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Good day, My name is Dorcas. | am going to sign the rental agreement with you. 1. The agreement will be signed between Free State Wheels and you on the following (Refer to vehicle details on the agreement). ‘our monthly premium will be R6 500.00 and will commence on 01 August 2022 for a period of 54 ‘months (refer to the rental schedule), Your vehicle will be insured on a comprehensive insurance Policy. Should you be involved in an accident, we will handle the claim on your behalf, Please call the office at 051 101 0625 during office hours. The 24 hour émergency number for after-hours is 0860 222 555 or POLICY NO: GRAURRET 2467894 Emergency helpline: Claims notification process & condition: Contact Number- 0860 222 555 MOTOR VEHICLE TOWING ASSISTANCE - available 24/7, 365 days a year Select option 1-0860 222 555 MOTOR GLASS CLAIMS - available 24/7, 365 days a year Select option 2-0860 222 555 OPTIONAL ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE (mechanical breakdowns, fat battery, run out of fuel ete )- 0861 266 662 incase of a total loss of the vehicle, there will be no refund made to the customer regarding dy paid on the contract. money alrea 2 They will assist you with towing the vehicle toa safe place (please refer to the insurance form). 3. The vehicle will be registered in the company name until the expiry date of the contract & all Payments and you will be responsible to pay for the licence disc 4. Itis of importance to note that the driver of the vehicle, which is you, should have a valid driver's license at all times. 5. Please note that itis of vitalimportance to pay your monthly premiums as stipulated in the agreement. Failure to do so will result in breaching of the agreement. 5. Please read through the Terms and conditions, as well as the Wear and Tear conditions and familiarize yourself with that (refer to the documents attached). Should you have any questions, please feel free to phone our client services at 051 1010 625. We are Committed to give you excellent service and are looking forward to have you asa client. We trust that you will enjoy your vehicle! X L\n/re' REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COMPANY INSURANCE POLICY SCHEDULE Policy Number: GRAURRET2457854 Effective Date: 11 April 2022 Insured: Free state Wheels Print Date: 12 April 2022, Claims Contract Centre - Tam-Spm, for all general inquiries (F_ GENERAL CLAIMS NOTIFICATION - notiyclaims@auardisk co.za Select option 1 RB MOTOR VEnIcLE Towne assisTANCE - a vailable 24/7, 385 days a year GAL MOTOR GLASS CLAIMS - available 24/7. 265 days a year Select option 2 fied OPTIONAL ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE (mechanical breakdowns, at battery, run out of fue! te.) CONTACT NUMBER 0861 266 662 20 9 ahage (Excluding Buses and Ta ‘Any Other Loss oF Damage (Excluding Buses anc Tusks) Comercial Veice including Buses ae Trucks ‘Theta Miacdng Windscreen and Gass fepate Replacement Trucks and Mechanica orces Vehicles witha Gross Vehicle Mos of over 3500 4g), Buzzes (15 rate and Mare Feplcement ADDITIONAL cuMuLaTIVe DEDUCTIBLES Driver under 25 Single vehicle acest Non $A ctzen UGcence les than 2 years SECTION 2: THIRD PARTY LABILITY Any one ess SECTION 3: MEDICAL EXPENSES Anyone oecupse Rh Otic inna 825,000 pt 30 Spt 2021 19% of clam misinum 20,090 W.€-F 09 October 2005 10% of exam minsruim 25,000 W.E-F 04 Apt 2022 10% of aie rina 50,600 ‘Adora to “Any Other Loze” deduce et comsiyng ‘th Tet / pking cegurements 25% of claim witha minimum of 750 each and every cin i 3850 dal wth » minimums of R2 50 ech ane every claim ‘daitional R10,000 ‘Additional R10,000 Adkional R10,000 ‘Additional R10,000 10,000 in dition te any ther loss or demage Ni iS) 7810215331088 Mr RAYTTUS MAVA Vehicle Stock No ‘Year Model Make M&M Code Used Deposit ‘Second Payment Personal Company Name RegNo Title Full name ‘Surname 1D Initia Dependants Gender Marital Status ANC cop Spouse Date Married Spouse 1D Tel. Bond Bond Holder Amount Outstanding Property Value Employer Employer Occupation Address Sector Tal Banking Details Bank Name Branch Name Branch Code Account Holder Page: | Free State Wheels CC 144A Oliver Tambo Road 15 Jun 2022 Bloemfontein Application Form Oranjesig 9301 5650 Application Type Business 2013 Colour Silver VOLKSWAGEN POLO Trade Value R 114,000.00 1.4 COMFORTLINE 64027710 Retail Value R 132,000.00 Yes Engine Number CLP155200 R 45,000.00 vin AAVZZZ6RZEU005258 0.00 Registration Number HVC6S8FS. Odo Meter 140245 RAZORSOL (PTY) LTD Clicat Address 09 DIAMOND CLOSE, ENNERDALE, 2016/233128/07 JOHANNESBURG: Mr Post Code 2001 RAYTTUS Period at Address 10 MAVA Email rayttusm@gmail.com 7810215331088 Cell Number 0813243120 R Next of Kin SIPHO MBONGO o1 Relationship Unele Male Next of Kin Address 10579 PHELINDABA Married BLOEMFONTIEN No Ethnic Group African Yes Spouse Employer RRAZORSOL PTY LTD 8303240331082 Period at Employer a 10685406036 