Research Proposal

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TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................i

LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................iii

LIST OF APPENDICES...................................................................................iv

CHAPTER I......................................................................................................1


1.1. Research Background............................................................................1

1.2 Research Question.................................................................................4

1.3 Objective of the research........................................................................4

1.4 Scope of research..................................................................................4

1.5 Significance of research.........................................................................4

CHAPTER II.....................................................................................................5

LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................5

2.1 Textbook.................................................................................................5

2.2 Textbook analysis...................................................................................8

2.3 The importance of conducting textbook analysis.....................................8

2.4 Textbook Evaluation Criteria.................................................................11

2.4.1 Textbook analysis criteria based on BSNP...........................................11

2.4.2 The Criteria of Textbook Evaluation by Jahangard (2007)....................14

2.4.3 The Criteria of Textbook Evaluation by Rajan’s theory.........................15

2.4.4 The criteria of textbook evaluation by Cunningsworth (1995)...............16

2.5 Content Analysis.....................................................................................9

2.6 Cultural Aspect in Textbook..................................................................19

2.7 Culture in Foreign language teaching...................................................19

2.8 Previous study......................................................................................20

CHAPTER III..................................................................................................25

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY......................................................................25

3.1 Research Design..................................................................................25

3.2 Data and Data Source..........................................................................25

3.3 Research Instrument............................................................................25

3.4 Technique of Data Collection................................................................26

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis..................................................................26


Table 2.1. The Materials included in the English Textbook.........................7
Table 2.2 Textbook Criteria based on Muslich Theory………………...………… 14
Table 3. 1 Content Analyisis Criteria Proposed by William.......................27
Table 4. 1 The Aspect of Cultural Content Proposed by Byram................28


Appendix A. Table checklist proposed by William……………………………… 32

Appendix B.
Appendix C. Cover of the textbook published by Cambridge ………………… 33


This chapter explains the significance and background of the reasearch. It

consists of five main sections: reasearch background; research question;
objective of the research; scope of research; significance of research.

1.1. Research Background

English has become the lingua franca in the world. Since english become
an international language its affect in every side of life such as socializing to a
professional job also need English. Therefore, for multiple purposes most of
people are studying English now. In terms of education, English is the dominant
language in academia. Learning english open the doors to some of the world’s
top colleges and universities in the world. Many institutions also ask English
comprehension. Then, English also essential because it can help people to gain
the knowledge. By using English, they will acquire a lot of knowledge,
communicate with foreigners, and other documents written in English. In addition,
English also important for their carreer in the future.
Currently, the use of English in the classroom as important as well. Since
some of the schools in Indonesia chooses their main textbooks written in English
for some subjects such as Biology, Physic and Chemistry and English subject it
self makes the needs of English for every year getting higher and higher. In
teaching-learning process, teachers use a textbook as a teaching material that
has been compiled based on the curriculum. According to Harmer (2008)
textbook is one of the important aspects for teachers that used to explain to the
students based on content of the textbook as a source of learning. So, the
textbook has an important role in the teaching and learning process.
Firdaus, Samhati, and Suyanto (2014) state that teaching material or
textbook is an explanation about the subject (the topic/subtopic) based on the
curriculum. Textbook becomes main media that used in teaching-learning
Textbook is not only provided by the government, there are also textbooks
published by a local publisher and international publisher. Based on the
publisher, schools that apply a dual curriculum which are national and

international curriculum such as Ummusshabri High School in Kendari, South

East Sulawesi chooses the book that published by international publishers as
their main course book. In English subject, they use a textbook that has been
published by Cambridge University Press in Malaysia. This textbook also
provided a spesific syllabus that try to connect with national syllabus.
Moreover, an International textbook has a different kind of layout,
chapters, and how the content is provided. The content of the textbook is one of
the important things in the textbook. The interesting content will make students
interested in learning. A student can review the textbook and understand the
subject’s direction. The content of the textbook also should provide a clear and
feasible content. It is not only the content but also how the textbook can provide
an appropriate culture aspect.
Meanwhile, culture in English language school in Indonesia mostly relates
to the culture of native speakers, defined as the manner people live their lives in
the target language group, including lifestyle, clothing, living, recreation, speech,
communication, values, ideas, beliefs, attitude, convention, custom, tradition,
festivals, festivities, manners, etc.
Local cultures reflected in English textbooks, such as Indonesian heritage
and Javanese values. This is in line with Alsagoff, McKay, Hu, and Renandya
(2012), who said English should be educated as an international language in a
way that respects the local learning culture. In a textbook, the importance of
different cultures is to enhance teachers’ and the students’ cultural awareness
about their own culture and to have a better cultural understanding towards the
existence of other cultures Cortazzi and Jin (1996).
Another previous study was conducted by Pujiastuti, Safnil, and Trianto
(2013) to investigate the quality of Indonesian course book in high level. The
method applied in this research was evaluative descriptive mixed method. it was
obtained that there were five books which observed the content appropriateness,
language, and presentation, graphic and reading level at the course book. The
result indicated from appropriateness and reading level, from the content of view,
there were only two books which belong to good category books. It is indicating
that how important textbook analysis should be conducted.

According to Cleveland and Ellis (2015), the content analysis of the

textbook takes on special importance. The information or the result of the
analysis can be used to determine whether the teacher can use that content of
the textbook or it is need to be revised. Then the result of the analysis also can
be a source to modify the materials to make them more effective for future use
can be provided from such an evaluation. Therefore, an evaluation or the
analysis of the material which is the content of the textbook need to be
Content analysis is any technique for making inferences by objectively
and systematically identifying specified characteristics of messages Holsti (1969).
Content analysis is a study aimed on the real content and internal structures of
media. It is used to ascertain the existence of particular words, concepts, themes,
or sentences inside texts or sets of texts and to enumerate those existence in an
objective manner. Text could mean books, book parts, interviews, articles, and
many other written documents. To perform a content analysis, the text is teared
apart into controllable parts on various words levels and then scrutinized using
one of content analysis’ basic methods i.e. conceptual analysis or relational
analysis Shahmohammadi (2013).
The problem will arise when the content of the textbook used at school
does not support the students in mastering English in accordance with the goals.
So, the content analysis of the textbook is needed. In conducting the content
analysis of the textbook, there are some steps that the researcher should do.
First, the researcher chooses the textbook that will be analyzed by seeing the
content of the textbook that has been used in the school which is Cambridge
Think 3 published by Cambridge University Press. The researcher chooses the
textbook because it published by the international publisher and claimed the
textbook is suitable with core and base competence of 2013 curriculum. Then,
after doing a brief observation, the researcher finds out there are problems on the
content of English textbook in terms of linguistic feature, element and structure of
meaning and social function in some chapters of the textbook.
The culture that provide by the textbook also become a thing that we have
to consider. It because the textbook should contain the suitable culture for the
students. In choosing textbook, teacher should consider the culture value that

