Soal Sosiologi

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text for number 1 dan 2

Arya : Hi, Eva. How are you?

Eva : Hi, Arya. (1) .... By the way, who is with you?
Arya : Oh, this is my new friend, Rama. Rama, this is my cousin, Eva.
Rama : Hello, Eva, (2) ....
Eva : Hello, Rama. Nice to meet you too.

1. A. How are you anyway?

B. Glad to see you, too.
C. Very well, thanks.
D. How do you do?

2. A. Let me introduce myself.

B. Nice to meet you.
C. Good morning.
D. How are you.

text for number 3-7

Mrs. Dewi: That's the bell. Time is up.

Students: All right, Ma'am.
Mrs. Dewi: We will discuss the next chapter next Friday. Please study the material at home.
Students: Sure, Ma'am.
Mrs. Dewi: See you. Bye.
Students: See you, Ma'am. Bye.

3. Who is Mrs. Dewi?

A. She is a student
B. She is a principle
C. She is a librarian
D. She is a teacher

4. Where does the dialog take place?

A. at the schoolfield
B. in the office
C. In the library
D. In the classroom

5. When will the next lesson be?

A. Next Wednesday
B. Next Thursday
C. Next Friday
D. Next Saturday
6. Mrs. Dewi says, "See you, Bye". What does she express?
A. Apologizing
B. Thanking
C. Greeting
D. Leave taking

7. Mrs. Dewi says, "Please 'study' the material at home". What is the synonym of the
underlined word?
A. Learn
B. Look
C. Inform
D. Prepare

8. Bona : How old are you ?

Dina : ..............................
A. I am fine
B. My brother
C. I am twelve
D. I'm in the seventh grade

9. Bob : .......................
Tim : I have one elder brother.
A. How is your elder brother?
B. Where is your brother?
C. How old is your elder brother?
D. How many brothers do you have?

10. Dian : What is your address?

Dani : ..............................
A. I don't live here.
B. I like to live here.
C. I live alone.
D. It's Pettarani Street No. 15.

Teks untuk soal nomor 11 dan 12

Hello, I am Yogi from Kendari. I will stay for two months in Bali. I like sport, but my
favourite is badminton. I join a badminton club in Kendari. I like travelling too. I want to
learn Bali traditional dance. I hope you can teach me.

11. What are Yogi's hobbies?

A. Playing badminton and traveling
B. Playing badminton only
C. Collecting book
D. Drawing manga.

12. The statement which is true based on the text?

A. Yogi doesn't join a badminton club in Kendari.
B. Yogi joins a badminton club in Bali.
C. Yogi will stay in Bali for years.
D. Yogi wants to learn Balinese dance.

Teks untuk soal nomor 13-15

Tiur : Hi, come in.

Rio : Hi, thanks. Your living room is clean.
Tiur : My sister cleans it every day . Rio, Can you tell me about something?
Rio : Sure. What is it?
Tiur : About your new school. Are there any air conditioners in your
Rio : Yes, there are.
Tiur : How many air conditioner are there?
Rio : There are two air conditioners.
Tiur : It's amazing. And your classroom?
Rio : There is no an air conditioner in my classroom. But, we have two fans.
Tiur : I see.

13. Who are talking?

A. Tiur and his friend.
B. Tiur and his teacher.
C. Eko and his brother.
D. Tiur, Eko, and his teacher.

14. Where does the dialogue probably take place?

A. at home
B. at school
C. at the canteen
D. at Rio's home

15. How many air conditioners are there in Tiur's classroom?

A. three
B. two
C. one
D. nothing
Read the dialog carefully to answer no 4-7

Mr. Kardi, biology teacher is going to the laboratory , meets Wahyu at break time.
Wahyu : Good morning , sir
Mr. Kardi : Good morning Wahyu, why are you in hurry ?
Wahyu : I am going to library ,sir. I want to borrow some books to read.
Mr. Kardi : Great, How diligent you are !
Wahyu : thank you, sir. Sorry, I must go now. See you
Mr. Kardi : see you.

16. Where does the dialog take place ?
a. In the library c. In the canteen
b. In the laboratory d. At school

17. When do you think the dialog happen ?

a. In the afternoon c. In the morning
b. In the evening d. In the night.

