Effect of Filament Characteristics and Processing Variables On The Characteristics of Air Textured Nylon 6 Filament Yarn

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Indian Journal of Textile Research

Vol. 6, June 1981, pp. 80-84

Effect of Filament Characteristics and Processing Variables on the

Characteristics of Air Textured Nylon 6 Filament Yarn
Department of Textile Technology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore 641 004
Received I November 1980; accepted 4 March 1981

Nylon 6 multifilament yarns were air textured in a laboratory scale air texturing unit. Parameters like pre-twist, overfeed
and air pressure were varied and their effects on yarn characteristics, such as percentage increase in linear density, loop size and
frequency, percentage physical bulk, percentage instability and tenacity were evaluated. The data were statistically analysed
for the effect of variables on yarn characteristics. Percentage increase in linear density, loop frequency, percentage physical
bulk and percentage instability increase with increase in air pressure, while loop size and tenacity decrease. With increase in J"'"

pre-twist level, percentage increase in linear density, loop frequency and percentage physical bulk increase, while loop size and
tenacity decrease. Percentage instability decreases first and then increases with increase in pre-twist.

Commonly, textured yarns are classified into the permanent deformation of the filament. The inclined
following three groups based on their physical yam guide needle jet was used to air texture the
characteristics: (1) Stretch yarns, (2) modified stretch filament in the above mentioned studies.
yarns, and (3) bulk yarns. Bulk yarns combine greatly In the present investigation, yarn texturing jet of the
increased mass or bulk in the limited stretch and type having an elongated housing with a venturi
impart to fabric and garments soft, full hand and supported in one end having conical opening on both
ability to adequately recover from extension. There are the entrance and exit and a yam guide needle
many distinct types of bulk yarn processes in practice positioned in the other end, was used.
such as stuffer box bulking, turboduo-twist bulking, The following feed material and processing
air jet bulking, etc. Air jet bulking is basically variables influence the characteristics of air textured
a mechanical method involving overfeeding of the yams: (1) Frictional coefficient of filaments, (2) fila-
filament yarn through a turbulent air stream which ment denier, (3) total denier, (4) pre-twist level,
transforms the excess length into a series of random (5) texturing speed, (6) percentage overfeed, (7) feed
loops along each filament. On emerging from the air tension, (8) delivery tension, (9) air pressure, and
jet, the yarn bundle collapses and the looped filaments (10) air flow rate.
become locked in place by inter-filament friction. The The present investigation is an attempt to study the
stable structure so formed resembles a spun yarn and is effect of pre-twist level, percentage overfeed and air
characterized by greater bulk, better covering power, a pressure on air textured yarn.
more subdued lustre and a warmer hand compared to a Nylon 6 filament yarns with different twist levels
continuous filament yarn in its untextured form. were used as feed material. For this purpose, a Jo.. .•

Even though the air jet bulking technique has been laboratory scale air texturing unit was fabricated and
in use since 1955, there are very few published reports the experiments were carried out at the texturing speed
on it. The effect of processing variables on air textured of 60mjmin.
continuous filament yarn was studied by Wrayl and The air textured samples were tested for the
Price2• The effect of false twisting in the air bulking following yarn characteristics: (i) Linear density,
process was reported by Wray and Entwistle3• (ii) loop size, (iii) loop frequency, (iv) percentage
Physico-mechanical tests were carried out for both air physical bulk, (v) percentage loop instability, and
textured yarns and the corresponding parent filament (vi) tenacity.
yams by Rozmarynowska and Godek4 who reported
that the air bulking operation does not cause Materials and Methods
Materia/s-Semi-dull Nylon 6 filament yarn of 100
*To whom all correspondence may be addressed at his present denier 24 filaments was used. The yarns were twisted to
address: Sir Padampat Research Centre, Kota 324003. the levels of 10, 15 and 20 per in, Z direction; steaming
tPresent address: Eureka Precision Instrument Ltd, Coimbatore. treatment was given for 45 min to set the twist.


cheeses was measured and the percentage increase in

physical bulk was calculated as follows:
Physical bulk, % =
Diam. of textured Diam. of the parent
yarn package yarn package
x 100
6 Diam. of the parent Diam of empty
yarn package - cheese
For determining instability, a simple instability
5 tester consisting of a vertical stand with a yarn toggle
clamp at the top, and a marking notch at a distance of
I m below, with a small centimetre scale beneath it was
used. Provision was made for hanging weights on the
4 specimen to be tested by means of a hook and a weight
holder. This arrangement was set up as stated by
Wrayl. A 100 cm length of yam was subjected to a
load of 0.33 g/den of the textured yam for 30 see and
the instability was recorded as the percentage
permanent increase in length after the load had been
Tensile strength was tested in the Good brand single
thread strength tester. The rate of traverse was 12 in/
min. The 12 in gauge was used. Tenacity (gpd) was
calculated from the single thread strength.

