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JAMA Internal Medicine | Original Investigation

Implication of Trends in Timing of Dialysis Initiation

for Incidence of End-stage Kidney Disease
Chi-yuan Hsu, MD, MSc; Rishi V. Parikh, MPH; Leonid N. Pravoverov, MD; Sijie Zheng, MD, PhD;
David V. Glidden, PhD; Thida C. Tan, MPH; Alan S. Go, MD

Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE In the last 2 decades, there have been notable changes in the level of estimated
glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at which patients initiate long-term dialysis in the US and
around the world. How changes over time in the likelihood of dialysis initiation at any given
eGFR level in at-risk patients are associated with the population burden of end-stage kidney
disease (ESKD) has not been not well defined.

OBJECTIVE To examine temporal trends in long-term dialysis initiation by level of eGFR and
to quantify how these patterns are associated with the number of patients with ESKD.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Retrospective cohort study analyzing data obtained
from a large, integrated health care delivery system in Northern California from 2001 to
2018 in successive 3-year intervals. Included individuals, ranging in number from as few as
983 122 (2001-2003) to as many as 1 844 317 (2016-2018), were adult members with 1 or
more outpatient serum creatinine levels determined in the prior year.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES One-year risk of initiating long-term dialysis stratified by
eGFR levels. Multivariable logistic regression was performed to assess temporal trends in
each 3-year cohort with adjustment for age, sex, race, and diabetes status. The potential
change in dialysis initiation in the final cohort (2016-2018) was estimated using the relative
difference between the standardized risks in the initial cohort (2001-2003) and the final

RESULTS In the initial 3-year cohort, the mean (SD) age was 55.4 (16.3) years, 55.0% were
women, and the prevalence of diabetes was 14.9%. These characteristics, as well as the
distribution of index eGFR, were stable across the study period. The likelihood of receiving
dialysis at eGFR levels of 10 to 24 mL/min/1.73 m2 generally increased over time. For example,
the 1-year odds of initiating dialysis increased for every 3-year interval by 5.2% (adjusted odds
ratio, 1.052; 95% CI, 1.004-1.102) among adults with an index eGFR of 20 to 24 mL/min/1.73
m2, by 6.6% (adjusted odds ratio, 1.066; 95% CI, 1.007-1.130) among adults with an eGFR
of 16 to 17 mL/min/1.73 m2, and by 5.3% (adjusted odds ratio, 1.053; 95% CI, 1.008-1.100)
among adults with an eGFR of 10 to 13 mL/min/1.73 m2, adjusting for age, sex, race, and
diabetes. The incidence of new cases of ESKD was estimated to have potentially been 16%
(95% CI, 13%-18%) lower if there were no changes in system-level practice patterns or other
factors besides timing of initiating long-term dialysis from the initial 3-year interval
(2001-2003) to the final interval (2016-2018) assessed in this study.

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE The present results underscore the importance the timing
of initiating long-term dialysis has on the size of the population of individuals with ESKD.

Author Affiliations: Author

affiliations are listed at the end of this
Corresponding Author: Chi-yuan
Hsu, MD, MSc, Division of
Nephrology, Department of
Medicine, University of California,
San Francisco, 533 Parnassus Avenue,
JAMA Intern Med. 2020;180(12):1647-1654. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.5009 Box 0532, U-400, San Francisco, CA
Published online October 12, 2020. 94143 (

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© 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Trends in Timing of Dialysis and Incidence of End-stage Kidney Disease

