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A Research Study

Presented and Submitted To:

Roebelle A. Daga, MBA, LPT

In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the subject

Research Project

Presented By:
Alejo, Tristan J.
De Leon, Zeven T.
De Jesus, Joellyn
Francisco, Irish B.
Malubag, Kenneth DC.
Malubag, Lance Paolo B.
Peralta, Lara Jane R.
Ricio, Rogeline Margarette M.
Sarmiento, Justine
Tolentino, Justine Dave E.

(SY 2022-2023
Chapter I



The basic curriculum of the Philippines in 2011

backwards is just 6 years in elementary and 4 years in
high school equivalent in 10 years before the department
of education add 2 years of curriculum this 2 years
called senior high school in this curriculum student
studied about language, humanities, communication,
mathematics science, and social science. But since our
country adapted the 12 years of basic education lastly in
Asia it makes Filipinos is having a hard time to be
competitive with other countries when it comes to
education. As we all know the education is answer to the
socio economic problems of the world the cure to the
poverty, ignorance mental deficiency ,jobless, poor
communication system, and hunger. The majority of the
children who do not undergo basic education and
educational institution or college have no choice to
enter labor force and some of them are unemployed because
of the standard that the company and other agency set to
high. This is why department of education implemented the
senior high school, which become the major reform in
curriculum for all school nationwide. This reform is
enhancing the basic education curriculum for learners to
master basic competencies lengthening the cycle of basic
education to cover kindergarten through year 12. By
prolonging the basic education that is adding two years
in high school which is called senior high , the program
ensures that graduates earn the necessary skills and
reach the legal age for employment to qualify entrance in
to the world of work if they desire or need to do so. The
major change brought by the senior high curriculum is the
addition of two years in secondary education which name
senior high school and the old remaining 4 years
secondary curriculum is called junior high school. The 2
years added in secondary education which is senior high
offers different strand that student can choose from it
is the newest addition and one of the main highlight of
senior high curriculum is the career pathways, more know
as tracks. It offer opportunities for the specialization
in Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, sports and
arts fields. And the student can choose from their own
interest and desire. Their choice of course/track will be
the preparation for his/her future career. Course
selection is one of the important choices that student
will make in determining his/her future plan. It became
one of the biggest dilemma and challenge to the student.
They have to decide for their future and there is a lot
of hindrance to that. Sometimes parents wants some
different career for their children that is not on their
kids choice and some are financial problem and etc. and
for many students choosing their college major or for
choosing their track is a vital decision determining
their entire life plan, success and professional career.
Some of the factors affecting the student when it comes
to choosing their course are location, cost,
socioeconomic status and more. The right choice for
student deciding in their course is critical having high
impact on their professional life for their future
achievement. Course exploration extent to possible career
researched and considered the student should explore and
identify some course option before committing to a career
increase success and satisfaction.
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework



1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

1.3 Section

1.4 Family - Questionnaire

Structure - Frequency
- Mean
1.4.1 Family income - Percentage
- T-test
1.4.2 Family size - Pearson’s
moment of
Factors on choosing Correlation
a course

Parental Influence

Students Interest &


Peer Influence

Based on Conceptual Framework above, the Factors

Affecting the Course Choice of Grade 12 Learners at
Aliaga National High School, Parental Influence,Students
Interest & Abilities and Peer Influence, these factors
can leading deciding and choosing a college course.

Research Paradigm

The research paradigm represented to the input are

the demographic profile of the respondents of the study
which are age, gender, section, and the Factors which
includes Parental Influence, Students Interest &
Abilities and Peer Influence.
Statement of the Problem

The following questions are created for the

researchers to seek answers in order to discover "Factors
affecting the course choice of grade 12 learners at
Aliaga national high school."

1. How may the demographic profile of the respondents be

described in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Section;

1.4 Family Structure

1.4.1 Family income;

1.4.2 Family size?

2. How may the factors affecting the course choice of

Learners at Aliaga National High School be described in
term of:

2.1 Parental influence;

2.2 Students Interest & Abilities?

2.3 Peer Influence?

3. Is there a significant relationship between Age,

Family income, Family size and the factors affecting the
course choice of Grade 12 Learners at Aliaga national
high school?