Results and Discussion

The data are presented in Figs 2-7. The results of
statistical analysis for F test are given in Table 1.
Fig. I-Air texturing unit [(I) Bobbin holder; (2) tensioner; (3) feed
roller; (4) air jet; (5) delivery roller; and (6) take-up system] W 50 a b
Equipment-The equipment used (Fig. 1) had the 20 tpi
following components: (1) Bobbin holder, (2) ten- 5z 40 15tpi
sioner, (3) feed roller, (4) air jet, (5) delivery roller, and ~ 30

(6) take-up system. v;

.10 tpi
Method-The twist set filament yams from the ffi 20
bobbin were fed through the tensioner and the a:
overfeed roller to the air jet. The textured yam was z
taken out at right angles to the air stream by delivery ::i I I I £

rollers and wound on the cheese under tension. The 50 60 70 50 60 70

overfeed was varied from 20 to 30% and the air
Fig. 2-Relationship between percentage increase in linear density
pressure from 45 to 75 psi.
and air pressure at different twist levels [(a) 20% overfeed; (b) 30";'
Testing procedures-Linear density was calculated overfeed]
by weighing 90 m yarn. The loop size in mm and loop 1·5
a b
frequency per in were measured using the projection
microscope with the magnification of20. The loop size E 1·2
was calculated as follows: ~
~ 0-9
Overall diameter - Yarn core diameter
~ 0·6
Loop size, mm=---------------
0,3 ~~15tPi ~20tPi
For determining physical bulk, 200 g of the
textured yam and the same weight of the . 50 60 70
~ 50 60

corresponding untextured filament yam were wound AIR PRESSURE,lb!sq In

on two different cheeses under the same winding Fig. 3-Relationship between loop size and air pressure at different
tension. The thickness of the material on both the twist levels [(a) 20% overfeed; (b) 30% overfeed]



0 20 Ipi. pi
r..: 00 ~
00 IQ

Z 50 15tpi·
. 15tpl. M 0 IQ 00 M 0
a ~201 . I ~ IQ 0 V'l ~ IQ

~ ~J
I ~'"
~ ~;~~~;
~ ~
V'l~r--o "'!
"'! "'!
I I -~

..c: "'888~88~
I' I I I I I /1 " I I I I I "EO a ~ tri N 0 ~ 00 ...c ~
50 60 70 50 60 70 •..•
!:l .llll!!:;c:rOOO-('I')('I')N
~ ~ 0 ~ IQ ~ V'l l'l M
AI R PRESSU RE , I b/ sq. in ri5 '" \0 ~ ::

Fig. 4-Relationship between loop frequency and air pressure at '0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

different twist levels [(a) 20% overfeed; (b) 30% overfeed] S ~ ~ ;:!j ~ ~
;:lO'000~r--\OM ~ ;;:; ~
Vl~~;=-- N
nOr a b

~ 200 • 15tpi /:::201PI 15tpl I I 0'1 V'l ~ ~ l'l 0

~ 160

0 a·'
o •• " "10 t I
I ~c l3
5- ~

8 8 8 ~ 80'1 8M ~.
~ ~ ~ r--

....I Y10tlll P :B \1; or; r-i ~ 0 or; 0 0;

l 120f-

",. I I I I I

.a r/)
I V~ 0'
l3 \0
~ 8 8 8 r--8 ~8 8 0'1
V'l \0 ~8
N _

50 60 70' 50 60 70 ~
AIR PRESSURE,lb/sq./n :::: t., ": '" "': ~ ~ "':
. ~
..:::: I OO<'+IQM~
l'l 0'1
~ 0'1 l'l 0 0
Fig. 5-Relationship between percentage physical bulk and air ••

