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Pubic Contouring after Massive Weight Loss in

Men and Women: Correction of Hidden Penis,
Mons Ptosis, and Labia Majora Enlargement
Gary J. Alter, M.D.
Background: Weight gain and subsequent weight loss usually result in unsightly
Los Angeles, Calif. large fat deposition in the pubic areas along with ptosis of the fat pad and
skin. Men also complain of burying of the penis and the woman complains of
labia majora enlargement, both causing secondary sexual dysfunction, hygiene
issues, discomfort, and aesthetic concerns. Even with weight loss, most of these
deformities persist.
Methods: The hidden (buried) penis is characterized by a lack of firm attach-
ments between the Buck fascia surrounding the tunica albuginea of the cor-
pora and the dartos fascia and skin. Successful treatment requires the penile
skin and dartos fascia to be stabilized to the penile corporal bodies to make the
penis one integrated unit. The method of surgery is usually to excise and lift
excess pubic skin, eliminate the pubic fat without creating a significant pubic
concavity, and stabilize the penile skin to the corporal bodies with tacking
sutures dorsally and ventrally. If inadequate penile skin is present, scrotal flaps
or skin grafts are used to cover the penis. Treatment of the mons pubis requires
similar pubic lifting, fat excision, and pubic tacking. Labia majora reduction
requires skin and usually fat excision.
Results: Results are excellent with the use of these techniques.
Conclusions: Pubic contouring after massive weight loss in men and women
is very successful and safe if performed meticulously. Treatment improves self-
esteem along with the associated physical and aesthetic deformities.  (Plast.
Reconstr. Surg. 130: 936, 2012.)

eight gain and subsequent weight loss large fat deposition in the pubic areas along
cause significant alternations in the with ptosis of the fat pad and skin. The male
appearance of the male and female geni- patient also complains of burying of the penis
talia. The weight gain usually results in unsightly and the female patient complains of labia majora

From the Division of Plastic Surgery, University of Califor- tourinary Reconstructive Surgeons, General Membership
nia, Los Angeles. Annual Scientific Session in association with the American
Received for publication January 3, 2012; revised April 23, Urological Association, in San Francisco, California, May
2012. 30, 2010; American Society of Plastic Surgeons/American
Presented at the VIIth International Symposium on Plastic Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Breast Surgery and Body
Surgery, in São Paolo, Brazil, March 24 through 26, 2006; Contouring Symposium, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, August
First International Course About Aesthetic Genital Surgery 27, 2011; Cutting Edge 2011: Advanced Body Sculpting
Male and Female, February 17, 2007; “Panel: Genital Re- Head to Foot, 31st Aesthetic Surgery Symposium, the Ameri-
juvenation and Reconstruction: Fringe Procedure or New can Society of Plastic Surgeons, and the International So-
Frontier,” American Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual ciety of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, in New York, New York,
Meeting, in Baltimore, Maryland, October 31, 2007; Spe- December 1 through 3, 2011.
cial Seminar, “ Cosmetic Rehabilitation of the Post-Bariatric Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
Patient,” American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e318262f57d
Annual Meeting, in San Diego, California, May 2, 2008;
Sexual Medicine Society of North America Annual Meeting
at the American Urological Association Meeting, in Chi- Disclosure: The author has financial interest to
cago, Illinois, April 26, 2009; Web Symposium “Surgical declare in relation to the content of this article. No
Problems in Pediatric Gynecology,” Case Western University, outside funding was received.
in Cleveland, Ohio, September 10, 2009; Society of Geni-