maybe affect to student’s psychology. So, it is not only the content of the
textbook but also the culture aspect also should be analysed.
This research provides an insight into the content and cultural feasibilty of
English textbook entitled Cambridge Think 3 published by Cambridge University

1.2 Research Question

1.2.1 Does the content of cambridge think 3 textbooks fulfill the criteria based
on William’s theory?
1.2.2 Does the culture aspect of cambridge think 3 textbooks fullfill textbook
criteria based on byram’s textbook evaluation criteria?

1.3 Objective of the research

1.3.1 To analyse the content aspect of cambridge think 3 textbooks.
1.3.2 To analyse the culture aspect of cambridge think 3 textbooks.

1.4 Scope of research

This research focuses on analyzing the content and culture aspect of English
textbook Cambridge Think 3, published by Cambridge University Press. The
English textbook that will be used in this research consist of twelve chapters.

1.5 Significance of research

The results of the research are expected to give a contribution to students,
English teachers, and researchers.
1.5.1 The students
For students, the researcher hopes this research can give information to
them about the quality of the content and also culture aspect of the
textbook. So, it can help students in knowing that textbook published by
an international publisher also appropriate with their needs and their
1.5.2 The English teachers
The researcher hopes this research can help teachers in choosing a good
textbook that they can use in teaching-learning process.
1.5.3 The researcher

This research is useful to give information to the next researchers as a

reference when they want to analyze the content and the culture feasibility
of the English textbook.


This chapter presents the review of related literature that has been used
in this research. There have been some arguments about conducting textbook
analysis. Furthermore, the aims of literature review are providing the theories and
previous studies about textbook analysis concern in an analysis of content and
culture feasibility. The theories and previous study are about textbook analysis,
the role of textbook in language classroom, the important of conducting textbook
analysis, and some theories about textbook evaluation.

2.1 Textbook
Textbook is a key component in most language programs. In some
situation it serves the language input learners receive and the language practice
that occurs in the classroom. Textbook may provide the basis for the content of
the lessons, the balance of skills that will be thaught and the kinds of language
practice the students take part in Richards (2001).
Books are one of the main learning resources in the learning process
learning at school. The only source of learning that can go beyond the
togetherness of teachers and students is books. Books as source learning that is
not limited by space and time. Data on studies on 1976 conducted by the World
Bank showed that in Indonesia's level of student ownership of books and school
facilities correlated with learning achievement (World Bank, 1989:44)
In other situations, the textbook may serve primarily to supply the
teacher’s instruction. For the students, textbook may provide the major source of
contact they have with the language apart from input provided by the teacher.
According to Muslich (2010), textbook is one kind of education book, textbook is
books containing descriptions of material about subject or definite field of study,

which is arranged systematically and have been selected based on specific

objectives, learning orientation, and students’ development to be assimilated.
In the case of inexperienced teacher textbooks may also serve as a form
of teacher training and they provide ideas on how to plan and teach lessons as
well as formats that teachers can use. Much of the language teaching that occurs
throughout the world today could not take place without the extensive use of
commercial textbooks. Learning how to use and adapt textbooks is hence an
important part of a teacherís professional knowledge.
Textbook has an important role in teaching and learning proccess since it
can help teachers to deliver their material based on the content of the textbook.
Textbook is a kind of book that contain a description of material about a particular
subject or area, which is arranged systematically and has been selected based
on specific objectives, learning orientation and student development to be
assimilated. Tomlinson and Masuhara (2011) argue that textbook serves core
material for language learning courses and aim to fulfill what students and
teachers need during the learning process. By using the textbook in teaching-
learning process, it makes students easy to understand the material Nimasari
The presence of a textbook will help both teachers and students in
studying the material especially the presence of textbook in English subject.
Textbook also can be defined as a standard book that contain learners material
from one branch of study or major, used in the school or colleagues as a
fulfillment to achieve certain degree or certificate (Mudzakir, 2010). A textbook is
viewed as a resource as it contains a set of materials and activities available
to the teacher from which one can choose. It can also be a trainer for
novice teachers who need valuable instructions, support and guidance. As an
authority, a textbook is seen as valid, reliable, written by experts and
authorized by important publishers or ministries of education.
Since the textbook has an important role in teaching and learning
process, the are some experts have been stated a lot of functions of the
textbook. As cited in Henry G Tarigan and Tarigan (1990), according to Greene
and Petty (1971) the textbook should reflect a modern perspective of how the
teaching material is presented, provide the source material is well ordered, has

many variations, according to students’ needs, systematic, and rich in the subject
matter, present a well-organized and staged on expressional skills that brought
major problems in communication, the textbook also provide teaching methods
and tools that fulfill certain criteria. Then, serves in-depth materials to help the
students doing practice and to finish their assignments and besides as a source
of book, book as well as a source or means of evaluation and remedial suitable
also appropriate in teaching and learning processes.
The function of the textbook also stated by Cunningsworth (1995) which
revealed that the textbook can be a source of presentation material, as a source
of activities for practice and communicative interaction. Then, the textbook also
can be a reference book (grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation). The textbook is a
very useful learning media, by using the textbook the way to deliver the material
will be easier because the textbook contains materials that are needed by
students and related to their daily activity. In the fact, the textbook sometime can
contain inappropriate material in forms of the language, social function, etc.
However, the teacher still uses a textbook as a guidance that used to teach the
students in teaching and learning process. Therefore, textbook has an important
role in teaching and learning process. The quality of the content and culture of
the textbook should appropriate with students’ need and the goal of the learning