18. Where is mr. Kardi going ?
a. To office c. To class-room
b. To laboratory d. To staff office

19. Where is Wahyu going ?

a. To library c. To canteen
b. To laboratory d. To parking lot

20. Dicky : Let’s have meal

Deni : Not now, we will have
a. Nine to half
b. Half to nine
21. What time is it?
c. Nine
d. Half
: at canteen !
break at ..........
past half
past nine

a. Ten o’clock c. A
b. Ten past ten d.
22. Indra : Why are you
3 half past ten
Ten to ten
holding your stomach? What’s the matter,

Indah : I have a.......... I ate too many chilies.
Indra : Let’s go to the medical room now.
Indah: O.K.
a. Toothace c. Backache
b. Headache d. Stomachache

23. Erlin : Morning, dad.

Mr. Ad : Morning, dear. Your right eye is red. Are you all right?
Erlin : I have.......... dad.
Mr. Ad : Don’t rub it. Let me put eye drops in your eyes.
Erlin : Thanks, dad.
c. Sore throat c. Backache
d. Sore eye d. Headache

24. Nana : Rama, I’ve been waiting for half an hour. Why are you late?
Rama : ............... I have a flat tire.
e. Thanks c. I’m sorry
f. No problem d. Det well soon

25. Edwin : Erlin, could you accompany me to a bookstore?

Erlin : Certainly.
Edwin : ................
Erlin : Nevermind.
a. I’m sorry c. Thank you
b. You’re wellcome d. Very well, thanks.

Read the Monolog to answer no 26 - 30

Hi friends, this is my daily activities for a week after school. On Mondays , I join an English
club. On Tuesdays, I learn to cook in the kitchen. On Wednesdays, I play badminton. On
Thursdays, I read my favourite stories. On Fridays, I visit my grandparents. On Saturdays, I
go jogging. On Sundays, I go to supermarket to have window shopping.

26. On what days does the writer do sports ?

a. Wednesday and Saturday c. Tuesday
b. Monday and Friday d. Sunday

27. What does the writer do on Tuesday ?

a. She plays football c. She helps her parents
b. She makes pudding d. She goes jogging

28. Today is Wednesday, what day was yesterday ?

a. Sunday b. Monday c. Tuesday D. Friday

29. Today is Wednesday, tomorrow will be .........

a. Tuesday b. Thursday c. Friday d. Saturday

30. Ratno : Mom, this is Tio, my classmate. Rio, this is my Mother.

Ratno’s mother: Nice to meet you , Rio
Rio : ............................................
a. I am fine c. Good bye
b. Thank you d. Nice to meet you, too
Read this introduction to answer question 31-35
Hello, my name is KETUT. I was born on the 4th of June 2004. I am a student of SMPN 1
Denpasar. I live on Garuda street no 68. My house is only 1 km from school. I have a bicycle,
it is my favourite vehicle. So I ride my bicycle to go everywhere. My favourite colour is blue.
I like to eat Betutu chicken. Nice to meet you!!

31. How old is Ketut ?

32. Where does he come from ?

33. What is his favourite food ?

34. How does Ketut go to school ?

35. What is his hobby ?

1. Deandri: Mita...I heard that your Choir team won

Mita: are right. That's really our blessing

Deandri: Congratulations! You and your team have practiced so well. I knew it.

Mita: Thanks, Deandri. That's because school and parent's support

Deandri: _____ that your team will win again at the national level in Surabaya.

The correct expression to complete the dialogue above is....

A. We are very happy.

B. I believe

C. It's great

D. I hope
Read the dialog to answer questions

Denisa: Karla, good afternoon

Hana: Hi Del,

Denisa: How is the competition today?

Hana: Thank God, I made it.

Denisa: Oh my Goodness, Congratulations!

Hana: Thank you, you are one of my friends who always supports me.

Denisa: Two thumbs up for you, winning a gold medal at the national Pencak Silat
competition is cool.

Hana: Thank you. Let's meet this weekend for lunch, my treat.

Denisa: With pleasure. May I go with Anggi?

Hana: Yes, sure.

Denisa: alright. I hope __________.

Hana: Amen. See you soon.

Denisa: See you!