Volume 130, Number 4 • Pubic Contouring after Weight Loss

enlargement, both causing secondary sexual dys- MEN AND WOMEN

function, hygiene issues, discomfort, and aesthetic Previous attempts to correct the buried penis
concerns. Even with weight loss, most of these in the male patient and the mons pubic descent
deformities persist.1,2 in the female patient have often failed because of
lack of tacking sutures of the pubic area to stabilize
the pubic skin to the rectus fascia (Figs. 5 and 6).
MEN In the male patient, the penile skin and dartos
In men, the pubic fat and ptotic skin commonly fascia must also be stabilized to the penile corporal
obscure all or part of the penis while standing, bodies to make the penis one integrated unit.1,21
or the partially visible penis may completely bury
as the patient bends or sits (Figs. 1 through 5).
The fat or ptotic skin may overlap the penis but, EVALUATION
more commonly, the penis buries into the pubic
skin and fat and scrotum. The terms “buried,”
“hidden,” and “concealed” penis all refer to Various factors must be evaluated to correct the
maladies in which the functional and visual buried or hidden penis, including the following:
penile length is obscured.1,3-24 The deformity the amount of ptosis and skin excision needed
is characterized by a lack of firm attachments to elevate the penopubic junction to the pubic
between the Buck fascia surrounding the tunica symphysis, the amount of pubic and inguinal
albuginea of the corpora and the dartos fascia and fat, the adequacy of penile shaft skin when the
skin. Thus, the corporal bodies remain attached penopubic skin is elevated to the pubic symphysis,
to the suspensory ligament and pubic bones, and the presence of inflammation of the penile skin
the penile skin turns inside out and telescopes and glans penis, the presence of phimosis or
over the glans.1,20 Chronic burying of the penis tight penile skin, the presence of a penoscrotal
with its associated dampness causes irritation of web, the adequacy of attachments from the Buck
the penile skin and glans penis, which can lead to fascia to the dartos fascia at the penoscrotal
balanitis xerotica obliterans, midshaft or foreskin junction, the presence of a significant hydrocele,
phimosis, and eventual destruction of the penile and the necessity of excising a large abdominal
skin. On rare occasions, penile cancer can result. panniculus or of performing an abdominoplasty.
The long-term effect can cause inadequate skin Most commonly, the patient after massive weight
to cover the penile shaft. Even with weight loss, loss will have pubic skin excess with ptosis and
the buried penis remains because of the ptotic a buried penis with sufficient penile skin to
skin, lack of dartos-to-Buck attachments, and cover the shaft. Severe inflammation is relatively
chronic inflammation. Many physicians are uncommon.
under the mistaken belief that the hidden penis The goal of surgery is to excise and lift excess
is associated with an excess of penile shaft skin, pubic skin, eliminate the pubic fat without creating
which may lead them to perform a circumcision, a significant pubic concavity, and stabilize the penile
sometimes at the level of a phimotic ring. This skin to the corporal bodies with tacking sutures dor-
can exacerbate the situation and also remove sally and ventrally (Fig. 1). An abdominoplasty can
remaining penile skin that may be necessary be performed at the same time as the pubic lift, but
to cover the shaft on surgical correction of the these procedures are often performed separately
condition. because of patient or surgeon preference.
Unfortunately, almost all urologists are unfa-
miliar with the pathophysiology and treatment of
WOMEN the buried penis. A reconstructive urologist can
In the female patient, the ptotic skin and fat be very helpful. Consultation and operative coop-
in the female mons pubis area usually combines eration between the plastic surgeon and urolo-
with fatty infiltration of the labia majora and gist enables each surgeon to contribute his or her
subsequent ptosis of the anterior labial commis- diverse expertise. The urologist can assist with the
sure (Figs. 6 and 7). These deformities also per- anatomy of the genitalia, a pharmacologic erec-
sist despite weight loss. Sexual intercourse may tion, the surgical correction of a hydrocele, and
be problematic because of the bulky majora and some other aspects of the procedure. However,
deeper location of the vagina. Difficulty wearing the plastic surgeon should usually take the lead in
clothes and poor hygiene can result. Chronic fun- most aspects of the operation, especially the pubic
gal infections of this area are common. region and the skin coverage.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • October 2012

Fig. 1.  (Above, left) The typical hidden or buried penis, which is usually associated with pubic skin ptosis and excess pubic fat. The
penis buries into the pubic fat and scrotum. (Above, right) The pubic fat is elevated off the rectus fascia between the external rings
to the pubic symphysis. The pubic fat is liposuctioned and sharply excised if necessary, leaving 1 to 2 cm of subcutaneous tissue.
The subdermal tissue of the pubic flap is sutured to the rectus fascia in rows of three sutures of no. 1 polydioxanone. The first row
starts 1 to 2 cm cephalad to the penopubic junction and is sutured to external rings. (Below, left) A Z-plasty incision is usually made
at the penoscrotal junction. Two bilateral tacking sutures are placed from the tunica albuginea just proximal to the penoscrotal
junction and lateral to the urethra to the subdermal tissue of the upper scrotum. (Below, right) The postoperative appearance with
the excess pubic skin and fat removed along with stabilization of the pubic and penoscrotal skin to the corporal bodies. (Printed
with permission copyright Lori A. Messenger, CMI, and Alter GJ. Surgical techniques: Surgery to correct hidden penis. J Sex Med.