n the last 2 decades, there have been notable changes in the
estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at which long-term Key Points
dialysis is initiated in the US and around the world.1 For ex-
Question How are temporal changes in the level of estimated
ample, according to the nationally comprehensive US Renal Data glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at which long-term dialysis is
System registry, the proportion of new patients with end-stage initiated among at-risk patients associated with the number of
renal disease in the US with an eGFR of 10 to 15 mL/min/1.73 m2 patients with end-stage kidney disease in the population?
at the start of dialysis increased from 10% in 1996 to a peak of 28%
Findings This cohort study of 983 122 individuals in the initial
in 2010.2 Although several previous publications have examined 3-year interval (2001-2003) to 1 844 317 individuals in the final
dialysis initiation over time, a key remaining knowledge gap is the interval (2016-2018) used data from a large, integrated health care
distribution of eGFR in the underlying at-risk population from delivery system in Northern California and found that an increase
which the end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) cases are derived. in the number of individuals starting dialysis with an eGFR of 10
Thus, secular trends in the likelihood of dialysis initiation at any to 24 mL/min/1.73 m2 was associated with changes over time in
the likelihood of receiving dialysis at this eGFR independent of the
given eGFR level could not be defined in previous studies, and
number of people in the underlying population who had this same
the implications of potential trends in changes in the size of eGFR. Estimated incidence of new end-stage kidney disease cases
the at-risk population on the number of patients with ESKD in the would have been 16% lower with no changes in system-level
population could not be estimated. practice patterns or other factors besides timing of long-term
Nationally, the societal and patient burden of ESKD is high, dialysis initiation.
with Medicare fee-for-service spending for beneficiaries with Meaning The timing of long-term dialysis initiation is associated
ESKD rising from $33.8 billion to $35.4 billion between 2015 and with the number of individuals with end-stage kidney disease.
2016.2 Furthermore,nationalratesofmorbidityanddeatharevery
high surrounding initiation of long-term dialysis.3-5 Initiation of
long-term dialysis can also be associated with declines in cogni- comprehensive care for more than 4.5 million members. Its
tive function and functional status6,7 and worsening cardiac membership is sociodemographically diverse and highly rep-
structure.8 The July 2019 Advancing American Kidney Health ini- resentative of the local and statewide population.12 Nearly all
tiative issued by the White House targeted as a major national pri- aspects of care are captured through KPNC’s integrated elec-
ority reducing the number of new ESKD cases by 25% by 2030.9 tronic health record system, with access to clinical data ele-
Because ESKD is operationally defined as receiving long- ments from all practice settings (eg, laboratory test results and
term dialysis or a kidney transplant, we hypothesized that the vital signs) as well as previously validated algorithms that in-
number of patients with incident ESKD can vary consider- corporate relevant diagnostic or procedure codes and phar-
ably depending on decisions between patients and physi- macy dispenses. This study was approved by the KPNC insti-
cians about the choice and timing of kidney replacement tutional review board, which also waived the requirement for
therapy, and particularly of initiating dialysis. Consistent with obtaining informed consent because this study was a retro-
this, after publication of the Initiating Dialysis Early and Late spective data-only analysis of linked data that were deidenti-
(IDEAL) trial—a randomized clinical trial showing no signifi- fied before analysis.
cant difference in death or other outcomes with earlier (eGFR
of 9.0 mL/min/1.73 m2) vs later (eGFR of 7.2 mL/min/1.73 m2) Study Sample, Outcome, and Covariates
initiation of dialysis10—a rapid drop in early dialysis initiation We assembled cohorts of all adult members (18 years or older)
was observed in Canada.11 Although early dialysis initiation was with at least 1 valid outpatient serum creatinine measure-
defined in that study as dialysis initiation at eGFR higher than ment from 2001 through 2018 grouped into 3-year intervals
10.5 mL/min/1.73 m2, there was no information regarding how (ie, 2001-2003, 2004-2006, 2007-2009, 2010-2012, 2013-
the number of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in 2015, and 2016-2018), which provided more stable and pre-
the underlying population with eGFR higher than 10.5 mL/ cise estimates of ESKD rates. Individuals with 12 or more
min/1.73 m2 may have changed during the relevant period. months of continuous health plan membership were in-
To date, no study has quantified how secular patterns in cluded in 3-year cohorts on the first eligible January 1st within
the likelihood of dialysis initiation at any given eGFR level can each 3-year interval. Approximately 15% of eligible patients
impact the number of patients with incident ESKD in a popu- were excluded in each cohort owing to insufficient prior con-
lation over time. We addressed this important knowledge gap tinuous membership. Patients with a prior kidney transplant
by examining temporal trends in dialysis initiation by level of or who were already undergoing long-term dialysis were also
kidney function within a large, community-based population excluded (approximately 5% of each cohort).
to provide information relevant for policies supporting the na- Our primary outcome was initiation of long-term dialysis
tional advancement of kidney health. within the first eligible year in each 3-year interval, ascer-
tained through a comprehensive, manually validated health
plan ESKD treatment registry.13 Patients are entered into the
registry after manual review to confirm that receipt of dialy-
Methods sis was not temporary or only for acute kidney injury. We re-
Source Population moved cases of preemptive kidney transplant (3% of ESKD
Kaiser Permanente Northern California (KPNC) is a large, cases). Initial dialysis modality (hemodialysis vs peritoneal di-
integrated health care delivery system currently providing alysis) was ascertained from registry files. We defined urgent

