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Inter rnational Sch hool Manila Septemb 20, 2011 ber

ISM M Middle Sc chool Pare Teache Confere ent er ences 2011 1

Dear Parent / Guardians ts s, Parent Teac cher Conferen nces (PTCs) in the Middl School are scheduled fo Monday, le or October 10th and Tue esday, October 11th fro 1:00 P.M to 6:00 P.M. The om M. conferences are an oppo s ortunity for pa arents and tea achers to disc cuss the progr ress of your child and an concerns t ny that may have arisen. This year we wil move away from arena e ll y style confe erences to in ndividual con nferences sch heduled in ad dvance in th teachers he classrooms. Additiona . ally, we are implementing an online approach to scheduling g conference appointments. This docu ument is inten nded to walk you through the process of reserving conference t g times to see t teachers o your child. the of The reserva ation system w go live a 8:00 A.M. o Monday, S will at on September 26th, at which 6 time you w have acce to the PT Scheduler part of Pow will ess TC werSchool / Po owerParent. Once logge in to Powe ed erSchool you will see a ne icon, name MS PTC Scheduler ew ed at the botto of the link on the left hand side of the page; clicking this ico will send om ks f on you directly to the PTC Scheduler. Pop-up-bloc y C ckers will ne to be turned off to eed allow acces to the next page. ss t If you have misplaced o forgotten y e or your PowerSc chool usernam and passw me word, please call the M Middle Scho ool Office a 840 8555 / 8550 o email Gr at 5 or race Gabay (GabayG@ ). View Rese ervation Pa age On this pag you will be able to view your existing PTC reserva ge e w g ations. This p page should be b blank when y first visit unless a teac you cher has requ uested a PTC in advance. If a pre-book king has been made, feel n free to edit the ti and day of the requested conference but please d not delete it. e ime o e, do

Add/Modify Reservation Page Choose a time using the drop-down menus to the right of the teacher and below the day that you would like your conference. Then click the Submit button.

Please Note You may reserve a maximum of four (4) conferences from September 26th to October 2nd. Starting on October 3rd you may add four (4) more conferences to a maximum of eight (8). The MS PTC scheduler will close on Monday, October 10th at 8:00 A.M.

If you have children in both Middle School and High School, please be sure to keep track of your appointments so that you do not double book yourself. At this point in time, the two systems work independently of one another and will not alert you if you have attempted to schedule two appointments at the same time. Additionally, please give yourself time to travel from one classroom to another. To aid you in this matter, the system allows for travel time to classrooms such that appointments cannot be booked back to back. Confirm Reservation Page The last step of the reservation process is to CONFIRM YOUR RESERVATION. You MUST click the Confirm button before your reservation request is accepted by our system.

Please wait while your reservation request is processed by our system

Once accepted, youll be taken back to the View Reservation Page where you will be able to see the confirmed reservations in orange.

Print Reservation Page Click the printer icon Print Reservation link to pop-up a one page view of your reservations. This page will be reorganized in order of date and time to make it easier for you to navigate your way around the two PTC afternoons. Please print this page and bring it with you to the conferences.

Prior to attending conferences, please log in to PowerSchool to view your childs progress and print a hard copy for your reference. When you meet with teachers, they will explain the details of your childs progress and level of achievement. Many thanks for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you on the afternoons of October 10th and 11th and hope that your Parent Teacher Conferences run smoothly. Sincerely,

Simon Gillespie Middle School Principal

Clarissa Sayson Middle School Assistant Principal

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