Regarding to the textbook that will be analysed by researcher entitled

Cambridge Think 3 published by Cambridge University Press consist of twelve
chapters. The list of materials provided in the textbook is provided in this
following table:

Table 2.1. The Materials included in the English Textbook

Chapter Topic
I Brothers and sisters
II Sleep on it
III Lucky breaks
IV Laughter is the best medicine
V Thrill seekers

VI Followers
VII Beauty is in the eye of the…
VIII It’s all greek to me!
IX Is it fair?
X You live and learn
XI 21st century living
XII Unsung heroes

2.2 Textbook analysis

A textbook analysis is a way to describe all of the content of the textbook.
The textbook can be said as a good textbook if the textbook fulfilled the criteria of
a good textbook. Many publishers try to provide an English textbook as additional
references that teachers can use in the teaching and learning process. Teaching
materials that involve in English textbook can influence what the teachers teach
and how they do it in the classroom. However, not all of the textbooks that have
been provided by publishers fit with the needs of students and have good quality.
Both in terms of the feasibility of the contents and the feasibility of the
presentation of the textbook. Cunningsworth (1995) emphasizes that there is no
course book designed by general publishers that will be ideal for particular
groups of students. Therefore, it is very necessary to analyze a textbook for
known the weaknesses of the textbook so they will produce a better version of
the textbook in the future. Then, in analyzing the textbook, it should refer to the
theory and evaluation criteria from the expert in determining in-depth analysis.
Furthermore, Suprayogo (2001: 6) suggests that content analysis is used
to obtain information from communications which is conveyed in the form of a
documented symbol or can be documented. Content analysis is used to analyze
all forms of communication, such as in newspapers, books, films, and so on. The
use of content analysis methods, provides an understanding of various contents
of communication messages conveyed by the mass media or from other sources
in an objective, systematic, and relevant manner.
Regarding to the theory proposed by Cunningsworth (1995), in analyzing
the content of the textbook, this research focused on applying three of four items

which are known the weaknesses of the textbook, refers to the theory, and
evaluation criteria.

2.3 The importance of conducting textbook analysis

Several experts had given some reasons why textbook analysis should be
conducted. Azizifar and Baghelani (2014) define that there are many various
reasons for conduct the textbook evaluation. The first important reason is the
requirement to adopt new textbooks. The second reason is to recognize specific
strengths and weaknesses in textbooks that have been already in use. The third
one is that textbook evaluation can be very useful in teachers’ development and
professional growth. As well as Cunningsworth 1995 also emphasizes that the
major and frequent reason in conducting textbook evaluation is the intention to
adopt the new textbook and textbook evaluation is useful in teacher development
and helps teachers to gain good and useful insights into the nature of the
material. Based on those reasons about why the textbook analysis should be
conducted, it is clear that textbook analysis has an important role in order to help
teachers in choosing the good textbook and also it can be used to evaluate the
new textbook.
In conducting textbook analysis, there are three different types of material
evaluation suggested by Cunningsworth (1995) and Ellis (1997). The first type is
‘predictive’ or ‘pre-use’ evaluation that has a function to examine the future
performance of the textbook. The second type is ‘in-use’ evaluation that has a
function to examine the content of the textbook that is currently being used in the
school. The last type is ‘retrospective’ or ‘post-use’ evaluation of a textbook that
has been used in any respective institution.
Based on those classification of textbook analysis, this research took the
'in-use' evaluation because it examines an English textbook that has been used
in Ummusshabiri High School Kendari entitled Cambridge Think 3, published by
Cambridge University Press.
2.4 Content Analysis
As Weber (1990, p. 117) puts it, “content analysis is a research method
that uses a set of procedures to make valid inferences from text”, and it has
several advantages in comparison with other research methods. Content analysis

is applied directly to texts or transcripts. Secondly, in high quality studies,

combining both qualitative and quantitative analysis of texts and mixing methods
is generally acknowledged as an effective way to ensure the honesty of the
research in terms of validity and reliability.
According to Cohen et al. (2007), content analysis in a broader sense
refers to the process of summarising and interpreting written data, whereas in a
narrower context it is “a strict and systematic set of procedures for difficult
analysis, examination and verification of the contents of written data”.
Cohen et al. (2007) define content analysis simply as the process of four
“C”s, i.e., Coding, Categorising, Comparing, and Concluding. Going further, they
state the following essential features of the process of content analysis such as
breaking down text into units of analysis, undertaking statistical analysis of the
units, presenting the analysis in as economical a form as possible.
Analysis of EFL textbooks, it is widely recognized that the assessment of
textbooks should mainly serve educators in the process of selecting the most
suitable content, which for several reasons is of specific significance. First of all, it
is one of the key strategic choices in EFL education and in education in
particular, as educators do not generally select course books for a short time. In
addition, if a large amount of money is used for several years, it will be spent.
Moreover, a large group of students will be influenced by the learning experience
and language proficiency level, which can consequently have an impact on their
professional future. Finally, from a student´s point of view, it can be confusing
and demanding to get accustomed to a new set of materials if we decide to
change the previous package within the same programme (Cunningsworth,
Cunningsworth (1995) also agrees that textbook selection is one of the
key problems of today´s EFL education, and at the same time one of the most
demanding tasks. On the other side, educators still lack the abilities needed to
select the most suitable course books, and they often decide under time pressure
or other circumstances.
In addition, Ahmad (2018) recounts that content analysis is a research
technique to create inference that can be imitated (repicable) and valid data by
taking into account the context. Content analysis as a research technique,

