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P Chapter 29

Medication Dosing in
Patients with Renal
Curt W. Quap, RPh, MS Pharm, FASHP
The kidneys are a major route of elimination for many
medications and waste products produced by the body.
Therefore, loss of renal function can affect the manage-
ment of medication therapy in patients. Impairment
of renal function can range in severity from mild
renal insufficiency to end-stage renal disease. Renal
failure can be acute (e.g., hypoperfusion of the kidney
resulting from severe hypovolemia or drug-induced
LEARNING OBJECTIVES acute tubular necrosis) or chronic in nature. There
are many causes of renal dysfunction, including acute
and chronic diseases, trauma or injury, dehydration,
• State the purpose and intent of a exposure to medications or other toxic substances, and
renal dosing program. advanced age. Because many medications are renally
eliminated, renal dysfunction increases the risk of
• Describe important concepts related
adverse drug effects. Pharmaceutical care of patients
to renal dosing.
with renal dysfunction is improved by individualizing
• Calculate appropriate dosing based medication dosing regimens based on the patient’s
on the patient’s degree of renal renal function.
impairment. Renal dosing of medications ensures efficacy
of medication therapy through the achievement of
appropriate drug serum concentrations and avoidance
of overdosing. Failure to adjust dosages in patients
with renal dysfunction can lead to accumulation of
these medications, resulting in toxicity. Examples
of adverse drug effects associated with renal insuf-
ficiency include neurotoxicity with acyclovir and H2
receptor antagonists and seizures with imipenem and
ceftazidime. Renal dosing improves patient safety by
making adjustments in medication dosage that ensure
serum drug concentrations do not reach toxic levels yet
remain at therapeutic levels to maintain efficacy. Renal
dosing programs also reduce costs through reduction
in dosage, avoidance of dose-related adverse effects,
and reduction in personnel time spent in preparing and
administering doses.
330  Competence Assessment Tools for Health-System Pharmacies

