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Pulpit Ethics 101

Louis Love,Isaac AdamsMay 15, 2015
Hey Folks,
Have you ever witnessed a preaching time when the message was okay, but
the brother and his pulpit theatrics were kind of over the top? You ever seen a
brother preaching and really wished that when he prayed “Lord hide me behind
the cross,” it would have actually happened, or  that at least he could have
been hidden behind something? Brothers, do you wonder if sometimes you
might be guilty of maybe too much showmanship in the pulpit? If so I have a
few helpful guidelines that should aid you in pulpit manners.
1. I know you are tempted, but please resist the urge to lead out in a
congregational hymn. Just because you can preach does not mean you
can sing. Furthermore, everyone knows the last number by the choir was
long enough.
2. Go ahead and finish the reading of that text. I realize at one time the
“pregnant pause” was fashionable in Black pulpits, but now it’s rather
irritating. The three year olds in the congregation are reading faster than
you. It should not take you five minutes to read two verses.
3. Please leave that big white bath towel in your bathroom at home. If you
perspire that much while preaching, you might want to seek medical
4. If you need to bring a reasonably sized handkerchief to the pulpit, you
should bring more than one and designate them for restricted use. For
example, the one for your nose should only be used for your nose. Each
time you use the already used nose hanky for wiping perspiration from
your forehead, the sister in the third row gets nauseated.
5. Remember the arm’s length rule. If at any time you are more than an arm’s
length from the podium, you are out of bounds. Don’t say another word
until you have moved back into the proper preaching zone. Besides that
DVD of an empty platform with your voice is quite annoying for the sick
and shut in.
6. Keep in mind that you are preaching to an entire congregation.
Referencing an individual might be okay, but to turn and face someone
and speak directly to them is bad manners. What about the rest of the
congregation? Stay focused and always bear in mind that preaching is a
congregational moment. Plus, the person you keep talking to is rather
frustrated you keep waking him up.
7. Along the same lines as number 6, please refrain from turning your back
on the congregation. Turning around and facing the ministers (personal
cheerleaders) on the “rostrum” or the choir would have gotten you a failing
grade in any speech class. It also gets you an “F” in Pulpit Ethics 101.
8. Do not beg for a response. If your call necessitates begging for a
response, you might want to hang up that message and try dialing again.
The next time use exegetical and expositional assistance. They will always
get you connected.
9. Remember point #1. This time apply it to the end of the sermon. I know
you are in high gear as you come to a close and about to take your seat.
Please my brother, just simply take your seat. A final song by you will
prove counter-productive, especially if your solo is better than your
10. Start a weekly workout routine. Everyone knows you are not beginning
to start your whoop, and that you’re actually out of breath and in serious
need of some oxygen. If you are going to be first in line at the fellowship
meal, you ought to be the first in line at the gym.
Well my brothers, I hope these few tips will move us along in the work we have
been called to do. Maybe you have some helpful pulpit insight. C’mon on the
porch and help some brothers out.

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