includes special procedures for processing in scientific data with the aim of
provide knowledge, open new insights, and present facts.
The principles of content analysis when viewed from the definition are
Systematic principle, there is an equal treatment procedure for all analyzed
contents. Researchers are not allowed to analyze only on content that matches
attention and interest, but must be on the whole content that has been set for
research; Objective principle, the results of the analysis depend on the research
procedure, not on the person. The same category when used for the same
content as the procedure, then the results must be the same, even though the
research is different quantitative principles Record number or frequency values to
describe various defined content type. Also interpreted as the principle of use
deductive method; The principle of real content What is researched and analyzed
is the explicit content (appears) not the meaning felt by the researcher. The final
result of the analysis will show there is something hidden, it's fine. But everything
begins with an analysis of the visible content.
Furthermore, content analysis is used to obtain information from
communications which is conveyed in the form of a documented symbol or can
be documented. Content analysis is used to analyze all forms of communication,
such as in newspapers, books, films, and so on. The use of content analysis
methods, provides an understanding of various contents of communication
messages conveyed by the mass media or from other sources in an objective,
systematic, and relevant manner.
2.5 Textbook Analysis Criteria
There are some criteria that can be used to analyze the textbook. They
2.5.1 Textbook analysis criteria based on BSNP
Muslich (2010) said that for the feasibility of the contents, there are three
indicators that must be considered, namely: (a) conformity of material with
competency standards and basic competence, (b) accuracy of the material, and
(c) learning support material.
The first standard was made by BSNP as a rubric assessment of
textbooks that will be used in every school in Indonesia. Several things are

assessed based on this standard. They are the suitability of the description of
material with core competence and base competence, the second one is material
accuracy, and the last is learning support material. Based on Badan Standar
Nasional Pendidikan (2007), There are three general criteria and eight sub-
criteria about several things that become the standard of the good quality of the
content in a textbook based on BSNP, they are: The Suitability of the Description of Material with Core Competence
and Base Competence.
Henry Guntur Tarigan (1993) state that the textbook should relate to the
curriculum. The textbook should relevant and back up the curriculum that has
been implemented. Therefore, in this criterion there are two kinds of sub-topics
that should be fulfilled by the textbook, they are completeness and in-depth
material. Based on the first criterion which is completeness, the textbook should
contain and require students to analyze the texts so the students can use it to
communicate with each other. Through these texts’ students can produce
expressions to interact with the people in their environment. A textbook for grade
X can be said as a complete book if it is covering all of the topics based on core
competence and base competence. It means the textbook should contain the
material about how to ask for identity information, praise and congratulations,
how to respond, ask for information related to the intention to carry out an
action/activity, request information to others about tourist attractions and famous
historic buildings, information related to school activities, information about past
events, tells about historical events, folk legends, and song lyrics of teenage life.
The textbook also should contain a guideline to arrange text based on these
Based on the second criterion, which is depth of material there are three
kinds of items that should be fulfilled. They are exposure, text retention, and
production. The first is exposure, textbook should require students to look for or
analyze the types of texts that are relevant to their daily activity so they will
familiar with these types of texts. Especially familiar with the terms of the contents
of the message, social attitudes, and spiritual attitudes that are relevant to these
texts. The second is text retention, the textbook should guide so students can
have an understanding of the three elements of forming types of texts namely

social function, text structure, and linguistic elements. The last is production, for
the learning of each type of text, the textbook should contain guidance so
students carry out activities that develop oral or written texts that they have
mastered to achieve a higher level of mastery in realizing social function which is
relevant to these types of texts. Then giving attention to other elements such as
generic structures and linguistic features. Material Accuracy
This part of the criteria has three sub-topics which are social function,
element and structure of meaning, and linguistic feature. The first criterion which
is social function, all of the examples of the text contained in the textbook and the
text from the students directed at the achievement of social function related to
daily life. It is hoped that this text will help the students achieve social function.
The types of communication contained in the textbook are interpersonal
commun-ication, transactional communication, and functional communication.
The first type is interpersonal communication that involves communication
between individuals. By using the text students can communicate with each other
so that social functions will be achieved. The second is transactional
communication which is related to the request or gift. The third is functional
communication, in this type discuss how students can implement the function of
the text that relates to their daily life.
The second is element and structure of meaning, regarding this criterion
the simple texts contained in the textbook or the result of students’ exploration is
expected to develop coherent and systematic thinking skills. This sub-criterion
also expected the textbook can give the students an insight and ideas to think
systematically in doing exercise or producing it in daily life.
The last is linguistic feature. The texts in the textbook, as well as the
result of students’ exploration are directed to develop communication skills with
an accurate and acceptable language. In this case, the language used in
communication should polite and in accordance with ongoing communicative
context to achieve social function. Then, the text provided in the textbook or the
exercise given from the textbook that has been done by the students is expected
to be understandable and fulfill the norm and characteristic values of good
communication in students’ daily life.
14 Learning support material

There are three sub-topics on these criteria, they are up-to-datedness,
development of life skills, and the development of diversity of insight. For up-to-
datedness criterion, there are two kinds that will be valued namely the relevance
of the material and reference sources and updated material and referral sources.
Based on this criterion the teaching material or the textbook in the form of text,
tables, pictures, and learning experiences are taken or quoted from sources that
are relevant to the topic that will be discussed. Then, all learning material is taken
from current sources and up to date sources that are relevant to the topics that
will be discussed.
For development of life skills, it is hoped that the text contain in the textbook can
motivate students to do several things that can expose life skills. The examples of
life skills such as personal skills, social skills, academic skills, and vocational
Then, for the development of diversity of insights, the texts and
communicative actions can motivate students to do several things for the
development of diversity like an appreciation of cultural diversity and diversity of
the community, which includes a variety of cultural values and local, national and
global wisdom. People's awareness of regional potential and wealth to promote
local and national potential. Appreciation of democratic values in accordance with
the local socio-cultural context. The last is understanding of nationalism to
develop their pride to the nation and state.
Based on the BSNP standard, Muslich 2010 formulate the criteria
evaluation as follows:
Table 2.2 1Textbook criteria

No Component Indicator Checklist

The suitability of Material Completeness
materials with Material breadth
standard of
Material depth
2 Material Procedure accuracy
Accuracy Fact accuracy, example, and content.

