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“THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES SYDNEY + AUSTRALIA UNSW Global STUDENT'S NAME: Read Galumph and answer questions 4t0 7. When the Lang family decided to go away for a holiday the pets were a problem. Mrs Sourberry next door was willing to have the cats, but nobody wanted Galumph, This was not surprising, because although Galumph looked like a dog, he was rally a mobile disaster He weighed more than sixty kilograms and ran about ‘unthythmically like a misshapen dromedary®. Inside ‘the house his enthusiastic tail continually swept ‘omaments and glassware to destruction, Out in the yard he liked to bound up to visitors, stand on his hind legs and lick their faces joyeusly from chin to forehead with a slobbering upward movement that was as wet as a dripping squeegee. If they fell over backwards under his assanlt, he stood on their chests and dribbed saliva on “hem lovingly from above, ‘His huge splayed feet left ragged tracks through Mrs Sourberry’s garder. He dug up her seedlings in search of buried bones andl piddled heartily on her petunias. Mrs Lang had given him his name long before, in a moment, of exasperation, when he was still pup. “You're always galumphing about like a clumsy clown,’ she said, and th: name had stuck. She was right, of course, and now that he hal {grown up he was worse than ever. He was a great hulk, a lovable bull ina china shop Ihe was a galumph, Mrs Lang sighed. ‘Poor old Galumph. I guess well have to put him in a boarding kennel while we're away At once there was an outcry from the children. They said Galumph would pine away and die ihe were chained up or put in a cage. He wouldn't eat aud he'd howl and whine all day long. He had to be ee to run and romp. Although he was aeity dog he had aways hhad a nice backyard co limber about in, as well ax Mrs Sourberry’s garden next door Inthe end itwas Mr Lang who solved the problem, He asked a farmer he knew— Mr Barry Blake of Kapunds—ithe would take Galumph as a kind of boarder for three or four weeks. The farm was called Currawong Creek and it was a lovely big place with hills and gullies and trees and creeks. Mr Blake agreed, so Galumph was allotted half of the back seat ofthe car the following Saturday morning for the journey into the country ‘What was the Lang family wormed about when ey fist decid to go ona holiday? (A) The cats could not belt wth the doo. {8} Golumph had no suitable pace to stay (C)__ Mrs Sourbery’s garden would be destroyed. (0) Gatinph would not have any chien to play with \Wrich word from the text tts the reader that Galumph had very ‘awkward maverenis? (A) ‘mobile’ {@)‘undythmicay (©) ‘onttusiastic (0) ‘éostucton’ \Which of Galumph’s actions does the wie refer to as an ‘assault? (A) ligging holes in gardens in search of bones (8) pushing people down to try to bite them (6) jumping on people to ik heir faces (©) bresking omaments and glassware What dd Galumph do to Mes Sourborry'spetunias? (a) He dug thom up : (6) Ho went to he tol on them. x (©) He nibbled and chewed them. ‘i {0) He dibled saliva all vert 5, Whats the meaning of ‘exasperation’, as tis used in the text? . (a) fury (8) compassion (C)_cheekiness (0) _ frustration 16. Whatwas the main reason the children were opposed fo puting Galumph in 8 baring kennel? (A) Hewould not tke the food (8) Hewould not have enough space. (©) Hewould be punished for howina {0} Hewould have no friends to play with, nih ofthe flowing best describes Galumph? (A) He's cumey but lovable. {8} Heis strong but cowardly. © ©) Hes noisy and demanding Heis grumpy and annoying Read Got set for blast-off 1 2 hotel that’s out ofthis world and answer questions 8to 12. CCC UEC en CENT Cy that's out of this world AL more than $1 million a night iewill be the solar system’s most expensive hotel. Bur dhe view will Buoyed by the sues of rect jaan int space by private operate, the develope ofthe work’ fin ‘biting hotel sy they ae em 60 percent confer the idea will go aed in the next deal Financed by American bilionsne,Rohert Bigcen station Nauths coud bein operation as eay 10, offering vistors prepared pay the masive ight ifthe chance to experienc: weghtesness nd ce views usually eerie fr aston, The news has excited Australian