4. Is there a significant difference between genders,

section and the factors affecting the course choice of
Grade 12 learners at Aliaga National High School?
Hypothesis of the Study

Ho1, There is no significant relationship between age,

Family income, Family size and the factors affecting the
course choice of Grade 12 Learners at Aliaga National
High School.

Ho2, There is no significant difference between section,

gender of the respondents and the factors affecting the
course choice of Grade 12 Learners at Aliaga National
High School.

Significant of the Study

The result of this study will provide the basis on

understanding the factors affecting the course of Grade
12- Learners at Aliaga National High School and also. The
significance of this study is profoundly beneficial to
the following:

School Administrators.this study will help the school in

improving its educational approach.

Teachers.Serve as a guide on how they will teach their

students future course, however to improve their skills.

Parents.Parents serve as a major influence in their

children career development and career decision making.
Parents want their children find happiness and success.

Learners.This study will provide students with a thorough

understanding of the factors that influence their future
course, resulting them of having an idea on how they will
solve it.

Future Researchers.It will give them knowledge for their

study and this study as their guideline to provide
information for their future.
Aliaga National High School.the findings of this study
might be used as a starting point for the development of
new educational policies, curricular, and techniques, as
well as improvements to current ones, in order to provide
learning in the information age more effectively.

Scope and Delimitation

The goal of this study is to ascertain the degree to

which student at Aliaga National High School who are
studying the Grade 12 Learners are impact by their course

The second semester of the school year 2022-2023 of

the school division of Nueva Ecija will see the conduct
of the study, which will be done at Poblacion East II,
Aliaga Nueva Ecija. The respondents of the study will be
grade 12 Learners.

Learners in the grade 12 will take part in this

project. To calculate the sample size, we employ the
Slovin’s formula. To determine sample size per section,
we employ stratified random sampling and to calculate the
frequency percentage for each section.

For the learners to conveniency and rapidly answering the

questionnaire, we employ a likert scale.

Definition of Terms

Economic factor.fundamental data about an economy or

market that influence business performance.

Family Influence.the basic unit in society traditionally

consisting of two parents rearing their children.

Offset.a consideration or amount that diminishes or

balances the effect of a contrary one.
Peer Influence. when you choose to do something you
wouldn’t otherwise do, because you want to feel accepted
and valued by your friends.

Perception.A belief or opinion, often held by many people

and based on how things seem.

Significantly.a sufficiently great or important way as to

be worthy of attention.

Strive.making great efforts to achieve or obtain

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

The following were the literature and study that

were reviewed for the “Factors affecting the course
choice of Learners at Aliaga National High School.

Foreign Literature

“Parental And Peer’s Influence as a Factor Affecting

Choice of Course”

According to Kala (2015), stated that parents and

peers are the closet people that students my confident in
regarding careers. Some students may influence other to
follow their career path. In her research entitled
“Parental and Peer Influence on Career choice” she found
out that the fact that peers influenced subject and class
selection as well as library books and co-curricular
activities implies the need to sensitize students to
choose friends who are positive in life and those with a
clear vision of their life goals. Students who choose the
bad company end up ruining the rest of their career life
because of the influence of peers. The study concluded
the most peers tend to influence career choice of their
fellow students unconsciously.

“Parent’s Decision as a Factor Affecting Choice of


According to Kumar (2016), Parental influence exist

in career decision making amongst students and also there
is an interrelationship between father preference and
mother preference; father preference and mother
occupation; father’s occupation and mother’s occupation;
father’s occupation and career and mother’s occupation
and career. Autonomy in making career decision making
amongst students is restricted to parent’s preference,
further this finding is limited to the present study

“Self Decision as a Factor Affecting Choice of Course”

Penedilla and Rosaldo (2017), stated that, in

choosing a career, suitability to the interest of the
students is given importance. Students must know on what
degree to pursue in college, a course that interest them
that at the same time fit their abilities so that it will
not be hard for them to choose the right career path. At
same point, many students try to fit in a course or two
based purely on personal interest. While their majors may
reflect their primary interest, most people are
interested in more that one intellectual pursuit.