Employer Tel 0813243120 Occupation DIRECTOR Instalment 0.00 Date Purchased R.0.00 Registered RAZORSOL PTY LTD _ Salary Date (day) 1 DIRECTOR Period at Employer 1 09 DAIMOD Previous Employer ° ANNERDALE Business Services (0813243120 Standard Bank UNIVERSAL 051001 RAZORSOL PTY LTD AM Previous Period at Employer Fax ‘Account Number 10142018544 Account Type Current ) 7810215331088 Mr RAYTTUS MAVA Page: 2 Free State Wheels CC 15 Jun 2022 1444 Oliver Tambo Road Bloemfontein Application Form Oranjesig 9301 Application for Rental Agreement Monthly income Summary own Spouse Basie 30,000.00 R0.00 Car Allowance R0.00 R000 Monthly Commission R000 R000 Gross Salary R 30,000.00 R0.00 ‘Net Salary R 20,000.00 R000 Other Income 0.00 R000 Total Monthly Income 20,000.00 Monthly Expenses Summary Bond Payment/Rent R 3,000.00 Rates, Water & Electricity R000 Vehicle Instalments R 0.00 Personal Loans. R000 (Excluding Settlements) Credit Card Repayments R 0.00FURN Accounts R000 Overdraft R 0.00 Policy / Insurance Repayments R000 Telephone 800.00 Transport Casts 0.00 Food & Entertainment R 2,000.00 Education Costs R000 Maintenance R 0.00 Household Expenses 0.00 Other/DSTV R 1,000.00 Other/Clothing ‘Total Monthly Expenses: R 6,800.00 Disposable Income R 13,200.00 Are you currently liable as] Surety Guarantor] Co-Debtor Specify Detail Ifyou have signed or Co-Debtor, please indicate the full amount confirm that Lam not a minor, Thave never been declared mentally unfit by a court. Lam not subject to an administration order. 1 do not have any current application pending for debt restructuring or alleviation. 1 do not have any current debt re - arrangement in existence. | have not previously applied for a debt re— arrangement, lam not under sequestration. | do not have applications pending for credit, nor open quotations as envisaged in Section 92 of the National Credit Act. Ifany of the above is incorrect, give details: EOMRUOD > 1. Thereby grant the Credit Provider the right to communicate with me through any eleetronic/writien media or verbally in order to make available to me, their product offering, hereby give consent to the Credit Provider to make enquiries about my credit record with any credit agency and to obtain whatever information on me they might require to process the application. I also give consent to the Credit Provider to share my payment behaviour with any credit agency. I hereby grant the Credit Provider the right to increase my Credit Limit once every year to accommodate any Value Added Products needed and requested by me. Thereby declare that all ofthe above information is true and correct 15 Jun 2022 Signature Date Ry a RENTAL AGREEMENT Fswoot IMPORTANT NOTICE {mn terms of section 49 of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 the Customer's attention is drawn to the clauses in this lease that have been emphasised and underlined and contain the following: limitation (5) ofthe risk or lability ofthe Rentor assumption of isk or lability by the Customer indernification(s) of the Rentor: provisions regulating the Customer's liability for damages tothe Asset; acknowledgments by the Customer relating to the state of the Asset on commencement of the lease terms and his obligation to deliver the Asset in the same state of repair on the expiry of the lease term; indemnification of the Rentor and waiver of rights in the event of death or injury of the Customer or any occupants of the Asset or damage to the Customer's property; ‘imitation(s) of the Customer's right to make improvements and alterations to the Asset; and. ‘The non-variation clause requiring all amendments of this Agreement to be in writing. ce esi aud acts shooeco ates 1. Ry snes of the risk of ac thi kin Page | of 18 This Rental Agreement is mace and entered into by and between FREE STATE WHEELS CC, Registration ‘number 2006/051541/23, Vat Number 4300236660, 8 Close Corporation Company duly incorporated under the laws of the Republic of South Africa, having its ‘chosen Domicifium Citendi &t Executandi address at 144A Oliver Tambo Street, Oranjesig, Bloemfontein, (Hereinatter referred to as "Free State Wheels” or ‘the Rentor’) and Registration number;_20t6/233128/07 Registered Address: Oomicilum Cltana Et Exocutandi 09 DIAMOND CLOSE, ENNERDALE, JOHANNESBURG (Hereinafter referred to as “The Customer “or ‘the Renter") This Rental Agweementis executed at Bloemfontein for and behalf the Customer by RAYTTUS MAVA with Identity Number___ 7610215931088 in Customers capacity a3 Director and duly authorized thereto on this 15 day of June 2029 Contact Number 613249120 Fax Number: Emall Address: rayftusm@gmail.com Schedules forming part of his Agreement ae +The Terms and Condtions; ‘= Rental Schedulo(e) Delivery Note with Asset Checklist + Suetyship if Renter is not a natural person}: + Fair Wear and Tear Policy Schedule; and + Landlord Waiver ‘This Agreement is made and entered into by and between the Parties, whereby Free Stale Wheels