sky watchers, ‘who are adamant space turism is closer to 1 would mea the oppor id Kerr U space technology atthe Pow (0 experience Nat, curator of ‘You woukl have the absolutely magnificent ‘opportunity o see the Earth fiom the perspective ‘that only astronauts have hadl and to look out 10 While the idea of a space hotel has been considered for decades, Bigelow’s plans have ‘ined attention since a privately operated craft dubbed SpaceShipOne made two consecutive sub-orbital space flights lst year, The developers of the craft picked up a $10 vit riz for therefor and focused popala Bigelow subsequently established @ $30 milion Prize forthe frst team to develop a reusable space ‘raft capable of ferrying at leat five people into space to dock with his proposed space hotel The prize is valid until 2010 when i hotel, in which Bigelow is invest will bein obi, hoped the 00 million, ‘Guests would orbit the Earth at 28000 kn and beable to experience weightl 10. " 12 ‘The sentence ‘Bu the view wl be to de fr indiates that experiencing the view wil be (A) expensive. {B) dangerous. (C) spectacular. (0) demanding ‘What does Kertia Dougherty consider tobe the most signieant aspect of a holiday in sha08? (A) fling aboard SpaceShipOne (8) _ofiing the Eeth at 23000 kh {e) docking with the lntorational Space Staton {0} observing Earh and the sar from a unique position How much did the developers of SpaceShipOne recsive as prize money? (&) $8 mition ()_S10mllon (©) $50:ilion (©) $500 mation ‘what has Robert Bigelow done to promote his plan” (A) Hohas purchased SpacoShipOne toy tourists into space. {8} Hotes funded NASA's development of inflatable modules. {@) He has offered a prize to anyone who can design a hotel n space. {5} Heras offered a prize for the development of reusable spaceerat Whi has the wile cf this ate included @ comment by Kerrie Dougherty? (A) to.add croiily tothe article {B) to provide ar explanation of miro-gravity {C) demonstrate how unusual the design will be (©) to present an opposing viw to that of he writer For question 13 choose the option which best completes the sentence, 13. ‘The artist painted itike portals which (a) was hung inthe gallery. {B) wore hung inthe gallery. {6} was hangod inthe galery (0) were hanged in the galery. For question 14 choose ihe sentence which fe PUNCTUIATED CORRECTLY. 14 (A) The boy's elected the towels, sing gear and backpack’ that they eft at the water's ede {e) The boys elected the towels, ishing gear and backpacks that thoy ft at the waters ed. (6) The boys eleced tne towels, fing gear and backpacks that they eft at te water's edee. {0} The boys eilocted the towels, shing gear and backpacks that hey ea he wales’ ede. 5 cise rons e OA ST Wins Soran) I) What she saw first was a moving shadow. Inthe trees that bordered the meadow, among their dark wunks, something moved. She heard nothing {0 alarm—not over the rush of water and the sweep of wind-bat she ‘awa dark, crouched shape moving. The shadow, ho more than darker larkness in the night, crept out from the mass of tees, crept low across the Jong grass towards the decking place, No man of the village woul mone so. A man of the village, come out to check a hastily secured boat, would carry a light. He would come along the path that ran from the village through the Innyard, the pth she tood on, No fisherman would besetting olf, not at this hour, not on a moonless night when al the stars shining together couldn't penetrate the dark, windy sit Birle stood motiontess, watching. She herself ought not to be out in the night. Da and Nan would not be pleased to know how she had left ber small sisters asleep in the bed they shared, pulled on her skirt aad ‘vershint, and latched the door stealthy behind her to tiptoe past the ‘oom where her brothets leo, past the room where Da ahd Nan slept down the broad staicase and across he empty public room, In the hacen, where the banked fire ylowed in its ashes, she had put on her boots al taken her cloak from its hook. The dogs if they heard anything. knew her Steps and took no alarm, Da and Nan if they knew, would be mightily Alspleased. and they would lay angry words across her shoulders Aye, they ‘were counting the days lef to the spring fait, when they would have ler ‘married and gone from their