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China desperation for Australia to sign OBOR initiative

By:- Sanjeev Gupta

Source: © The Economist Group Limited, London (2 July 2016). 4

China push for One Belt One Road initiative in western countries is testimony for Mr
Xinping aspiration to rule the world. China has already convince Italy to sign for it
and now they are pushing Australia to sign for it. The ugliest part of the Australian
politics is that here states are free to ignore federal warning or guidance. The
masterstroke of China as OBOR is not an out of blue action but its an action that has
been drawn many decades ago. China systematically has weaken the Australian
economy by eradicating the industries and manufacturing from the Australian soil.
China always invested in real estate making the mortgage to sit at $ 900 Billion dollar
which gives them extensive negotiation power and edge and if any time Australia
tries to deter from their control China will request all Chinese investor which are pro
Beijing to default leading Australia to become bankrupt. The systematic approach to
wipe industrialization from western continent has paid for China’s hard work. Now
since the Australian economy is in regressive growth phase, negative GDP, declining
wages, increasing number of people living in poverty, RBA desperation to raise
interest rate are some of the factors which making Australia desperate for
investment and China’s offer for OBORI is very lucrative. Australia’s intention to keep
both China and America happy is not working anymore, as Trump being at the center
of DE-globalization amid tariffs and ending any benefits to any country including
India , is clear sign that its not possible for Australia to keep both parties happy
without having a transparent and Australia first policy. Australia needs America to
maintain there credit rating and defence dependency.
After Victoria now China is pushing WA to sign for OBORI despite federal
government giving clear warning that its not in the interest of Australian at large.
Australia knows that very well that without infrastructure investment and
development there is no other way out and that only possible when we open
Australia for all players like Dubai and Singapore instead relying only on China for
development. Australia need new roads, smart cities, industries, sustainable
migration, agriculture and innovation.
Recent meddling in Australian election 2019 has proved that China’s influence is not
only in foreign policies but also in internal politics and who will run Australia is being
decided in Beijing rather then in Canberra.
The challenges to Australian leadership, Australian productivity commission and
policy maker is to find a strategy to tame the dragon. The Australian stagnant
economy requires immediate stimulus but the question lies is China or IMF which is
bankrupt or new venues such as India is the new and lasting option.
Negative GDP, Wage stagnant, declining dollar value, rising foreign influence, rising
living cost, Drugs importation to Australian soil, rising secrecy laws, corrupt and
biased public officers are the few challenges that Australia needs to consider before
going overseas for help or before signing the controversial One Belt One Road
When considering the controversial One Belt One Road initiative the past example is
not giving good vibes when we look into Sri Lanka , Mauritius, Maldives, Bhutan and
Pakistan example.

The history has proven that China has never been loyal to anyone whether its close
allies and enemy. They always been driven by self interest and can go to any extent
to fulfill their own agenda.

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