Effects of Renal Dysfunction on fraction of medication eliminated by the kidney

unchanged, and (2) the degree of renal impairment.
Drug Disposition Decreased elimination in renal dysfunction can result
Changes in drug disposition caused by renal dysfunc- in medication toxicity due to increased elimination
tion affect the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic half-life and accumulation of the drug in serum. Clear-
parameters of medications. ance of medications primarily eliminated by nonrenal
mechanisms (i.e., hepatic metabolism) is not signifi-
Bioavailability cantly altered in renal dysfunction. However, if the
Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) disturbances (e.g., nausea, hepatic metabolites are active or toxic and rely on
vomiting, and diarrhea) associated with renal disease, renal elimination, accumulation of these metabolites
including those caused by uremia, uremic gastritis, can occur, resulting in toxicity. Examples of medica-
and pancreatitis, can inhibit the absorption of medi- tions with active or toxic metabolites excreted renally
cations. Impaired absorption may occur because of include allopurinol, cefotaxime, codeine, imipramine,
edema of the GIT in patients with nephrotic syndrome. meperidine, morphine, procainamide, theophylline,
Neuropathy associated with uremia can also alter and sulfonamides.
GIT motility and gastric emptying, causing changes
in drug transit time. Uremia and hyperphosphatemia Monitoring Parameters
can increase the pH of the GIT, impairing the bioavail-
The renal elimination of waste products and medica-
ability of medications requiring acidic conditions for
tions in patients with renal dysfunction is estimated
absorption. Antacids used to treat the GI symptoms
by measuring the ability of the kidneys to excrete
of renal failure can form complexes with medications
substances. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is used
and further impair absorption.
for this purpose. Determination of GFR involves the
Distribution measurement of the amount of a substance excreted
in the urine per unit of time (clearance). Creatinine,
Hypoalbuminemia resulting from decreased albumin a breakdown product from muscle metabolism, is
production, changes in drug-binding sites, and accu- primarily eliminated via filtration and is not reab-
mulation of substances that inhibit binding alter the sorbed, making its clearance a good indicator for
plasma protein binding of medications in patients with estimating GFR. Direct measurement of creatinine
renal dysfunction. Low serum albumin levels are espe- clearance (CrCl) through urine collection is an expen-
cially important for highly (greater than 80%) protein- sive and difficult test to perform. However, estimates
bound medications (e.g., phenytoin). In general, the of CrCl can be made through the use of mathemat-
binding of acidic medications is decreased, resulting in ical equations utilizing certain patient parameters,
an increase in the unbound, active drug fraction. The including increased, but stable, serum creatinine (SCr)
increase in free, unbound drug fraction increases the levels, age, and weight.
volume of distribution. If there is no corresponding
Generally, normal renal function is indicated by a
increase in plasma clearance, the half-life of the medi-
CrCl of greater than 50 mL/min. Patients with renal
cation increases. The presence of uremia also causes
dysfunction will have a decrease in CrCl. A CrCl of 11
accumulation of acidic byproducts that may displace
to 50 mL/min is considered indicative of moderate
acidic medications from albumin binding sites or
impairment of renal function, and a CrCl of less than
inhibit their binding. The binding of basic medications
10 mL/min indicates severe renal dysfunction.
is usually normal or slightly decreased or increased.
However, CrCl is also affected by other factors:
Medications that are not highly protein bound (e.g.,
gentamicin) have little change in their volume of distri- • Low muscle mass (e.g., advanced age, malnutrition,
bution. Digoxin is an exception because its volume of spinal cord injury)
distribution decreases due to decreased uptake into • Unusual diet (e.g., vegetarianism)
myocardial tissue. • Exercise habits (e.g., performance athletes, body
• Liver dysfunction
The extent to which renal dysfunction affects medi-
• Morbid obesity
cation elimination depends on two factors: (1) the
Medication Dosing in Patients with Renal Dysfunction   331

• Ethnicity (e.g., African Americans have higher mean Estimating Creatinine Clearance
SCr values and Mexican Americans have lower
mean values) Collecting urine output for 24 hours and directly
measuring creatinine excretion from that sample
Other changes in laboratory tests that may be seen is the most accurate measure of CrCl. However,
in patients with renal dysfunction include the following: approximating equations are more commonly used
• Altered serum electrolytes (e.g., hyperkalemia, because incomplete urine collection and laboratory
hyperphosphatemia, hypermagnesemia, hypo- considerations make 24-hour collections burdensome.
calcemia) A number of equations have been suggested for use,
• Increased blood urea nitrogen each with their own variability in results depending on
• Decreased serum albumin the patient being evaluated. The following discussion
will focus on those in common usage.
• Metabolic acidosis (decreased blood pCO2 and pH)
• Decreased hematocrit and hemoglobin
Patients 20 years of age or older
• Increased urine osmolality
CrCl can be estimated with the Cockcroft-Gault
• Imbalance in fluid input and output (I&O)
• Hematuria and proteinuria Males
• Increased serum concentrations of medications or IBW (140 – Age)
their metabolites CrCl (mL/min) = 72 × SCr

Candidate Patients for Renal IBW (140 – Age)
CrCl (mL/min) = × 0.85
Dosing 72 × SCr