2. Why would Hana invite her friends at the weekend?

A. Hana congratulates Karla for her achievement

B. She wants to celebrate her success with her friends

C. She would take part at Pencak Silat International Tournament

D. She is the second winner of The Pencak Silat International Tournament

3. Hana has to improve her skill after the competition to ... her title.

A. get
B. defend

C. protect

D. guarantee

4. What is Denisa doing?

A. Taking part in Pencak Silat International Tournament

B. Going with Anggi to the meeting point

C. Asking the result of Hana's competition

D. Apologizing for being absent in Hana's game

5."... two thumbs up for you!" The expression means that Denisa...

A. wishes her friend to get success

B. hopes Hana will be the winner at the tournament.

C. approves her friend's achievement

D. pleased with her achievement

6. Rubi: What do you think if we invite Ana?

Rifky: I couldn't agree with you more, because She is our best friend.

The underlined sentence expresses ...

A. Disagreement

B. Agreement

C. Certainty

D. Ability
7. Wita: Ani is a diligent student, I'm sure she will pass the examinations with flying colors.

Cely: I think so.

From the above dialogue, we know that ....

A. Ani agrees with Cely's opinion

B. Wita agrees with Ani's opinion

C. Cely agrees with Wita's opinion

D. Wita disagrees with Cely's opinion

Endi: "Don't you think that our library looks dirty and messy? Let's do something to make it


Boni: "Why not? What if you dust the furniture, I tidy up the table, and Dino sweep the

Dino: "I agree with you. But let's ask Mrs. Siti Maryam, our librarian, to get permission first.

8. Boni, Endi, and Dino are talking about ...

A. The furniture in the library.

B. The books and newspapers in the library.

C. The activities that they will do to make their library look tidy.

D. The activities in the library which can make the room dirty and messy.

9. From the text above we know that ...

A. Dino agrees with Boni's opinion.

B. Boni doesn't agree to clean the furniture.

C. Endi never thinks that the library is dirty and messy.

D. They want to tidy up the library without permission.

10. Parmin: Have you decided what to order?

Suti: No, I haven't made up my mind. Anything to suggest?

Parmin: Why don't we have Aqua?

Suti: I can't agree with you more

At the end of the dialogue above, we know that Suti...

A. Refuse Parmin opinion

B. Agree with Parmin's opinion

C. Disagree with Parmin's suggestion

D. Doesn't want to follow Parmin's idea

Pineapple Stew


1 pineapple cut into dices

3 glasses of water

1 glass of granulated sugar


1. Boil water until boiled.

2. Then add sugar, cinnamon, and clovers.

3. Bring it to a boil and add the pineapples.

4. Wait until you can smell the pineapple.

5. Remove from heat and serve cold.

11. The recipe tells you how to make ....

A. dice

B. Ingredients

C. pineapple stew

D. granulated sugar

12. What ingredients are needed to make pineapple stew?

A. Dice, glass, sugar

B. Glass, water, sugar

C. Pineapples, dice, water

D. Pineapples, water, sugar

13. How much sugar do we need?

A. 1 cup

B. 1 glass

C. 3 spoons

D. 3 glasses

14. When do we have to stop boiling the pineapple?

A. When the water is boiled

B. When we smell the pineapple

C. After we remove the stew from heat

D. After sugar, cinnamon, and clovers are added

15. How should you serve the pineapple stew?

A. It is served hot

B. It is served raw

C. It is served cold

D. It is served uncooked

Text for number 16-18

Hello my name is Dicky. I was born twelve years ago in Bandung. I live at Jln. Ahmad Yani
number 49 Magelang, and every afternoon I take English course. My favourite song is “She will
be loved”. My father is a teacher of SMP N 1 Seputih Agung.

16. Where does Dicky come from?

a. Bandung c. SMP 5 Bandung

b. Magelang d. Jln. Ahmad Yani no. 49

18. How old is Dicky now?

a. 11 years old. c. 12 years old.

b. 10 years old d. 13 years old.

19. What is his hobby?

a. dancing c. Swimming

b. listening music d. Painting.

Read the Monolog to answer no 20-23

Hi friends, this is my daily activities for a week after school. On Mondays , I join an English
club. On Tuesdays, I learn to cook in the kitchen. On Wednesdays, I play badminton. On
Thursdays, I read my favourite stories. On Fridays, I visit my grandparents. On Saturdays, I
go jogging. On Sundays, I go to supermarket to have window shopping.