Volume 130, Number 4 • Pubic Contouring after Weight Loss

Fig. 2.  (Left) Preoperative view of a 26-year-old man with a hidden penis after a 250-pound weight loss. (Center) The markings for skin
excision to lift the pubic escutcheon. (Right) Postoperative view, 1 week after suprapubic dermatolipectomy with pubic and peno-
scrotal tacking. The patient did not want an abdominoplasty at the time.

Fig. 3.  (Left) Preoperative view of a 25-year-old typical patient with a hidden penis after 60-pound weight loss. He has excess pubic skin
and fat. (Right) Postoperative view, 5 months after suprapubic dermatolipectomy with liposuction, pubic tacking, and penoscrotal tacking.

The patient should be evaluated and marked time as the hidden penis to prevent a steep over-
standing in front of a mirror, sitting to see whether hang of excess abdominal skin (Fig. 2, center).
his partially buried penis disappears, and lying Occasionally, a man with a buried penis will
flat. While standing, the pubic skin and fat at the present with no pubic skin ptosis or significant
penopubic junction is pushed down to the rec- pubic fat pad and with sufficient penile skin. He
tus fascia just above the pubic symphysis. At the may have had a previous abdominoplasty and
same time, the penoscrotal junction is pushed in. possibly pubic tacking (Fig. 5). However, the
This gives the projected appearance of the penis buried penis persists because of a lack of strong
postoperatively and also allows an estimate of the attachments of the penile skin to the Buck fascia
amount of pubic skin ptosis. Because the skin will and tunica albuginea. Instead of a pubic lift with
retract somewhat on pubic fat removal, one should an upper pubic incision, this patient should
be careful to avoid overestimating the amount of undergo tacking of the subdermal tissue of the
pubic skin to be removed. Further skin excision penopubic junction to the tunica albuginea
is possible later in the procedure. A horizontal through a small lower pubic incision, usually with
crescent or similar variant excision is marked just pubic liposuction, and penoscrotal tacking.
parallel and just below a panniculus line to make If phimosis (tight cicatrix), relative phimosis,
closure easier22 (Figs. 1 and 4). If abdominoplasty or chronic penile skin inflammation is present,
is not performed, a partial panniculectomy may a several-week course of strong cortisone cream
occasionally need to be performed at the same such as clobetasol 0.05% can be used to loosen

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • October 2012

Fig. 4.  (Above, left) Preoperative view of a 57-year-old man with weight loss, buried penis, and phimosis. (Above, right) Appearance
after pubic tacking and release of phimosis with penile degloving. The patient was given a pharmacologic erection, which revealed
inadequate penile skin to completely cover the shaft. (Center, left) The dorsal skin was sutured to itself in the midline to cover the

Volume 130, Number 4 • Pubic Contouring after Weight Loss

Fig. 5.  (Left) Preoperative view of a 51-year-old man who continued to have a buried penis after a 90-pound weight loss and after
an abdominoplasty 6 years earlier. (Right) Postoperative view, 6 months after penopubic tacking, pubic liposuction, and penoscrotal
tacking. The patient still has some inflammation of the glans penis.