“Factors Affecting the College Course Preference”

According to O’Hare, et al (2012), concluded that

studying for a new qualification can often be one of the
most effective ways of boosting your course prospects,
whether by enhancing or by equipping you with
professional qualifications that will enable you to move
into a new line of work. Some factors should be
considered before signing up to a course, ensuring that
you find the right one, theories and concepts, whereas
vocational curses teach the hands on skills relating to a
specific profession such as nursing. One of the things
student should consider is whether to choose an academic
or a vocational course. And often the best way to get a
feel for a course and the benefits it is likely to have
is to organize chats with former students.
This literature is related to our research study
because it discusses some hints that a student should
understand and know. This article helps students in
deciding what course to take, if the students will focus
on vocational course or academic course. It discusses the
difference between vocational courses which is focused on
enhancing skills while in educational courses focus is no
bachelor, masters degrees, theories and concepts.

“Factors Affecting the Course of Grade 12 Students”

According to Rababah (2016), Some parents believe

that what they suggest to their children in terms of what
course to pursue is better, but they often ignore what
their children desire. Financial security, university
reputation, and of course practically are further
considerations. And as a result, some students graduate
from classes they don’t particularly enjoy. Others, on
the other hand, pursue their desired courses without
hesitation and are able to graduate in good spirits.
Family and peers may have an impact on student’s
decisions regarding their course of study.

“Factors Affecting the College Course Preference”

According to Melone (2014), claimed that choosing

the right career path is one of the most important things
you can do for yourself and your family. Whether you are
choosing your first career or embarking on a second or
third, finding something that you enjoy and excel at can
do wonders to improve your whole life. While no job is
ever perfect, there are some factors that you should
consider to help ensure you get into the right career for
you. Interest, career opportunities, and education and
training, these are the factors that melone said to be
main considerations of students in taking up a course
Melone said that students should find out their
career to pursue soon. Students need to pursue a degree
that will take into account the months or years required
to trains. The author also said that students should put
their passion and skills into a career, because students
would likely to enjoy their college life and succeed in
their future profession.

“Factors Affecting the Course of Grade 12 Students”

According to So Jung Lee and Hyun Kyung Chatfield

(2013), states that the growth in the tourism and
hospitality industry can affect the programs at two-and
four-year colleges in the United States, it can affect in
a way that the number and type of tourism and hospitality
increases, and the study identified factors that
influence student’s choices among in-state, out –state
and international students. In the study, it stated that
growth in the tourism and hospitality increases. It
clearly shows that there are identified factors that
affect the student’s decision of choosing a course in
college. The result or our both studies will be
beneficial for the students for them to develop their
decision making when it comes to choosing the right
course for college.

The identified factors really affect the decision of

the students in the state or out of the state in choosing
the right course with the growth of tourism and by the
increasing of hospitality, it makes the student a hard
time to decide and choose what would they choose in
college. Relating this to the study, the literature
suggests that those factors the effect the student’s
decision of choosing a course for college are the very
difficult situation to face it can confuse the students
and make them uncomfortable to decide on what they will
pursue in college. The article points out that the two
identified factors the affect the student’s decision of
choosing a course for college influence the students.

Local Literature

“Factors Affecting the Course Of Grade 12 Students”

According to Dagang and de Mesa (2017), their study

identified the results which point to the strong
influence of parents on their children choice of tertiary
school. It is deeply rooted in the consciousness of the
Filipino people the respect for elders, hence the strong
influence of parents on children decision. In a Filipino
family children are financially dependent on their
parents, hence their submission to their parents
decision, thus explaining the moderate influence of
others such as the peers, friends and relatives. Other
factors were affordability of tuition, followed by

“Families Financial”

According to Pascual, et al (2019), For practically

reasons, it is also reported that parents usually
encourage course that will not cost much money, but at
the same time, are stable source of income. Family
decides in what track or course students should take is
also associated with the financial status of the family.

A family financial status would greatly give big

impact to the students it comes to choosing the right
track in college. Most of the difficulties of upcoming
senior high school students is that they don’t have the
capacity to finance or to support their studies. Low
income families are limited mostly to public schools and
some may even not be able to attend school. Wealthy
families have the financial resources to send their son
or daughter to high-quality schools, may hire tutor and
can obtain supplemental education sources.

“The Factors Affecting The Preference of Grade 11

Students in Academic Strand”

According to Finlayson, et al (2014), Parents

typically encourage their children to enrol in courses
that won’t cost a lot of money but would give stable
income because respect for family is a big component in
Filipino student’s course decisions.