1648 JAMA Internal Medicine December 2020 Volume 180, Number 12 (Reprinted)

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Trends in Timing of Dialysis and Incidence of End-stage Kidney Disease Original Investigation Research

dialysis starts as being preceded by an episode of dialysis- (SD) age in the eligible population was 55.4 (16.3) years, 55.0%
requiring acute kidney injury13 within 28 days before long- were women, and the prevalence of diabetes was 14.9%. These
term dialysis initiation. All cases not meeting this definition characteristics as well as the distribution of index eGFR were
were considered elective starts. stable across the study period. The prevalence of docu-
Age, sex, and self-reported race were obtained from elec- mented hypertension and dyslipidemia increased since 2001,
tronic health records to calculate eGFR and to account for po- although this was largely due to increased detection and chang-
tential changes in the source population. Targeted comorbidi- ing systemwide practice guidelines. In later years, we also
ties in the study population were defined using validated observed a higher prevalence of Asian/Pacific Islander and
International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision and Tenth Hispanic patients.
Revision diagnostic codes, laboratory results, and receipt of
medications using electronic health record–based data that Temporal Trends in eGFR at Dialysis Initiation
were cleaned and linked at the individual-patient level into the Overall, the temporal trend in mean eGFR at dialysis initia-
KPNC Virtual Data Warehouse as previously described and tion mirrored that seen in the general US population,19 with
validated.14-17 We ascertained outpatient laboratory test re- a progressively higher mean eGFR through the first decade
sults, including the CKD Epidemiology Collaboration equation– of the 21st century, followed by a plateau (Figure 1). Mean
based eGFR and proteinuria.18 (SD) eGFR at dialysis initiation for patients starting long-
term dialysis was 12.4 (13.1) mL/min/1.73 m2 in 2001 to 2003,
Statistical Analysis rose to 16.3 (17.7) mL/min/1.73 m2 in 2010 to 2012, and did
For each 3-year cohort, we calculated the 1-year risk of initi- not further increase through 2016 to 2018. These temporal
ating long-term dialysis, overall and by urgent vs elective trends were similar for elective starts and for all patients
starts, directly standardized to the 2001 to 2003 KPNC popu- undergoing peritoneal dialysis or hemodialysis (eFigure 1 in
lation by age, sex, and index eGFR (ie, most recent outpa- the Supplement).
tient measurement before cohort entry). We estimated a
potential change in dialysis initiation in the final cohort Temporal Trends in Dialysis Initiation
(2016-2018) using the relative difference between the stan- In our study population, the number of eligible patients who
dardized risks and associated 95% CIs in the initial cohort started dialysis was 847 (0.086% of 983 122 at risk) in 2001
(2001-2003) and the final cohort. to 2003, 917 (0.074% of 1 241 537) in 2004 to 2006, 1011
We next stratified the study population into a priori se- (0.072% of 1 411 690) in 2007 to 2009, 1013 (0.068% of
lected index eGFR levels of 60 to 150, 30 to 59, 25 to 29, 20 to 1 482 883) in 2010 to 2012, 1092 (0.068% of 1 607 737) in
24, 18 to 19, 16 to 17, 14 to 15, 10 to 13, 6 to 9, and 0 to 5 mL/ 2013 to 2015, and 1224 (0.066% of 1 844 317) in 2016 to 2018.
min/1.73 m2. Within each eGFR stratum, we calculated the The proportion of elective ESKD cases was 85.6% in 2001 to
1-year risk of receiving long-term dialysis across each 3-year 2003, 89.2% in 2004 to 2006, 94.1% 2007 to 2009, 74.9% in
interval. All crude temporal trends were evaluated using 2010 to 2012, 87.2% in 2013 to 2015, and 84.0% in 2016 to
Cochrane-Armitage tests for trend. To assess multivariable- 2018. In addition, the proportion of new ESKD cases initiat-
adjusted temporal trends, we evaluated the significance and ing peritoneal dialysis was 13.7% in 2001 to 2003, 14.2% in
odds ratios (95% CIs) of an ordinal 3-year cohort term in a 2004 to 2006, 11.0% in 2007 to 2009, 13.4% in 2010 to 2012,
logistic regression model adjusting for age, sex, race, and dia- 21.7% in 2013 to 2015, and 20.8% in 2016 to 2018. As
betes status and used a generalized estimating equations ap- recently reported,20 KPNC has made a concerted system-
proach to account for correlations between repeated individu- wide effort to increase peritoneal dialysis as the preferred
als across calendar cohorts. initial modality since approximately 2008.
To enhance comparability with previous studies, we also The likelihood of long-term dialysis initiation within
report the mean (SD) eGFR at dialysis initiation in each time 1 year increased from 0.086% (95% CI, 0.080%-0.092%) in
interval, using the most recent outpatient eGFR measure- 2001 to 2003, to 0.103% (95% CI, 0.099%-0.107%) in 2016
ment before dialysis initiation.2 This eGFR value is separate to 2018 (P < .001 for trend) (Figure 2). When examining the
from the index eGFR value used for assembly of calendar year annual risk of initiating long-term dialysis by index eGFR
cohorts. between 2001 and 2018, the most prominent secular trends
All data were analyzed using SAS, version 9.4 (SAS Insti- were noted in those with an index eGFR of 20 to 24 mL/min/
tute Inc). A 2-sided P < .05 was considered statistically 1.73 m2 (from 3.2% to 5.1%; P = .001), those with an index
significant. eGFR of 18 to 19 mL/min/1.73 m 2 (from 8.3% to 11.0%;
P = .03), those with an index eGFR of 16 to 17 mL/min/1.73
m2 (from 12.4% to 17.9%; P = .005), and those with an index
eGFR of 10 to 13 mL/min/1.73 m 2 (from 34.2% to 40.3%;
Results P = .03) (Figure 3; eFigure 2 in the Supplement). After
Patient Characteristics adjustment for age, sex, race, and diabetes, statistically sig-
Between 2001 and 2018, the size of the eligible population in- nificant temporal increases in 1-year odds of initiating dialy-
creased consistent with growth in overall KPNC enrollment and sis persisted among eGFR categories of 20 to 24, 16 to 17, and
more frequent outpatient serum creatinine testing per pa- 10 to 13 mL/min/1.73 m2 (Table 2). Among patients with an
tient (Table 1). In the first 3-year interval (2001-2003) the mean index eGFR of 20 to 24 mL/min/1.73 m2, the 1-year odds of (Reprinted) JAMA Internal Medicine December 2020 Volume 180, Number 12 1649

