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March 31, 2023

Dear Sir/Madam,

I’m writing in support of the proposal by Hillary Mo from group E4A in the STEM+E

As the group’s mentor, I’m impressed by their dedication. They have requested extra
meetings and site visit to our office to better understand our solutions. They are passionate
about sustainability and asked many good questions. I appreciate them for being proactive in
proposing to actually set up an auto-sorting machine to collect more data.

As a startup focused in acheiveing sustainability with technology, we are happy to set up our
auto-soring machine on campus to help students understand the importance of sorting in
recycling and how technology can help. We are offering free installation and two weeks (or
more) maintenance if you are interested.

Attached please find in the proposal more detailed information about our machine and feel
free to contact me at 91871613 or for further discussion.

Best regards,

James Lam
Co-founder, GrinBean Hong Kong Limited

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