Respect for family is one of the most influential

factors that impact Filipino student’s course decision.
It is concurred that “Out of respect and loyalty, it may
not be appropriate to express personal desire; rather,
one may alter one’s interest to maintain harmony. “As a
sign of respect, Filipino children want to do well for
the sake of family, follow parent’s advice about choosing
a job or major in college and lastly, make sacrifices for
the family.

“Factors Affecting the Course of Grade 12 Students”

According to Eremie and Okwulehie (2018), indicated

that factors such as environmental, opportunity and
personality can influence the choice of career among
secondary school students.

In terms of environmental factors, it revealed that

family, socioeconomic status and peer groups have
significant influence of the student’s choice of career
while in opportunity factors such as education and
mentorship also had influence to the choice of career as
well as the personality factors such as student’s
interest, values and skills in choosing their courses.

“Factors Affecting the College Course Preference”

According to Limpahan (2014), emphasized that

college is all about preparing for the real world, and
choosing the right college course is the best preparation
one can have. Why make a big thing of a college course?
Well, most students go to school to secure a bright
future for themselves and their families at the same, a
college course can predetermine the professional identity
one may have for life.

The article written by Limpahan is related to this

thesis because it emphasizes how choosing a college
course is important. This is the best preparation for our
future. One can secure a bright future if they choose the
right course for them.
Chapter III

Research Methodology

I. Research Design

The purpose of this study is to determine the extent

on how course choice affects Grade 12 Learners at Aliaga
National High School.  

A quantitative research design will be used in this

study. The researcher will conduct a survey that includes
questions about how the course choice affects the
Parental Influence, Students Interest & Abilities and
Peer Influence. what types of difficulties they have, and
whether they are still suffering with their current
situation. The researcher will use statistical analysis
to analyze the responses from each participant

This quantitative research focuses on quantifying

the data collection and analysis processes. The process
of gathering and interpreting numerical data is known as
quantitative research. It can be used to identify
patterns and averages, formulate hypothesis, examine
causality, and extrapolate findings to larger

II. Respondent of the Study

The participants of this study will the Grade 12

learners at Aliaga National High School.
Section Frequency Percentage Sample Size

ABM 1 43 7.32% 21

ABM 2 46 8.18% 19

GAS 1 41 7.32% 17

GAS 2 35 6.03% 14

HUMSS 1 49 9.05% 21

HUMSS 2 47 8.62% 20

HUMSS 3 49 9.05% 21

HUMSS 4 49 9.05% 21

HUMSS 5 43 7.75% 18

HUMSS 6 47 9.05% 20

TVL HE 30 4.74% 13

TVL ICT 22 4.74% 9

STEM 49 9.05% 21

TOTAL 550 100% 232

Table 1. Distribution of Respondents

Table 1 shows the selected respondents of the study

in each section of Grade 12 Learners at Aliaga National
High School.

Using Slovin’s formula, we can get the sample size

for the study with a total population of 550, and the
sample size will be 232.

III. Sample and Sampling Procedures

The respondents of the study will be the Grade-12

Learners of Aliaga National High School.

As determine and certified by the adviser of Grade-

12 learners sections, there are total 550 students at
Grade 12.

In this study, the research will use Slovin’s

Formula. In the computation of the study’s sample size
with the total population of 550 in the second semester
grade 12 of the school year 2022-2023 with the margin
error 5%.

The sample size needed to attain a specific

confidence interval while sample sampling a population is
determined using Slovin’s formula. When you don’t have
enough knowledge of a population’s behaviour (or the
distribution of a behaviour) to determine the ideal
sample size, you can apply this formula.

Random selection puts the whole class on notice,

reminding them that they could be chosen at any time, We
employ online randomizer to choose the respondents who
will answer the questionnaire.



n= 232

Using Slovin’s formula to compute the sample size,

the sample size for the study will be 232 with a total
population of 550.

IV. The Locale of the Study

The research will be conducted in Aliaga National

High School of the School’s Division of Nueva Ecija,
Located at Poblacion East II, Aliaga Nueva Ecija whose
respondents of the study will be the Grade 12 Learners.
V. Locator Map

VI. Materials and Instruments

The researchers will use survey questionnaires in

collecting data from the respondents who are grade 12
Learners in Aliaga National High School.