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Research Original Investigation Trends in Timing of Dialysis and Incidence of End-stage Kidney Disease

Table 1. Characteristics of Adults With Valid Serum Creatinine Measurements Receiving Care at Kaiser Permanente Northern California, 2001-2018

Adults, No. (%)

2001-2003 2004-2006 2007-2009 2010-2012 2013-2015 2016-2018
Characteristic (n = 983 122) (n = 1 241 537) (n = 1 411 690) (n = 1 482 883) (n = 1 607 737) (n = 1 844 317)
Age, mean (SD), y 55.4 (16.3) 54.7 (16.3) 54.2 (16.3) 54.6 (16.4) 54.9 (16.7) 54.7 (16.9)
Age categories, y
18-40 179 731 (18.3) 240 543 (19.4) 286 716 (20.3) 295 446 (19.9) 328 504 (20.4) 399 867 (21.7)
41-60 416 351 (42.3) 539 286 (43.4) 615 565 (43.6) 622 535 (42.0) 638 647 (39.7) 705 825 (38.3)
61-75 259 110 (26.4) 310 287 (25.0) 346 504 (24.5) 390 589 (26.3) 447 649 (27.8) 524 846 (28.5)
>75 127 930 (13.0) 151 421 (12.2) 162 905 (11.5) 174 313 (11.8) 192 937 (12.0) 213 779 (11.6)
Women 540 490 (55.0) 682 077 (54.9) 773 307 (54.8) 817 276 (55.1) 883 892 (55.0) 1 007 674 (54.6)
Self-reported race
White 573 225 (58.3) 697 084 (56.1) 769 082 (54.5) 797 395 (53.8) 850 849 (52.9) 927 541 (50.3)
Black/African American 79 894 (8.1) 94 415 (7.6) 103 164 (7.3) 108 548 (7.3) 115 687 (7.2) 129 088 (7.0)
Asian/Pacific Islander 121 761 (12.4) 173 116 (13.9) 221 400 (15.7) 257 561 (17.4) 299 665 (18.6) 370 711 (20.1)
Other/unknown 208 242 (21.2) 276 922 (22.3) 318 044 (22.5) 319 379 (21.5) 341 536 (21.2) 416 977 (22.6)
Hispanic ethnicity 129 213 (13.1) 178 716 (14.4) 222 922 (15.8) 238 701 (16.1) 269 953 (16.8) 334 194 (18.1)
Smoking status
Current 103 728 (10.6) 169 502 (13.7) 156 589 (11.1) 134 965 (9.1) 134 051 (8.3) 140 041 (7.6)
Former 13 477 (1.4) 48 476 (3.9) 243 301 (17.2) 352 580 (23.8) 403 922 (25.1) 457 932 (24.8)
CKD-EPI eGFR, mean (SD), 85.3 (21.5) 86.0 (21.4) 85.1 (21.3) 88.2 (21.2) 87.5 (21.0) 88.6 (21.2)
mL/min/1.73 m2
CKD-EPI eGFR category,
mL/min/1.73 m2
60-150 863 987 (87.88) 1 098 418 (88.5) 1 240 252 (87.9) 1 336 995 (90.2) 1 447 191 (90.0) 1 672 049 (90.7)
30-59 110 721 (11.3) 133 503 (10.8) 160 126 (11.3) 135 829 (9.2) 150 083 (9.3) 161 204 (8.7)
