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Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV) (Clean & Fuel Saving Technology)

ABSTRACT Today automobiles are identified as one of the major causes of air pollution and energy depletion. Vehicles are also identified for their low efficiency in other words high-energy loss. Hybrid Electric Vehicles have the capacity to overcome these situations and bring a new revolution. Any vehicle that combines two or more sources of power that can directly or indirectly provides propulsion power is a hybrid. The gasoline electric hybrid vehicle is just the required type of crossbreed between a gasoline powered vehicle and electric vehicle. Hybrid vehicles run both with a rechargeable battery as well as gasoline. In a hybrid engine, power from gasoline and power from a set of batteries transmits power to an electric motor. There are less adverse effects due to the Hybrid electric vehicles. Also the batteries used in hybrid vehicles (rechargeable Nickel metal hydride, Lead acid batteries, Lithium Polymer batteries) are disposable which will not pose any toxic hazards to the environment. The notable fact in hybrid vehicles is that the DC machine is that it can run both as a Motor as well as a generator. In addition, hybrid vehicles make use of a system that recovers power from the momentum of the vehicle when braking. The Hybrid vehicles are complicated machines when compared to their counterparts of the gasoline-powered vehicles. But higher efficiencies, lower emissions of hybrid vehicles grabs the attention of the new ERA. The other facilities of these hybrid vehicles i.e. performance, manufacturing cost and environmental impacts are discussed in this paper. Key Words: Hybrid, DC Generator, DC Motor, 1. INTRODUCTION: The main problem the world is facing is environmental pollution. The major reasons for the pollution are industrialization, burning of fossil fuels, internal combustion engines etc. Many problems are being faced due to the usage of fossil fuels. Some of these problems are: 1. Global Warming 2. Toxic Emissions 3. Drilling and Transport of fossil fuels 4. Dependence on Foreign Oil In order to overcome the problem of pollution, many alternative methods are in developing stage. Among these some of them are: 1. Solar energy 2. Fuel cells 3. Electric vehicles 4. Hybrid vehicles Let us see the advantages and disadvantages of all these sources: 1.1. SOLAR ENERGY: ? Abundant energy. ? There is no pollution. ? Eliminates environmental concerns. ? Many times climatic conditions dont support use of solar energy. With The existing technology we cannot produce the silicon plates with less cost and ease. 1.2.HYDROGEN FUEL CELLS: ? Hydrogen is abundant but not in its pure state. ? Eliminates environmental concerns.

? Extraction of hydrogen is extremely difficult with the existing technology. 1.3.ELECTRIC VEHICLES: ? Causes no pollution. ? ECO-friendly. ? Applicable only to lighter vehicles ? Involves high manufacturing cost. ? Not enough power output. ?Experts hope that vehicles based on solar energy are expected to reach its full development by 2020. ?Fuel-cell vehicles have still a long development-path to go and to eliminate constraints like weight & costs reduction, manufacturing technologies etc. It is estimated that production will start not before 2015. ?Electrical vehicles involve high cost, which cant be afforded by a normal person. And it does not reach the customers requirements. All the above three systems are ECO-friendly but not par with a customers requirements. Thus high cost involved in first 3 choices made the customers to attract towards the IC engines, which are available in affordable price and easy management. Among above choices, electric vehicles are developed to maximum extent but it requires lot of money. Thus a combination of an IC engine and the Non-conventional sources are used to be both ECO-friendly and User friendly. This is called a hybrid. 2. DEFINITION: Hybrid vehicle consists of engine with atleast 2 different energy converters and 2 different energy sources for the vehicle propulsion. Thus hybrid engines meet the requirements of the standard vehicle which: ? Increases fuel economy. ? Reduces pollution. ? Decreases dependence on fossil fuels. ? Keep up with the other traffic on the road. 3. TYPES: A gasoline-electric car combines two set ups both IC engines and electric vehicles into one system that runs on both fuel power and electric power. There are two different kinds of hybrid structures of arrangements in this setup. They are. i. A series hybrid vehicle ii. A parallel hybrid vehicle 3.1. SERIES HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES: It has tank that pumps gasoline to the engine Engine rotates the DC Generator Generator can either charge the batteries or power an electric motor Only the electric motor drives the transmission 3.2. PARALLEL HYBRID ELECTRIC VEHICLES: It has fuel tanks that supply gasoline or diesel to engine. Both engine and electric motor can rotate the transmission at the same time when more power is required. Capable of working simultaneously and independently. 4.How it works: The goal of a Hybrid engine is to reduce the amount of pollutants, a normal IC engine produces and more energy-efficient. Thus several methods used to try to achieve this goal include: 1. More efficient use of the internal combustion engine (ICE), reducing gasoline