The types of patients that should be monitored for

potential renal dosing modifications include the where ideal body weight (IBW) is calculated as follows2:
• Patients with elevated SCr—The normal SCr Patients greater than 60 inches tall
concentration for adults is 0.6 to 1.3 mg/dL. All Males
medications for patients with elevated creatinine
IBW (kg) = 50 kg + (2.3 × inches in height >60)
levels should be reviewed for potential dosage
modifications. Females
• Elderly patients—Elderly patients have decreases IBW (kg) = 45.5 kg + (2.3 × inches in height >60)
in protein stores and renal function that result in
increased free, unbound serum drug concentra- Patients less than 60 inches tall
tions. When calculating CrCl for this patient popu- Males
lation, it is important to note that patients with
IBW (kg) = 50 kg – (2.3 × inches in height <60)
advanced age and declining muscle mass may have
falsely low creatinine levels that affect estimates of Females
CrCl. Elderly patients may have a SCr in the normal IBW (kg) = 45.5 kg – (2.3 × inches in height <60)
range but a decreased CrCl.
• Patients taking high-risk medications—Certain If actual body weight (ABW) is less than IBW, then
medications have an increased potential for causing use the ABW to calculate CrCl. An adjusted body weight
adverse reactions in patients with renal dysfunction. (AdjBW) is used when IBW is thought to underestimate
The class of medications that most often requires
the patient’s weight and actual weight is thought to
dosing adjustments for renal function is antimi-
overestimate the drug distribution in the body. In the
crobials. Other medications often needing dosage
overweight or obese patient, where the ABW is 20% to
modifications include angiotensin-converting
40% greater than the IBW, then the AdjBW is calculated
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, allopurinol, antineoplastic
using the following equation:
agents, digoxin, H2 receptor antagonists, lithium,
meperidine, morphine, and phenytoin. AdjBW = IBW + [0.4 (ABW – IBW)]
332  Competence Assessment Tools for Health-System Pharmacies

It has been suggested that if ABW is greater than or very small patients the reported eGFR should be
IBW 29-2.than
by more Oral200%
Bioavailability of Selected
(morbid obesity), Medications
then use multipliedAvailable in Bothbody
by the estimated IV and PO area (BSA)
AdjBW, calculated
the Formulations a 3
as follows : to obtain eGFR in units of mL/min (eGFR/1.73m2 ×
estimated BSA = eGFR for drug dosing).6 In all cases,
AdjBW (kg) = IBW + [(0.2) (ABW – IBW)] whether practitioners continue to use Cockcroft-Gault
If the patient’s weight and height are not available, or adopt the use of eGFR, the patient’s clinical condi-
CrCl can be estimated with the Jellife equation4: tion should be taken into consideration whenever the
98 – [0.8 (Age in yrs – 20)]
calculated result falls close to the CrCl “breakpoints”
CrCl (mL/min) = SCr (mg⁄dL) for dosing adjustment.
In debilitated, cachectic, and/or elderly patients
Patients less than 20 years of age
with decreased muscle mass, if SCr is less than
0.8 mg/dL, it has been suggested that the actual SCr be CrCl can be estimated using the Schwartz equation7:
adjusted to 0.8 mg/dL. (Note that some practitioners (K value)(Height in cm)
CrCl (mL/min) =
will choose to round the SCr to 1.0 mg/dL to simplify SCr