wishes to rent tothe Renter, and the Renter wishes to hire ftom Free State Wheels, the assot as deserbed in the Rental ‘Schedule forthe duration of the Rental Pariod agreed upon in exchange for and subject to an initial payment enc ‘subsequent monthly Rental payments (as set out in the Rental Schedule) by the Renter for the use and enjoyment ofthe Asset in line with the Terms and Conditions attached to this Agreement, Page 2 of 18 CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE ‘By the signing of this Agreement the Renter makes an offer to Free State Wheels to vent the Asset on the: {erms and conditions set out inthis agreement which offer shall be irevocable for 14 fourteen) day from the ate on which the Renter has signed. Only upon signature by Free Staie Whools shall the Rental Agreement and all of ts schedules as listed above be binding end come into fll force and elect, as agreed toby the Parties and set out herein, 2 The Renter declares having full knowledge, a cloar understanding and accepis the Terms and Conditions ‘and irevocably agroes to be bound by all of the Terms and Gonaltions and related Schedules forming part ofthis Agreement should the offer be accopted by Free State Wheels 3. The signatory on behalf of the Renter confirms and warrants that he is duly authorised to represent the THE RENTER Duly authorised representative RAYTTUS MAVA, Full Names. 7e10218331088 ID Number 15 Jun 2022 Date Witness: Rowe FREE STATE WHEELS Duly authorized representative Dorcas Lerato Full Names 8401121063087 ID Number 16 Jun 2022 Date witness Page 3 of 18 14. 1a 1s. 16, 17, ‘TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF RENTAL AGREEMENT The Parties horeby agree a follows: DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 'n addition to terms defined elsewhere in this Agreement, the following defintions will apply throughout this ‘Agreement, unless the contary intention appears: \dverse Consequences” moans all adverse consequences of whalever description including, but not limited {0, all actions, applications, sults, proceedings, hearings, investigations, charges, complaints, claims, demands, inlerdicts, judgments, orders, decrees, directives, rulings, damages, dues, penalties, fines, costs, reasonable amounts paid in settlement, leblties, obigations, liens, losses, compensation, expenses and fees, including ‘reasonable fees and expenses of altomeys, counsel, accountants, consultants and experts; “Agrecment” means, collectively, the Rental Agreement io which these Terms and Conditions forms an annexure and ll schedules and other annexures to the Rental Agreement “Asset” means an assot made available by Free State Whoals as detailed in the relevant Schedule for the temporary use and enjoyment by the Customer: “Business Day” means any day ther than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday as gazeted by the goverameat ofthe Republic of South Africa from tine to time; “Commencement Date" means the date sat out as the Commencement Date in the Rental Schedulo: “Customer' and “Renter” means the Party Individual as described in the preamble above: “Delivery Note and Asset Checklist” mesns the schedule attached hereto with relevant information regarding the delivery and status ofthe Asset as at date of delivery: ‘Duration” means the Initial Rental Period, including any agreed renewal or extended period (if applicable) Provided that, should the Renter be a natural person, the Initial Rental period shall not be for a fixed term but the Duration shall be trom the Commencement Date until either the Renter or Free Sate Wheels terminate the Agreement by way of one calendar month’s written notice to the other of them provided further that Free State Whesls shall, oxcept in a case of breach by the Renter, not be entitled to {terminate the Agreement by such notice prior to 3 date $4 (fifty-four) months after the Commencement Date; “Initial Rental Period” means, subject tothe provisions of clause 18 of these Terms and Conditions, the period between the Commencement date and terminstion date as described in the Rental Schedule; “Rental” means, collectively, the inital payment(s) and the subsequent consecutive monthly rental payments Payable on the dates as set out in the Rental Schedule by the Custornes to Free State Wheels in consideration for the lawiul use and enjoyment of the Asset; "Renewal Period” means an additional monthly rental period agreed upon in writing by the partes prior to the termination dato ofthe Agreement “Rental Due Date” means the dates as provided for in the Rental Schedule, |. “Rental Schedule” means the schedule with specific information forming part of this Agreement. “Renter” or: Customer” means the Party / Individual as described in the preamble above; “Rentor” or ‘Free State Wheels” means Free State Wheels CC, Registration number 20061051541/23, Vat Number 4300236660andior i's cessionary or assignee in the event of cession or assignment by Free State Wheels; and ice Centre” moans the service Canire approved by Free State Wheels to perform the Maintenance Services, as advised by Free State Wheels from lime to time. f) k yy Page 4 of 18 a7. ana 1472. 