Questionnaire defined as a data collection

instrument that requires respondents to answer a prepared
set of questions regarding the information that the
researchers want to elicit from them.

The questionnaire was designed to gather information

about Factors Affecting Course Choice of Grade 12
Learners at Aliaga National High School.

VII. Data Collection

The following must be taken into account by the

researchers in order to collect the desired data for the
Request Letter. The researchers presented a letter to the
Grade 12 Learners requesting permission to obtain a list
of section and their population including the irregular
and Senior High School learners.

Determine the Sample size. The respondents of the study

will be 232 learners which is the sample size of the

Consent, Selection of Respondents, Schedule and Privacy.

The research will seek first approval of Principal,
Assistant Principal, Adviser in Research, and our adviser
in each section of Grade 12 by presenting the letter that
has previously approved by the Aliaga National High
School Head. Stratified random sampling will use to get
the number of respondents for each grade 12 Learners of
Aliaga National High School.

Distribution of Questionnaire. Following stratified

random sampling, the researchers will distribute the
survey questionnaires to the learners who are selected to
participate in the survey.

Collection of Questionnaire. After the respondents finish

answering the survey, the questionnaires will be
collected, documented, and kept in full.


The respondents will asked to rate the questions from 1

to 4; being the highest. The data that will gather, will
be tallied and analyzed for interpretation and analysis.

• To describe the difference between the gender and

factors affecting the course choice of grade 12 learners
at Aliaga National High School, the researchers will use

The T-test can be used to determine if two sets of data

are significantly different from each other.



X1= mean of the first sample

X2 = mean of the second sample

S1 = Standard deviation of the first set of values

S2 = Standard deviation of the second set of values

N1 = Total number of values in the first set

N2 = Total number of values in the second set

The formula for standard deviation:


X = Values given
X = Mean

N = Total number values

Measure of Relationships

- T – stat > T – critical = Significant

- T – stat < T – critical = Not Significant

Statistical Treatment

The researchers will use the following tools to summarize all

the collected data:

● A frequency count was used to summarize the demographic

profile of respondents.

● Percentage distribution was used to determine the

proportion of the demographic profile of all respondents.



P= Percentage

F= Number of responses

N= Total Number of Respondents

Weighted Mean was used to determine the overall average

responses of the respondents.



WM = the weighted mean

TWF = the total weighted frequency

N = the number of the responses

The weighted mean of the responses to each item in the

instruments was computed and interpreted using the following


Table 2. Table of Equivalence

Data Analysis Verbal Qualitative

Parameter Interpretation Description

3.25-4.00 Strongly Agree Highly effective

2.50-3.24 Agree Moderately


1.75-2.49 Disagree Poorly effective

1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree Not effective

The table shows the table of equivalence. The table

shows the qualitative meanings that correspond to each
numerical value that will be computed.

Class Interval:


This chapter provides the pertinent information on
the variables factors affecting the course choice of
grade 12 Learners at Aliaga national high school subject
selection. Additionally, it covers the presentation,
analysis, and interpretation of the information that was
acquired by the researchers using the study instrument.
Both tabular and textual presentations of these data were

1. How may the demographic profile of respondents be

described in terms of:


Table 3 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of

Respondents According to Age


17 63 27.15%

18 147 63.36%

19 18 7.75%

20 4 1.72%

TOTAL 232 100%

The table shows that total 232 respondents of the

study 147 were 18 years old, 63 were 17 years old, 18
were 19 years old, and 4 were 20 years old. The data
implies that majority of the respondents were 18 years


Table 4 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of

Respondents According to Gender


F E M A L E 1 08 46.55%
M A L E 124 53.44%

T O T A L 2 32 100%

The data shows that out of 232 respondents 124 were

male and 108 were female. The data implies that the
number of male respondents is quarter than female


Table 5 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of

Respondents According to Grade and Section

GRADE and Section F R E Q U E N C Y PERCENTAGE (%)

A B M 1 17 7.32%

A B M 2 19 8.18%

G A S 1 17 7.32%

G A S 2 14 6.03%

HUMSS 1 21 9.05%

HUMSS 2 20 8.62%

HUMSS 3 21 9.05%

HUMSS 4 21 9.05%

HUMSS 5 18 7.75%

HUMSS 6 21 9.05%

S T E M 21 9.05%

TVL HE 11 4.74%

TVL ICT 11 4.74%

T O T A L 232 100%
Table 5 In terms of frequency or percentage of
Aliaga National High School grade 12 humanities and
social science learners who respond to the survey
questionnaire, table 7 reveals that the total sample size
of 232 respondents in the HUMS 1, 6, 3, 4, and STEM
significantly greater than that of the other sections.

