
developed a DevOps culture and has successfully accelerated its development lifecycle.

Industries have started to gear up for digital transformation by shifting their means to weeks and
months instead of years while maintaining high quality as a result. The solution to all this is-

Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD

Topic : International Yoga Day Date : 21/06/2022

Department : Computer Science

Figure 1: kabodhasana Figure 2: pranayama

The department of computer science celebrated the International Day of Yoga in our classroom
on 21st June 2022 Tuesday from 1.00 pm to 2.45 pm.The idea of the International Day of Yoga was
first proposed by the current Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, during his speech at the
United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), on 27 September 2014
"Yoga is an invaluable gift of India's ancient tradition. It embodies unity of mind and body; thought
and action; restraint and fulfilment; harmony between man and nature; a holistic approach to health
and well-being. It is not about exercise but to discover the sense of oneness within yourself, the
world and nature. Changing our lifestyle and creating consciousness, can help in well-being. Let us
work towards adopting an International Yoga Day"

2nd DC student Aleesha Joy took the initiative to teach the class yoga. In the first half an hour, she
explained the origin of Yoga and the importance of practising yoga in our daily lives. She talked
about the usual mistakes while doing yoga and pointed out the important things, especially the
breathing part that we should take care of while doing it.

After that, she started the yoga class with somebody warm-ups. We started with the Lotus position
or Padmasana, which is a cross-legged sitting meditation pose from ancient India, in which each
foot is placed on the opposite thigh. After that we did Bhujangasana,Dhanurasana,Trikonasana and

After doing some asanas we did Suryasanam or Salute to the Sun, which is a practice in yoga done
as an exercise incorporating a flow sequence of some twelve gracefully linked asanas. The asana
sequence was first recorded as yoga in the early 20th century. 3rd DC student Sethulakshmi K.B.
told them about the vitality of Suryanamaskara. She told us about the importance of inhalation and
exhalation in this asana.

Sethulakshmi and Aleesha gave us some challenges for us as well. The challenging asanas were
Sarvangasana,Halasana,Sirsasana,Gomukhasana and Chakrasana. Susan, Meera, Parvathy, and
Sandhra Shankar successfully did the challenges. In this small event, all the 2nd DC and 3rd DC
students & our teachers also participated except Jintu ma'am and Sr. Sreya ma'am.We concluded our
event with a small talk session in which we gave personal feedback about the class.

Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD

Topic : Azhchavattom Date :

Department : Computer Science

Figure 1: selling the products

Azhchavattom is an entrepreneurship development program as well as an initiative born in the

creative minds of the college authority, Principal and also the Malayalam department. An overall
overview of the program is that every Monday of the week different departments shall come and
sell anything they wish to and also gain a little income from it. The program was a grand success
and the department of computer science of the college also actively took part in it. Students of the
three different classes of the department brought various items and materials mostly uncooked
items including vegetables, fruit, curry powders and curry leaves. The main attractions were pickles
and salted fruits.

Entrepreneurship is the ability and readiness to develop, organize and run a business enterprise,
along with any of its uncertainties in order to make a profit. The most prominent example of
entrepreneurship is the starting of new businesses.In economics, entrepreneurship connected with
land, labour, natural resources and capital can generate a profit. The entrepreneurial vision is
defined by discovery and risk-taking and is an indispensable part of a nation’s capacity to succeed
in an ever-changing and more competitive global marketplace.The entrepreneur is defined as
someone who has the ability and desire to establish, administer and succeed in a startup venture
along with risk entitled to it, to make profits. The best example of entrepreneurship is the starting of
a new business venture. The entrepreneurs are often known as a source of new ideas or innovators,
and bring new ideas in the market by replacing old with a new invention.It can be classified into
small or home business to multinational companies. In economics, the profits that an entrepreneur
makes is with a combination of land, natural resources, labour and capital. In a nutshell, anyone
who has the will and determination to start a new company and deals with all the risks that go with
it can become an Entrepreneur.

Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD


Topic : Drawing Competition Date : 15/11/2022

Department : Computer Science

Figure 1: Drwaing competition

The Department of Computer Science as a part of children’s day , conducted a painting competition
at St.Anne’s GHSS, Kottayam. The competition was held for the students of standard IV of the
school. The winners were awarded amazing prizes. The students who took part in it were more
excited than anyone.When kids begin to explore their talents and specialties, one of the areas some
may excel in is painting. Even though painting may not be every child’s cup of tea, it sure does have
benefits that both you and your child can learn from together.