the phimotic ring and resolve much of the inflam- many women do not seek an abdominoplasty at
mation. If the phimosis can be loosened enough the same time because of cost, morbidity issues,
to expose the glans penis and resolve some inflam- or surgeon preference. Like buried penis surgery,
mation, needed penile skin for shaft coverage may the procedure outlined below can be performed
be salvaged, possibly avoiding scrotal flaps or skin with or without an abdominoplasty.
grafts. If the patient has phimosis or if the skin The woman should be evaluated standing in
cannot be pulled back to expose the shaft, a more front of a mirror and in the lithotomy position.
accurate amount of pubic skin removal is deter- Estimated skin and fat excision is performed by
mined during surgery. After the hidden penis sur- elevating the anterior labial commissure to the
gery and the chronic dampness from urine and pubic symphysis. A panniculus may need to be
sweat is eliminated, much of the penile inflamma- raised or partially excised. Often, only a few cen-
tion usually resolves. timeters of pubic skin may need to be excised,
Pubic or penopubic tacking sutures provide because the skin will modestly contract once fat
good dorsal stabilization. However, the ventral is removed. In cases of massive horizontal skin
penoscrotal tacking sutures may not persist over excess, an upper inverted wedge of skin and sub-
time. The tension on these sutures is increased cutaneous tissue can be used.25 The wedge has a
if there is a large scrotal hydrocele(s) pulling superior base, with the vertex pointing toward the
down on the tacking sutures, so a significant anterior labial commissure, but is uncommonly
hydrocele(s) should be eliminated. A penoscrotal needed. If it is carried down to the anterior com-
web should also be corrected to give the patient missure, it can be very unsightly and can make
more usable ventral penile length. tacking sutures difficult to place. The usual skin
marking is made as a transverse crescent or vari-
Women ant incision, which is placed just below the pan-
Most publications on mons pubis lift are niculus line or in a previous abdominoplasty scar.2
associated with an abdominoplasty.25-28 However, The horizontal skin excision is just long enough
to excise the excess skin and access the pubic sym-
Fig. 4.  (Continued) dorsal shaft while the penis was erect. The physis. If an abdominoplasty is also performed,
skin was sutured to the coronal skin cuff. (Center, right) There the incision is placed approximately 7 to 8 cm
is now a ventral skin deficiency. An incision is made down the above the anterior labial commissure but can be
median raphe. Lateral incisions are made in the scrotum for rota- altered to make sure the commissure is placed at
tion and advancement of scrotum flaps to cover the ventral shaft the pubic symphysis.25
of the penis. Penoscrotal tacking sutures are also placed. (Below, Elevation of the pubic skin also raises the
left) Appearance after ventral skin closure. A drain is placed in labia majora and decreases labial protuberance2
the scrotum. (Below, right) Postoperative view, 4 months after (Fig. 8). If reduction of the labia majora is to be
suprapubic dermatolipectomy with liposuction, pubic tacking, performed, a decision is made as to the amount
and scrotal flap skin coverage. of labial skin and fat to be excised. Limited labial

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • October 2012

Fig. 6.  (Left) Preoperative views of a 23-year-old woman with a protruding mons fat pad. She underwent a 160-pound weight loss, an
abdominoplasty, and a medial thigh lift, which caused a short escutcheon. Her labia majora were enlarged but not hanging. (Right)
Postoperative views obtained 4 months after pubic lift and liposuction of her labia majora. (Reprinted with permission from Alter GJ.
Management of the mons pubis and labia majora in the massive weight loss patient. Aesthet Surg J. 2009;29:432–442.)

fat can be excised through the pubic incision or the size of each labium may vary, adjustments of
removed by liposuction, but these approaches are the width of the crescent incisions are made to
not as effective as precise resection through labia achieve symmetry. Fat removal in different parts
majora incisions. of the majora may vary.
Labia majora reduction has been reported by Labia majora skin reduction should probably
removing lateral labial tissue,29 but lateral excisions not be performed at the same time as a pubic lift
can be unsightly. Medial excisions tend to be less if the patient has had a previous medial thigh
visible. The labial markings are made in the lithot- lift. The intervening skin between the thigh and
omy position. Labial skin is excised as a crescent majora incisions may theoretically have inade-
incision extending from the anterior to posterior quate vascularization, especially if fat is excised. If
labial commissures2 (Figs. 7 and 9). The anterior a medial thigh lift is contemplated at a later date,
or posterior ends may need to be extended later- the labial skin excision should be conservative.
ally to prevent dog-ear formation and to prevent
meeting in the midline. The medial incision line
is usually placed in the lateral portion of the labial TECHNIQUE
sulcus at the start of the hairline. The labia majora Men
skin should not be overresected, which can cause
the introitus to gape on leg abduction. The width Suprapubic Dermatolipectomy with
of the excision in the mid introitus is determined Liposuction
with the legs abducted in the lithotomy position. The pubic area is initially infiltrated with
Usually, a minimum of 2 cm of pigmented majora lidocaine with epinephrine.22 The upper cres-
skin is kept laterally to prevent gaping. Because cent incision is incised to the rectus fascia and