14173, 1173. 173 1.18 1.20 121 1.23 1.24 1.28 1.26 1.27 12rd In this Agreement ‘clause headings and the hoading of the Agreement are for convenience only and are not to be used in its Interpretavon; slause headings and the heading of the Agreoment are for convenience only and are not to be used In its interpretation; {an expression which denotes 11734 ‘any gender includes the other genders: ‘8 natural person includes jurisic person advice versa the singular includes the plural and vice vorsa: and ‘Party includes a reference to that Party's successors in tile and assigns allowed at law @ reference (0 8 consecutive series of two or more clauses is deemed to be inclusive of both the first and last- mentioned clauses, ‘The words “Include” and "including" mecn “include without limitation” and “including without limitation”, The tse of the words “include” and “including” folowed by a specific example or examples shall not be construed ®slimiting the meaning of the general wording preceding it Any substantive provision, conferring rights or imposing obligations on a Party and appearing in any of the efintions in this clause 1 or elsewhere in this Agreement, shall be glven effect to as if it were 4 substantive provision in the body of the Agreement ‘Words and expressions defined in any clause of or annexure to this Agreement shall, unless the application of ‘any such word or expression is specifically limited to that clause, bear the meaning assigned to such word or expression throughout this Agreement, Unless otherwise provided, defines terms appearing in this Agreement in tile case shall be given thelr meaning 8 defined, while the same terms appearing in lower case shall he interpreted in accordance with theit plain English meaning A reference to any statutory enactment shall be consirued as a reference to that enactment as atthe Signature Date and as amended or substituted from time to time. Unless specicaly otherwise provided, any number of days preseribed shall be determined by excluding the fst ‘and including the last day or, where the last day falls on a day that is not a business day, the next succeeding business day. lithe due date for performance of any cbligation in lerms of this Agreement is a day which Is not @ business day then (unless otherwise stipulated) the due date for perfomance of the relevant obligation shall be the immediately preceding business day. Where figures are referred to in numerals and in words, and there is any conflict between the two, the words shall prevail, unless the context indicates @ contrary intention. ‘The rule of construction that this Agreement shall be interpreted against the Party responsible for the drating of this Agreement, shall not apply. ‘Whenever any person is required to acl ‘as an expert and not as an arbitrator in terms of this Agreement, then ‘The determination of the expert shall (in the absence of manifest errer be final and binding: 1.27.2 subject to any express provision to the contrary, the expert shall determine the liability for his or its Charges, which shall be paid accordingly 1.27.3. the expert shall be eniiied to determine such memads and processes as he or it may, in his of its sole Ciscretion, deem appropriate in the circumstances provided that the expert may nat adopt any process which is ‘manifestly biased, unfair or unreasonable; 9 Rm haga 1.28 1.29 24 1.27.4 the expert shall consult with the relevant Parties (provided that the extent of the expert's consuitaton Shall be in his or its sole discretion) prior to rendering a determination; and 127.5 having regard to the sensitivity of ny confidential information, the expert shall be entitled to take advice ‘rom any person considered by him or itte have expert knowledge with reference to the matter in question. Any reference in this Agrsement to "tl Agreement” or any other agreemant or document shall be construed 1 a reference to this Agreement or, as the case may be, such other agreement or document, as amended, varied, novated or supplemonted from lime to time, |n this Agreement the words “clause” or “clauses” and “annexure* or "annexures" refer to clauses of and lannexures to this Agreement RENTAL AGREEMENT ‘These terms and concitions form part ofthe Rental Agreement (Ihe Agrooment) and govem each and every ‘Schedule incorporated tothe Agreement upon signature thereof by both Parties and will constitute a legal and binding agreement between the Parties. By signing the Agreement and related Rental Schedule/s, the Customer accepts having read through all ofthese ferms and conditions and agrees to be bound by and to remain bound by these terms for the duration until ‘termination of the Agreement. The Customer understands that the Agreement, together with these Terms