Exercise accuracy
Feature updates, example, reference.
3 Culture material
Material attraction

2.5.2 The Criteria of Textbook Evaluation by Jahangard (2007)

Jahangard (2007) emphasize thirteen criteria that can be used to evaluate
the textbook. Textbook can be said as a good textbook if the textbook fulfilled all
of the criteria. The criteria that intended to be fulfilled based on Jahangard's
theory in order to evaluate the content of the textbook, he serves 13 criteria.
These criteria analyze the objectives, the vocabulary used in the textbook,
approaches, five aspects (structure, function, situation, topics, sensible skills),
testing section, the layout, the font that used in this textbook, and also analyzing
if the textbook has interesting topics and assignments. Jahangard also
emphasize that the textbook should contains many authentic languages, has
clear instruction and if the content is clearly organized and graded. It means all of
the content of the textbook should well organize and can be valued. Based on
this criterion also, the textbook should contain grammar, presentation, and good
practice. It means the textbook should contain the grammar review such as all of
the grammar in the texts of the textbook should be discussed in a specific way.
The last, the textbook can encourage students to develop their learning
strategies and become independent in their learning or not. It means the textbook
should guide the students to find out the learning strategies that fit with them. In
short, the criteria of the good textbook that has been mentioned before not only
analyze the content of the textbook but also appearance appropriateness. So, it
can be concluded that those criteria covered all of the parts of the textbook that
need to be evaluated. Therefore, this criterion can be used to evaluate, in order
to arrange the good English textbook.

2.5.3 The Criteria of Textbook Evaluation by Rajan’s theory

The next criteria of textbook evaluation are proposed by Rajan cited in
(Asri, 2013). Good material is very important for the learner because good

material can motivate the learner. The criteria of good materials design based on
Rajan (2003) known as MAGIC. The meaning of the word “MAGIC” is:
The first alphabet ‘M’ indicates motivating and meaningful. Motivating
means a good material or topic can motivate learners to learn by themselves. It
means the contents of these materials should be able to motivate the learners to
learn. Then, Meaningful means materials are useful for the learner. Which are the
contents of these materials must be able to increase the learner's ability in
learning language.
The second is ‘A’ indicates authentic and appropriate. Authentic means
that good material should contain the original language by native speakers. It
means the contents of these materials should be able to understand what the
native speakers said. Then, Appropriate means that a good material suitable for
what the learner needed. It means the contents of the materials should suitable
for the level of the learners.
The third is ‘G’ indicates graphic and graded. Graphic means that good
material can serve a graphic or table that can make the material will be more
interesting. Then, graded means that the material should be systematic range. It
means the material should start from the easier to the most difficult.
The fourth is ‘I’ indicates interesting, interactive, and integrated.
Interesting means that good material can make the students interest to learn. It
means the material must be able to create the attention of the learner and
interactives means that good material should be able to give a chance to the
learner for giving a response. Then, Integrated means that good materials consist
of Language skill and Language aspects.
The last alphabet ‘C’ indicates contextualized and creative.
Contextualized means that a good material suitable with time and place (up-to-
date). It means that the material appropriate with the learner’s activity. Then,
Creative means that good material should make the learners more creative. To
sum up, those criteria focused in analyzing a book as a whole not in a specific
2.5.4 The criteria of textbook evaluation by Cunningsworth (1995)
Cunningsworth had been proposed the book that discusses how to
evaluate and analyze the textbook. According to Cunningsworth (1955), he

classified analyzing textbook into two kinds, they are impressionistic analysis
and in-depth analysis. Impressionistic analysis
Impressionistic analysis carried out by observing the cover of the book,
looking for strengths and weaknesses of the book. this analysis can quickly give
the impression to the design and structure of textbooks, supplemental materials,
and sequence of the content of the book. In the same line, impressionistic
analysis is analyzing the textbook package. There are five aspects of
impressionistic analysis they are cover, content material, learning activities,
organization of the textbook, and the layout.
18 In-depth analysis

In-depth analysis is the analysis that obtains detailed information on
the various items in textbooks, such as syllabus outlines with the needs of
learners. This analysis can be done by selecting one or two chapters in
textbooks and analyze the appropriateness of skills and learning activities in
each unit chapter. In-depth analysis focused on analyzing aims and approach,
language and content, language skills, and practical consideration.

From all of the criteria of textbook analysis proposed by some experts above, the
researcher chose the criteria proposed by BSNP developed by Muslich because
it is the most recent criteria and it is customized for 2013 curriculum which
applied in Indonesia. This research includes in in-depth analysis that used the
criteria from BSNP as the instrument in analyzing the English textbook.

2.5.5 The Criteria of Textbook Evaluation by David Williams (1983)

David Williams is a Senior Lecturer and Head of the Language Arts
Section in the Department of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria. He
holds a doctorate in Education from the University of Malaya. His current
research interests include reading comprehension, the teaching of literature, and
attitudes towards varieties of spoken and written Nigerian English. Williams splits
his ELT textbook checklist into 7 criteria. The seventh criteria are general,
speech, grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and technical. In the following is
the table of Williams’ ELT textbook evaluation checklist.

No Criteria Rating
1. Takes into account currently accepted methods of
ESL/EFL teaching.
2. Gives guidance in the presentation of language
3. Caters for individual differences in home language
4. Relates content to the learners' culture and
5. Is based on a contrastive analysis of English and LI
sound systems.
6. Suggests ways of demonstrating and practising
speech items.

