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f tt. :t-f-k 1 4f..1.t.I\ If -'l'fDht.f\J''e ~ T-ol\.

~1o&.A ";J~T ;JltllJ


V'h"'~ 'J0It.}- cft'l'C } 3111Year No.6

ttJlh ttn... - "'~C !ii .,., !ilfifil Oh.Tf"kl ~1..t.I\'e Jl 'fOht.f\I'e ~Tofll\.h ADDIS ABABA - 2Slb November, 1996
f ih1lofl+tDt}f"~ 9"hC ILT mt)4:~T ftDllJ

"'1l&6Ii]. CONTENTS

~1-o ck'l'C I/Iiifitii ~'9'"' Council of Ministers Regulations No. 10/1996

ftt. :t-f-k 1 i;t\.f100-th. 7i1 f1C7'l'..7i1 0"/**"7.1 Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation Establish-
f"7.tit:t-C'T 9'"hC o.:t- ~111 .,~ Ifitl ment Council of Ministers Regulations Page 282

f"7.tit:t-C'T 9'"hC 0."" 1.1-0 ck'l'C II Iiifitii COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS No. 10/1996
fho :t-r-k.f i; t\.f100-~h. 7i1J1C7' l'..7i11 I\~*tt COUNCIL OF MINISTERS REGULATIONS TO
flDlI) fOIl ~it:t-C'T 9'"hC o.:t- 1.1-0 PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE
f"7.tit :t-C'T 9'"hC o.:t- f tt. :t-f-k 1 4f..1.t.I\If -'l'fDht.
f1.11f~TlIl\.h "itL~"7. ""'I\:t-1 P'~1I)1li +..,tlC l\oulD"" These Regulations are issued by the Council of Ministers
(llDlI)lD- "'P~ ck'l'C !!/Iiifit~ "'+~ ~ 'hli (lou1"'P':t- pursuant to Article 5 of the Definition of Powers and
f~O"/:t- J'."C~-fT "tp~ ck'l'C ti~/Iiifit!! (l"'+~ i!J~/ilvl Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic
ODIPI.:t-"tJ1 1.111 "lD-'I':t~ II
Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 4/1995 and Article
47(1) (a) of the Public Enterprises Proclamation No. 25/
lit "6f!-C ClJit 1992.
"tJ ~ 111 "ftt. :t-f-k 1 i;t\.f100-th. 7i1 f1C7'l'..7i1 1. Short Title
0"/**"7.1 f"7.tit:t-C'T 9'"hc o.:t- 1.111 ck'l'C I/Iiifitii" These Regulations may be cited as the' 'Ethiopian
+-of\o I\.m+it "TI\~ II Telecommunication Corporation Establishment Coun-
cil of Ministers Regulations No. 10/1996."
g. ou**9'"
2. Establishment
li' ftt. :t-f-k 1 i;t\.f100-th. 7i1 f1C7' l'..7i1 (htltJ 0:\1\ 1. The Ethiopian Telecommunication Corporation
"f1C7"l'..7i)." 'hf+tll\ f" fou1"'P':t- f~O"/:t- (hereinafter "the Corporation") is hereby es-
J'."c~:t- If'i OtltJ 1.111 +*cko.t.~ 81 tablished as a public enterprise.
g. f1C7'l'..7i). OOU1"'P':t- f~O"/:t- J'."C~-fT
"'P~ ck'l'C 2. The Corporation shall be governed by the public
ti~/!iifit!! OUIPI.:t-"+~1.t.~ II Enterprises Proclamation No.25/1992.

f'} JS.., ;J
Umt PrIce
} 1'30
~;J~+ ;JrLlIJ., ,... ...1£.i
Negarit G.P.O.Box 80,001
IDfitii ~.,... Federal Negarit Gazeta - No.6 28thNovember 1996- Page 283
11\ Ifitr Uu&-A ~;M:" ;Jtf.1I) <Il1'C} "'~C Ht""

~. .,.4\tlJtlJt 111\P'AtlJ1 3. Supervising Authority

0001..,1"''''' f"7.(af9" ht}A f\'1C7"~ 7i.,. +4\tlJtlJt 111\P'AtlJ1 A body to be designated by the Government shall be the
"IfIiA 81 supervising authority of the Corporation.
g. CPIiOOP'tl 0."" 4. Head Office
f\'1C7"~ 7i.,. CPIi OOP'tl 0."" Oh.llil hOl1 Iftj :"C161ij.~ The Corporation shall have its head office in Addis Ababa
OOP'tl o."'r ~11.hi\4.,"1.~i: O"7IiTtD-9" P'~to lLtjltD- and may have branch offices elsewhere as may be
II necessary .
~. q,,"7
5. Purposes