Volume 130, Number 4 • Pubic Contouring after Weight Loss

Fig. 7.  A 42-year-old woman presented after a 40-pound weight loss with pubic lipodystrophy and labia majora skin and fat enlarge-
ment. (Left) Markings for bilateral crescent skin excisions. (Center) Skin and fat excision on the right side. The fat taken from the right
side is placed on top of the left labium. (Right) The patient after labia majora reduction and pubic lift with tacking.

the subcutaneous skin and fat are elevated to the The first row of three pubic tacking sutures
pubic symphysis. The lateral margins of elevation of no. 1 polydioxanone on a CTX needle is then
are usually the external inguinal rings. The lower placed through the subcutaneous and subder-
incision is made and fat is excised conservatively. mal tissue of the pubic flap starting usually 1 to
The pubic and inguinal areas are then 2 cm cephalad to the penopubic junction (Fig. 1,
infiltrated with the usual tumescent fluid used for above, right). Each suture is then placed into the
liposuction. Liposuction is then performed on rectus fascia just cephalad to the pubic symphy-
the pubic flap and inguinal regions to eliminate sis between the external inguinal rings. The penis
the pubic fat excess.19 Liposuction has the should be erect and the sutures placed so that
advantage over open resection of achieving better there is no significant tension on the erect penis.
contouring without significant pubic concavities, If there is borderline penile skin, the sutures are
leaving adequate fibrofatty tissue for the pubic placed slightly more cephalad on the pubic skin
tacking, and shortening the surgical time and to prevent pulling on the penis and shortening
amount of dissection. Some sharp excision may of the erection. The sutures should cause mild
be necessary with extremely large pubic fat pads
to minimal dimpling of the pubic skin. Usually,
or fibrotic fat, but 1 to 2 cm of subcutaneous tissue
three rows of three sutures are needed to stabilize
under the pubic skin flap should be kept. Inguinal
lymph nodes should not be excised. Excision of the pubic skin up to the incision line, but more
large spermatic cord lipomatous tissue improves sutures may be needed.
the result. Once the tacking sutures are placed, any
If the patient has phimosis, preservation further excess pubic skin can be excised. If an
of penile skin is essential. A ventral slit is made abdominoplasty is not performed, occasionally
through the phimotic ring to release the ring. liposuction of the superior incision or a conser-
The incision is made just long enough to deliver vative abdominal panniculectomy needs to be
the glans penis, but it may need to extend to performed to prevent a sudden drop-off from
1  cm from the ventral corona. A pharmacologic the abdominal side of the incision. A no. 10 flat
erection is induced with an intracavernosal injec- closed suction drain is placed from the pubic sym-
tion of 10 μg of prostaglandin E1. The amount of physis, along the right side of the wound, placed
penile skin required to achieve a full erection is under the length of the incision, and brought
then determined. The pubic tacking sutures are out through a stab incision in the left pubic area.
then placed. The subcutaneous tissue and skin are closed.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • October 2012

Fig. 8.  (Left) Fat excision is illustrated. It is tapered to the pubic symphysis. The thickness cephalad matches the abdominal side.
(Right) Three rows of tacking sutures are usually placed. Care should be taken to prevent significant dimpling insofar as possible. The
labia majora and anterior labial commissure are pulled up. A closed suction drain is placed from the pubic symphysis around the right
side and then under the deep closure. (Courtesy of William Winn, and reprinted with permission from Alter GJ. Management of the
mons pubis and labia majora in the massive weight loss patient. Aesthet Surg J. 2009;29:432–442.)

Fig. 9.  (Left) Illustration of the crescent of skin removed from the medial labium majus. The shape depends on the amount of excess
skin. The two incision lines should not meet in the midline. Fat is excised. (Right) Illustration of the closure, which is performed in lay-
ers. A subcuticular closure is performed on the skin, and a deep drain is placed only if significant fat is removed. Technique of labia
majora reduction. (Courtesy of William Winn, and reprinted with permission from Alter GJ. Management of the mons pubis and labia
majora in the massive weight loss patient. Aesthet Surg J. 2009;29:432–442.)

