Oc Lipids

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1 Long P. Lieu (Mr.)

International University, Vietnam National University – HCMC
2 Long P. Lieu (Mr.)
International University, Vietnam National University – HCMC
3 Long P. Lieu (Mr.)
International University, Vietnam National University – HCMC
4 Long P. Lieu (Mr.)
International University, Vietnam National University – HCMC
5 Long P. Lieu (Mr.)
International University, Vietnam National University – HCMC
6 Long P. Lieu (Mr.)
International University, Vietnam National University – HCMC
7 Long P. Lieu (Mr.)
International University, Vietnam National University – HCMC
8 Long P. Lieu (Mr.)
International University, Vietnam National University – HCMC
9 Long P. Lieu (Mr.)
International University, Vietnam National University – HCMC
74. Unlike carbohydrates and proteins, which are defined in terms of their structures, lipids are defined in
Physical operation used to isolate them
terms of _____________.
75. Saturated fatty acids pack efficiently. Therefore the corresponding triacylglycerols tend to be
__________ at room temperature and are called __________. Fats
76. Unsaturated fatty acids have a bend in the carbon chain that interferes with packing. Therefore the
corresponding triacylglycerols are generally __________ Liquid at room temperature and are called _______. Oils
77. The primary function of triacylglycerols (triglycerides) in animals is _____________. Energy storage
78. Salts of long-chain fatty acids are known as ___________. Soap
81. There are three major classes of sex hormones:
a. female sex hormones [or ____________] Estrogens
b. male sex hormones [or ____________] Androgens
c. pregnancy hormones [or ______________]
82. Sphingolipids, proteins, and polysaccharides make up ___________, Myelin the protective coating around
nerve fibers.
84. Myelin, the protective coating around nerve fibers, is made up of ___________. Look at 82
85. The characteristic odor of rancid butter is attributed to The released of butyric acid during decomposition
86. In naturally occurring polyunsaturated fatty acids, the relative position of double bonds is rarely
___________. Cardiovascular disease
87. There is growing evidence that “trans” fats are associated with an increased risk of ___________, and
the FDA now requires “trans fat” information to be provided on nutrition labels.
88. In naturally occurring polyunsaturated fatty acids, the stereochemistry of the double bonds is rarely
89. Prolonged heating of naturally occurring polyunsaturated fats may cause the stereochemistry of the
double bonds to change from ___________. Cis-to trans-
90. Most waxes, commonly found as protective coatings on skin, fur, hair, leaves, fruits, etc., are
Esters of long chain fatty acids & long chain alcohols

----------The End----------

10 Long P. Lieu (Mr.)

International University, Vietnam National University – HCMC

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