care. Aye, and Birle was counting thet soo, ‘The shadow was human, she had no doubt ofthat, Only a man or woman would move so, hunched over gliding slong the edge of the river ke beast on the hunt among the ong grasses. Watching, itl let the wind turge her down the patho the docking place. Whatever elses the sheclow as up to nothing lal ‘Soaking spring rains had turned the path to mud. Her boots made Squishing sounds, so she stepped off the path into the grass, As sounclessly 48 the shadow before her, but more svi, she approached the riven She should return to the sleeping Inn, she knew that, and rouse her brothers, At the leas, she should turn and call out am alarmn, to set the clogs barking: Bus the mystery of the intruder, ike the mystery ofthe night which had called her fiom slp, kept her Irom doing what she eaght ‘Ble knew tha! he shadow ws a person fom the vlage, he would (8) ot have been holding a ih (8) mot have been out inthe wind, (©) _ have bson carrying fshing gear (©) have waked through the innyard ‘What pat of speech Is the word bank! as Its used inthe txt? (a) en adjective (@)anadkerb (©) aroun (0) aver | when a word sounds like wha itis describing, ls called onomatopoeia, nich wort is an example of encmatopoeia? (a) latches! (©) tiptoe (©) ‘glowed! (0) Squising’ ‘hs Bile got cose tothe ver, she was (a) movieg faster than the shadow (@)___waltin forthe shadow to reappear {C)__ making @ noise fo alert the shadow. {0} ting rom the shadow inthe long grass. What isthe meaning of rouse", 2 ts used in the text? (aise) wen (©) wake ’As she flloned te shadow, Bille became more a) troubled. (B)_curious,-(C)_tighlonea. (0) _confusod ‘Based on information in the tox, which statement about Bre fs content? A) She's the oldest daughter inthe family. {B) She does everything that her parents want he to [C)___ She does not know the dference between right and wrong. {B)__She Ines to walk in the vilage at right to make sure everything is wel Read Tech know: Microwave oven and answer questions 22 to 29 Tech know: Microwave oven ‘Accidental discovery the 1940s, US engineer Percy Spencer was designing and testing parts for active microwave transmitter, a During radar transmitters. While he was working near an chocolate bar in his pocket melted, Thinking that the mi 'ttommelt, he placed popcorn kemels infront of the transmitter, which caused the icrowaves may have caused kernels to pop. Percy's discovery led to the invention of the microwave oven. Within 40 years, the ‘microwave has become one of the most popular appliances inthe ki How does it work? A microwave oven consists of a bos lined with aluminium shielding and a magnetron which emits ‘microwaves. When the microwave oven is operating, microwaves ire’ out of the magnetron. Some of the microwaves ate absorbed by the food and those that {are not, reflect off the metal inner casing back towards the foad. When they are absorbed by the focd, they ‘ate converted directly into heat in a process known 2s dielectric heating Whats wavelength? Imagine electoma wre ektromagnetic waves ag Denes th ocean The dares ane revo ee Dielectric molecules inside the food have a positive ‘and a negative end-—ke a magnet, When these i molecules absorb microwaves, they align themselves with the microwave's electic feld. Because microwaves are moving in all diections and the food Is rotating, the 8 iolecules in the food continvously turn to align with the incoming microwaves, is constant turning and twsting ofthe molecules heats them and the surroundin fen, resulting in cooking, r Fats and sugars inside food are dielectric molecules, but water i the most affected by microwaves. The more moisture there isin the food, the more quickly it wil be heated in the micro Water molecules in ice are frozen and cannot move asl, This is why its best to partially haw or break apart and add small arrount (of water to frozen food before cooking itn @ microwave oven, ed the hole in the aluminium shielding that line the d 12 centimetres Finally, you may have n The wavelength of the microviaves used for cooking is approximate! in lenath. This wavelength means the microwaves cannot squeeze’ through the holes. But ight has a smaller wavelenath and fis through the holes, This allows you to watch your food cook ‘Why did