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Siddharth Patel

K036 – MBA Tech. Mehcnaical

IIOT Project
Research paper summary writing...

Industrial Internet of Things

(IIoT) applications in underground coal mines

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), a concept that combines sensor networks
and control systems, has been employed in several industries to improve
productivity and safety. U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) researchers are investigating IIoT applications to identify the
challenges of and potential solutions for transferring IIoT from other industries to
the mining industry. Specifically, NIOSH has reviewed existing sensors and
communications network systems used in U.S. underground coal mines to
determine whether they are capable of supporting IIoT systems. The results show
that about 40 percent of the installed post-accident communication systems as of
2014 require minimal or no modification to support IIoT applications. NIOSH
researchers also developed an IIoT monitoring and control prototype system using
low-cost microcontroller Wi-Fi boards to detect a door opening on a refuge
alternative, activate fans located inside the Pittsburgh Experimental Mine and
actuate an alarm beacon on the surface. The results of this feasibility study can be
used to explore IIoT applications in underground coal mines based on existing
communication and tracking infrastructure.

The current state of IIoT in the mining sector was discussed in this study, along
with the viability and possibility of applying IIoT to the mining industry in
general and underground coal mines in particular. In order to emphasise areas
where IIoT may have an immediate impact based on present infrastructure that
exists in underground coal mines, the possible uses and advantages of using IIoT
were summarised. The study discovered that many of the communication and
sensor systems deployed in underground coal mines might possibly be linked into
IIoT systems with little or no modification. In addition, by detailing an NIOSH
prototype system that was created using low-cost, open-source micro-controller
boards, an example of a mining-specific IIoT application was provided. In order
to monitor the door state of a built-in-place refuge option and automatically turn
on or off equipment based on door status, the system was created and deployed in
NIOSH's experimental mine in Pittsburgh. Based on prior research and
technological advancements, the findings of this paper can be used to further
explore the transferability potential and viability of IIoT applications in
underground coal mines.


Intelligent manufacturing production line data
monitoring system for industrial internet of things


Applying the wireless sensor network of the Industrial Internet of Things and
the radio frequency identification technology to the production workshop of the
discrete manufacturing industry, the real-time status of the shop floor can be
automatically collected, providing a powerful decision-making basis for the
upper-level planning management department. This paper proposes a reference
architecture and construction path for smart factories by analyzing
industrial IoT technology and its application in manufacturing workshops.
Combined with the analysis of the status quo and needs of the discrete
manufacturing enterprise workshop, this paper designs the overall architecture
and theoretical model of the system. In view of the variety of on-site
manufacturing data, large amount of data, variable status, heterogeneity, and
strong correlation between data, integrated key technologies such as WSN and
RFID, the industrial IoTs solution for manufacturing workshops is given. The
multi-thread data real-time collection, storage technology and product tracking
monitoring of the workshop are studied. Finally, the performance of the system is
analyzed from the perspective of real-time and quality. The results show that the
system is effective in the monitoring of production line data.

The manufacturing workshop is the core of a company's product production.
Monitoring and managing the discrete manufacturing workshop has always been
a problem that plagues enterprises. Manufacturing IoT technology is the
foundation of intelligent manufacturing. It combines the technical means of IoT
with the actual production to drive the production process. Manufacturing IoT is a
new manufacturing mode that combines IoT technology with manufacturing
technology to realize the process of product manufacturing and service. Some
scholars have studied the application of RFID technology in the resource

allocation of clothing manufacturing industry. The application results in a
clothing enterprise indicates that the system can optimize resource allocation.

Some scholars put forward an RFID-based enterprise application integration

framework. They gave a method to realize production dynamic management and
work-in-process visualization. Siemens designed a "digital factory" platform to
track the manufacturing process information and data of each production node
through real-time monitoring. This paper proposes a reference architecture for
smart factories by studying the application of IoT technology in manufacturing
workshops. Real-time tracking and monitoring system of intelligent workshop
products based on the Internet of Things is proposed. The reference architecture
and construction path of the smart factory are proposed.