7. Includes speech situations relevant to the pupils*

8. Allows for variation in the accents of non-native
speakers of English.
9. Stresses communicative competence in teaching
structural items.
10. Provides adequate models featuring the structures
to be taught.
11. Shows clearly the kinds of responses required in
drills (e.g. Substitution).
12. Selects structures with regard to differences
between LI and L2 cultures.
13. Selects vocabulary on the basis of frequency,
functional load, etc.
14. Distinguishes between receptive and productive
skills in vocabulary teaching.
15. Presents vocabulary in appropriate contexts and
16. Focuses on problems of usage related to social
17. Offers exercises for understanding of plain sense
and implied meaning.
18. Relates reading passages to the learners'
19. Selects passages within the vocabulary range of
the pupils.
20. Selects passages reflecting a variety of styles of
contemporary English.
21. Relates written work to structures and vocabulary
practiced orally.
22. Gives practice in controlled and guided composition
in the early stages.
23. Relates written work to the pupils' age, interests,
and environment.
24. Demonstrates techniques for handling aspects of
composition teaching.
25. Is up-to-date in the technical aspects of textbook
production and design.
26. Shows quality in editing and publishing (cover,
typeface, illustrations, etc.)
27. Is datable, and not too expensive.
28. Has authenticity in language and style of writing.

2.6 Cultural Aspect in Textbook

Textbooks are traditionally believed to offer the target language in the
English classroom. It should be noted that textbooks cannot simply accomplish
that and nothing more, because language is employed in actual settings for real
goals (Cunningsworth, 1995, p. 86). There are several reasons why the cultural
content of textbooks is essential. Aside from the ability to affect learners' value
systems, there is also the widely held belief that it is almost difficult to teach a
language without simultaneously conveying cultural material (McKay, 2002, p.
85). Underlying these discussions about language and culture is a generally held
belief that these two qualities cannot be separated from one another.
Cultural themes have been relevant in the field of language instruction
with the introduction of the intercultural communication method. As a result, the
cultural content of EFL textbooks as the major source for language acquisition for
learners is a key subject for investigation. This study try to analyse the cultural
content based on Byram's (1994) evaluation standards, this research examined
the cultural element.

2.7 Culture in Foreign Language Teaching

This discussion deals with language and culture in a situation of English
as a foreign language (EFL) as foreign language curricular content. The culture
was ignored or retained as an additional topic in foreign language teaching.
Learning a foreign culture can lead to language learning improvement. Success
in language learning is conditional upon the acquisition of cultural knowledge:
language learners acquire cultural background knowledge in order to
communicate and to increase their comprehension in the target language.
Without its culture, it is impossible to teach a language, because culture is the
necessary context for language use. Examples of the case of foreign language
communication have shown that cultural contents of the target culture need to be
integrated into FL language teaching for social situations to avoid
misunderstanding, even when people use correct forms of foreign language.
Learning a foreign culture is to help users in different languages to communicate
successfully in socio-cultural contexts. Traditional thoughts of teaching foreign
language tend to limit themselves in the classroom to sharing foreign cultural

information or teaching foreign literature. However, the current trend of culture-

related foreign language learning aims to take into consideration the relationship
between language and culture (Savignon & Sysoyev, 2002).
Many scholars who illustrate different disciplines have described culture.
Some key scholars of culture in language teaching. Brooks (2001) believe that
culture is a part of the education of foreign languages. Cultural teaching is a part
of listening, talking, reading, and writing. Speakers have expectations based on
their own experience and interpret situations based on their own cultures, which
can occur in misunderstanding.
Brooks (2001) adds that while learning language belonging to a culture,
students can add the correct meaning. The cultural aspects of foreign language
education that have recently been applied in Thailand's education. Language has
a dual character, which is both a means of communication and a carrier of
culture. Language is impossible without culture; human culture is impossible
without language. Byram (1994) describes the language-culture relationship as
the language that becomes a part of a culture and a culture that is a part of a
language; the two can not be dissociated without losing the significance of either
language or culture. Cultural values (cultural awareness, what people believe is
important), cultural behavior (knowledge of daily routines and behavior) and
social skills (development of intercultural sensitivity and awareness), using
English as the interaction medium. In foreign language education, the language
culture relationship is significant because culture plays a part of language.
In conclusion, culture has a long history, and its relevance has varied
throughout history for people and society. The concept of culture has several
approaches to define and approach it. Besides, several different fields of studies
are interested in studying culture. The role of communication is both language
and culture because both carry significance. In order to communicate clearly
across languages and cultures, different forms of communication and values and
thinking of people must be acknowledged culturally.

2.8 Criteria for Cultural Content in Textbook Evaluation

Various textbook evaluation checklists have been provided to help teachers
to choose teaching materials that best meet the aims of the course as well as the

needs of students. One of the most prominent researchers on intercultural

learning and cultural content in the classroom is Byram (1994). Focusing on
cultural content in foreign language textbooks, they have published a list of
criteria examining the extent and methods of how culture is presented. These
include sociological factors such as social class and social interaction, and
historical and geographical aspects. Further categories are stereotypes and
national identity i.e. if ‘typical’ national symbols appear in the textbook. It also
includes more aspects on society, addressing various cultural sectors. Hence,
these criteria are far more in-depth and critical. Furthermore, there is also a focus
on beliefs and behaviour (e.g. moral, religious) and ethnic minorities. Byram
(1994) agree on more cultural input and/or facts should be in teaching materials
and declares nine aspects focusing on cultural content to be included in
textbooks as described in the table below.

No The Aspect of Cultural Content in the Textbook

1. Social identity and social group (social class, regional identity, ethnic minorities)
2. Social interaction (differing levels of formality; as outsider and insider)
3. Belief and behaviour (moral, religious beliefs; daily routines)
Social and political institutions (state institutions, health care, law and order,
social security, local government)
Socialization and the life cycle (families, schools, employment, rites of
National history (historical and contemporary events seen as markers of
national identity)
National geography geographical factors seen as being significant by
National Cultural Heritage (the cultural artefacts, which are known to the
members of the nation)
Stereotypes and national identity (what is “typical” symbol of national