25-29 3865 (0.39) 4507 (0.36) 5654 (0.40) 4927 (0.33) 5055 (0.31) 5255 (0.28)
20-24 2260 (0.23) 2684 (0.22) 3035 (0.21) 2755 (0.19) 2855 (0.18) 2990 (0.16)
18-19 604 (0.06) 709 (0.06) 782 (0.06) 720 (0.05) 713 (0.04) 809 (0.04)
16-17 468 (0.05) 536 (0.04) 610 (0.04) 536 (0.04) 607 (0.04) 649 (0.04)
14-15 369 (0.04) 408 (0.03) 444 (0.03) 427 (0.03) 438 (0.03) 496 (0.03)
10-13 553 (0.06) 515 (0.04) 563 (0.04) 490 (0.03) 542 (0.03) 611 (0.03)
6-9 264 (0.03) 220 (0.02) 201 (0.01) 178 (0.01) 220 (0.01) 222 (0.01)
0-5 31 (0.00) 37 (0.00) 23 (0.00) 26 (0.00) 33 (0.00) 32 (0.00)
Medical history
Acute myocardial infarction 14 415 (1.5) 16 256 (1.3) 16 703 (1.2) 14 693 (1.0) 12 878 (0.8) 11 974 (0.6)
Atrial fibrillation/flutter 24 511 (2.5) 33 494 (2.7) 40 430 (2.9) 47 405 (3.2) 56 902 (3.5) 66 575 (3.6)
Ischemic stroke or transient 14 146 (1.4) 16 883 (1.4) 16 211 (1.1) 14 892 (1.0) 16 176 (1.0) 23 080 (1.3)
ischemic attack
Heart failure 19 853 (2.0) 24 918 (2.0) 30 433 (2.2) 31 475 (2.1) 31 440 (2.0) 34 018 (1.8)
Mitral or aortic valvular 15 789 (1.6) 25 266 (2.0) 31 274 (2.2) 30 817 (2.1) 31 171 (1.9) 36 021 (2.0)
Venous thromboembolism 4656 (0.5) 5377 (0.4) 6118 (0.4) 6822 (0.5) 8927 (0.6) 13 127 (0.7)
Diabetes 146 298 (14.9) 185 806 (15.0) 219 498 (15.5) 237 431 (16.0) 262 638 (16.3) 312 960 (17.0)
Hypertension 307 243 (31.3) 446 279 (35.9) 544 853 (38.6) 588 694 (39.7) 614 317 (38.2) 660 973 (35.8)
Dyslipidemia 321 948 (32.7) 516 220 (41.6) 644 239 (45.6) 706 601 (47.7) 774 987 (48.2) 857 073 (46.5)
Hyperthyroidism 26 761 (2.7) 36 463 (2.9) 40 837 (2.9) 42 933 (2.9) 47 680 (3.0) 56 325 (3.1)
Hypothyroidism 101 838 (10.4) 127 484 (10.3) 144 472 (10.2) 156 335 (10.5) 172 232 (10.7) 195 849 (10.6)
Chronic liver disease 17 136 (1.7) 29 510 (2.4) 39 983 (2.8) 47 458 (3.2) 55 878 (3.5) 76 039 (4.1)
Chronic lung disease 273 959 (27.9) 238 618 (19.2) 268 455 (19.0) 320 192 (21.6) 334 295 (20.8) 359 858 (19.5)
Diagnosed dementia 11 718 (1.2) 16 908 (1.4) 23 404 (1.7) 25 442 (1.7) 28 665 (1.8) 31 160 (1.7)
Diagnosed depression 108 859 (11.1) 159 655 (12.9) 190 748 (13.5) 201 285 (13.6) 200 943 (12.5) 218 521 (11.8)