20. On what days does the writer do sports ?

a. Wednesday and Saturday c. Tuesday
b. Monday and Friday d. Sunday

21. What does the writer do on Tuesday ?

a. She plays football c. She helps her parents
b. She makes pudding d. She goes jogging
22. Today is Wednesday, what day was yesterday ?
a. Sunday b. Monday c. Tuesday D. Friday

23. Today is Wednesday, tomorrow will be .........

a. Tuesday b. Thursday c. Friday d. Saturday

24. Ratno : Mom, this is Tio, my classmate. Rio, this is my Mother.

Ratno’s mother: Nice to meet you , Rio
Rio : ............................................
a. I am fine c. Good bye
b. Thank you d. Nice to meet you, too

25. Rifal : How are you, Rita ? why you don’t go to school.
Rita : I have got a flu
Rifal : ........................
Rita : Thank you.
a. Get well soon c. You are welcome
b. Have a nice day d. See you tomorrow
26. Hani : Can I help you, Mom ?
Mother : Wash the vegetables, please.
Hani : Sure, mom
Mother : ....................

a. You are welcome c. You are my daughter

b. Thanks a lot d. I am sorry

27. Father : Can you help me to sweep the backyard, son?

Son : my pleasure
Father : Thanks my son
Son : ..............................
a. You don’t have to say it. c. Good luck
b. It’s ok, dear d. Get well soon

28. Melly : Would you like to feed my cat ?

Anggi : I’m sorry, I run out of the ...................
Deer b. Banana c. Cabbage d. Fish

29. Isma : what time do you have lunch ?

Trijoko : at ....................
a. 6 am b. 1 pm c. 8 pm d. 10 am

30. painting – on – there – five – are – wall – the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a. 3-4-5-2-1-7-6
b. 3-4-1-5-2-7-6
c. 3-5-4-1-2-7-6
d. 3-5-2-1-4-7-6
Read the text to answer the questions number 31-35


A Komodo dragon is native animals of Indonesia. They are very big. People sometimes call
them giant lizards. It is very dangerous. They eat deer, wild pigs and other komodo dragons.
Komodo dragons are reptiles. It has cold blood and it lays eggs. A komodo dragon can’t run
but it can climb a tree. It can lives without eating for weeks or even months.

31. What is the main idea of the text above?

32. Another name of komodo dragon is
33. What animals that eat by komodo dragon?
34. Komodo dragon can
35. arrange these jumbled words !

a. Bears-are-koala-mammals:
b. Hospital-Anissa- nurse-, -work- at- a- she- is:

1. Dion : "Hello, Ma. This is my cousin: Erica"

Erica : "How do you do?"

Via : "How do you do?"

What kind of expressions the underlined expression is?

A. greetings D. leave taking

B. hanking E. pleasure

C. introducing
2. Jaka : "Hi, I m Jaka. What is your name?"

Hana : "I'm Hana."

Jaka : "What are you looking for? could " I help you."

Hana : "I'm looking for a self-help book."

Jaka : "I would like to recommend you this book. This is my favourite book. "

What do they talk about?

A. hobby D. profession

B. book interest E. passions

C. address

Quation no 3-4!

Mr. Rudi : "Lina, this is Mrs. Wati, the head of purchasing division. Mrs. Wati, she is Lina.
She is your new assistant."

Lina : "Pleased to meet you.”

Mr. Rudi : "Pleased to meet you too. Areyou able to communicate in English!”

Lina : "Yes, Ma'am. I am able to speak English fluently. I am an English Language and
Literature graduate.”

Mr. Rudi : "That's great! I hope we could work together."

3. Where does the dialog take place?

A. office D. supermarket

B. classroom E. job fair

C. university

4. What does Mrs. Wati like about Lina?

A. grade

B. helpful trait
C. language skills

D. job experience

E. education background

Quations no 5-6!

Mr Anton : "Good afternoon, Sir. May I introduce myself? My name is Anton. I am a

technician of PT General Automotive."

The secretary : "What can I do for you, sir”

Mr Anton : "I want to see Mr. Rahmat, the mechanic in the workshop. Is he in today?"

The secretary : "I am sorry, Sir. Mr. Rahmat isn't in today."

Mr Anton : "I see. Well, thank you. Goodbye."

5. What are Mr. Anton and the secretary talking about?

A. a technician of PT General Automotive

B. a way of greetings

C. Mr. Anton and the secretary

D. Mr. Rahmat's hobby

E. Mr. Rahmat's attendance

6. "May I introduce myself?" What does the Statement indicate?