2. How may the Factors Affecting the course choice of

Grade 12 Learners at Aliaga National High School program
be described in terms of:

2.1 Parental Influence

Table 6 Weighted Mean, Verbal interpretation and

Quantitative Description of Factors affecting the course
choice of Grade 12 Learners at Aliaga National High
School in terms of Parental Influence.

Weighted Verbal Qualitative

Parental Mean Interpretation Description

Q1. I will
follow my AGREE Moderately
parents in 2.60 Affect
choosing my

Q2. I consider
my parents
profession 2.70 AGREE Moderately
when choosing Affect
a course in

Q3. I consider
the financial
status of my 3.17 AGREE Moderately
family in Affect
choosing my

Q4. I consider
my parents
choice in 2.66 AGREE Moderately
choosing my Affect
course in

Q5. I will
consider my
parents advice 3.00 AGREE Moderately
because I Affect
believe they
know what is
the best for

Average 2.82 AGREE Moderately

Weighted Mean Affect

Q= Question
WM= Weighted Mean
3.25- 4.00 Strongly Agree – Highly Affect
2.50- 3.24 Agree – Moderately Affect
1.75- 2.49 Disagree – Poorly Affect
1.00- 1.74 Strongly Disagree – No Effect

Table 6 Demonstrates that respondents are desirable

and take parental influence into consideration while
choosing a highly stable professional path. The results
also demonstrate that the respondents are very alluring
and desire to imitate their parents. Since their parents
are the ones who educate them, there is nothing else for
them to do but imitate. The respondents are interested in
parental influence because they want their parents to
follow the path they want them to take the overall
weighted mean obtained by these factor was 2.82 with a
verbal interpretation of agree which means the
respondents are attractive to parental influence.

2.2. Students Interest & Abilities

Table 7 Weighted Mean, verbal interpretation and

quantitative description of attractiveness of Factors
Affecting course choice of Grade 12 learner's at Aliaga
National high school.
Verbal Qualitative
Students Weighted Interpretation Description
Interest & Mean

Q1. . I
consider my own Moderately
interest when 2.91 AGREE Affect
choosing a
course in

Q2. I
courses that 2.86 AGREE Moderately
align with my Affect
long term goals

Q3. I
considered my
skills in 2.93 AGREE Moderately
choosing a Affect
course in

Q4. My academic
abilities &
strengths play 2.82 AGREE Moderately
a significant Affect
role in my
Average 2.88 AGREE Moderately
Weighted Mean Affect

Q= Question
WM= Weighted Mean
3.25- 4.00 Strongly Agree – Highly Affect
2.50- 3.24 Agree – Moderately Affect
1.75- 2.49 Disagree – Poorly Affect
1.00- 1.74 Strongly Disagree – No Effect
Table 7 Demonstrates that respondents are
interested, and we examine students' interests and skills
because it is entirely up to them to decide which course
to take without any outside pressure or interference. The
information showed that the role of grade 12 students
depends on their interests and skills. The overall
weighted mean obtained by this factor was 3.23 with a
verbal interpretation of agree and which means the
respondents attractive to students interests and

2.3 Peer Influence

Table 8 Weighted Mean, Verbal interpretation, and

Qualitative Description of Factors affecting the course
choice of grade 12 Students of Aliaga National High

Verbal Qualitative
Peer Influence Weighted Interpretation Description

1. My friends
influence me in
choosing my 2.29 DISAGREE Poorly
course in Affect

2. I will
choose the same
course that my 2.08 DISAGREE Poorly
friends with Affect
take in

3. I peer
advice affect
my choice of 2.45 DISAGREE Poorly
course in Affect

4. I tend to
follow the
general trend 2.08 AGREE Moderately
that I see Affect
among my peers
through social
5. My friend
talks to me a
lot in order to 2.16 DISAGREE Poorly
persuade me to Affect
take the same
course as them.