2.9 Previous Study

The first previous study has been conducted by Rahma and Suwandi
(2021) with the title “Analisis Kelayakan dan Muatan Budaya dalam Buku Ajar
BIPA” . The objective of her study is to find out whether BIPA textbook for grade
X fulfills each criterion of textbook evaluation criteria. The aims to describe and
explain the appropriateness of the content and cultural content of textbooks BIPA
"Friends of Indonesia" level 1 BIPA 2019 edition compiled by the National Board
of Trustees Ministry of Education and Culture's Language and Book
Development. The research focuses on content feasibility and cultural content.
This study uses qualitative methods with content analysis.
The instrument used is an analysis sheet from the theory of textbook
feasibility assessment based on Muchlis. Based on the results of the study, it can
be concluded that the textbooks “My best friend Indonesia BIPA level 1 “fairly
feasible” is used, with a percentage of eligibility by 65.8%. Most of the shortage of
‘Sahabatku Indonesia textbooks for BIPA level 1” caused by the lack of links and
references as well as the incompatibility of material and vocabulary with learning
targets and elements of BIPA level 1 competence.
The second previous study was conducted by Chutong (2018) his study
aimed to investigate cultural content and cultural aspect in four English for
Tourism textbooks used at Suratthani Rajabhat University, Thailand. It was
conducted two commercial and two in-house textbooks. The data were collected
from reading passages in the English for Tourism textbooks, written through
Native English authors and Thai authors. The findings indicate that these
textbooks can be divided into two primary contents, which are 1) source of culture
(local culture, global culture, and glocal culture); 2) type of culture under the
themes of Big “C” and little “c” culture.
The third previous study was conducted by Asyiah (2016), his study
aimed to analyse textbook by using theory of Greene and Petty. Based on the
results of research and discussion in her study, concluded that the results of the
analysis of the quality of books for grade II elementary school students based on
Greene and Petty criteria on 10 (ten) book criteria quality. They are fulfillment of
aspects that attract students' interest in student books grade II elementary school
with coloring indicators, book covers, the quality of the paper used has shown

that the book, the packaging and contents are attractive so that students feel
interested in reading it; Fulfillment of aspects of motivating students to grade II
elementary school student book with up to date indicators and communicative
has met the criteria for a quality book; Fulfillment of aspects of loading
illustrations that attract students on the books of grade II elementary school
students with indicators there are various examples, have interesting pictures,
and contains an explanation of the pictures and examples provided, has indicates
that the book is accompanied by illustrations that adequate and suitable for the
material presented in the form of the text; The fulfillment of linguistic aspects so
that it is in accordance with the students' abilities with clear vocabulary usage
indicators and precise diction, sentences are easy to understand, each
paragraph has cohesion and coherence, discourse in accordance with the theme
being carried, have shown that this book has a communicative for the reader so
that it is easily understood by student; Fulfillment of aspects of the theme that are
closely related to other lessons with thematic, holistic and integrated has shown
that in this book integration between subjects taught holistically based on the
theme certain; Fulfillment of the stimulating aspect, stimulating activities students'
personal with clear assignment description indicators, questions the exercises
displayed are easy to understand, displaying information quality has shown that
this book has fulfill the ability to stimulate and stimulate activity students through
the examples of questions given; Fulfillment of aspects of avoiding vague
concepts vague and unusual, so as not to be ambiguous for students with
indicators that the language used is clear and easy to understand and does not
have a double meaning; Fulfillment of aspects of having a point of view or “point
of view” which is clear and firm so that it will eventually become students' point of
view with indicators that the technique tell the story clearly, and give color to the
point of view the readers; Fulfillment of aspects of providing stabilization,
emphasis on values value of children and adults with value indicators that are
offered clearly, prioritizing character values, values that taught according to what
is happening in society. A description that leads to the shaking of the prevailing
values should be avoided; Fulfillment of respect for personal differences students
with indicators that are universal and do not discriminate distinguishing social,
religious and cultural problems of students.

To sum up, there are many local publishers and international publishers
that try to compile an English textbook that will be used in teaching and learning
process. Furthermore, they try to connect of their textbook are in accordance with
the core competence and base competence of curriculum. In the fact, after doing
a brief analysis on the textbook entitled Cambridge Think 3 published by
Cambridge University Press, there are some problems regarding to social
function, element and structure of meaning, and linguistic feature. Thus, the
analysis of this English is important to be conducted. In doing analysis, this study
focuses on analyzing the content of English textbook based on Muslich theory.


This chapter consists of research design, type and technique of collecting

data, instrument of study, and technique of data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

This study employs content analysis method, but descriptive qualitative in
native since the purpose of this study is to gather complete description about
content and cultural aspects of English textbooks entitled Cambridge Think 3
published by Cambridge University Press.
According to Bogdan and Biklen (1997), descriptive is the characteristic of
data in qualitative research because it is taken from documents, audio-video
recordings, transcripts, words, pictures, etc. The design of this research was a
library method or documentation. Krippendorff (2004) defines content analysis as
a research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from texts (or
other meaningful matter) to the contexts of their use. It provides new insights and
understanding of particular phenomena.
3.2 Data and Data Source
The source of the data in this research is the English textbook entitled
Cambridge Think 3, published by an international publisher which is Cambridge
University Press. The form of the data is document. The writers of the textbook
are Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks, and Peter Lewis-Jones. This textbook is used
for Senior High School, grade X.

3.3 Research Instrument

In this research, the researcher uses two instruments. The first instrument
called human instrument. Human instrument in this research is the researcher
herself. Ghony and Almanshur (2012) state that human instrument in qualitative
research can be defined as a tool that can disclose research facts. Then, the
researcher is the key instrument. It means that the main instrument is the
researcher as primary data collection tools. The second instrument in this study is
a table of content analysis based Muchlish’s theory. This table uses as an

instrument for doing a checklist to know whether the textbook fulfilled all of the

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

The method uses to collect the data in this research called documentation
method. There are some steps in collecting the data.

3.4.1 Observation
Some things should be observed in collecting the data are as follows: Format checklist
In this step, the researcher chooses the format checklist proposed by
William to analyse the content of the textbook and the format checklist
proposed by Byram to analyse the culture that contain in the textbook. The content of the textbook
Doing an observation on the content of the textbook. Then, find out
whether there is a problem or the content that did not fulfill the
category that proposed by Willaim for analysing the content and
Byram’s evaluation criteria for analysing the culture of the textbook.
3.4.2 Documentation
The researcher chooses the international textbook published by
Cambridge University Press used in Ummusshabri High School Kendari.