Penile Skin Coverage If there is an absence of all or most of the

If there is adequate skin in a patient with phi- penile skin, a thick split-thickness skin graft is
mosis or a tight cicatrix, the circumcision can be used to cover the penis.20,23,24 The proximal pubic
completed, leaving a 1- to 1.5-cm collar of subcoro- and scrotal skin is tacked to the Buck fascia and
nal mucosal skin. If the patient has a skin shortage attached to the skin graft. The skin graft seam
from chronic inflammation, a circumcision inci- is placed ventral. However, a skin graft is not
sion is made, the chronic indurated or phimotic ideal because of concerns regarding unnatural
inflamed skin is excised conservatively, and the color and texture of the graft, hypertrophic and
penis is degloved (Fig. 4). Possibly, there is enough unsightly scarring, possible failure to achieve a
remaining penile skin to cover the dorsal and ven- uniform graft survival resulting in a cosmetic or
tral erect penis using various transposition flaps. functional deformity, possible chronic penile

Volume 130, Number 4 • Pubic Contouring after Weight Loss

lymphedema, and penile shortening or curvature significant penoscrotal web, a midline Z-plasty or
resulting from graft contraction. double Z-plasty incision is made at or just inferior
A moderate penile skin deficiency can often to the penoscrotal junction.30 If the patient has
be best resolved with ventral scrotal rotation-trans- a large penoscrotal web, the amount of web to
position flaps (Fig. 4). With a pharmacologic erec- be excised is determined when the patient has a
tion, the remaining penile skin is transposed to the pharmacologic erection. The web is excised as an
dorsum from each side to cover the dorsal shaft to elliptical excision along the medial raphe of the
the subcoronal sulcus, resulting in a distal dorsal penis and scrotum.31
incision line. The remaining ventral penile skin is Dissection is then made through the dar-
incised in the midline along the median raphe as tos fascia to the corpora spongosa and tunica
far posterior on the scrotum as necessary. A sig- albuginea.1,22 Two ventral tacking sutures of
nificant hydrocele is then corrected. The penile 2-0 polydioxanone or Ethibond (Ethicon, Inc.,
skin is then sutured bilaterally from the dorsal Somerville, N.J.) on an SH needle are placed
midline to ventral along the subcoronal sulcus transversely from the tunica albuginea on each
to cover as much of the penis as possible, which side of the urethra just proximal to the penoscro-
causes the penis to temporarily bend ventral. This tal junction to the subdermal upper scrotal tissue
leaves a ventral deficit of penile skin, which usu- on each side. The penis should be erect to prevent
ally extends from the ventral glans to the scrotum. overtightening of the penile skin. It is important
An estimate is made of the amount of scrotal skin to have some dimpling of the scrotum to ensure
that needs to be transposed to the ventral penis, that the sutures will hold. The dartos and scrotum
and bilateral lateral incisions are made into the are then closed in layers, and the skin is closed
scrotum to allow rotation and advancement of the with a 1- to 2-cm Z-plasty at the penoscrotal junc-
scrotal skin onto the penile shaft. A disadvantage tion to prevent scar retraction.
of scrotal skin is hair growth on the shaft, but elec-
trolysis can be performed at a later time. Peno- Penopubic Tacking
scrotal tacking is then performed to give better If the patient has no significant skin ptosis or
definition of the penoscrotal junction. large pubic fat, penopubic tacking is performed
instead of suprapubic dermatolipectomy31-33 (Figs. 5
Penoscrotal Tacking and 10). The patient is given a pharmacologic erec-
Placement of ventral tacking sutures is tion using prostaglandin. The penopubic junction
necessary to prevent the penis from burying into is marked at the 2- and 10-o’clock positions and esti-
the scrotum, which can occur despite suprapubic mated at the point on the dorsal penis that matches
tacking1 (Fig. 1, below, left). In addition, many it without causing overtightening of the penile skin.
of these patients have penoscrotal webbing. If A 3- to 4-cm transverse incision is made 1 to 2 cm
the patient has sufficient penile skin and no cephalad to the penopubic junction. Dissection