\'1C7"I..7i.,. f.,.**OOl1TtD- q""79'r. f"7.h.,.tt-"" IiTtD- ; The purposes for which the Corporation is established are:
Ii' foo1"'P'''''1 fA"7"" 7"lLl1.1i :"1:"7.1 ..,.\1-l"" OOlPl"" 1) to engage, in accordance with development policies
O"71:l.., f-l:I\.\'100-~h.
7i1 h1A..,f\o"'r1 "7**9" f and priorities of the Government, in the construction,
"7t}'t1: . oom111i"7il4.4...,. ; operation, maintenance and expansion of telecom-
fV1C tD-il1'1i ql\9" h"'~ f-l:I\.G:1 t f-l:I\.tJil . f-l:I\. munication services;
4.tJil ~Ii I\.f\or f\'100-~h. 7i1 h1A..,f\o"'r1 OOilm"" 2) to provide domestic and international telephone,
1:' f-l:I\.1i.~1 "f~..,to'fOr1 .,..,.11f\o "7il"'''1\~1 ~9"~ telex, telefax and other communication services;
O"'''''i:l fh.1t::C""L7i1 -I:tJlj'f\o:( f"7.(am- f\'100-~h. 7i1 3) to provide communication services using integrated
h1A..,f\o"'r1 OOilm""; infQrmation technology, including re-broadcasting
g' f-l:I\.\'100-~h. 7i11i "'''''7:l- oo..,tl9'r1 oom11' OO1tIJ of television broadcasts;
m9"1i "79"l"" ;
4) to repair, assemble and manufacture telecom-
~. 1\-I:I\.\'100-~h. 7i1 111\OO-I9'r f I'" Amli h 1 A.., f\o""
munication equipment and ancillaries;
i' q""7tD-1 h..,11 1\"71: l il f"7.l~ I\.f\or "'''''7:l-flf.,. 5) to render training services to telecommunication per-
P'to9'r1 "7t}'t1: II
6) to engage in other related activities necessary for the
I' t}1::J'A
attainment of its purposes.
I\\'1C7"~7i.,. f.,.4.,.,.1.I\"" t}1::J'A 11C{in.lLM !lfC'[ "7.lLf'1
(all ?,il"" "7.lLf'1 6. Capital
lifT if.u ~fC'~ (h11: n.lLM hto"" 00'"
Um~ 00'" (a"711 if.u h9"il"" 00'" (all il9"1"" 11C) l1.1f1 The authorized capital of the Corporation is Birr
1,473,980,578 (one billion four hundred seventy three
htlU tD-il1' 11C !!lit "7.lLf'1 gnll i'tu ~fC'~ (hto"" 00'"
million nine hundred eighty thousand and five hundred
l1"711 "7.lLM hto"" 00'" '19"'" um~ i'tu h9"il"" 00'" (all seventy eight Birr) of which Birr 480,459,578 (four
laM"" 11C) 01'~ 11U111i Oq.e.~"" "'h~!lA hundred eighty million four hundred fifty nine thousand
~. ~".c. ~..,. and five hundred seventy eight Birr) is paid up in cash and
o~.&;+ml"= h,,1f19"11 in kind.
\'1C7"I..7i.,. t}1\tD-m:""" 111l"" 0""
7. Liability
~. \'1C7"I..7i.,. f"7.4\ .e.0"" 1.H.
The Corporation shall not be liable beyond its total assets.
\'1C7"~ 7i.,. "A .,.m(a ~ 1.H. "4\1 A 81

8. Duration
II. f 0011""'1' ..,I..:J' 00"''' I\~ The Corporation is established for an indefinite duration.
OhCP:l- <k1'C (ifC!}liIIllf~~ OOlPl"" ".,..&;1.C f~OltD-
f.,. 1:'fOtD- fh.""f'*' -I:I\.\'100-~h.7i1 111\P'AtlJ1 oo11""1i I 9. Transfer of Rights and Obligations
The rights and obligations of the former Ethiopian
"'1..:J'sPr OtlU 1.111 I\ltC7"~ 7i.,. .,."A4.,CPAII
Telecommunication Authority operated under
I. 1.10- f"7.RIiO"" 1.H. Proclamation No. 131/1952 are hereby transferred to the
:l9"~ Corporation.
"U 1.111 04..l..toA ~;M"" ;JH.tIJ:J''''''fO htDtlJO"" .,.1
fRIi "IfIiAII 10. Effective Date
h.llla hOl1 "I'&;cIII .,.1 Illfitil q.9". These Regulations shall come into force on the date of
their publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.
00 1\il H.'ilf
Done at Addis Ababa, this 28th day of November, 1996
f h. ""f'*' 4..l..t." If -'l 'fOtJtol1.11f t T11lLtJ MELES ZENA WI
m :,."" "7.~la""C

;t-.,.oo If
-oC?1'i" /'11\9"",.,.117.1 ~C~:r-

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