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Date: 22nd June, 2021

General Evaluator Script:

 Good evening Toastmaster of the Evening, fellow toastmasters, and dear guests. I
am the general evaluator for today’s meeting. For the benefit of the guests, role is
divided in three parts:

- One, is to call upon our TAG team (Timer, Ah Counter, Grammarian) for their
roles and respective reports;
- Two, is to introduce the evaluators for the prepared speeches and third, is
technical evaluation
- Finally, I shall give general evaluation of the overall meeting. …

 Before I proceed further I would like to call upon today’s

Time-TM Ah-Counter-TM Ballot Counter-TM Before I proceed further I would
like to call upon today’s Grammarian TM Upasana for explanation on her role and to
introduce word of the day
Thank you for introducing the word of the day I encourage all the participants to
use the word of the day and applaud the member when they use the word. Today
TM Sarina reminded us about the 95th Meeting of Agni Toast master club and
without the dedication and resilience of the club member we couldn’t have come
so far. Today we are here not to compete anybody, not to judge anybody but just
to bring out ourselves I would like to which all the speakers, role takers and
participants all the best.

This is the most important segment of the toastmaster meeting where we give an instant feedback
and the feedback is the constructive one as well. …
 Without further ado, lets straight away proceed for evaluating our prepared speech speaker …

o To evaluate the first speaker ker Toastmaster, we have our evaluator Toastmaster …
o Now, to evaluate our Second speaker Toastmaster TM we have our evaluator Toastmaster …

TM Uddab you have 2-3 minutes to evaluate the speaker. Thank you and over to you.

 Now, I would like to ask Timer TM, if the both of evaluators are qualified to be voted?

 Ballot counter, … Toastmaster, I would like you to request to launch the poll please,

 Now, we are in section of technical evaluation of the meeting.

I would like to call upon Grammarian of the today’s meeting Toastmaster i for her grammarian
report …

 Now, it is a time to give general evaluation report;

o First of all, toastmaster of the evening, Toastmaster Sarina she deserves a round applause …
o Nice theme of Travel indeed is the best investment that you can do for your self
which is also very therapeutic and love how she shared her travel experiences and
scenery to give real experience which is fantabulous …
o The most important thing that I have realize about Toastmaster Club is how we been working
hard to make our meeting more interesting and successful …
o I can feel, I can see and I can observe, the energy especially with the new members who
are dedicating to improve. It is a great thing, I really love the zeal that all the executive and
team members have contributed for this club. With this level of persistence and resilience we
can definitely achieve the goal of Agni Club.
o Table topic master TM Ganesh has done fantastic job, he also deserve a round of applause
o Which in result seen table topic has been taken nicely and positively by the participant

o I believe we are in 95th meeting of the club almost to a century which is highly
commendable …
o The report by the grammarian was very appropriate
o Ah counter report was equally good and precise …
o I like how timer has put his report, which was correctly taken and reported perfectly
o Tech master had done his task flawlessly .
o I think AGNI Toastmaster is doing really well …
o We should be proud of ourselves …for the kind of effort that we are putting in each meeting
… making so informative …
o For the improvement … I can see only ……….. participant … there should be outside
member from other club as well … in the meeting … VPPR should help on this but since the ex
comm member from this role is vacant it has impact on guest participation too yet I would like to
encourage guest to participate on upcoming meeting and try at least one member to accommodate
in every next meeting

I think we have to believe in our hard work, faith and enthusiast, for sure we will achieve our
success further, kudos to all …

Thank you and I would like to handover this platform to toastmaster of the evening Toastmaster
Sarina …

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