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ArchGenesis NATA preparation

1. A, B and C are three towns. The distance between A and B is 180 km. Whereas the distance
between A and C is 240 km. B is to the east of A and C is to the south of A. What is the distance
between B and C?
(a) 300 km
(b) 420 km
(c) 60 km
(d) 200 km


2. In a test, Q has scored 60 marks more than P. If P has scored 15% fewer marks
than Q, how much has P scored?
(a) 400
(b) 340
(c) 460
(d) 200


3. If the numerator and denominator of an improper fraction are decreased by
the same positive quantity, which is greater than zero, the resulting fraction is:
(a) Always less than the original fraction
(b) Always greater than the original fraction
(c) Always equal to the original fraction
(d) Such that nothing can be claimed definitely


4. A watch which loses time uniformly is 7 minutes fast at 8:30 AM Tuesday and becomes
5 minutes slow at 8:30 AM next Wednesday. When did the watch show the correct time?
(a) It didn’t show the correct time ever
(b) 8:30 AM Saturday
(c) 8:30 PM Saturday
(d) 12:30 AM Sunday


5. How many diagonals can be drawn by joining the vertices of a hexagon?
(a) 6
(b) 12
(c) 9
(d) 15


6. The ratio of the number of Rs. 2 coins and Rs. 5 coins that Ajay has is 6:11. If the number of Rs.
5 coins is halved than he will have an amount of Rs. 790. How many Rs. 2 coins does Ajay have?
(a) 84
(b) 108
(c) 120
(d) 220


7. Pinku, Rinku and Tinku can do a piece of work in 10 days, 8 days and 16 days respectively.
They started a work together, and after 2 days Pinku left the work. Find the time taken to
complete the entire work.
(d) None of these


8. What will come in the place of question mark (?) in the following number
series? 7 8 16 43 107 ?
(a) 171
(b) 323
(c) 232
(d) 194


9. The profit earned after selling an article for Rs. 625 is the same as the loss
incurred after selling the articles for Rs. 435. What is the cost price of the article?
(a) 570
(b) 550
(c) 530
(d) 190


Question 10-12

We are all like a little liver cell that has wandered away from the place where it belongs. The
little liver cell escapes and wanders through all the tissues. When he nds the brain, he says,
“This is a nice high place, there is good air here”, but his neighbours say, “Get out, you are no
good here,” so the little cell is pushed out, and it wanders along to the lungs, but the same
thing happens there. It says, “The world is very hard; nobody understands me.” If it
understood itself, it would know that it didn’t belong there.

Finally, it wanders along through the tortuous passages of the blood vessels into the liver, and
there it falls into a hole, a fatal catastrophe. The little cell says, “Damn it, the most unsuitable
place, how did I get here?” But God says, “Hold it fast,” and it turns out to be a liver cell!

This is what you might call individuation!


10. Which of the following subjects seems to be the major concern of the passage mentioned above?
(a) History
(b) Physiology
(c) Theology
(d) Sociology

11. Which of the following statements can best describe the process of individuation, as mentioned in the passage?
(a) To nd one’s true self
(b) To become one with nature
(c) To nd the meaning of life
(d) To surrender to God

12. Which of the following assumptions can be drawn about human nature from the given passage?
(a)  Humans have a tendency to be drawn towards apparently prestigious places, where they may not necessarily belong,
so each must know his true place
(b)  Humans avoid being their true selves and nd it painful to live with their reality, initially
(c)  Humans are always looking for God’s help for individuation
(d)  Humans are prone to depression


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