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Build Rock Solid Defence (Immunity), Naturally

Live stress free, zero dependency on medicines & doctors

— by Rajeev Agarwal, June~July 2021
- edited July 2022, May 2023

Holistic health, holistic farming, holistic management enthusiast

Lover of sun, nature, trees, cows, and other animals
Engineer by Training, 30+ years professional work experience in
blue chip companies
email, cell +91.9840996251

I have escaped the vicious cycle of ignorance and so can you!

My credentials? I have practiced most of the below points for 5+

years and achieved success. By bhagwan Krishna’s grace - no
cold/fever/covid19 etc. for me during Corona-kaal. I’m 55 in July
2022. I reduced my body weight 18% to 67 kgs by mid 2021 (before
gaining back 5 kgs in 2022). Current BMI is 23+. Target is 22

So, how to build this rock solid un-penetrable defence against any
situation through natural methods? Am glad to share with you my
learning and personal experience of 15+ years. Some of these have
become habit for me over the years. Deep science behind each of
these below points. Practice these diligently, and start living again!
This time free from pains, medicines and doctors.

A. The easy ones:

1. Get direct sun on your bare skin 15 ~ 30 minutes every day.

Lack of adequate sun-exposure is one of the biggest reasons
of innumerable ailments even in the young today
2. Eat 100% natural & wholesome plant based food. सा क खाना
saatvik food. Avoid all kinds of processed food. Zero
3. Eat cooked food fresh, within 3 hours. Never leftovers
4. Eat less than your ‘capacity’. Effective assimilation of what
little one eats is much-much more important than how-much
5. Daily 90~120 mins of Walk + Yoga asanas + Pranayama

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Build Rock Solid Defence (Immunity), Naturally

Live stress free, zero dependency on medicines & doctors
6. Sunlight + Wholesome Food + Physical Movement is the key.
No man-made medicines needed, ever. No doctors either
7. Diet: More of fruits, nuts, vegetables, sprouted pulses and
millets. Less of wheat, rice and such grains
8. First solid of day - should preferably be mix of fruits. Say -
the humble power packed banana, chiku, pear, mango, apple,
custard-apple etc. Local, easily available diverse fruits
9. Achieve and maintain body-mass-index (BMI) 21~22
10. If well-water not available, use 'filter + carbon + UV', not RO.
Store drinking (and cooking) water in a simple hand-made
earthen pot. Keep a copper-plate inside this pot, which you
should clean every week, using tamarind or lime
11. Fast 14~16 hours every day, say 6/7 pm to 8~10 am. Only
water in this period. No tea-coffee-milk etc.
12. Eat in 4 small batches in an 8/9-hr window, say 9 am to 6 pm
13. Do not mix fruits and cooked food. Ideally finish fruits and
salad first. Cooked food 60~90 mins after this. If you prefer
cooked food first, then eat fruits 3 hours after cooked food
14. Suggested plan: 9 am fruits. 10 am green salad. 11:15 am
soaked nuts (peanuts, almonds, walnuts) + cashew-nuts.
12:30 pm cooked vegetables + rice/wheat/millets. 3:30pm raw
or steamed sprouted pulses (मोठ). 5.30 pm steamed sweet
corn or sprouted wheat + raw coconut. Little raw amla
(gooseberry) sometime around 4 pm
15. Squatting is the right and healthy way to defecate. Not the
chair posture. Use Indian closet, not western
16. Your work demands extended sitting? Deliberately get up and
move about for 5 mins every 45 mins
17. Expecting mothers should ensure that the baby drinks
colostrum, the first secretion from the mammary glands after
giving birth, rich in antibodies. Breastfeed your baby to the
maximum duration possible. 12~16~18~24 months

B. Some effort required:

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Build Rock Solid Defence (Immunity), Naturally