Painting can help your children communicate their emotions or feelings. Through the use of
different colors, they can express themselves without the use of words.Painting allows children an
educational opportunity that is also fun and exciting.Painting aids children acquire hand-eye
coordination, an important skill in their age. This is developed while they learn to paint the parts
that they see; making sure their hand movement is at par with their vision.Painting aids your child
develop mobility skills. Their hand muscles are being used, which allows them a scope to develop
both mentally and physically.Painting helps children acquire skills on how to focus on trivial
details, painting on a canvas or a piece of paper requires varied painting skills.Painting can be a
great podium for children to progress and discover their creativity. They learn about various color
mixtures and how they go together.Painting can help children learn sizes, shapes, patterns and
designs. These are all critical aspects of their curriculum during pre-school years.Painting helps
children develop their decision-making skills. They need to plan ahead as they choose which color
should be used for different parts of the painting.Painting can play the role of therapy for a child
who might be feeling different emotions; whether these feelings are subtle or extreme in nature. In
addition to communication, painting can help children feel better about things that they may have
bottled up inside.Perhaps the greatest benefit is the fact that painting provides you and your children
a great platform to bond and spend valuable time together.

Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD


Topic : Student digital Initiative Date :

Department : Computer Science

Student Digital Initiative or SDI is an initiative brought out by the department of computer science
where students become digitally independent. Through this effective platform, the students are able
to make themselves as well as the people around them well-literate about the digital world. The
major activities that took part in it or student ID card generation Google form creation and
distribution, QR code creation and sharing the knowledge of handling computers and data in it.

Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD

Topic : Digital Card Making Competition Date :

Department : Computer Science

Figure 1: prize distribution to Figure 2: prize distribution to the

the winners winners

In association with the Azadi Ka Amrit Maholsav, the department also encouraged another
competition namely the digital card-making competition. It also gained the attention of a wider
range of participants. The competition was held on 17th August 2022 at 1 pm. The venue for it was
Language Lab.

Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD


Topic : Cartoon Making Competition Date : 10/10/2022

Department : Computer Science

Figure 1: prize distributing to the


Cartoon making competition is another vibrant competition held by the department as a part of
celebrating the Azadi Ka Amrit Maholsav, celebrating 75 years of independence of India. The event
brought out the cartoon skills of the students of different departments of the college. It was
coordinated by third DC student Neerja Rajan and the Teacher in charge was Reshma Anil Kumar.
The competition was held on 19th August 2022 at 1 pm. The venue for it was Room No. 422.

Colors are among the external factors that stimulate children before emotions.
Notwithstanding that the little ones perceive colors differently according to their development stage,
there is evidence that colors can send specific messages. For example, soft and pastel colors,
commonly used in children’s rooms, convey a sense of calm, while bright colors such as red and
yellow stimulate activity.
Cartoons are one of the efficient means that use colors to communicate something. In fact,
colored moving images first capture children’s attention before they understand any message,
providing them with a world full of symbols that reflect complex concepts to explain to a young

Like many things, television and cartoons are being accused because of their passive component
and the suspects that they can not correctly educate children with their contents.For example, in
many animated works that have dominated the years, such as those produced by Disney, there are
no parents or parental guides, as we would expect. There are stepmothers, witches, and bullies that
bash orphans and defenseless creatures.

Parents need to understand that children perceive the world differently, and fairy tales positively
help understand life’s complex dynamics. Fairy tales, upon which cartoons base, tinged with
different symbols to teach children cognitive skills and morals. Maurizio Brasini, child psychology
authority, explains that evils and orphans in cartoons have a real specific purpose.

Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD


Topic : Bharath Gyan Quiz Competition Date : 22/08/2022

Department : Computer Science

Figure 1: prize distributing to
the winner

In connection with Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav the department of computer science conducted a
Bharat Gyan quiz Competition. The competition was a grand success attracting a large number of
students up from the college. The competition was held on 22nd August 2022 at 1 pm. The venue
for it was Room No. 422.
Student in-charge :

Lecture In-charge : Name and signature of HOD

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