consumption. A more efficient Atkinson cycle can be used instead of the more common Otto cycle engine. 2. Two electric motor/generators, providing minimum of 50 kW @ 1,200 to 1,540 rpm and 400 Nm torque from 0 to 1,200 rpm, which significantly contribute to performance & economy. 3. Regenerative braking, a process for recovering kinetic energy when braking or traveling down a slope and storing it as electrical energy in the traction battery for later use while reducing wear and tear on the brake pads. 4. By using sealed Nickel metal hydride (NiMH) or Lithium polymer batteries the electrical energy can be stored effectively. The Mercedes-Benz M-Class Hyper -- a hybrid concept vehicle The hybrid engine discussed in this paper over previous energy-efficient designs is that it never needs to be plugged in, as all energy ultimately comes from the gasoline engine. This means it drives like a traditional ICE automobile. This hybrid engine recovers energy that would be wasted when braking. The car's kinetic energy is partly recovered to recharge the battery instead of being wasted as heat. This also reduces brake wear. This hybrid engine can then be driven on electric power only. This is sometimes referred to as "stealth mode" due to the lack of engine noise. This further reduces gasoline consumption and wear and tear on the engine. For any car, aerodynamic losses due to drag are much greater on the highway than in low speed city driving. A non-hybrid car nonetheless gets worse mileage in city driving because its engine is far less efficient at low power(for example when stopped in traffic) as it must frequently dump its kinetic energy into the brakes during stop-and-go driving. Hybrid engine gets better fuel efficiency in city dynamometer cycles because the engine can shut down instead of running at low power, and run solely off the battery at low speeds and when stopped (simultaneously running the cabin air heating/cooling system and the power steering). 5.Stealth Mode When the vehicle is turned-on with the "start" button, it is ready to drive immediately with the electric motor. The delay between starting the car and starting the internal combustion engine is few seconds. The Hybrid engine should be designed to protect the battery from extreme discharge as well as over-charge and will utilize the engine as-necessary to maintain the optimum conditions for a long battery life. This is sometimes referred to as "stealth mode" due to the lack of engine noise. This further reduces gasoline consumption and wear and tear on the engine. 6.HYBRID STRUCTURE: 6.1.Electric Storage Devices: One of energy suppliers in a hybrid car is the electric storage devices. This is the main component, which differentiates HEV from the conventional vehicles (ICE). It is the main reason for HEVs characteristics like: no pollution vehicles and energy saving vehicles. To satisfy the customer wants electric storage devices should have the following characteristics: ? Discharge quickly: so that it can supply enough power during acceleration of the vehicle. ? High specific energy ? Low manufacturing cost ? Safety ? Long cycle life ? Charge quickly from variety of sources 6.2. Types of electric storage devices: There are three types of energy storage devices are developed so far. They are as follows:

1. Fly wheel 2. Batteries 3. Ultra capacitors 6.2.1.FLY WHEELS: This part mainly consists of three parts: 1. Rotating cylinder 2. Turbo generator 3. Magnetic coils Turbo generator in the flywheel rotates the cylinder, which cuts magnetic flux. Then the mechanical energy, which rotates the cylinder, is converted into electrical energy. Required magnetic flux is produced by the magnetic coils, which are placed around the rotating cylinder to extract energy the magnetic fields are altered to act as an electric generator ADVANTAGES OF FLYWHEEL TYPE ELECTRIC STORAGE DEVICES 1. Operates in a wider temperature range than batteries and capacitors 2. Higher specific energy than lead acid batteries 3. They can be used while applying brakes to reduce the wasted energy as heat. 6.2.2. BATTERIES: One more type of electric storage device is battery. There are many materials used in the batteries. Some of the important materials are: Lead acid batteries: ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES ? Safer than flywheels ? Less expensive ? Proven technology ? Low specific energy ? Slow kinetics ? Low shelf life ? Low battery life ? Not environmentally friendly Nickel Metal Hydride batteries: ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES ? Used in current commercial hybrid vehicles ? Higher specific energy ? Longer life ? Higher kinetics ? More environmentally friendly ? Still requires improvement Lithium Polymer batteries: It is in the developing stage. It will be used in the future application. ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES ? Highest specific energy ? Longest life ? Highest kinetics ? Most environmentally friendly ? Can be manufactured as thin sheets ? Technology in early stages of applications ? Charge/discharge time are not ideal ? Narrow voltage range

? Internal Resistance increased at low temperatures 7.Hybrid Efficiency and Performance: The key to a hybrid vehicle is that the gasoline engine can be much smaller than the one in a conventional car and therefore more efficient. Most cars require a relatively big engine to produce enough power to accelerate the car quickly. In a small engine, however, the efficiency can be improved by using smaller, lighter parts, by reducing the number of cylinders and by operating the engine closer to its maximum load. To squeeze every last mile out of a gallon of gasoline, we can: Recover energy and store it in the battery Sometimes shut off the engine Use advanced aerodynamics to reduce drag Use lightweight materials Conclusions: By using a Hybrid Electric engine we can not only reduce Environmental pollution but also reduce the wastage of the depleting Fossil fuels. Though we are using an IC engine of about 30-45% efficiency, the motors and generators we use are about 70-85% efficient. This may bring the overall efficiency up to 50-70%. Also we can use the energy wasted by using brakes which is about 12-15% of total efficiency. By taking the above measures we can increase the mileage from a mere 12-20km/lt to about 25-30km/lt although the Air Conditioner is running. This makes the Hybrid Electric Vehicles a sensation.

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