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

According to Ary et al. (2010), data that will be collected must be organized
and managed to be described, classified, and interpreted.
There are several steps in analyzing the data in this research:
3.5.1 Constructing checklist
The researcher will adapt the table checklist based on Muslich’s theory to
analyze the English textbook. The table checklist is adapted to avoid
misinterpretation of each point of criteria from Muslich theory. This
research focuses on the content of the textbook and use the table
checklist from Mushlich theory. The researcher focuses on three criteria
that consist of ten sub-criteria. So, the table checklist for each chapter

Table 3. 1 Content Analyisis Criteria Proposed by William

No Criteria Rating
1. Takes into account currently accepted methods of
ESL/EFL teaching.
2. Gives guidance in the presentation of language
3. Caters for individual differences in home language
4. Relates content to the learners' culture and
5. Is based on a contrastive analysis of English and LI
sound systems.
6. Suggests ways of demonstrating and practising
speech items.
7. Includes speech situations relevant to the pupils*
8. Allows for variation in the accents of non-native
speakers of English.
9. Stresses communicative competence in teaching
structural items.
10. Provides adequate models featuring the structures
to be taught.
11. Shows clearly the kinds of responses required in
drills (e.g. Substitution).
12. Selects structures with regard to differences
between LI and L2 cultures.
13. Selects vocabulary on the basis of frequency,
functional load, etc.
14. Distinguishes between receptive and productive
skills in vocabulary teaching.
15. Presents vocabulary in appropriate contexts and
16. Focuses on problems of usage related to social
17. Offers exercises for understanding of plain sense
and implied meaning.
18. Relates reading passages to the learners'
19. Selects passages within the vocabulary range of
the pupils.
20. Selects passages reflecting a variety of styles of

contemporary English.
21. Relates written work to structures and vocabulary
practiced orally.
22. Gives practice in controlled and guided composition
in the early stages.
23. Relates written work to the pupils' age, interests,
and environment.
24. Demonstrates techniques for handling aspects of
composition teaching.
25. Is up-to-date in the technical aspects of textbook
production and design.
26. Shows quality in editing and publishing (cover,
typeface, illustrations, etc.)
27. Is datable, and not too expensive.
28. Has authenticity in language and style of writing.

Table 4. 2 The Aspect of Cultural Content Proposed by Byram

No The Aspect of Cultural Content in the Textbook
1. Social identity and social group (social class, regional identity, ethnic minorities)
2. Social interaction (differing levels of formality; as outsider and insider)
3. Belief and behaviour (moral, religious beliefs; daily routines)
Social and political institutions (state institutions, health care, law and order,
social security, local government)
Socialization and the life cycle (families, schools, employment, rites of
National history (historical and contemporary events seen as markers of
national identity)
National geography geographical factors seen as being significant by
National Cultural Heritage (the cultural artefacts, which are known to the
members of the nation)
Stereotypes and national identity (what is “typical” symbol of national

3.5.2 Scrutinize each chapter of the textbook.


The researcher read carefully page by page the entire chapters by

observing whether there is material that do not appropriate with the
criteria from the table checklist according to William and Byram’s theory.
3.5.3 Coding
The researcher gives the codes for every element that fulfilled the criteria
based on the table checklist. Then, the researcher gives a code to the
chapter that do not fulfill the criteria.
3.5.4 Analyzing
The data gains from chapters 1-12. Then, every chapter it will be analyzed
by using a table checklist based on William theory and Byram’s theory for
analysing the cultural feasibility.
3.5.5 Reporting
The researcher interprets the data by describing the result of the checklist
and will be reported in findings and discussion.


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Appendix A. Table Checklist of Analysis Textbook Based on William’s

No Criteria Rating
1. Takes into account currently accepted methods of
ESL/EFL teaching.
2. Gives guidance in the presentation of language
3. Caters for individual differences in home language
4. Relates content to the learners' culture and
5. Is based on a contrastive analysis of English and LI
sound systems.
6. Suggests ways of demonstrating and practising
speech items.
7. Includes speech situations relevant to the pupils*
8. Allows for variation in the accents of non-native
speakers of English.
9. Stresses communicative competence in teaching
structural items.
10. Provides adequate models featuring the structures
to be taught.
11. Shows clearly the kinds of responses required in
drills (e.g. Substitution).
12. Selects structures with regard to differences
between LI and L2 cultures.
13. Selects vocabulary on the basis of frequency,
functional load, etc.
14. Distinguishes between receptive and productive
skills in vocabulary teaching.
15. Presents vocabulary in appropriate contexts and
16. Focuses on problems of usage related to social
17. Offers exercises for understanding of plain sense
and implied meaning.
18. Relates reading passages to the learners'
19. Selects passages within the vocabulary range of
the pupils.

20. Selects passages reflecting a variety of styles of

contemporary English.
21. Relates written work to structures and vocabulary
practiced orally.
22. Gives practice in controlled and guided composition
in the early stages.
23. Relates written work to the pupils' age, interests,
and environment.
24. Demonstrates techniques for handling aspects of
composition teaching.
25. Is up-to-date in the technical aspects of textbook
production and design.
26. Shows quality in editing and publishing (cover,
typeface, illustrations, etc.)
27. Is datable, and not too expensive.
28. Has authenticity in language and style of writing.

Appendix B. Table Checklist of Analysis Textbook Based on Byram’s

No The Aspect of Cultural Content in the Textbook
1. Social identity and social group (social class, regional identity, ethnic minorities)
2. Social interaction (differing levels of formality; as outsider and insider)
3. Belief and behaviour (moral, religious beliefs; daily routines)
Social and political institutions (state institutions, health care, law and order,
social security, local government)
Socialization and the life cycle (families, schools, employment, rites of
National history (historical and contemporary events seen as markers of
national identity)
National geography geographical factors seen as being significant by
National Cultural Heritage (the cultural artefacts, which are known to the
members of the nation)
Stereotypes and national identity (what is “typical” symbol of national

Appendix C. Cover of the textbook published by Cambridge

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