Fig. 10.  Technique of penopubic tacking. (Left) A 3- to 4-cm transverse incision is made approximately 1 to 2 cm cephalad to the
penopubic junction. The penis was given a pharmacologic erection. Two sutures are placed in the tunica albuginea at the penopubic
junction at both the 10-o’clock and 2-o’clock locations. The ink marks are the points at the penopubic junction where the sutures will
be placed. (Right) The sutures are tied from the tunica to the subdermal tissue at the penopubic junction. The penopubic junction is
well defined.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • October 2012

proceeds to the corporal bodies and the Buck fascia. Colles fascia to eliminate dead space. The skin is
The dorsal neurovascular structures in the Buck fas- closed with a subcuticular Monocryl suture.
cia are seen. At the level of the penopubic junction,
blunt dissection only is very carefully performed
parallel and usually lateral to the nerves traveling
in the Buck fascia at the 2- and 10-o’clock positions. Men
Enough tunica albuginea is visualized to allow Some tacking sutures may not ideally hold over
placement of two parallel sutures of 2-0 Ethibond or time, which may cause a less-than-ideal result. Pubic
polydioxanone on an SH needle at each location. sutures can be replaced, but secondary penopubic
The two sutures on each side are then placed into tacking sutures are often more effective. It is not
the subdermal tissue at the penopubic junction at uncommon for the penoscrotal tacking sutures to
both the 2- and 10-o’clock locations. Extreme care is not maintain holding the subcutaneous scrotal sub-
taken to prevent nerve injury or entrapment when dermal tissue, but the results are always better than
placing or tying the sutures. before surgery and can be repeated. Edema of the
Liposuction can then be performed in the penis and dimpling of the pubic incision can persist
pubic and inguinal regions.19 A small closed suc- for several months. Significant blood loss has not
tion drain is placed in the penopubic area and occurred. The coverage of the penis with scrotal
brought out through a small stab incision. The flaps may need a secondary revision at a later date
wound is closed, revealing a well-defined penopu- for better functional and aesthetic appearance.
bic junction. Ventral penoscrotal tacking sutures Achieving good functional length and aesthetics
are then usually also placed (see above). with penile skin grafts can be challenging.21,23
Women Women
Mons Pubis Lift Simultaneous aggressive pubic fat and labia
The patient is placed in the lithotomy position. majora fat removal can result in significant labia
The same technique for male pubic lift and tacking minora and clitoral hood edema that may per-
is used on the mons lift, because this procedure was sist for several months. If performing a pubic lift
derived from the buried penis surgery2 (Fig. 8). Plac- with labia majora at the same time, adequate fat
ing the anterior labial commissure to the level of the and subcutaneous tissue should be kept to main-
pubic symphysis is the guide to the amount of eleva- tain lymphatics. The anterior labial commissure
tion. Mons elevation and fat excision will not injure should not be overly raised. Infection and hema-
the clitoris if dissection stays superior to the pubic toma are uncommon.
symphysis. If labia majora skin excision is not to be
performed at the same time, liposuction or excision
of majora fat can be performed from above. CONCLUSIONS
Labia Majora Reduction The most common buried penis operation
The labia majora reduction is performed after includes the pubic lift and pubic tacking along
the pubic lift. The area is infiltrated with lidocaine with penoscrotal tacking. Penopubic tacking is
with epinephrine. The crescent skin excisions are relatively uncommon unless the patient failed a
performed and checked for symmetry2 (Figs. 7 previous pubic lift. Coverage of the penis with
and  9). If fat needs to be excised, the superficial scrotal flaps or skin grafts is relatively uncommon
Colles fascia is opened, and appropriate fat is because most patients have adequate penile skin.
removed. The clitoris can be palpated. No injury to However, the surgeon must be prepared to per-
the clitoris will occur if the resection is performed form these procedures if the patient has chronic
lateral to the pubic symphysis and clitoral hood and skin inflammation and a tight cicatrix or phimosis.
superficial to the ischium. Enough fat should be left In the female patient, liposuction of the mons
to maintain normal labial contour and cushioning. pubis may be all that is necessary, but skin exci-
Meticulous hemostasis is imperative. If large volume sion and tacking is necessary if the patient has
fat is removed from each side, bilateral closed significant pubic mons ptosis. The labia majora
suction drains are placed and brought through reduction is usually performed only if the patient
stab incisions in the lateral pubic areas. The Colles complains of excessive size.
fascia is closed with 4-0 Monocryl (Ethicon). The Patients with severe weight loss often have
superficial subcutaneous tissue is closed in a running severe self-esteem issues relating to their genita-
layer of 4-0 or 5-0 Monocryl, which also catches the lia in addition to genital discomfort and chronic

Volume 130, Number 4 • Pubic Contouring after Weight Loss

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