Live stress free, zero dependency on medicines & doctors
1. Ideally, get direct sun on your whole body with zero/minimum
clothing. 20 ~ 30 mins every day. If you have a private
terrace, get sun all over in your birthday suit. Seriously
2. Ideally, your food, the plant produce should be from cow-
based 100% natural farming. Such produce will contain all
necessary vitamins and minerals in the natural form as
intended by nature. This food will provide much of the natural
defence our bodies should possess
3. Physical work 120 mins everyday. As far as possible, do all
your housework yourself. All cleaning, cooking etc. Try
becoming independent of machines. This is real work-out
4. Drink water from a natural well, in which sunlight falls. An
alternate is to sun-charge your drinking water every day in the
sun for 5~8 hours, in a wide-mouthed earthen pot. So now I
know why the typical house in our Rajasthan village had the
‘parinda’ in the central courtyard open to the sky. Direct
sunlight fell on the earthen pots for drinking water. ‘Parinda’ is
the sacred place where these pots were placed.
5. Consume milk only if it is from a known cow which has fed its
calf to its fill. And also, by default that cow is let to graze on
live grass/shrubs in an open natural field under the sun. Not
stall-fed. If not possible - you’re better off not consuming
milk and milk-products. Cow’s or homogenised milk from
commercial dairies is slow poison. Commercial dairies do not
let the calves drink their share of milk. And that is adharma
अध । Also, the correct way to drink cow’s milk is to drink it
fresh, immediately when milked. No boiling, no storing etc.
6. 36 hours water-fasting once every fortnight. Observe ekadashi
fasting एकादशी उपवास to achieve this. 72 hours water-fasting
once every six months,
7. Practice sun-gazing for 15~20 mins daily or whenever
weather permits. Stand barefoot on earth and gaze the sun-
god directly with reverence and gratitude. Within first hour
from sunrise and last hour before sunset. No glasses

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Build Rock Solid Defence (Immunity), Naturally

Live stress free, zero dependency on medicines & doctors
8. Spend 7~15 days twice a year at a farm where cow-based
farming is practiced. Eat that farm produce, indulge with the
earth and cowdung, the plants, and pet the cows. This will
provide you the microbiome and the flora/fauna missing in you
9. Your dwelling should be constructed of natural materials such
as earth, lime, straw, stone, wood, bamboo, and cow-dung
etc. Where the walls are moisture-permeable and thereby are
natural air-conditioners. Immense health benefits of such
houses. Our ancestors were certainly more intelligent than us

C. Notes:

1. Enjoy this journey to achieve a light and fit body and mind,
and do not take the suggested guidelines as burden.
Happiness, peace and contentment is more important while
trying to do the right thing for one’s body
2. The suggested diet in A14 is for warm and humid regions of
peninsular and coastal India. This will change considerably
for cooler & drier months in west, north-west and north India
3. Initially it may seem difficult to fast every overnight for 16
hours. For me too. Start with 12 hrs. and gradually reach 16
in due course. Key is to eat only when good hunger is built
up, and one can hear the stomach rumble
4. We feel hungry depending on the ‘quality’ of our intestinal
flora (gut microbiome). When we shift to natural and
wholesome food, our gut microbiome improves and we
require lesser and lesser food. Thus in a few days you will
notice that though you’re eating less volume you aren’t
feeling hungry very often. Also, you will notice: your energy
levels have improved; there’s no headache etc., even if your
next meal is delayed a little
5. To wean away from tea & coffee - switch to warm/hot water
with a little herbs/spices added
6. It may seem difficult to do the 72-hr long water-fasting (once
in 6 months). Start with a 24-hr fasting every fortnight for 4

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Build Rock Solid Defence (Immunity), Naturally

Live stress free, zero dependency on medicines & doctors
months; then extend to 36-hrs. The first two long-fasts can
be of 48 hours… and then upgrade to 72-hours
7. Intestinal flora, the terrain = the aggregate of bacteria, fungi,
and other microorganisms normally occurring on and inside
the bodies of humans and other animals
8. The most dangerous fallacy most of us today carry is that
bacteria or virus cause diseases, and that “I will take a pill or
an injection for my chronic cough / fever / pain.. - and I’ll be
fine”. It’s time to escape this vicious ignorance
9. If virus and bacteria were the reasons for the various
diseases, humans would have been extinct by now. On the
contrary, virus are our friends. They scavenge the dead cells
and tissues so that we recover. If you have a fever, be happy.
Do not suppress it with unnecessary medicines. Manage it
10. The ‘modern’ medicines (the allopathy BIG pharma) can only
manage the symptoms of any ailment/disease. Cure from the
root of the issue is possible only through reseting your body
to its natural state of diet and well-being
11. Terrain Theory (Claude Bernard) is the right thing and not the
Germ Theory (Louis Pasteur). It is said that on his death bed,
Pasteur admitted, “Bernard was right: the pathogen is
nothing, the terrain is everything”. Unlike the germ theory, the
terrain theory explains why some people get sick while others,
when exposed to the same conditions, do not. The terrain
theory was initiated by Claude Bernard (1813 – 1878), and
later built upon by Antoine Bechamp (1816-1908). He
believed that the ‘terrain’ or ‘internal environment’ determined
our state of health. Unfortunately Louis Pasteur continues to
misguide the world even today in 2021~23!!!!
13. The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur - by R. B. Pearson
(originally Pasteur, Plagiarist, Imposter 1942): http://
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