A. greeting

B. Advice

C. Introduction of oneself

D. Complain

E. Introducting others

Quation no 7-9!
Read the foilowing dialog

Danny : "Hello, Roy."

Roy : "Hi, Danny. It's nice to see you here."

Danny : "Nice to see you, too. How are you?"

Roy : "Fine, thank you. And you?"

Danny : "I am quite well, thanks."

Roy : "Have you met my friends?" This is Nani and Tom."

Danny : "How do you do, guys? Glad to meet you."

Nani-Tom : "How do you do, Danny? Glad to meet you, too."

Roy : "Please, take a seat. I'll ask for the menu to the waiters."

Danny : "1am sorry. I am in a hurry."

Roy : “Oh! Are you? That's bad. Hope to see you again. Goodbye, Roy."

Danny : "Goodbye, everybody."

7. "How do you do, guys?"

Glad to meet you What does the underlined word mean?

A. sad D. egotistic

B. lazy E. uninterested

C. pleasant

8. "May 1 introduce myself?"

What is the synonym of the underlined word?

A. present D. annoy

B. deduce E. dedicate

C. contest

9. Who is the mutual friend between them?

A. Roy D. Danny
B. Tom E. The waiters

C. Nani

10. My sister is Dewi ..... 8 years old.

A. He is D. We are

B. I am E. He does

C. She is

11. Your friend come to the classroom with a sad face. You notice it.

You : “Is some thing wrong ?You don’t look so happy.”

Your friend : “I lost try phone on my way to school this morning .”

You : “No way that’s awful .How did that happen ?”

Your friend : “I don’t know. I din’t realize that it had gone until I got here.”

You : “oh dear, what an unfortunate event.”

Which statement is false ?

A. Your friend lost his phone.

B. You don’t care about what happened

C. You ask what happened because you notice your friend’s sad face

D. You care about your friend

E. Your is in unfortunste situation

12. Maria : “Sherly, what a nice dress you look stunning!”

Sherly “ .....”

What is the unappropriate respones ?

A. Thanks. This dress would make anyone look stunning.

B. You look great yourself.

C. That’s a very nice of you to say so.

D. Thanks you

E. I am not sure about that

13. Kiki : “ Sara, did you have hair cut?.”

Sara : “ I did .“

Kiki : “ .....”

Sara : Thank you I really appreciate it.

No one noticed my new hair cut Except you.

A. Do you really think that cut suits you ?

B. If you think you look beuatiful with that hair, think again!

C. It looks fine, but it will be better if you wer a hat.

D. I hope it grow again sooner

E. Well, it suits you. You look good with that hair cut .....

14. Which statement is a compliment

A. It’s such a shame for you, dear

B. What a brililiant performence you did

C. How disgusting your action is .

D. You should practice more; sweetheart.

E. If you want to be an actress think again.

15. A boy : “I heard your speech. That was so inspiring.Superb !”

A girl : “ Really ? Do you think so ?”

A boy : “ Of course. Your topic about humanism was very touching and you handle it well.”

A girl : Frankly speaking. I was very nervous.

Which statement indicate compliment ?

A. I heard your speech

B. Superb

C. Really?

D. Do you think so

E. Of crouse.

16. What can you get from the dialoque ?

A. The woman failed in presenting the speech.

B. Her topic of presentation is boring.

C. She was lack of self-esteem in doing presentation.

D. The girl is sharing resposibility with the boy in receiving the compliment.

E. The boy gave the an advice about publict speaking.

Quation no 17-18!

Tito : “ Wina I saw you on the debate competition yesterday. That was a heated debat.
Congratulations for your winning! What an amazing victory!”

Wina : Thanks. It was actually a team has a really good skill and talent.”

17. What is the antonym of heated ?

A. Impasstion D. Ragging

B. Enthusiatic E. Dull

C. Intense

18. What can you get from the dialoque ?

A. She denies the compliment that she receive.

B. She doesn’t want to accept the compliment because she doesn’t feel confident

C. She want people to compliment her achievement.

D. She doesn’t want to sound arrogant.

E. She wants to give the credit to th who deserve it.

19. Father : "Honey, come here. I bought you a new pairs of shoes."

Daughter : "Really? Oh my God, thank you so much, Dad. They are so Beautiful! Ilove them

Father : "Do you really like them?"

