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(Following Paper Code and Roll no.

to be filled in your Answer Book)

SUBJECT CODE : KCE-301 Roll no. : _______________________


Sessional Test-2 (ODD Semester: 2022-2023)
SEMESTER: 3rd BRANCH: Civil Engg.
Subject: Engg. Mechanics (KCE-301)
Date of Examination: 12-12-2022
Time: 2 Hours. Total Marks: 50
Note: Do as Directed. Missing data if any may be suitably assumed and mentioned. Symbols have their usual
CO-1: Introduce the basic concepts of Force, resultant, equilibrium, moment and friction.
CO-2: Introduce the basic knowledge of centroid and moment of inertia.
CO-3: Introduce the basic knowledge of trusses, beams and support reactions.
CO-4: Introduce the basic knowledge of kinematics of rigid bodies.
CO-5: Introduce the basic knowledge of Kinetics of Rigid Bodies and virtual work.

SECTION-A [10 Marks]

Attempt ALL parts. All parts carry EQUAL marks. [2*5 = 10]

1. Differentiate between centroid and centre of gravity. (CO-2)

2. What are different laws of dry friction? (CO-1)
3. List the assumptions used in the analysis of truss. (CO-3)
4. What is radius of gyration? (CO-2)
5. What do you mean by angle of friction, angle of repose. ( CO-1)

SECTION-B [20 Marks]

Attempt ALL parts. All parts carry EQUAL marks. [5*4 =


6. Find out forces in all the members of given truss shown in figure-1. ( CO-

7. Derive and explain parallel axis theorem. (CO-2)

8. Find the centroid of the shaded area with respect to x and y axes by direct integration method. (Ref.

9. Determine the centroid of the given section as shown in figure. All dimensions are in mm. (CO-2)

SECTION-C [20 Marks]

Attempt ALL parts. All parts carry EQUAL marks. [10*2 = 20]

10. A 150 wedge of negligible weight is to be driven to tighten a body B which is supporting a vertical
load of 2000. Determine minimum force P to drive the wedge if coefficient of friction for all surfaces is
0.3. (Ref. figure-3).

11. Determine the centroid of a wire bent in shape of a triangle as shown in figure-4 about the given x-


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