Percy Sponcer do a test using popoom kemels? (A) to ind out whothor twas safe to heat food with a ransmiter (8) todetermne which tansmiter had caused the chocolate bar to melt (©) to observe if popping corn naire Ue sane energy 88 meting chocolate (©) toinvesigate whether placing food near a anemiter would heat and cook it ‘Why isthe word re’ writen in quotation marks in the tox? (A) shows that the writer is exaggerating (8) tis alesstochnical way to explain what happens. (©) tewplainsthat the microwaves tavel at high speed (©) Keemphasses the heat which is created by microwaves, ‘According to the txt, whats the main purpose ofthe aluminium shielding inside microwave oven? (A) ttretains he heat that comes ftom cooking the food (8) _ttallows ight waves out so that the user can see the food cook, (©) Kprotects the user rom being exposed to too many microwaves, © jects the microwaves that have not yet been absorbed by the food Inthe text, the wort ‘converted’ can be replaced by (A) changed. (@) transferred. (C) adjusted. (0) create, ‘What is the purpose ofthe rotting dish Inside the microwave oven? (A) to create a electic fold in the microwave oven (B) wallow th microwaves o reach the centre of food (C) to increase the movement ofthe molecules inside the food (©) _ toensure tat both ends ofthe molecules respond tothe microwaves “But ight has a srrallr wavelongth and fs through the holes, This allows you to watch your food cook. Whats the best way to combine the two sentences without changing their meaning? (A) Butlight hes @smaler wavelength, allowing you to watch your food cook and Siting through the holes, (B) Buthavinga smalor wavelength tke ght ting tough the holes allows you to watch youtfood cook. (©) Butight, which has a smaller wavelength fs through the holes, allowing you to watch your food cook (©) But ight allows you to watch your fod cook, having a smaller wavelength and it fits trough the holes. Which option correctly shows what a wavelength is? —)—_» ” (c} I (o}—* Ne a “The main purpose 2 this text is to (A) explain. (8) argue, 2, f a ™ 7 35, ¥ ‘The names cf the movies ‘Planet 27, The Invisible Alien’ are ven in brackets because they are (A) the reviewer's favourite movies. (©) movies that have been previously reviewed. (C)_examoles of other movies made by Mimi Lee (©) movies that are simiar to Pineapple Mountain, Which word is @ synonym for ‘scandalous’? (A) imperect (8) iesponsible (C)_unlikeable (0) disgraceful ‘What dd Scaramooge intend fo doin Sunnyside? (A) bum cown ali the homes (8) produce harmful substances (C) kidnap Mika, Abby and Coco (©) turn he vitagers ino his slaves ‘According tothe review, the main problem that Mike, Abby and Coco faced ‘was that (A) they nad not crossed the Zig Zag River befor. (6) they had not planned for the ificlties of the journey (©) they had to create a socret formula to destroy Scaramooge. (0) they had to beat Scaramooge othe lop of Pineopplo Mountain, \Wnich of he flowing best describes how the reviewer presents Pineapple Mountain? (A) susperseful (©) inspiring (C) temivirg (0) cailash Which ofthe folowing does NOT indicate thatthe reviewer highly recommends Pireapole Mountain? (A) She ghes ita high star rating, (8) Sho ole readers that tney shoud 200 (C)_ She presen tas an extremely ood holiday (©) She keops the reader in anticipation about the rmovi'sencing a She he ding place Anne Feak’s Te Diary of « Ye Gia book that PP Aters mont of bia hasbeen engraved on the nemoses of milions of a en a oe do " eamoutage he people around the world. Her acount of how she, oot othe ra her arent he sister and wo oters id rom he toc ace 46 cy Nozisin a secret Annex atthe top of a warehouse has band op heron eine 8 been pulsed in uma ngges and has been PsP fungin sof Dp abe vlna play an lm The waehouse il was ings eli cond sews wach eg Pe restored afte the wa, uncer the guidance of Otto Prank, Anse’ father and oly sureivor. Anne Frank House snc a museum ad a memoria all those who didi survive alanine om onda ‘The museum pblshe a 200k, side Anne Pr’ : — i Hous: An ited one tragh Anne’ word. _— beget hon te ak fami eve hy 7 Aag ai atin ‘went into hig; the carefree photograpis o this ‘cin ing be athe ad period aeall the more moving because we know shat yuh wih hem Anne pat ceo {asin