and Conditions, will apply to each and every subsequent Rental Schedule incorporated hereto. Any subsequent Asset required by the Customer will be executed in terms of an ensuing Rental Schedule and marked accordingly without the noes to sign a new Rental Agroement in respect of each and every subsequent Asset (if ary) ‘The conclusion by the Parties of further Rental Schedules shall create a separate Agreement in respect of each Schedule, Notwithstanding the aforegoing, ine breach of any one of the Rental Schedules shall be deemed, at Renter's election, o be a breach of any or all Agreements effected in terms ofthis Rental Agreement. GRANT OF USE AND ENJOYMENT ‘Subject io full payment by the Customer of tho first payment, the second payment (if applicable) and the Consecutive Monthly Rental payments for the entire Duration, Free State Wheels hereby grants the Customer the right to he use and enjoyment of the Asset, The Customer hereby accepis such uso and enjoyment subject tothe provisions set out herein and in the relevant Schedules. USE AND ENJOYMENT OF ASSET The Asset has been acquires by Free State Wheals upon the Customer's request and for the purpose of renting the Asset to the Customer. The Customer accepts boing familar with and is satisfied wih the make, model ang specifications ofthe Asset before signature hereto and confirms acceptance of the Asset by way of signature hereto. Its, for purposes of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008, recorded that the Asser is‘special-order ‘900d 9s defined in the Consumer Protection Act which mean “goods that a supplier expressly or implicitly was required or expected to procure, create or alter specifically to satisfy the consumer's requirements” The Customer shall act as receiving agent on behalf of Free State Wheels and take delivory ofthe Asset at the dalivery addioss as indiated on the Delivery Note, Bysignature to the Delivery Note, the Customer acknowledges receipt of the Asset and admits to having carefully Inspected the Asset or caused the Asset tobe properly inspacted and satisfied itseltas toits _{)) ‘goed working condition, The Customer shall complete the Delivery Note and Checklist forming part of R Ma) Page 6 of 18 the Delivery Note in the presence of a representative of Free State Wheels whereby clearly setting out 1 R kK any faults, defects or damages at the time of receipt by the Customer. 444 Failure to record any defects in writing onthe Delivery Note, (whereby making Free State Wheels aware of any ‘estonpels, unless it isin writing and signed by or on behalf of the parties to this Agreement. Page 16 of 18 1} km 273 ‘Noalteration, amendment, variation or consensual termination ofthis Agreement shall be of any force. h) , oroffact unless reduced to writing and signed by the Parties or on their behalf by their duly authorized. v representatives, GENERAL: ‘The rule of construction thatthe contract shall be interpreted against the Party responsible forthe drafting or preparation of the Agreement, shall not apply. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed In counterparts, both of which taken together shall constitute cone and the same document. Both Parties may entor into this Agreement by signing any such counterpart. ww No THE RENTER FREE STATE WHEELS Duly authorised representative Duly authorised representative RAYTTUS MAVA Dorcas Lerato Full Names Full Names: 7910215331088 8401121063087 10 Number ID Number 415.Jun 2022 1 Jun 2022 Date Date Witness Witness RESOLUTION Exirac ofthe minutes of the meating of the MEMBERS of the RENTER held at Bloemfontein on 18 davor___Jun@__(emonth) 2022 Page 17 of 18 WHEREIN IT WAS RESOLVED THAT: 1. The Renter enters in to the Rental Agreement for the renting of the Asset from Free State Wheels as set out above, 2. The above representative is duly authorized by the Members of the Renter to do whatever may be necessary 1 give effect to this resolution and to enter in to and sign the Rental Agreement on behalf of the Renter, 43, All acts of things done and or signed or to be signed in connection with the Rental Agreement be hereby ratified and approved Certied a true extract ofthe original resolution by the Rentor SIGNED BY THE DULY AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE ON BEHALF OF THE MEMBERS, MEMBER DULY AUTHORISED Page 18 of 18 7810215331088 19 yun 2022 Mr RAYTTUS MAVA ANNEXURE — FSWO02 ‘TO THE RENTALAGREEMENT. FAIR WEAR AND TRAR POLICY Made and Entered Into Between: REGISTRATION NUMBER 2006/051541/23 (Hereinafter referred t0 as the Rentor) oF 1444 Oliver Tambo Drive, Oraniesig Boemfontein AND Mr RAYTTUS MAVA (Wereinafter referred to asthe Renter) or 09 DIAMOND CLOSE, ENNERDALE, JOHANNESBURG fy) Aya Free State Wheels CC 144A Oliver Tambo Road Bloemfontein Onanjesig 9301 Page 1 of 6 7910215331088 19 Jun 2022 Free State Wheels CC Mr RAYTTUS MAVA 144A Oliver Tambo Road Bloemfontein Oranjesiz 9301 INTRODUCTION This documont forms an integral