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How to debate three possibilities

steps for the challenger to make/ask

1. How many points there are between A (example: colour) and B
(example: red)

defender answers three possibilities

2. Posit something which is both A and B (example: the colour of red jewel)

2a Checking if the example given by defender (colour of red jewel) is really A


- Asking for reason ( the colour of red jewel is colour because?) (example of the
reason given: because it red)

- Checking pervasion for the reason given (is whatever what is red
necessarily a colour?)

2b Checking if the example given by defender (colour of red jewel) is really B


- Askingfor reason ( the colour of red jewel is red because?)

- Checking pervasion for the reason given

3. Posit something which is one but not the other, A but not B
Can be preceded byt the question about which category is bigger
and which is smaller. (example: If it is colour, is it necessarily red? If it is red, is it
necessarily a colour?) (example: the colour of blue sky)

3a Checking if the example given by defender (the colour of blue sky) is really
A (colour)

- Asking for reason ( the colour of blue sky is colour because?)

- Checking pervasion for the reason given

3b Checking if the example given by defender (colour of blue sky) is really

not B ( not red)

- Asking for reason ( the colour of blue sky is not red because?)

- Checking pervasion for the reason given

4. Posit something which is nether A nor B (neither colour nor red)

(example: a table)

4a Checking if the example given by defender (a table) is really not A (not

- Askingfor reason ( a table is not is not colour because?)

- Checking pervasion for the reason given

4b Checking if the example given by defender (a table) is really not B ( not


- Askingfor reason ( a table is not red because?)

- Checking pervasion for the reason given

The debate can be concluded by repeating/confirming that between A and B

there are three possibilities

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