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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh... Greetings to all of us...

The honorable chairman of the Islamic student awakening foundation Mr. Kh amani lutfhi

sag.mpd, the honorable principal of SMA Yapiim Indramayu Mr. Humaedi Sag, Mr. Committee

Board, Mr./Ms. - happy indramayu yapiim high school students...

Alhamdulillahirobbil'alamiin... Praise be to Allah SWT. Who has given all of us countless

pleasures including awareness of faith, health and this happy opportunity so that we can gather

together at the farewell event for the 12th grade students of SMA Yapiim Indramayu

Next congratulations and greetings may always be Allah SWT. devote to the Prophet

Muhammad saw. it is from him that we get the best examples and role models for us in living

various aspects of daily life so that we can all be pleased with Him and hopefully we all get

intercession from him on the Day of Judgment. Amen...

We would like to extend our welcome to all attendees, and our deepest gratitude for the presence

of ladies and gentlemen who have taken the time to leave their daily activities willingly to attend

the release ceremony for the students of SMA Yapiim Indramayu class 12 batch 9 academic year

We are here as presenters, therefore we will read out the farewell agenda for the 12th grade

students of Yapiim Indramayu Vocational High School in the 2022/23 school year.

The first event

1. Opening

2. Tawasul

3. Recitation of the holy verses of the Koran

4. Singing the Indonesian Raya song

5. Welcome remarks

6. The procession for the release of Yapiim Im Vocational High School students for the 2022/23

academic year

7. Medallion

8. Farewell preamble from underclassmen and those leaving

9. Presentation of prizes to outstanding students

10. the last one is prayer and closing

Ladies and gentlemen, we respect...

Entering the first event, which is the opening, let's start the farewell ceremony for class 12 SMA

Yapiim IM together for the 2022/23 academic year by reciting Basmalah;


Hopefully the whole series of events at today's farewell event can run well and smoothly because

of His protection and pleasure.... Amen....

Stepping on the second event, namely the tawasul which will be delivered by Mr. Khidmat

Amirullah SPDI, the time and place we invite.

Thank you to Mr. Khidmat Amirullah who has guided the tawasul, hopefully with the reading of

the tawasul we will always be under the protection of Allah swt. amen

Entering the third event, namely the recitation of the holy verses of the Qur'an which will be

delivered by Fajri Mubarokah, the time and place we invite.

Entering the fourth event, namely singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya which was guided

by Bunga Reyfalina, we invite you to the time and place, please stand up.

Entering the fifth event, namely welcoming speeches

The first speech will be delivered by Mr. Nuryanto Spd, we invite him to the time and place.

Ladies and gentlemen who are happy, that's the greeting from the chairman of the committee, to

Mr. Nuryanto we thank you.

The second speech will be delivered by the principal of SMA Yapiim Indramayu which will be

delivered by Mr. Humaedi Sag, we invite him to the time and place.

Ladies and gentlemen, that's the greeting from Mr. Humaedi as the headmaster of SMA YPIIM

IM. We thank you.

The third speech that will be delivered by the chairman of the Islamic student awakening

foundation will be delivered by Mr. Kh Amani Luthfi Sag.mpd, we invite you to time and place.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the speech from Mr. Kh Amani Luthfi as chairman of the

foundation, we thank you.

The next event is the procession for releasing students of SMK Yapiim Im for the 2022/23

academic year which will be guided by Mr. Hermanto

The next program is the medallion, to the students whose names are mentioned, please go up on

the stage.
The next event was Foreword from Herry Gustiawan as the representative of the yapiim high

school im, to him the time and place we invited.

Thank you to Brother Herry Gustiawan as a student representative for SMA Yapiim IM.

The next foreword is the representative from class 12, which will be conveyed by Umm Hafsoh,

we invite him to the time and place.

Thanks to sister Umm hafsoh as a representative from class 12.

The last program is prayer which will be led by .............

Ladies and gentlemen who are happy, thus event after event we have gone through together well

and smoothly. Before we end this event as an expression of gratitude for the success of this

event, let us together say Hamdalah, Alhamdulillahirobbil'alamin.......

Finally, we, as the hosts of the event, apologize profusely if there are mistakes in speech, if there

are mistakes in attitudes or words that are not pleasing to the hearts of all the audience. Thank

you for all your attention and I hope that from this event we all get positive things from Allah

SWT. Amen...

Akhiru kalam wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

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