port of the lense agreement entered into between the Renor and contains all the terms and conditions and guidelines as to what willbe deemed fair wear and tear daring the currency of the lease agreement and wpon return of both passenger and commereial vehicles atthe expity of torminaton of the agreement ar any one sehusule thereto for any reason ‘whatsoever Here's all you need to know: The agreement and its schedules require thatthe vehicle be returned atthe end of contract period. This document outlines the veicle Return Standacds policy, explsining what i acceptable (and what is not) when returning the vehicle under the aforesaid ciroumstances, It outings the stops that should be taken on the day ofthe vebice's return, To ensure the process ib as simple 3s possible, itis recommended tha ll vehicle operators are advised to familiarise themselves With this document What is considered reasonable? ‘You ar to return your vehicle om the expiry date ina good, clean and marketable condition ALL VEHICLES MUST RECEIVE A VALET PRIOR TO RETURN, INCLUDING THE INTERIOR, EXTERIOR AND ENGINE COMPARTMENT. (Vehicles not properly cleaned eonnot be inspected and might result in a costly delay or dispute as to damage and orcosts whieh ate for your account) ‘Any wear and tear should result only from the use of snd the purpose for which you leased the vehicle. The vehiele should comply in all respocis with the specification as it was originally supplied to you. This includes the distance travelled and overall condition, inckiding the sigshanical components, electrics, through to the bodywork ard upholstery, equipment fitted and supplied wien originally leased, ‘We also require that you ensue tht yout vehicle meet the following conditions when retumed tothe appointed address. Upon retum and end-of contact standard inspestion willbe casied out by trained technicians. For this inspection, the vehicle should be: Free from any broken or damaged items, with no missing components or pars which were fied as standard equipment or have been subsequently fitted t the vehiele, IT any components or parts have been removed, your vehicle must be returned tothe spenification 15 when originally supplied; Free ftom any accident damage and tee from any cotTesion or contamination caused by any reason whatsoever Free from any defects or condition that would be in breach of any statutory requirements, All service, maintenance and repairs re to be performed and carried out by approved manufacturer workshops, according 10 ‘manufacturer specifications, using genuine original replacement parts and lubricants as and when the vehicle i due for such service ‘inde when the Rentor instructs you o attend to such service, ‘chiles carrying corrasive loads should be fice From cab & chassis eormosion beyond the normal expectations forthe type of vehicle «aud which could have been avoided by preventative maintenance measures, ‘With all cab and or boty exterior panels and internal trims, as originally specified, and free of damage (no fabri tears, burs, or spit scams), and without damage te insrior from the fitment of mobile phones, reversing aids, navigation systems of CB radi, im tab video monitoring and any similar iments “This sation idmtiies the wer and tar toa vehicle which would be considered reasonable. “The cost of any reps required to return the veielew a eonditin consistent with fair wear and tear will be for your aecount, The vehicle must be in clean coadition and with the original body work (Where relevant), unless clearly stated otherwise and adjusted at the time of the original quctation, You will he charged for any work required to return the vehicle to an acceptable condition, ‘Allvehiclos mnt be returned with any adtionabreplacement and or spare keys ‘Aay vehicle returned without such keys will incur a charge of the cost of a replacement key together with an administration ‘fee of R1.500 (inc. VAT), Vehicles must have fll tol kit as orizially supplied, including jack and or ling jack (i applicable), fe Rp swine 7810218331088 15 Jun 2022 Free State Wheels CC Me RAYTTUS MAVA 1444 Oliver Tambo Road ‘Bloemfontein ‘Oranjesig 8301 2.2. Vehicle Exterior 22.1 Windsercen Glass: Must be free from any eracks, damage or discolouration f the glass that would result in a Cerificate of Fitness test flue, Cracks ‘or damages within the driver's sight line are not reasonable and require windsereen replacement or specialist repuit to Roadworthy stands 22:12 Light scratching or minor chipping around the periphery of the windscreens is reasonable 2.21.3 Light seaching or minor chipping to other glas is reasonable provided tht any glass heating elements have not been damaged Al glass must show an absence of “stars”, eracks oF holes in the windshicld, glass or lenses. Scratches, pits or etching are aceepuable, regardless of size. A minimum of to plugs are allowed, as long as they are not obstructing the drivers vision ody and Paintwork ‘Mus be