Abbreviations: CKD-EPI, Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate.

initiating dialysis increased for every 3-year interval by 5.2% odds of initiating dialysis increased by 6.6% (adjusted odds
(adjusted odds ratio, 1.052; 95% CI, 1.004-1.102); among ratio, 1.066; 95% CI, 1.007-1.130); and among patients with
patients with an eGFR 16 to 17 mL/min/1.73 m2, the 1-year an eGFR of 10 to 13 mL/min/1.73 m2, the 1-year odds of initi-

1650 JAMA Internal Medicine December 2020 Volume 180, Number 12 (Reprinted)

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Trends in Timing of Dialysis and Incidence of End-stage Kidney Disease Original Investigation Research

Figure 1. Mean Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Figure 2. Age-, Sex-, and Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate–
at Dialysis Initiation Among Patients Initiating Dialysis Standardized Annual Risk of Initiating Long-term Dialysis Among Adults
Between 2001 and 2018, by 3-Year Intervals With Serum Creatinine Measurements at Kaiser Permanente Northern
California, 2001-2018, Overall and by Elective vs Urgent Dialysis Start
18 Overall Urgent Elective
Estimated GFR, mL/min/1.73 m2

1-y Risk of initiating long-term dialysis, %

14 0.10
12 a

10 0.08

4 0.04
0 0.02
2001-2003 2004-2006 2007-2009 2010-2012 2013-2015 2016-2018
3-y Interval 0
2001-2003 2004-2006 2007-2009 2010-2012 2013-2015 2016-2018
No. initiating 847 917 1011 1013 1092 1224
dialysis 3-y Interval
No. at risk 983 122 1 241 537 1 411 690 1 482 883 1 607 737 1 844 317
Data are based on outpatient, nonemergency department serum creatinine
level closest to dialysis initiation date. Error bars indicate 95% CIs. Error bars indicate 95% CIs.
P < .001 for trend.

ating dialysis increased by 5.3% (adjusted odds ratio, 1.053;

95% CI, 1.008-1.100) (Table 2). By contrast, among patients Figure 3. Annual Risk of Initiating Long-term Dialysis by Calendar Year
with very low index eGFR (≤9 mL/min/1.73 m2), we observed and Index Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate, 2001-2018
stable or decreased unadjusted and adjusted odds of initiat-
ing dialysis over time. These patterns were similar among 0-5 mL/min/1.73 m2 16-17 mL/min/1.73 m2
6-9 mL/min/1.73 m2 18-19 mL/min/1.73 m2
the subset of patients with elective dialysis starts (eTable in 10-13 mL/min/1.73 m2 20-24 mL/min/1.73 m2
the Supplement). 14-15 mL/min/1.73 m2 25-29 mL/min/1.73 m2

Overall, we estimated that incidence of ESKD could have 70

1-y Risk of initiating long-term dialysis, %

potentially been 16% (95% CI, 13%-18%) lower if there were no

changes in system-level practice patterns or other factors be-
sides timing of initiation of long-term dialysis from the initial 50

3-year interval (2001-2003) to the final 3-year interval (2016- a

2018) assessed in this study.

20 b

Discussion 10

In this study using a large, integrated health care delivery sys-
tem that facilitated accurate determination of the size and eGFR 2001-2003 2004-2006 2007-2009 2010-2012 2013-2015 2016-2018
distribution of the underlying source population, we estimated 3-y Interval

that incidence of ESKD could have potentially been 16% (95% CI,
See Table 2 for unadjusted P values.
13%-18%) lower if there were no changes in system-level prac- a
P < .05 for trend.
tice patterns or other factors besides timing of initiation of long- b
P < .01 for trend.
term dialysis from the initial 3-year interval (2001-2003) to the
final 3-year interval (2016-2018) assessed in this study.
The optimal time to initiate long-term dialysis in patients 1.73 m2 or higher increased steadily from the mid-1990s (13%)
with kidney disease remains unclear,10,21-27 with a high de- until 2010 (43%), when it remained stable or slightly declined.2
gree of variability in practice patterns over time and across Similar temporal trends have been observed in the Veterans
health systems.1 Among 11 215 older US veterans with sus- Affairs health system29 and in other countries, such as the
tained eGFR lower than 15 mL/min/1.73 m2, Tamura et al28 ob- United Kingdom.30
served that patients exclusively using fee-for-service Medi- We hypothesize that the level of eGFR at which long-
care for nephrology care had 28% higher frequency of dialysis term dialysis was started during the 2 decades internation-
initiation compared with those exclusively using Depart- ally has been influenced by a variety of system-, physician-,
ment of Veterans Affairs nephrology care. Based on US Renal and patient-level factors.1 On a national level, perspectives from
Data System data, the percentage of patients with incident kid- opinion leaders31 combined with high-profile, consensus-
ney failure who initiated dialysis at an eGFR of 10 mL/min/ based clinical practice guidelines32,33 contributed to an em- (Reprinted) JAMA Internal Medicine December 2020 Volume 180, Number 12 1651