~ ~ c~or--'V\O'VO\
E"3 ~~:~~::;:;~
Or at_different twist
a levels [(a) 20% overfeed; (b)
b 30% overfeed] I r.8
.;; = I ::E '"
g' M 00
L.... OQJ-M-\oNr-O
••.• 0'1 0'\ ("t') ('I') 00 'V 0\
...t to.. S ~ .....;r..: or; oci ,..: .....; -0
rtI 1'-'" ~ ~ 0'\ \0 - V
~ ~
m- l'l l'l V'l 0 0 ~
::0 I t., oor-ir-ir..:o;
V'l 0'1 ~
~8 ~
~ g
U lZI("1'jO\Or-OOV")'V
10 5- ; ~ "! ~ ~ -: "': "': '"
U Q)cUOO"lt'OOMv)_\O
10 !pi .t: ~ 5- ~ ;:!j M ~ ~ \0
12 0. '" ~
50 60 70 50 60 8
AIR PRESSURE,lb/~ in ...:i '0 l3 ~ ~ 8~~~~ I ~ ,
.. F'19. 6- Re IatIo
' fi sh'lp be tween percentage msta
' bOo
Illty and air pressure ;:l ;:l
CIl ;:!i r--
g' ~;:: 00 •...• M
~ •...••...•
•...• ~ \0
at different twist levels [(a) 20% overfeed; (b) 30% overfeed]
'" S
Linear density-It is evident from Fig. 2 that the ~ '0 ~ V'l •..•• ~ ~ V'l •..•• ~
percentage increase in linear density varies with pre- Cl ~
twist, overfeed and air pressure. This is contradictory
to the findings ofWrayl who reported that the effect of f.., C C
overfeed on the percentage increase in linear density c::: -g -g -g
was linear and that pre-twist and air pressure had little :~ Ii;' s ~~~
effect. The results of the present study show that the ~ ';' ~ ;e '0 '0 '0
linear density increases with increase in pre-twist level
and air pressure for a particular percentage overfeed.
~ ';' ~ .g .g.g
~ '! ~ ~ ~ ~ .. I i--
T h·IS con fi·Irms the findmgs of Rozmarynowska and J5:.(
;:l •••• ~ 0., oS
., oS ., ~g
., oS

Godek4 who reported that the overfeed effect was not


III 111"I;~ll,;i11'UI;lilll HII.III.,IIIIIII~H

••••,",;'J"'·· .,,~..

3,0 o b effect of optimum air pressure on the loop size varies

with the filament denier, pre-twist and the percentage
overfeed. When pressure is very low, the increase in
percentage overfeed may bring floats instead of loops
which will distort the overfeed effect on the loop size.
Loop frequency-The data presented in Fig. 4 show
that the loop frequency increases with increase in
percentage overfeed, pre-twist and air pressure. As per
theory, each twist gives rise to a loop and the whole of
the excess length of the filament created by the
,~ I • IN. I • I I overfeed will be available to form such a loop; air
SO 60 70 50 60 70
AIR PRESSuRE,lb/sq in
pressure assists these effects by deflecting the
filaments. In addition, the proportion of the filaments
Fig. 7-Relationship between tenacity and air pressure at different that exhibit surface loops depends upon the filament
twist levels [(a) 20% overfeed; (b) 30% overfeed] packing geometry. Air pressure deflects the filament
and is made use of for controlling the number ofloops
linear. As such, as a result of twist contraction and the and deciding the proportion of the locked loops buried
higher fibre deflection due to higher air pressure, there in the core structure. This has an 'equally important
may be very little increase in yarn density, but the effect on loop frequency. Statistical analysis (Table 1)
highly twisted yarn at higher pressure accommodates also confirms that there is interactive effect of pre-
all the available length of filament in the compact form twist, overfeed and air pressure on the loop frequency.
on texturing. This would result in a marked influence It is seen that the nature of relationship between air
of pressure and pre-twist on increase in percentage pressure and the loop frequency of low twisted yarn
linear density. (10 tpi) differs at low and high overfeeds. If the
Loop size-The results presented in Fig. 3 show that overfeed is high for a low twisted yarn, the low pressure
the loop size decreases with increase in pre-twist and is sufficient to deflect the individual filaments, thus
air pressure. But the effect of overfeed on loop size is forming more loops and bringing more of them to the
also influenced by the combination of pre-twist and air surface of the yarn. But in the case of low percentage
pressure. At low air pressure level, the loop size overfeed, higher air pressure is needed to form more
increases with increase in percentage overfeed, but at 109pS. (At· to tpi, 70 lb frequency value may be
high air pressure and low twist level, the trend is experimental error.) When the pressure and the
reversed. During the texturing process, the initial percentage overfeed are increased, the number ofloops
filament twist redistributes itself as snarled loops and exposed depends upon the balance of the increased
the overfeed yarn contributes to the size of such loops; number of loops formed and the increased number of
the deflection of filaments by air drag forces also buried loops due to high filament deflection. The
controls the loop size. Air drag .causes distortion of saturation point for increased loop formation and the
individual filaments by bending as well as providing burying in the yarn core varies with pre-twist, overfeed
the necessary means for untwisting and loosening the . and air pressure.
filament bundle. Price2 reported that the loop size Physical bulk-It is clear from Fig. 5 that the
decreases with increase in overfeed, but according to physical bulk increases with increase in percentage
Wrayl, the loop size increases with increase in overfeed, pre-twist level and pressure. Wrayl reported
overfeed. The results of the present study indicate that that overfeed is the greatest single factor affecting
the effect of overfeed is reversed beyond a certain air physical bulk, since it causes higher loop size and loop
pressure for a low pre-twist yarn. This is due to the high frequency. But at a particular percentage overfeed, the
air pressure which creates small loops; this effect is higher pressure helps in the formation of greater
accelerated at higher overfeed, particularly for a low number of loops and also in accommodating all the
pretwisted yarn. When the low twisted yarn is in available length of filaments due to overfeed. When the
slackened form due to higher percentage overfeed, the twist increases, yarn contraction increases. Hence, the
excess air drag force due to the higher air pressure adds yarn density decreases and the loop formation
some twist to the filament. Consequently, as a result of increases. These contribute to higher bulk even after
higher twist, the loop size is reduced. balancing the loss in bulk due to reduction in loop size.
For this reason, at low pressure, the loop size The F test analysis (Table 1) also reveals that the
increases with increase in percentage overfeed and at overfeed, pre-twist and pressure influence the physical
higher pressure for a low pretwisted yarn, the loop size bulk. Even at low pressure, if the overfeed is more. the
decreases as the percentage overfeed increases. The yarn gets bulked due to the formation of a large


