Guido Fumagalli CV

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Guido Fumagalli, MD, PhD

Education and position:

- 1974, MD in M edicine, Università L a Sapienza, R o m e, Italy
- 1981-1986: R es earch Assistant, Dep artment of Pharmacology, Faculty of M edicine,
University of Milan
- 1986-1994: Associate Professor of P harmacology, Faculty of M edicine, University of
- 1994- present: Full Professor of Pharm acology, Faculty of M edicine, University of
- 1996- present: C o ordinator of the PhD course in biotechnology Applied to
Biom edical Sciences, University of Verona
- 2003- present: D ean of the Faculty of Exe rcise and Sport Science, University of
- 2005- present: Director of the PhD School in Translational Biom edical Sciences,
University of Verona
Principal research experiences
- 1974-79: R es e arch fellow CNR C enter of C ell Biology, Milan Italy
- 1979-82: Fellow at Neuro m uscular R es e arch Lab, Mayo Clinic, R ochester, MN, USA
- 1982-94: R es e arch Assistant, Dep artm ent of Pharmacology, University of Milan,
- 1994- present: group lead er of the Pharm acology/Neuroscience rese arch lab oratory,
Dep artm ent of M edicine and Public Health, Section of Pharmacology, University of
- 1983: "Mayo Clinic Neurology R es earch Award" for studies on the p athog en etic
m echanis ms of mya sthenia gravis
- 1985: Award "Milano M edicina p er la Neurologia"
Selected publication
1. Bandi E, J evse k M, Mars T, Jurdana M., Formaggio, E., Sciancalep ore M., Fumagalli
G., Grubic Z., Ruzzier F. and Lorenz on P. Neural agrin controls the maturation of
e xcitationcontraction coupling m echanis m in hum a n myotub es d eveloping in vitro Am.
J. Physiol. C ell Physiol., 294(1):C66-73, 2008
2. D ecim o, I., R oncarati, R., Grasso, S., Cle m ens, M., Chia mulera, C., Fumagalli, G.
SK3 trafficking in hippoca m p al cells: the role of different m olecular do mains.
Bioscience R ep orts 26: 399-412, 2006.
3. L Martelli, F Di Mario, E R ag azzi, P Apo stoli, R L eone, P P ereg o, and G Fumagalli.
Different accum ulation of cisplatin, oxaliplatin a nd JM216 in sensitive and cisplatin-
resistant hum a n cervical tum o ur cells. Bioche m P harmacol, Sep 2006; 72(6): 693-
4. C ald eran L., Chia m ulera C., Marz ola P., Fab ene P.F., Fumagalli G., Sbarbati A.:
Sub-chronic nicotine-induced chang es in reg ional cerebral blo od volum e a nd
transversal rela x ation tim e p atterns in the rat: a ma gn etic resona nce study. Neurosci.
Lett. 377, 195-199, 2005.
5. R oncarati R., D ecim o I., Fumagalli G.: Asse mbly a nd trafficking of hu ma n s mall
conductance C a 2+-activated K+ channel SK3 are g overned by different molecular
do mains. Mol. Cell. Neurosci. 28, 310-321, 2005.
6. Manic S., Gatti I., C arenini N., Fumagalli G., Zunino F., P ereg o P.: M echanis ms
controlling sensitivity to platinum co mplex e s: role of p53 a nd DNA mis match rep air.
Current Cancer Drug Targets. 3, 21-29, 2003.
7. Sava A., Bariso ne I., Di Ma uro D., Fumagalli G., Sala C.: Mo dulation of nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor turnover by tyrosine pho sphorylation in rat myotub es. Neurosci
Lett. 313, 37-40, 2001.
8. Bez a kova G., R abb en I., Sefland I., Fumagalli G., Løm o T.: Neural agrin controls
acetylcholine receptor stability in sk eletal m uscle fib ers. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 98,
9924-9929, 2001.
9. R oncarati R., Di Chio M:, Sava A., Terstapp en C.G., Fuma g alli G.: Presynaptic
localization of the s m all conductance calcium- activated p ota ssium chann el SK3 at the
neuromuscular junction. Neuroscience, 104, 253-262, 2001.
10. Mion S., C orti C., Neki A., Shig e m oto R., C orsi M., Fumagalli G., Ferraguti F.:
Bidirectional regulation of neurite elab oration by alternatively spliced m eta b otropic
gluta m ate receptor 5 ( mGlur5) isoform s. Mol Cell Neurosci. 17, 957-972, 2001.

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