Average 2.22 Poorly

Weighted Mean Affect

Q= Question
WM= Weighted Mean
3.25- 4.00 Strongly Agree – Highly Affect
2.50- 3.24 Agree – Moderately Affect
1.75- 2.49 Disagree – Poorly Affect
1.00- 1.74 Strongly Disagree – No Effect

Table 8 Demonstrates that respondents are have a

passion to choose what they want to college not to follow
friends decision. The result also demonstrate that the
respondents are not follow or influence to choose what
they want to college and not to persuade the same course
as them. The respondents are not interested to persuade
the same course at my friend's. The overall weighted mean
obtained by these factor was 2.22 with a verbal
interpretation of disagree which means the respondents
are not attractive to peer influence.

Table 9 Test of the Relationship Between Age and the

Factor Affecting the course choice of Grade 12 Learners
at Aliaga National High School.


Parental Negligible Negative

Influence -0.015915403 Correlation
Students Negligible Negative
Interest & Correlation

Peer Influence Negligible Negative


±1.00 = Perfect Positive (Negative) Correlation
± 0.91 to ± 0.99 = Very High Positive (Negative) Correlation
± 0.71 to ± 0.90 = High Positive (Negative) Correlation
± 0.51 to ± 0.70 = Moderately Positive (Negative) Correlation
± 0.31 to ± 0.50 = Low Positive (Negative) Correlation
± 0.01 to ± 0.30 = Negligible Positive (Negative) Correlation
0.0 = No Correlation
The data implies inverse relationship between age &
the Parental Influence, Students Interest & Abilities and
Peer Influence, that the verbal interpretation of R-value
was NNC which means that there were minimal of what table

Table 14 Test Difference between Gender and the Factor

Affecting the course Choice of Grade 12 Learners at
Aliaga National High School.


Parental 1.965 Accepts null Not
Influence 25.6732 Hypothesis Significant
Interest 32.2167 1.965 Accepts null Not
& Hypothesis Significant
Peer 12.6978 Accepts null Not
Influence 1.965 Hypothesis Significant

The data shows that t-stat is less the t critical

which means the there was no significant relationship
between gender and the factors, therefore this study
accepts the null hypothesis.



This chapter presents the summary of findings,

conclusions, and recommendations of the study entitled
Factors Affecting the course choice of Grade 12 Learners
at Aliaga National High School.

The Summary of findings were as follows:

1. Respondents Profile


the data shows that there were 232 respondents, 17 years

old, 67 or 27 point 15% were 18 years old, 147 or 63.6%
were 19 years old, 18/7 point 75% were other, 4 or 1.72%.


The data implies that form a total sample size of

232 respondents , 108 or 46. 55% were female and 124 or
53.44% were male.


The data implies that frequency of ABM 2 were 19 or

8.18%, 17 or 7.32% GAS 1, 17 or 7.32% were ABM 1, 21 or
9.0 5% were HUMSS 3, 20 or 8 point 62% were HUMSS 2, 14
or 6.3% were GAS 2, 21 OR 9.0 5% were STEM, 21 or 9.05%
were HUMSS 6, 21 or 9.0 5% were HUMSS 1, 18 or 7. 75%
were HUMSS 5, 21 or 9.05% were HUMSS 4, 11 or 4.74% were
TVL- ICT, 11 or 4.74%.

2. level of attractiveness of factors affecting course

choice of grade 12 humanities and social science
learner's at aliaga national high school.


(The respondents consented to parental influence since it

is desired and they consider it while choosing a very
stable career route.) The conclusions you draw show that
factors influencing grade 12 learners' future courses are
a factor that draws people to parental influence.


( the results that the factors influencing middle school

learners' future courses included a factor attracted to
the students' interests and abilities (respondents agreed
to students' interests and abilities because it is
entirely up to them to choose which course to take
without any outside pressure or interference).


(The respondents don't believe in peer influence because

the grade 12 students at Aliaga National High School are
not influenced by their friends or neighbors, and they
aren't interested in convincing my peers to take the same

3. There is a significant relationship between age, grade

level, and the level of factors affecting the course
choice of grade 12 students.