© 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Trends in Timing of Dialysis and Incidence of End-stage Kidney Disease

Table 2. Unadjusted and Adjusted Associations for Calendar Year Trend in the Annual Risk of Initiating Dialysis
by Index eGFR Category at Kaiser Permanente Northern California, 2001-2018, by 3-Year Interval

P value
eGFR category,
mL/min/1.73 m2 No. Unadjusteda Adjustedb AOR (95% CI)
60-150 7 658 892 .89 .70 0.989 (0.934-1.047)
30-59 851 466 .14 .74 1.007 (0.966-1.049)
25-29 29 263 .17 .68 1.012 (0.955-1.073)
20-24 16 579 .001 .03 1.052 (1.004-1.102) Abbreviations: AOR, adjusted odds
18-19 4337 .03 .07 1.060 (0.996-1.129) ratio; eGFR, estimated glomerular
filtration rate.
16-17 3406 .005 .03 1.066 (1.007-1.130) a
Cochrane-Armitage test for trend.
14-15 2582 .08 .13 1.044 (0.987-1.105) b
Reflects the significance of an
10-13 3274 .03 .02 1.053 (1.008-1.100) ordinal 3-year cohort term in
6-9 1305 .21 .06 0.938 (0.878-1.002) a logistic regression model for
end-stage kidney disease adjusting
0-5 182 .47 .97 0.996 (0.825-1.201)
for age, sex, race, and diabetes.

phasis on recommending a “healthy/timely” dialysis,1 which long-term dialysis was initiated nationally a mean of approxi-
included efforts to promote the placement of arteriovenous fis- mately 5 months earlier (and approximately 8 months earlier
tulas at higher eGFR levels.34 This may have contributed to pa- for those aged ≥75 years) in 2007 vs 1997, leading to more than
tients accepting dialysis at relatively higher eGFR levels dur- $1.5 billion of cost annually. However, that study did not con-
ing the present study period, especially if they had a mature sider the association of changes in timing of dialysis initia-
arteriovenous fistula and symptoms that are challenging to tion with the number of incident ESKD cases, which our pre-
manage medically. In addition, because KPNC promoted the sent analysis showed is notable. To put the observed relative
use of peritoneal dialysis as the initial modality during the study 16% change between 2001 and 2018 in context, this is approxi-
period, the need for a significant amount of time to train pa- mately two-thirds of the target relative 25% reduction in new
tients and caregivers may have also contributed, in part, to our ESKD cases by 2030 called for in the 2019 White House Ad-
observed patterns of dialysis starts at a higher eGFR. The con- vancing American Kidney Health initiative.9 In addition, if there
current expansion of educational efforts to raise awareness of was a 16% smaller ESKD population, the estimated cost dif-
kidney disease and empower patients with CKD regarding their ference could be up to $2.2 billion because Medicare Part B
options may have affected patterns in timing of initiation of spending for total outpatient dialysis–related services was
dialysis. Of note, as a fully integrated health care delivery $13.7 billion in 2016 to 2017.36 This cost is likely an underes-
system, KPNC had no financial incentives to initiate dialysis timate because it does not include indirect costs of care (eg,
earlier vs later. patient and caregiver travel time; costs associated with creat-
An alternative possibility that would also lead to the iden- ing and maintaining functioning dialysis access; potential
tical observation of an increase in the number (and percent- loss of employment; and costs associated with caregiver and
age) of individuals starting dialysis with an eGFR of 10 to patient burnout).
24 mL/min/1.73 m2 is that there are relatively more people in Our study has several important implications. Given the
the underlying source population who had an eGFR of 10 to lack of strong evidence that earlier initiation of long-term di-
24 mL/min/1.73 m2 in more recent years, with no change over alysis has net clinical benefit,10,21-27 careful evaluation of con-
time in the likelihood of receiving dialysis at this eGFR.29 A re- temporary dialysis initiation practices is needed,35 along with
cent interrupted time series analysis provided circumstantial ongoing improved shared decision-making efforts to person-
evidence that the progressive increase in mean eGFR level at alize the approach with patients.34 Dialysis is currently rec-
the start of dialysis may likely be driven more by secular trends ommended when kidney function is “low” and a patient has
in practice patterns or other factors and not by secular trends symptoms or signs consistent with kidney failure. However,
in the distribution of eGFR in the underlying at-risk popula- some symptoms and signs (eg, fatigue or pruritus) may be non-
tion. Ferguson et al11 showed that after publication of the IDEAL specific and caused by comorbid conditions, whereas others
trial in 2010, which found no systematic clinical benefit for (eg, anorexia or hypoalbuminemia) can change over time and
initiation of earlier vs later dialysis, there was an immediate may improve spontaneously without dialysis therapy. In most
decrease in the proportion of early dialysis starts (ie, at eGFR cases, long-term dialysis is initiated not to treat an immedi-
>10.5 mL/min/1.73 m2) in Canada. However, Ferguson et al did ately life-threatening condition (eg, uremic pericarditis or re-
not have data on the underlying at-risk Canadian population. fractory hyperkalemia). As noted previously, the aggressive
By contrast, a major strength of our study is that we captured promotion of earlier arteriovenous fistula placement in pa-
the underlying at-risk population whose distribution of eGFR tients with CKD may also affect patient and physician expec-
was known. tations about the timing of initiating dialysis. Thus, decisions
Few prior studies have attempted to quantify the public about when to start dialysis are not always fully objective, and
health and cost implications of changes in timing of dialysis policy decisions that have encouraged systematic earlier di-
initiation. Using US Renal Data System data and observed rates alysis initiation can be adjusted. For example, O’Hare et al29
of eGFR loss from a CKD cohort, O’Hare et al35 estimated that suggested reimposing scrutiny by the Health Care Financing