number ofloops and their higher size. The above effect slightly less stable, since there are more of small loops
is accelerated in the case of material of very high twist and fewer tensioned filaments in any cross-section to
due to the higher twist contraction. In the case of high take the strain. For this reason, the 20 tpi curve crosses
percentage overfeed and high twisted yarn, the effect of the 15 tpi curve at the point of 60 Ib air pressure and
air pressure is not pronounced, which may be due to goes to the higher percentage instability side, as the air
the balancing of the increased number of loops by the pressure increases further.
reduction in loop size. Tenacity~It is seen from Fig. 7 that the tenacity
Instability~ The data presented in Fig. 6 show that (gpd) decreases with increase in pressure, twist level
the instability increases with air pressure and and percentage overfeed. At higher twist levels, the
percentage overfeed. In the case of pre-twist, yarn gets entangled and the loops are bound by high
percentage instability increases with decrease in pre- reasserted twist in the yarn bundle. These loops take '"
twist at low pressure, but beyond a certain air pressure, little strain, so that the other load bearing elements
when the pre-twist increases, the percentage instability break more easily, resulting in low tenacity values. At
decreases first and then increases. The binding twist the higher air pressure, a larger number of loops are
secures the looped structure, but the complex formed than at low pressure. Consequently, the yarns
entanglement of loops due to air drag forces and the processed at higher pressure have fewer straight
compactness of the structure due to the delivery filaments to take the strain and these lead to a low
tension also contribute to yarn stability. For a tenacity. When the percentage overfeed is increased,
particular pre twisted yarn at a particular percentage keeping the twist and pressure constant, the loop size is
overfeed, the higher air pressure forms greater number greater and the loops are loose in binding compared to
ofloops than at lower pressure and this results in fewer low overfeed and thus higher overfeed yarn possesses
un looped filaments in any cross-section to take the low tenacity.
strain and consequently some of them break. The
neighbouring loops are pulled out, resulting in higher Acknowledgement
instability. More yarn is available for loop formation . The authors are thankful to the authorities of the
at higher percentage overfeeds, but the increased PSG College of Technology for making available the
number of loops will be loose in binding and could be facilities to carry out the work.
easily removed under low loads, thus causing high
instability. (The point of 45lb pressure at 30% References
overfeed may be experimental error.) At low twist, the I Wray G R, J Text Inst, 60 (1969) 102-126.
yarn was observed to be stringy, loose and easily 2 Price S T, in Modern yarn production/rom man-madefibres, edited
by G.R. Wray (Columbine Press, London) Ch. 10.
extensible, since it is composed of long floats of
3 Wray G R & Entwistle J H, J Text Inst, 59 (1968) 122.
ballooned filaments rather than coils. Yarn of higher 4 Rozmarynowska K & Godek J, Bulk, stretch and texture (The
twist processed at low pressure possesses high stability, Textile Institute, Manchester) 1966.
while yarn of higher twist processed at high pressure is 5 Wray G R, J Text Inst, 57 (1966) 134.


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