The study noted the age, grade level, and attractiveness

of the course choice. There is no relationship between
age and grade level in inclination towards factors
affecting the course choice.

4. There is a significant difference between gender and

the level of factors affecting the course choice of grade
12 students.

Gender was not a sign of the three factors, which are

inclination towards.

Factors affecting the course choice of grade 12 students,

the role of the institution in affecting the course
choice, and student role modes that may affect the
attractiveness of factors affecting the course choice.


Based on the findings of the study, the following

conclusions were drawn:
The majority of the respondents were 17 to 18 years
old, Male and most of the respondents are grade 12
learners of aliaga national high school.

Students interest and abilities (ranked 1) with an

average weighted mean of 3.23 were primary factors that "
Highly attractive to students interest and abilities.

The involvement of a school in selecting a course is

an enticing aspect to students' interests and abilities,
especially for grade 12 learners.

According to the statistics, there was no

discernible connection between the attractiveness of
students' interests and abilities and their age or

According to the findings, there was no discernible

gender difference in the attractiveness of students'
interests and skills.

The evidence suggests that the tendency toward

pupils' interests and abilities will only slightly
decrease as age grows.


In view of the findings of the study and the

conclusion chrome the following recommendations are

1. The researchers recommend to the student to pursue

their dreams and passion. Parents should give guidance,
but the final decision should be left to their children.
It’s important for students to understand their passion
and have clarity about the course they are willing to

2. The researchers recommend to the student that in terms

of financial problem there is always be a way. There’s a
lot of scholarships and financial assistant offers for
the students who can’t afford college or the courses they
want, and there are also a lot of business offers a job
for working students that allows student to study and
work at same time.


1. We recommend to the student should choose a course

according to what they really want not because others
want it for them.

2. We recommend that you should follow your own wants and

dreams in terms of choosing courses in college.


1. We recommend to the same course that my friends with

take in college.

3. We recommend that Aliaga National High School should

give more seminars to help the students to come up with
the course that suit them.


Factors Affecting College Course Preference of Grade 12


Factors Affecting the College Course Preference

Factors Affecting the Course of Grade 12 Students

Factors Affecting the College Course Preference

Factors Affecting the Course of Grade 12 Students

Factors Affecting the Course Of Grade 12 Students

Families Financial

The Factors Affecting The Preference of Grade 11 Students

in Academic Strand

Factors Affecting the Course of Grade 12 Students
Factors Affecting the College Course Preference

Survey Questionnaire

This survey is purely confidential and is purposely

designed to determine the factors which could have
influenced you in choosing your course preference for
College and establish a basis for a Course Guidance
Program. Please answer this survey questionnaire
TRUTHFULLY in order for the researchers to be able to
gather reliable data for this research work.

Dear Respondents,

We, the students of Aliaga National High School, would

like to conduct a research study entitled: “FACTORS
ALIAGA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL”. In this regard we would
like to request your good office that we would be
allowed to distribute our questionnaires to the
Grade 12 students. Rest assured that whatever information
gathered will be held confidential. Your response to this
request will help in completing our study and making it a

Respectfully yours,

The Researchers



Age:_____ Gender: _____


4 – Strongly Agree
3 – Agree
2 – Disagree
1 – Strongly Disagree

Parental Influence
4 3 2 1
1. I will follow my parents in
choosing my college course.
2. I consider my parents profession
when choosing a course in college.
3. I consider the financial status of
my family in choosing my course.
4. I consider my parents’ choice in
choosing my course in college.
5. I will consider my parents advice
because I believe they know what the
best is for me.

Students Interest & Abilities

1. I consider my own interest when
choosing a course in college.
2. I prioritize courses that align
with my long term goals and
3. I considered my skills in choosing
a course in college.
4. My academic abilities & strengths
play a significant role in my course
5. I am particularly interested in
doing things related to the course
that I will take in college.

Peer Influence
1. My friends influence me in choosing
my course in college.
2. I will choose the same course that
my friends with take in college.
3. I peer advice affect my choice of
course in college.
4. I tend to follow the general trend
that I see among my peers through
social media.
5. My friend talks to me a lot in
order to persuade me to take the same
course as them.

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