1652 JAMA Internal Medicine December 2020 Volume 180, Number 12 (Reprinted)

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Trends in Timing of Dialysis and Incidence of End-stage Kidney Disease Original Investigation Research

Administration and renal networks of an upper eGFR limit at our findings is the observation that the temporal trend in
which elective dialysis initiation would trigger a review. Fol- mean eGFR at the start of dialysis among KPNC members—
lowing publication of the IDEAL trial, there have also been calls progressively increasing through the first decade of this
for starting dialysis later.37 The United Kingdom National In- century (Figure 1)—matches that reported by the US Renal
stitute for Health and Care Excellence now recommends wait- Data System,2 US Department of Veterans Affairs,29 Canadian
ing until an eGFR of 5 to 7 mL/min/1.73 m2 or the presence of Organ Replacement Register,11 and United Kingdom Renal
symptoms affecting daily life before starting dialysis.38 Fur- Registry.30 We did not have information on the specific sys-
thermore, the Japanese Society of Nephrology guidelines rec- tem-, physician-, and patient-level reasons that may have con-
ommend patients “endure under conservative treatment un- tributed to the observed trends, nor did we analyze how chang-
til the GFR is <8 mL/min/1.73 m2 even when the symptoms ing the timing and threshold for dialysis initiation may have
of renal failure are observed.”39(p97) affected clinical outcomes (including in frail25 or older41 per-
Our results also support the perspective that practice pat- sons). However, previous studies do not provide convincing
terns or other factors beyond just population CKD burden may evidence that systematically starting dialysis earlier confers
impact the number of new ESKD cases. Thus, incidence of net benefits,10,26,27,42 including the only large randomized trial
ESKD (as currently defined) in a population may not be an performed to date.10
entirely optimal quality metric to reflect the success or fail-
ure of renoprotective efforts, and policy makers and public
health officials should consider other metrics as well.40
Limitations In conclusion, choices regarding the timing of dialysis initia-
Our study was limited in that we only assessed the associa- tion should be made on a patient-by-patient basis to maximize
tion between the timing of dialysis initiation and incident ESKD the net benefit for individual patients with kidney disease,
rates within an integrated health care delivery system in including taking into account the results of large randomized
California. However, the KPNC membership is sociodemo- clinical trials, such as the IDEAL trial.10 Our results underscore
graphically diverse and highly representative of the local and the importance the timing of initiating long-term dialysis has
statewide population.12 Supporting the external validity of on the size of the population of patients with ESKD.

ARTICLE INFORMATION dialysis unit. He reported receiving research 4. Chan KE, Maddux FW, Tolkoff-Rubin N,
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