The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the industrial
IoT technology for intelligent manufacturing, and Section 3 studies the overall
design of the production line data monitoring system. Section 4 analyzes the
functions of the workshop IoT and production line data monitoring system.
Section 5 discusses the results of the production line real-time data monitoring
system, and Section 6 summarizes the full text and gives the future research


An Overview of Technologies for Improving Storage
Efficiency in Blockchain-Based IIoT Applications

Since the inception of blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, researchers have been
fascinated with the idea of integrating blockchain technology into other fields,
such as health and manufacturing. Despite the benefits of blockchain, which
include immutability, transparency, and traceability, certain issues that limit its
integration with IIoT still linger. One of these prominent problems is the storage
inefficiency of the blockchain. Due to the append-only nature of the blockchain,
the growth of the blockchain ledger inevitably leads to high storage requirements
for blockchain peers. This poses a challenge for its integration with the IIoT,
where high volumes of data are generated at a relatively faster rate than in
applications such as financial systems. Therefore, there is a need for blockchain
architectures that deal effectively with the rapid growth of the blockchain ledger.
This paper discusses the problem of storage inefficiency in existing blockchain
systems, how this affects their scalability, and the challenges that this poses to
their integration with IIoT. This paper explores existing solutions for improving
the storage efficiency of blockchain–IIoT systems, classifying these proposed
solutions according to their approaches and providing insight into their
effectiveness through a detailed comparative analysis and examination of their
long-term sustainability. Potential directions for future research on the
enhancement of storage efficiency in blockchain–IIoT systems are also discussed.

The current exponential expansion of blockchain technology points to even more
possibilities for it in the years to come. As the number of nodes on the blockchain
increases, the integration of blockchain into IoT systems has both numerous
advantages and some disadvantages. The storage costs associated with the
expansion of the blockchain network are one of the main disadvantages. Although
a great security feature, the immutability of the blockchain ledger ensures that the

use of the technology in high transaction scenarios, such as the IIoT, will result in
significant storage costs for participating peers.

This study investigates how the storage and scalability issues with blockchain
technology effect its integration with IIoT. Due to the high storage requirements
of blockchain systems, fewer nodes are allowed to join the network, which has an
impact on decentralisation. It also lowers the storage efficiency of underlying

Research has shown a number of answers to these problems. To support the

ongoing development of blockchain-IIoT integration, these solutions—which
comprise summarization-based, compression-based, and storage scheme
optimization methods—are required. These remedies do, however, have
drawbacks that lessen their efficiency. Compression-based techniques result in
blocks or data that are compressed over time, although the storage savings on
peers may not be sufficient.

Designing compression methods that offer an effective representation of data for

IIoT systems helps ease this and produce improved compression ratios.
Summarization-based schemes are more appropriate for financial systems than
IIoT systems because they use the net change in moving entities between parties
to remove redundancy in block data. It would be advantageous to reduce the
storage overhead by using standard summary blocks that are appropriate for
various blockchain applications. However, they also add centralization and lessen
the intrinsic security of the blockchain. Storage optimization methods combine
many technologies to assure the best use of storage for blockchain systems. In
order to address the issue of storage efficiency, this work suggests using machine
learning approaches.


Advances in IoT and Smart Sensors for Remote
Sensing and Agriculture Applications

Modern sensors find their wide usage in a variety of applications such as robotics,
navigation, automation, remote sensing, underwater imaging, etc. and in recent
years the sensors with advanced techniques such as the artificial intelligence (AI)
play a significant role in the field of remote sensing and smart agriculture. The AI
enabled sensors work as smart sensors and additionally the advent of the Internet
of Things (IoT) has resulted into very useful tools in the field of agriculture by
making available different types of sensor-based equipment and devices. In this
paper, we have focused on an extensive study of the advances in smart sensors
and IoT, employed in remote sensing and agriculture applications such as the
assessment of weather conditions and soil quality; the crop monitoring; the use of
robots for harvesting and weeding; the employment of drones. The emphasis has
been given to specific types of sensors and sensor technologies by presenting an
extensive study, review, comparison and recommendation for advancements in
IoT that would help researchers, agriculturists, remote sensing scientists and
policy makers in their research and implementations.

he current state of research and studies in the fields of IoT and sensors used for
remote sensing applications as well as precision agriculture are critically reviewed
in this study. In terms of their use, traits, and constraints, smart sensors and the
Internet of Things have been thoroughly researched and discussed in the
literature. In addition to an impact analysis of the volume of current research in
the field of study, recommendations and discussions based on the review have
been made. For effective Remote Sensing applications and their implementation,
an IoT framework and reliable set of sensors are necessary. There are numerous
types of sensors and their classification is based on the physics involved;

fabrication processes; performance metrics, application, etc. The focus of the
sensors in this paper is on smart sensors and IoT especially used in remote
sensing and agricultural applications. Despite the fact that there are a lot of
sensors for many different purposes, there aren't many sensors for remote sensing
that can be used for cutting-edge, reliable remote sensing-based agriculture
monitoring and control. Statistical analysis and performance evaluation of IoT
and sensors for the listed applications can be attempted in future study because
statistics and their use in diverse literature are rarely employed in research. Future
research must focus specifically on robustness, sensor selection, environmental
conditions, and the design of appropriate IoT and smart sensors.


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