Daughter : "Of course I do"

Father : "Listen. I have to go to Rome for business next week. So I wouldn't be here to
celebrate your birthday. I am so sorry."

Daughter : "How long will you be there?"

Father : "I'll stay there for 5 days."

Daughter : "That's too bad."

Father : "But promise you to bring somethig from Rome. What doyou want ? "A doll?""A
dress ?"

Daughter : "It's okey, Dad. You don't have to buy me something, just come home safely."

Father : "I will, dear. Hey, why don't you try your new shoes? See if they fit!."

Daughter : "All right!"

Father : "look at you! they look really good on you."

Daughter : "Thanks, Dad."

What is the false information from the text?

A. The daughter is disoppointed to receive a new pairs of shoes as her birthday present .

B. The father can’t celebrate his daughter’s birthday sibce he will be

C. The daughter respons to her father compliment by saying her

D. The daughter return her compliment to her father by saying “ thank You. “

E. The father compliment his daughter when she is wearing the shoes.

20. How does the daughter respond to the father’s compliment?

A. Refusing and accepting

B. Accepting and showing suprise

C. Accepting and showing responsible

D. Accepting and returning the compliment

E. Accepting and giving humorous response

21. Your little sister drew a picture of you. She show you the picture. What kind of reaction
should you say in order to encourage he?

A. You’d better quit dreaming about being a great actrist.

B. Your drawing is that good.

C. What agreat picture! You are really a talented

D. Is that me in the picture? Not bad!

E. What picture is this ? I don’t even know who or what you drew.

22. Rudy will ..... to th cinema watch a film.

A. go D. went

B. gone E. goes

C. going

23. Robbin : “ where will you go tomorrow ?”

Regina : “ .....”

A. I will cut the grass.

B. I wiil you.

C. I will clean my room.

D. I will go to the shopping centre.

E. I will be fine.

24. I visit my aunt .....

A. On Sundays D. To day
B. next week E. at present

C. yesterday

25. Joko : :” .....”

Joni : “ I will watch music concert in Cafe at 11 PM.”

A. Will you music concert in cafe ?

B. What is you plan toninhgt ?

C. What is it ?

D. When will you go ?

E. What did you do yeserday ?

26. Do you come to my birthday’s party ?

A. Yes. I do D. Yes, I did

B. No, I do E. No, I didn’t

C. Yes, I don’t

Quation no 27-30!


Wawan is planning o visit his uncle and taking a public transportation like a bus to go there.
The time estimation from his home to his uncle's is thirty minutes by bus. The bus will depart
at 9.15. he is leaving his house at nine because to the nearest bus stop home take five minutes'
walk. At the bus station he buys a ticket. He gets on the bus and sits behind the driver.
Moreover 'what make him excited is the view a long the way. He enjoy seing the people and
the traffic rush. He is planning to stay athis uncle's for a day and he wait to get there.

27. Where is wawan intending to go ?

A. His uncle’s house

B. His freind’s house

C. Bus station

D. His grandparent’s house

E. The driver’s house

28. How will he go to his uncle’s house ?

A. On foot D. By bicycle

B. By truck E. By bus

C. By train

29. What time will Wawan leave so he will not miss the bus ?

A. At 10 o’clock D. At 11 o’clock

B. At 8 o’clock E. At 9 o’clock

C. At 7 o’clock

30. How long will he stay at his uncle’s house ?

A. Two days D. Two weeks

B. A month E. One week

C. One day

Quation no 1-4!

Ida : It is very hot today, isn’t it?

Uni : Yeah. It is. I wish I had a can of coke now.

Ida : Yeah, me too. Ups, here is my house. Would you like to get in?

Uni : Of course. Thanks very much

Ida : Please, sit Uni

Uni : Thanks, Ida. Wow, it is cool and nice here

Ida : I’ve turned on the TV. Anyway, would you like something to drink?

Uni : Anything would be fine, as long as it is cold

31. Where do you think the dialogue take place?

32. What does Ida offer?

33. What does Uni think about Ida’s House?

34.Man : you seem to be in trouble, may I help you?

Woman : Sure. My motorcycle is broken. Can you help me repair it?

Man : Hmm .....let me see. Okay, I will try.

Woman : Thank you.

What does the man offer?

35. If you decline the offer, you can say .....

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