tore for tem, The we ae taken ino the See epoca she decor eeso0m) a pe ing ta ose cesta HE yer ster ‘Spe ahead er om st wit Slag hen wth Peter who 0 ne was created. We building aad shown how de ‘hen soup the sais and wall beh whe movable MOR Secreted orem jeas na NSe MS a rao veea eration ec a eee cue ‘Symone rpc Ate or me fhe then gh done EE bp “Through the we of evocative phorogeaphs imemingled with extract form Anne's sary, the book gives usa inmate view timo the wold af Leer old gel who sya eaughe up in agi me in history [As Hans Wests, the Exccotive Ditetor fof Anne Feank House, ss “Taay people ace ill beng persecuted and mordered because they just ike Anne, ae “iferene “This nak «vist wo Ane Prask House meaningfl ia ourtines ite (nile Fo wid her aera ape Ow rk en fer Oni pe walkin with oer mea tae tt Inthe first paragresh wha is meant by the expression a book tha hes been engraved ‘on the memories cf millons of people”? (A) The book has had asttong impact on readers. (8) The book was elaborately bound and iustated. (C)__ Anne's father published the ook to commemorate her if. (©) Anne's fathor was sure the book would be read by mallons “Through the use o' evocative photographs intermingled with extracts from Anne's dary, the book gives us an inmate view nto the word ofa 13-year-old git who was caught up in a trage time in history” Whats the main clause inthe sentence? (A) “Through the use of evocative photographs! (8) ‘evocative protographs intrmingled wih extracts from Anne's diary” (©) ‘the Book gives us an intimate view ino the word ofa 13-year-old gt? (©) ‘a 48year-0c git who was caught up na agi mein history” Why does Hans Westra believe that Anne's story is relevant today? (A) Many pecol sil suffer rom prejudice, (8) People sil consider Anne tobe a her, (6) Her ciary i te source ofa curent fim and a play (©) Teenagers understand te feelings Anne experienced. What type of noun is the word ‘decision’? (A) abstract 8) proper (C) common (0) _cotecive ‘What does the word's mean? (A) haled 1B) distrust (C) loss (O) friction Why has a photograph of Anne been included with he tex? (A) to support the description of Anne ane her family (8) tohighightths closeness between Anne and het father (©) tocontrast Anne's ie before and afer she went into hiding (0) to show Anne celebrating @ wedding with her extended family Which of the folowing statements about Anne Frank House is comect? (A) Many photos ofthe House are found in Anne's dary. (8) _tisaway of toncuring those who were killed bythe Nazis. (©) The scene depicting tne family’s betrayal is realistically re-enacted, (©) The warehouse which hid the Annex was demolished during the war daar Gating txt tom Ths Gly of Gaumght Pages 2-9 “Tech raw: Msowave overt Hon Tec in Sho Sones ana Coln Tike se ines Ga: ene ‘gn pace y Woe Pua, pushed nT es kau 12 At {00 Used wm pre of Rhonda Sapna 2b, pled by CSO ‘lo. rage xray 2 San Power nd ata oricomauon nape EMA hop eh Boose, OEAA 20. 20. opts 4-5 ‘Gotan Mast ina ollie ot Pages 9-H A mantle ey Na i, ins wot on tat set ot a 2 {Rstaon by Mod Bove © EAA 20, rte Ns wry BAN DSEEF paoye 1-19 The ng ac” ton The dy pote tthe Sutera, Math eager eae 2a. Naa aie nog © Ogio $s. by Good gazing ‘rcpace Sone tne nae ned ry ina eg coy Gey age. ‘ormzain of SzyCoparaton, ops. Pages 4-18 ad WL Tune Pog ty Pages 6-7 “The shadow end wi the permission Se «thorns Gos Young oa. Sai impr ot Simon & Saher Ceri Frting Deon tom OX FORTUNE'S {WHEEL y Cia. Copa © {20 Gj gh ation by Fans Sees O EAA 210 Brune Fimary 6 Singapore Fimy South Atri rade UNSW Global | 2% | UNSW Global [THE UNWERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WAGES a (Peas ove) i i : L t i : : i i i : i r | j Suireipcotrs os ay ones cum he Ory oe So Ys aN = UNSW Global - THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES ‘ussion T paper | Papers | Paere | Paper | Papere 2 a 3 c 5 ct 3 2 5 a € 5 A 3 Ea a 3 3 a Se a a A 5 a 2 © © i 5 A a a z a 7 2 D e c 0: 3 a c 2 a a 2. ° 3 2 a a a 2. 2 @ 2 c é D 2 ¢ a 3 c Bf a 2 2 = 8 E 8 (eres € = 6 © 5 D © a rn é 8 3 5 8 5 rs a 5 5 . A a x c a a a 2 a wo] = x 5 a e . % € 8 5 ‘ x € 6 z — x > 2 5 ° = 3 o onset Osta Teopmana (20944 016 Emr ‘iogess raduos Visto meaninedosu stem ce tae retin

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