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Anti Bullying and Harassment Policy

Introduction: Our school to provide a safe and inclusive learning environment for all
students. We have zero tolerance for bullying, harassment, or any form of
discrimination. This policy aims to prevent and address bullying and harassment,
promote respect and empathy, and ensure the well-being of every student within our
school community.

Definition of Bullying and Harassment:

1. Bullying refers to repeated aggressive behaviour, whether verbal, physical, or

relational, with the intent to harm, intimidate, or exert power over another
individual or group.
2. Harassment encompasses unwelcome conduct, based on protected
characteristics such as race, colour, religion, national origin, gender, sexual
orientation, disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws,
that creates a hostile environment and interferes with a student's ability to
learn or participate in school activities.

Prevention and Intervention:

1. Education and Awareness: We promote awareness of bullying and harassment

through educational programs, classroom discussions, and activities that
encourage empathy, respect, and understanding.
2. Reporting: We encourage students, parents/guardians, and staff members to
promptly report any incidents of bullying or harassment to designated school
3. Investigation and Response: Reported incidents will be promptly and
thoroughly investigated. Appropriate actions will be taken to address the
situation, ensure the safety of the victim, and support their emotional well-
4. Support and Intervention: Victims and witnesses of bullying or harassment will
receive support and appropriate interventions, including counselling, peer
mediation, and conflict resolution strategies.


1. Disciplinary consequences for individuals found guilty of bullying or

harassment may include but are not limited to counselling, warnings, loss of
privileges, parental involvement, detention, suspension, or, in severe cases,
2. Legal consequences may be pursued if the bullying or harassment involves
criminal behaviour, as dictated by applicable laws and regulations.
Confidentiality and Non-Retaliation:

1. All reports and investigations will be treated with the utmost confidentiality,
with information shared only with individuals directly involved in the
resolution process.
2. Retaliation against individuals who report or cooperate in the investigation of
bullying or harassment is strictly prohibited and will be met with appropriate
disciplinary action.

Community Involvement: We recognize that addressing bullying and harassment

requires a collaborative effort between students, parents/guardians, staff members,
and the wider community. We actively involve all stakeholders in awareness
campaigns, trainings, and discussions related to bullying prevention and intervention.

Regular Review and Amendment: This Anti-Bullying and Harassment policy will be
regularly reviewed and updated as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and
compliance with evolving best practices and legal requirements.

We believe that by fostering a culture of respect, empathy, and inclusivity, we can

create a safe and supportive environment where every student can thrive
academically, socially, and emotionally.

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