calculations. However, the calculated values overesti-

where the K value is
mate clearance by 25%.)
• Low birth weight infant
These equations cannot be used for patients
(less than or equal to 1 year old) 0.33
receiving dialysis. Factors that affect estimates of
CrCl using these equations include advanced age, • Full-term infant
fluctuating SCr, high SCr (i.e., greater than 5 mg/dL), (less than or equal to 1 year old) 0.45
declining muscle mass, presence of liver dysfunction, • Children (1 to 13 years old) and
and hydration status. adolescent females 0.55
Recently, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) • Adolescent males 0.70
recommended the use of the revised Modification of A study comparing three methods of estimating
Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD4revised) study equation for
GFR (including MDRD) suggests that the Schwartz
estimating GFR in patients with chronic kidney disease
equation, while routinely resulting in a 20% to 25%
and a GFR less than 90 mL/min per 1.73 m2 as follows5:
overestimate of GFR, is both more accurate than the
eGFR = 175 × Cr–1.154 × age–0.203 × (0.742, if female) Cockcroft-Gault in children less than 12 years of age
× (1.212, if black) and the most accurate of the three methods evalu-
ated in that population. The Cockcroft-Gault method
where Cr is the SCr in mg/dL. The revised version
is the better predictor of GFR in children greater than
accounts for the change in laboratory creatinine
12 years old.8
measurements standardized to the isotope dilution
mass spectrometry (IDMS) reference measurement
procedure, which has been recently adopted by labora- Modifying Medication Dosage
tories adhering to the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Once the CrCl has been estimated and evaluated,
Institute (CLSI) recommendations. the patient’s current medications are reviewed and
It is important to note that FDA-approved drug those for which dosage adjustments are necessary are
labeling provides adjustments of drug dosages for identified. Dosage adjustments can be made as recom-
patients with impaired kidney function based on mended in the published literature. Factors to consider
estimated CrCl using the Cockcroft-Gault equation. when evaluating a patient’s CrCl and recommending
However, the Cockcroft-Gault equation was not devel- dosage adjustments include the following:
oped using IDMS-traceable creatinine values. NKF • Medication’s route(s) of elimination
advises that the use of IDMS-traceable SCr values in
• Percentage of unchanged drug that is cleared by
the Cockcroft-Gault equation will lead to higher CrCl
the kidneys
values than were determined prior to laboratory stan-
dardization of SCr testing. The National Kidney Disease • Presence of active or toxic hepatic metabolites that
Education Program advises that, if practitioners choose are eliminated renally
to use eGFR for drug dosing purposes, in very large • Therapeutic window of the medication
Medication Dosing in Patients with Renal Dysfunction   333

• Presence of concurrent disease states 6. Estimation of Kidney Function for Prescription Medica-
tion Dosage in Adults.
• Presence of fluid overload or dehydration CKD-drug-dosing.shtml. Accessed February 28, 2014.
Pharmacokinetic calculations may also be useful in 7. Schwartz GJ, Brion LP, Spitzer A. The use of plasma
dosing some medications, such as aminoglycoside anti- creatinine concentration for estimating glomerular filtra-
biotics, vancomycin, and medications with a narrow tion rate in infants, children, and adolescents. Pediatr
Clin North Am. 1987;34(3):571-590.
therapeutic window. Dosing modifications may involve
8. Pierrat A, Gravier E, Saunders C, et al. Predicting GFR
changes in dose, dosing frequency, or both.
in children and adults: a comparison of the Cockcroft-
After medication dosing adjustments are made, the Gault, Schwartz, and modification of diet in renal
patient should be monitored for medication response disease formulas. Kidney Int. 2003;64(4):1425-1436.
and toxicity. Drug serum concentrations should be
monitored, if applicable (e.g., aminoglycosides). Addi- Resources
tional dosage adjustments may be necessary based on • Dowling TC. Clinical assessment of kidney function. In:
the patient’s response to the medication or a change DiPiro J, Talbert RL, Yee G, et al., eds. Pharmacotherapy:
in the patient’s status, including renal function. A Pathophysiologic Approach. 8th ed. New York, NY:
McGraw-Hill Medical; 2011:713-740.
References • Laroche ML, Charmes JP, Marcheix A, et al. Estimation of
glomerular filtration rate in the elderly: Cockcroft-Gault
1. Cockcroft DW, Gault MH. Prediction of creatinine clear- formula versus modification of diet in renal disease
ance from serum creatinine. Nephron. 1976;16(1):31-41. formula. Pharmacotherapy. 2006;26(7):1041-1046.
2. Devine BJ. Clinical pharmacy case studies. Case • Matzke GR. Drug therapy individualization for patients
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1974;8:650-656. G, et al., eds. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic
3. Erstad BL. Which weight for weight-based dosage Approach. 8th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Medical;
regimens in obese patients? Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2011:861-872.
2002;59(21):2105-2110. • Rule AD, Larson TS, Bergstralh EJ, et al. Using serum
4. Jellife RW. Creatinine clearance: bedside estimate. Ann creatinine to estimate glomerular filtration rate: accuracy
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