five ffom sll Renter decals, glue and sign writing on both Cab and Bodywork, including he re-painting of vehicles where necessary. Should damage occu to the orignal paintwork duting this process, this shoud be repaired to origial specification prior to the rotum of the wehiele, The retim condivon values are based on the cab colour as originally requested and specified inthe ovgizal quotation, Ifa vehile is returned ina different colour to that which it was originally delivered in, you will he charged the ‘ast o restore such paintwork to original colour No costs wl be incurred when the vehicle has been returned tothe original colour and comparable with a good industry standard Small areas of stone chipping, door edge chipping and light scratches (up to 25mm in length) are acceptable, relative tothe vehicle's ge kilometres and usage ~ provided that the point surface has not been penetrated to bare metal IT stone chippings have penetrated to bare metal, paint-matched touch up should be caried out immediately @ prevent further etrioraton, Exterior paintwork should be free fom abrasions (snore than 25min length) and have good gloss and colour Colour mismatch between panels or poorly fting panels is unacceptable and the eosts ofthe repel wil be for your account Any such damage that pastes the Five Rand coin test (excludes headlamp lenses, glass, tyres ar holes in fabri, sheet metal or fame). \Nots: single coin must simultaneously hide all the collective damage. For instance: hail damayre would not meet the guidelines. While this type of occurence i considered a single even, the collective numberof indentations aver the entire ‘vehicle cannot be simultaneously covered with a single coin, Collective damage that is caused by a single event and hes not penetrated che paint surface, passes the five Rand coin tes. (Depending upon the nature of your policy, his damage may be covered by your insurance). 2.22.7 Any seratch on the surfce of the paint hat can be covered by the five Rand coin testis not charyesble (only minor, supeficiat scratches, not through to the base meta, not more than 2 per panel). Any scratch through the paint is chargeable even though it is covered by the coin, ast is considered tobe a “hoe in the sheet metal”. Any bumpor scuff that docs not alter the underlying moterals and passes the five Rand coin testis not chargeable, Ifthe underlying ‘material is cut, shaved or tor, this damage is excluded and is chargeable All lamps anus be operational. Light seratehng or minor chipping is reasonable, oles or cracks in Hight glasses or loses are not reasonable and the cost of replacement will be for your account. Mirrors “Mirer glass and frames must be undamaged. Cracked mirors willbe replaced and the cost thereof for your account. Dents "Minor dents (up to 10mm in Feng) ae acceptable provided thatthe paint surface as not been penetrated tothe are metal, ‘Multiple denis ona single pane! wil be repaired and th costs thereof for your account. Q kn restore ‘7810215331088 15 Jun 2022 Free State Wheels CC Me RAYTTUS MAVA 144A Oliver Tambo Road Bloemfontein Oranjesig ‘801 2.2.6 Bumper Sections and Rubbing Stips Provided these are not broken, cracked or deformed, small areas of suffing and score marks are acceptable 2.2.7 Body Accessories 2.27. md Maps ane standard equipment they must all be ntact and properly atached, 2 Ifthe vehicle was detivered originally with air deflectors they must be intact, undamaged and properly atached 228 Cabfhody 8 Interior CCabybody sheet meta wil be fee of ust of eotrston, Imerior upholstery mus! be in good condition, free of rips, teas or holes and burn mats CCl heater, all gauge, lights and controls must bein good operating condition, Flooring shal be in good condition, feo of tents, holes and burn marks, Ineioe carpets must be fee of busn marks and mas all be presen Should the body equipment and controls be excluded from the finance contract agreement and be removed from the chassis and cab ofa vebiele being etumed, then: Such oquipment shall be eomoved without damage othe vehicle, 22.852 The vehlole shall be turned with all ighs and indicators including chevron board in fll working condition Should the wehisle be damaged during the removal process, then you will be responsible for 228.6.1. Reps of such damage to ensure fll working capability and thatthe etic is restored to a “sir wear & tear” condition; and 2.28.62 Ensure that all holes and damages shall be acceplably covered ia Tine witha fir wear and tear condition should it become evident «during the removal process thatthe undereariage is corroded, then such undercarriage shall be epaired and reasprayed, 2.3, Wheels ond Wheel Trims 3.1. With all yes (incl, spare) having a minimum tread dept of 7mm across the tread width for vehicles above 3.51 GYM (Smm for ‘vehicles of 3.5 GVM and under) and exhibiting signs of even wear and fre from ets to tyres inthe side wall of tad width which cexposss the cords. Where tyte replacements are necessary, reteads will only be accepuable on drive arles. ‘The replacement tyres rst, besides the recognised premium brand, eso comply with the eriginal manufaetucr spoeiication (i.e, woighspeed ratings) 2.3. Any vehilesrermed with a tre toad depth below the minimum (incl. spare wheel wil be charged atthe ost of a pew tyre. Rims must be inthe same configuration, as originally supplied. Dents or damage tothe rim or main body of he whoo oe not resonable and the costs of repair therwo for your account. 