Action Plan

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Action plan

No. Customer satisfaction

2 Issue/needs addressed
3 Needed resources
4 Persons involved
5 Time frame

No. Internal strategy


2 Issue/needs addressed
3 Needed resources
4 Persons involved
5 Time frame

No. Training process to develop


2 Issue/needs addressed
3 Needed resources
4 Persons involved
5 Time frame

Describe for each initiative, the desired results and what is the reality you envision.
Strategical planning implements techniques for Customer satisfaction through individual care and healthca
accordingly. For faster accurate evaluations and managing massive data volumes, active staffs are to be
1. implemented with updates healthcare resources. Better reputation of the organisation ensures patient sat
and perception about the quality and value of healthcare a patient needs which maintains the sustainibility
Internal process development focuses on the internal resources that impacts the oprganisation's managem
system. Strategies to be implemented internally through collaboration of experts and employees that align
workforce to a specific goal. If implementation of tools and technology-led healthcare equipmemnts are do
2. would give a improvement in quality and maintainance standard. Working of ther employees internally wou
implement unique strategies.

Learning and development trainings and programs enhance the efficiency of nworkforce by enhancing the
Mainly it is implemented to fill gaps in knowledge of experts and professional to enable better competencie
3. develop image and brand value of the organisation.

Actions to be made
Evaluation of health reports with efficiency and accuracy
Maintainances of facilities and services
Implementing strategies based on Feedback
Managing Massive volumes of patient related data
Efficient healthcare resources and skilled staffs
People professionals
12 weeks

Actions to be made
Collaborating with experts through webinar and meetings
Updated tools and technology implementation strategically
Aligning the workforce structure through strategy and plans
Scarce healthcare resouces
Technology-led healthcare equipment
people professionals, employees and operational managers
10 Weeks

Actions to be made
Analyse knowledge gap in expertise
Alignment of employees towards organisation through skill development
Specialised training to employees
Higher competencies
Employees led by skilled experts
People professionals
6 weeks

the desired results and what is the reality you envision.

implements techniques for Customer satisfaction through individual care and healthcare needs
ter accurate evaluations and managing massive data volumes, active staffs are to be
pdates healthcare resources. Better reputation of the organisation ensures patient satisfaction
ut the quality and value of healthcare a patient needs which maintains the sustainibility of
velopment focuses on the internal resources that impacts the oprganisation's management
o be implemented internally through collaboration of experts and employees that aligns the
fic goal. If implementation of tools and technology-led healthcare equipmemnts are done, that
ement in quality and maintainance standard. Working of ther employees internally would help

opment trainings and programs enhance the efficiency of nworkforce by enhancing the skills.
nted to fill gaps in knowledge of experts and professional to enable better competencies and
brand value of the organisation.

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