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Physical money -3-8 % Central Banks

- Money created by the government outsourced to the central bank.

- Created to meet the obligations of private banks
- 3 cents is used to produce a 10 dollar note = 9.97 goes in tax revenues to the
government = Seigniogare
- Excessive printing causes devaluation
- Inflation = the loss of purchasing power over time (currency value drops)

2. Private Banks 97% digital bank money

- Originated from bank runs – a lot of people try to take their money out of the bank, but
the banks dot has enough
- Debt is given out by banks, they are free to create and destroy them, rented out as
- Banking license gives the bank ability to create money every time a loan is issued

Debt = money

Lender = Asset, able to mortgage the property if loan is not paid

Borrower = Liability

GDP = the market value of the company/country: gross domestic product

The central bank backs up private banks by:

1. Treasury bills
2. Bonds
3. Government guaranteed securities

The more the money that is being created the more the taxpayers need to pay the debt with interest

Fractional reserve landing = 10% is reserved / 90% is lent out as loan to others from your deposits

Fiat money = inconvertible paper money made legal tender by a government decree.

Commodity money: Money that derives its value from the substance or the potential use of the
money itself. Such as gold

4. Central bank
- Quantitative easing
- The federal bank issue loans to private bank, company’s and public

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