24. COF (Certificate of Fitness) / Lense & Rondworthy Certiicate if applicable) All euraing commercial vehicles above and below 3.5 t GVM must be capable of passing the COF test and havea valid test certificate as por the National Road Traffic Act, No, 93 of 19962, 24.1. Any costs incurred in bringing the vehicle wo a pass condition will be invoiced to you and are payable forthwith, y Rv Page of 6 ‘7810215331088 18 gun 2022 Free State Wheels CC Mr RAYTTUS MAVA, 4A Oliver Tambo Rood Bloemfontein Ocanjesig ‘9201 25. Vehicle Tools, Documentation and Service History 2.5.1 Upon return your vehile must have afl too) kt including bing jack. IT any tool, inching the iting jack, are missing the cost, cof replacement thereof willbe for your account. "All vehiele documents, including the registration docurnent and the current COF ‘xtifiale, mast be provided upon rstum ofthe vebice ‘Vehicles mast be retuned with complete service, repair and maintenance records (equivalent data inthe form of a computer print-out will be accept). Any vshicle that i coimed without clear proof of service and repair and maintenance work being carried out will incur a east of R6, 500. 2.5.3 Ie shall be required of the Renter to diligently and when so required serve the vehicle as well as provide the Rentor with writen confirmation tha the Vehicle was in Fact servi 2.6. Mechanical, Electrical and Hydraulie Component Conditions 2.6.1. Must be free from ony major leaks or defects in the driveline, mechanical, electrical, eletonie, compressed st, at valve, hydraulic components ar systems. 2.6.2 Bameres must be capable of passing a discharge test and in such condition ast be espable of starting the engine when cold. ited with al original equipment or with any replacements to a good industry standard, 3 2.64 Any ancillary equipment fited to the vehicle, ic. tail lis or hydraulic eranes must be in good working order. All equipment ‘exuminations should be carried out by a “competent person”. Should this condition not be met, the vehicle will be submitted immediately for test and any cost incurred to bring the equipment to a pass condition, wil be for yout avcount, 2.7. Engine, Transmission & Rear Axles 2.7.1. Must be in sound operating condition, froe of mechanical defecs with sll components functioning as originally designed. 2.2. No flid or exhaust leaks 2.7.3. Provide ol samples required. 2.8 Chassis, Frame, Suspension & Fifth Wheel (i applicable) 2.8.1. The frame springs, suspension components and axle housings, shall be free of cracks or breaks, in good condition and ‘maintained per original equipment. manufacturers recommended seview standard. 2.82. The fifth whel must bein good operating condition (Commercial vehicles. 29, Brakes!Chuteh 29.1. Brake and Chtch linings/dise pads must have a minimum of 0% remaining lif 2.9.2. aake drums/dges must be in good condition with no excessive wear and free of eracks. 2.40, Excess kilometres and Late Return 2.10.1 Should the vehicle be retuned late, the terms und conditions ofthe agreement will be applicable. Should the total kilometre of the vehicle exceod the contacted kilometres then excess kilometres will be charged at the rite os provided for inthe lease agreement. 20, = Confieting provisions 2.111 Should this fair wear and tear policy conflict in any manner whatsoever with the Agreement, then the terms and conditions of the date wl preva rimsdoneand gps BOOTHE og ge 15 uy p_se 2022 x For and on behalf of RENTER (oho warrants that helsheis duly authorised to enter into this agreement) Q R pe Page 5 of 6 7910215331088 15 gun 2022 Free State Wheels CC Mr RAYTTUS MAVA, L444 Oliver Tambo Road Bloemfontein Oraniesie 9301, Bloemfontein 8 “Thus done and signed t_® onthe 15 _ gay or_ June 2022 LO Dene for and on behalf of RENTOR PREE STATE WHEELS |AS WITNESSES, Page 6 0f6 7810215331088 45 Jun 2022 Free State Wheels CC RAYTTUS MAVA, RENTAL SCHEDULE 144A Oliver Tambo Road ewer ea: Bloemfontein Oranjesig 9301 This Renal Schedule forms part ofthe Rental Agreement and is governed by the Terms and Conditions ofthe Rental Agreement ‘THE RENT! REGISTERED COMPANY NAME (i applicable) RAZORSOL (PTY) LTD : i 12. Rraisresron naa we [2 Bau uy nomenon aad Nema Reena fy ee ceneave une Mn 1 ue ia te aE scscmienat) Pam cent sro Va ye Cat epibt c e et te io WE ase 7. ola oat SSRN oe me asser ae BSS VOLKSWAGEN?OLO 14 COMFORTLINESDR

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